Helping Hand

Helping Hand
By Misha

Disclaimer- Not mine.
Author’s Notes- This is set after the last chapter. I’ve seen a few fics expanding on the chapter and I decided to give it my own twist. This is set after “One on One” and “Light Me Up” and is Everett/MC. Just a little smutty break after the intensity of the chapter.
Pairing- Everett/MC
Rating- NSFW
Summary- Unable to sleep after Atlas’s revelation, Prudence goes to Everett to get some hel to take her mind off things.

I tossed and turned, trying to get comfortable on the floor. I’d given Atlas my bed. She’d spent several months in a mirror dimension, she deserved a good night’s rest, plus something told me that she was unused to even small gestures of kindness.

She had fallen asleep quickly, but I hadn’t been as lucky. It wasn’t just the floor, I was still wired from what had happened early. I eventually got up, slipping out of my bedroom and into the common room. I needed an outlet for this energy, someone to talk to, share it with.

I could wake up Shreya, but she was cranky when she didn’t get enough sleep and it wasn’t  like I could really tell her anything. I considered going to see Beckett, he had shown concern and there was something there but that felt more complicated than I could handle right now. Especially in the wake of Atlas’s revelation. Could I even trust Beckett? Had he been so upset because he was feeling guilty? What about the others? Which of them was lying behind their show of concern?

I sighed, no I needed a distraction, not a complication. Suddenly I knew just what I needed and who could give it to me. I slipped out of my dorm and down the hall, knocking slowly when I got to my destination.

After a moment the door opened and Everett opened it, shirtless and in a pair of plaid pj bottoms. “Winterbourne?” He asked, obviously surprised to see me, “to what do I owe the pleasure? And so late?”

“I couldn’t sleep,” I admitted, “I had some… tension I need to work through. I was hoping you could help me.”

He paused and then reached out, tugging me inside his dorm, he closed the door behind me and then pushed me into it, his lips covering mine. If he had been sleeping, he was wide awake now, his hands traveling under my tank top as he continued to kiss me.

“Is this what you need?” He asked, his breath hot against my skin, his finger lightly pinching one nipple. “Or do you need more?”

“Yes…” I moaned, not sure which question I was answering. It was all the answer he needed and the next thing I knew he was lifting me up, my legs instinctively going around his waist, and carrying me across the room.

His room was larger than mine, though being a single there was no common room, just a small sitting area but he walked us right past that and towards the bed.

Everett sat down on the bed, me in his lap. His hands slid up through the leg holes of my sleep shorts, grinning as he encountered no other barrier. His fingers stroked my core, igniting that familiar heat in my belly and quickly turning the adrenaline rush I was feeling into something else.

I moved my hips into his hands, encouraging him, and then shifted so that ai was also grinding against his pelvis, feeling his growing hardness through the thin fabric of his pajamas.

“I never got a chance to tell you how amazing you were on the field,” he commented, pulling his hand back and using it urge my tank top off, leaving me free to press myself closer to him.

“Is that so?” I asked, rubbing myself against him deliberately, feeling my need build up as I did. “Were you planning on rewarding me for my performance?”

“I was,” Everett told me his voice almost a growl as his hands cupped my now bare breasts and I continued to grind against him through both of our clothes. “I wanted to make sure you knew just how fucking hot you were out there.” He teased my nipples into hard pebbles as he talked. “But not even close to how you look now.”

“I’ll look even hotter riding you,” I told him in a sultry voice, getting off his lap long enough to shimmy out of my shorts. Everett took my cue, lazily discarding his pajama bottoms and then pulled me back on top of him, his feet planted firmly on the floor as I straddled him.

I leaned forward again, rubbing against him, this tip with no barrier between us, my juices coating his stiff cock,

“Tease,” he groaned, his hands digging into my hips.

“Hmmm…” I said, doing it again, getting oh so close, but not quite, teasing us both, enjoying the way his eyes had darkened with need and how hard he was holding me. “So this isn’t what you want?”

