Hello, Gorgeous

Hello, Gorgeous
By Misha

Disclaimer- Not mine.
Author’s Notes- After starting it in Decemeber and then kind of abandoning it, I am ready to go back to the College AU! I also promise Wughhumans this fic as part of a bet, so here we are with Portia’s first day of college and her first meeting with Antony. I use the same names for the most part with a few additions, like giving Syphax a first name and making Syphax his last name and giving Antony (and Caesar) a different last name.
Pairing- Marc Antony/MC
Summary- Portia starts college and the next stage of her life and has an infuriating run in with a fellow student.
Rating- PG-13

I put the last of the boxes down and looked around my new room.

“I think that’s it,” I announced, “Now I just have to unpack.”

“Then I  guess we should leave you to it,” My foster mother, Lena, commented, looking reluctant to do that. After a moment, she wrapped me in her arms. “Remember, I am just a phone call away.”

“I know,” I answered, letting myself have the comfort of one last hug.

“And I am just across campus,” the other occupant of the room, my long-time friend, Chris Syphax, added, as he reached for the door. “If you want, I can walk you out, Lena. We can leave Portia to unpack on her own.”

She nodded. Following him to the door, then she paused, “Portia… Just try and make the most of this time, ok?”

“I will,” I promised, thinking of all the things I wanted to say, thanking her for getting me to this point, for everything she had done over the last eight years, but the words wouldn’t come out, instead all I said was, “I promise to call often.”

“You better.” And then she was gone, along with Syphax, though I was sure I would see him soon enough since his prescience here was one of the reasons I’d chosen this particular school. It was nice to have at least one friendly space in a sea of strangers.

As the door closed behind them, I turned my attention to unpacking my boxes. I was almost done, with no sign of my roommate, when my phone went off.

I opened it and saw it was a text from Syphax, asking if I wanted to meet him and get food. I texted back “sure” and grabbed my bag.

I headed across the campus, looking for the buildings that Syphax had described in his text when something flew in front of me, I dodged to avoid it and ended up tripping, my bag spilling everywhere.

“It’s my lucky day, having a gorgeous woman fall at my feet,” a smug voice said from above me.

I looked up to see one of the best looking men I’d ever seen. Tall and dark with a smirk that was both sexy and infuriating and dark eyes that were looking at me like he wanted to eat me up.

“Well, that happens when you don’t pay attention,” I snapped, ignoring the hand he offered and getting to my feet myself, “what was that?”

He looked amused. “A frisbee and it’s hardly my fault that you knocked yourself right off your feet, but I do have that effect on women, it’s nothing to be ashamed of ”

“You’re an asshole.” I snapped back, reaching to pick up my bag.

To my annoyance, he beat me to it, picking up easily and holding it out. He didn’t look at all bothered by my comment. “So I have been told,” his eyes roamed my body, openly appraising, “do you have a name to go with that face, gorgeous?”

“Not gorgeous,” I snapped. I could tell that this guy thought that he was God’s gift to women, but I wasn’t having any of it. I grabbed my bag out of his hands and began to walk away.

“I’m going to learn it eventually,” he called out. I didn’t bother turning back or dignifying him with a response. “I’m Antony, by the way, you’ll want to remember it because you’ll need it when you’re screaming it.”

That time I did stop and turn around. “In your dreams.”

He just grinned at me. “I’m sure they will be spectacular, gorgeous.”

I shot him a final glare and hurried away, spotting Syphax, only a few feet away. I noticed he was frowning.

“Was that Antony King, you were talking to?” Syphax asked, looking behind me,

“I didn’t get a last name,” I answered, fighting the urge to glance back, “but he did introduce himself as Antony.”

Syphax looked troubled. “He’s not—“

“A nice person?” I interrupted, “I already picked up on that, the guy seems like a grade-A asshole.” An incredibly attractive one, but I didn’t say that out loud. One meeting had been enough to show me that Antony was someone I needed to avoid, Syphax’s warning just reinforced that.

“More than that,” Syphax said, looking troubled. “He’s Julius King’s son.”

My stomach clenched at the name. Of course, that asshole was a King. I mean, wasn’t that kind of entitled attitude a family trait?

I forced a smile. “Thanks for telling me, now I definitely know to avoid him. Anyway, you promised me food,” I pointed out, changing the subject. “And a tour so I don’t get horribly lost.”

Syphax smiled. “I can do both.”

We started walking side by side, the subject of Antony dropped, though I had the sinking feeling that I hadn’t seen the last of him. But it didn’t matter, I didn’t need an arrogant jerk who thought he was god’s gift to women in my life and I definitely didn’t need a King.

  • End


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Mom. Writer. Dreamer.

3 thoughts on “Hello, Gorgeous”

  1. Oh my goodness! Enemies to lovers it’s perfect. Of course she thinks he’s gorgeous and of course she thinks she’s immune to it. I’m looking forward to reading more of these two!!!!

  2. Oh man, I love Antony and Portia’s dynamic! He’s so cocky but I have a feeling Portia’s going to bust through all those walls. I love how you’re setting this up and I can’t wait to read more!

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