His Muse

Been a long time since I last played Choices, let alone wrote fanfic for it. I finished Hot Couture a while back and guilty as charged, I fell for Marco.

Sue me.

A little peeved how there’s NO fanfiction for him. It’s like Griffin Langley all over again. Sighs.

I mean I hope you guys like it, I have no idea what I’m doing here to be completely honest. I just wanna show some love to this man.

This is going to be the black versions of Marco and MC (I’m gonna change the description of her look because I’m tired of seeing the same MC from Blood Bound used over and over again.)


“Marco…” The man in question blinked as if coming out of a daze, looking at the woman who called out to him.

“This is the third time you seemed to space out, ll mio amore… are you alright,” she asked, a faint smirk can be found on her full lips. Marco narrowed his eyes at her as he lowered his camera.

“I can’t simply admire my muse,” he asked with an arched brow. He got a low chuckle as an answer.

“I guess since this isn’t technically a professional environment,” she drawled, a teasing tilt can be heard in her smooth voice. Bright gold irises looked at him with a knowing glint, causing the dark skin Italian to smile.

If this was in a setting like Hazel Boutique where they first met, he would’ve been showing more restraint than he was now. Where he would be laser-focused on capturing her at the right angle, in the right lighting. Where he wouldn’t be so caught up in her breathtaking beauty. Here, he could freely take her in without any consequence.

Her angelic face.

Her gorgeous eyes.

Her lightly fragranced soft dark skin.

Her curvy and toned body-

“You’re doing it again…” Marco sent a playful glare her way as she called him out for staring.


Mio dio, woman. Fine,” he huffed. He placed his camera on the table before making his way over to her. He could see a hint of surprise and curiosity in her otherworldly irises which caused him to smirk.

“What are you- MARCO!” A deep chuckle rumbled in his chest as he threw her over his shoulder.

“Since I’m not admiring you in a ‘professional’ way, might as well go do so where in a place where I can admire you with no boundaries. Don’t you agree, bella,” he asked rhetorically as he made his way to their bedroom. While he couldn’t see her, he could tell that she was blushing.

“Marco Di Vincenzo! Put me down!” Marco’s smirk widen a bit.

“As you wish, bella…” The dark skin woman soon found herself laying against the satin sheets of their bed with her fiance on top of her. She raised a brow at him.

“Since when you were the mischievous type,” she asked with narrowed eyes. Marco brushed a light kiss on the soft skin of his soon-to-be wife’s cheek.

“You can say you’ve been an influence on me, my dear Judith,” Marco whispered. Pale gold eyes met with brown ones.

“Heh, well I can’t say I’m mad at that. Lord knows you need to loosen up sometimes.” Marco rolled his eyes at her jab before silencing her laughter with a kiss. Toned arms found their way around the man’s neck while a more muscular pair made themselves at home around a slim waist.

“Mmm…” came from Judith’s throat when she felt her lover’s teeth gently sink into the soft flesh of her bottom lip. A soft gasp escape her as Marco’s lips abandoned hers in favor of the soft vulnerable skin of her jaw and neck.

“Oh, Marco…” came the hushed response as she felt him lightly suck against her pulse. The seasoned photographer pulled away from her neck to study the face of the woman who effortlessly stole his heart.

Brown-black locs splayed against the sheets, forming a halo around her head.

Dark thick brows furrowed together.

Half lid gold eyes, her curly lashes fluttering with each blink.

Softly flushed cheeks.

Full, plush lips slightly parted, coaxing him to come in for another taste…

“You truly are my muse, Judith. Unparalleled to anything, and to anyone,” Marco whispered, pressing his lips against her for a lingering kiss. Judith smiled up at the man whom she fell in love with.

“I love you, Marco Di Vincenzo…” Marco smiled in kind.

Anch’io ti amo, bella…”

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