“You know what I want,” he growled, “in a second I’m just going to flip you over it and take it for myself.”

As hot as that sounded, it wasn’t what I had in mind, so I stopped teasing and lowered myself down onto him, my hands gripping his shoulder for leverage. Once I had sunk all the way down, I began to move. Everett’s grip on my hips tightened as he thrust up into me.

“You are so hot,” he told me, his gaze sweeping over my bare breasts. He lowered his mouth to them as his hands continued to hold my hips. I groaned as his tongue darted over my nipple, twisting my hips slightly as I continued to move up and down.

“Oh God Everett,” I cried as his teeth scraped over my sensitive flesh. The sensation was enough to bring me over the edge and my hands dug into his shoulders as the orgasm overwhelmed me.

Everett began to thrust harder, raised his head from my chest to claim my mouth as his movements becalmed faster and more erratic, and then he came inside of me, dropping his hands to his side as if to brace himself.

I was still on his lap, both of us breathing heavily.

“That was definitely one way to work out tension,” I commented finally, moving off of him.

Everett grinned at me, “happy to help.” He frowned as I got off the bed and reached for my clothes. “Winterborne, it”s 2 a.m, why don’t you stay instead of traipsing through the dorm again?”

I paused, surprised by his offer. I should say no, there was Atlas and it wasn’t part of our deal, plus there was a higher chance of being seen in the morning which would be awkward. But despite all that, I felt myself nodding and dropping my clothes back on the floor. “Sure.”

Everett shifted, laying down and making room for me. “I hope you don’t snore,” he teased pulling the blanket over us both.

“I don’t,” I assured him, though I realized that I had never slept beside anyone before, so I didn’t really know. I guess we’d find out if I did.

There wasn’t any talking after that as we both settled down to try and get some sleep and after only a few minutes, Everett’s breathing evened and his body relaxed. I watched him for a moment, sleep still not coming easily.

Everything was a mess. Atlas, Swan, Highmore, the news that one of my friends might be a traitor… and it just made me value this more, the moment of normal. Everett didn’t know about any of the craziness that was going on in my life and ai liked it, I liked that with him I could have something simple and fun. It was exactly what I needed.

And with that thought, I drifted off to sleep, soothed by the comfortable heat of Everett’s body next to mine. 

– End

Published by


Mom. Writer. Dreamer.

8 thoughts on “Helping Hand”

  1. I love Everett and they’re uncomplicated no-strings-attached relationship is exactly what she needs right now. They’re so hot together, but I get the sense there’s something more building there .

    1. Thank you! Yes, there is something building there. At first, it was just lust and she didn’t even like him and now it is definitely more than that, but at the same time she needs it to be uncomplicated, so… It’s a bit of a conundrum for her.

  2. This was so HOT, Misha! Thank you for giving me the Everett fix PB is denying me.
    I love the uncomplicated nature of their relationship, but his asking her to stay the night…and her acceptance makes me feel like things might be getting more complicated. Hmnnnn.😏

    1. Thank you so much! I love their relationship too, but yes it does seem like something is starting to build, doesn’t it?

  3. You promised us hot Everett smut and you delivered! This was so hot, definitely a good tension relief. I know you said this was a no-strings-attached situation, but am I sensing some feelings developing between these two?!?

    1. Thank you so much T! It is a no-strings attached situation or at least that’s how it started out. But three months of hot sex and of being teammates and building that relationship, well it would be natural for something else to middle, wouldn’t it?

  4. Everett gets right down to business but prudence doesn’t seem to mind. I think him asking her to stay and her accepting are signs of something more building for both of them.

    1. He does (esepcailly at 2 a.m) and no she doesn’t, she likes it like that. She likes the quick and dirty nature of their relationship, which makes this new shift interesting, because it’s not what she signed up for. But she did stay.

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