
By Misha

Disclaimer- Not mine, I’m just borrowing them for a little while and will return them when I am finished.

Author’s Notes- This has been in my WIP folder for a couple weeks now but with TRR 3 coming next week (yay!) I wanted to finish it. This is a short post-finale reaction piece focusing on Olivia.

Rating- PG-13

Summary- Olivia reacts to news of the assassination attempt.

Words- 770

Olivia leaned against the leather seats of her limo, her thoughts all over the place. She should have stayed for the ball, but… She wasn’t in a celebrating mood and as much as she’d reconciled herself to the fact that Liam had chosen Eleanor, she wasn’t sure she could put on a pretty smile as the engagement became official.

She was happy for them, she really was, but that didn’t mean her heart wasn’t broken.

Suddenly the divider screen was lifted. Olivia raised an eyebrow at the driver’s presumption. “Yes?” She said icily.

“There was a shooting ma’am,” he told her, “at the palace. It just hit the radio.”

A shooting. At the palace. Olivia froze as the meaning of the word hit her. Oh God. Liam…

“The king?” She gasped.

“Don’t know ma’am,” the driver told her, “the radio is just saying there was a shooting. I thought you’d like to know since you just came from there.”

Yes, she’d been there tonight. She’d helped Eleanor pick out her golden dress, had said a few words to Liam and then she’d left, but she could have stayed. She should have stayed. She should have been there with them, but she wasn’t. Instead, she was trapped in a car more than two hours from the capital.

“Turn around!” Olivia ordered.

The driver hesitated. “Ma’am…”

“I said, turn around!” She ground out. “I need to go back.”

“The city will likely be a mess,” the driver pointed out, “I’m sure they’ll have shut down the roads.”

“I don’t care,” Olivia told him. “I need to get back there now.”

She was the Duchess of Lythikos, even if the roads were closed, she’d find a way in. She had to. She had to know that Liam was ok. And not just Liam. Olivia had to admit that the other flashed through her mind too. Eleanor, Hana, Maxwell, even Drake. As much as she liked to deny it, they had all gotten past her defenses and they had made her care and now…

Now they could all be dead and she was here by herself, instead of there with them.

The driver hesitated and then pulled the limo over and turned it around.

“Close the divider,” Olivia ordered and was immediately obeyed.

Once she was assured of her privacy, the tears came rushing out and she heaved big, wracking sobs out of fear for her friends.

A memory came rushing back.

“I want my mommy,” Olivia screamed, throwing herself on the floor.

“Mommy’s gone, darling,” Her Aunt Alessandra whispered, trying to comfort her but Olivia squirmed away from her embrace. She didn’t want her, she just wanted her mother. 

The memory made the tears come stronger. She hadn’t let herself think about her parents, not since learning the truth about them. She was still angry at them, but now part of her was remembering how much losing them had hurt. How scared and confused she’d been.

She’d spent a lifetime building walls around herself, promising nothing would ever hurt her like that again and yet, here she was. For so long Liam had been the only person she cared about, the only person who cared about her, but slowly that had changed.

She hadn’t wanted to like Eleanor, in fact, she had wanted to hate her. This no-name American who had waltzed in and stolen Liam’s heart, but… Eleanor was impossible to hate and somehow she had wormed her way into Olivia’s heart to the point where the idea of her in danger was unbearable.

Eventually, the tears subsided, replaced with a feeling of numbness and dread. She had to get back to the palace. She had to find out what was going on. She had to know that they were ok. She had to be there, not here.

Here, in this car, Olivia was helpless. All she had was memories and emotions she didn’t want to deal with. But once she got back to the capital, she could do things. She wasn’t a lost five-year-old girl. She was the Duchess of Lythikos and that meant something. It meant she had the power to find out who was behind this attack and to make them pay.

Her parents might have been traitors, but she wasn’t. She was going to fight for her country and her king, for her friends, until her last breath. She was a Nevrakis and that meant she would not rest until someone paid for this, but first…

First, she had to make sure they were ok. Olivia needed to know that Liam and Eleanor, and the others, were ok. Then she could start planning her revenge.


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Mom. Writer. Dreamer.

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