His Sunshine

Because my amazing Earth-Att deserves more love. Jesus, there’s only one fanfic on Griffin here and I can’t help but to feel some type of way about it.

Griffin’s POV

I felt my muscles scream at me to hell at back. Damn, Captain is really pushing practice much harder than usual. He must be looking for a three-peat. I sighed deeply. After the first year we won, thanks to me, he sees our team as invincible. In a way, he was right, especially thanks to Judith last year. Speaking of said Sun-Att… Captain had to send her out practice because she kept on zoning out.  She looked upset for being sent away, but she didn’t protest. She hasn’t said much on what’s going on with her personally. But from what Zeph was telling me, Atlas wasn’t talking to her. I know Judith deeply cares for her sister and for Atlas to be avoiding her like this is probably killing her. It hurts me that I couldn’t go after her. Once practice was over, I booked it to my dorm to take a much needed shower so I could go see her.

Walking into my room, I immediately went into my bathroom. Throwing off my Thief uniform, I hopped into the shower. Turning on the water, I felt the tension in my muscles melt away under the warm spray. I sighed in relief. As I washed my body, I allowed myself to daydream about the girl who fell into my life. Literally.

I remember feeling a warm, powerful presence that suddenly appeared on campus grounds. Thinking is was some important visitor, I immediately went to go find the person. Said person turned out to be a girl falling head first into the campus lake. When she didn’t resurface quick enough, I instinctively jumped in after her. When I swam up to her, I saw how disorientated she was. She was clenching at her throat, trying to keep what little air she had in her. I remember how warm she felt as I wrapped my arms around her waist and pulled her to the surface. When we were on solid ground, she clung onto me, coughing up any water that tried to get into her lungs. She suddenly looked up at me and I felt my heart skipped a beat.

Despite looking confused and soaked to the bone, the girl was absolutely beautiful. Warm dark brown skin was glistening with water, dark brown curly hair in frohawk dripping down her head and face, soft looking flushed cheeks, full lips gasping for breath and chocolate brown eyes that seem to bore into my soul. Her curvy body pressed intimately against me as I held her. I knew I was in trouble from that very moment and I can’t say I regret it. After drying the both of us off, I helped eased her into campus life the best I could. Thankfully she met Zeph and Sherya on the way while she settled in. I wasn’t gonna lie, as glad as I was that she was making new friends, I wanted to spend as much time with her as I could possible. When I took her to see the secret waterfall, I slowly began to open up to her and I’m glad I did. She was patient and wasn’t afraid to tell me what I needed to hear. That’s when I knew I was developing feelings for her…

Her warm personality as a Sun-Att would soothe me, while she grounded me like a true Earth-Att. She made feel like I can take on the world and come out on top…

I smiled as I rinsed off the suds from my body. She was so strong, kindhearted, fierce, loving and apologetically herself. God, do I love that woman…

Putting some coco butter lotion on my body, I wrapped my towel around my waist and walked back into my room. As I made my way to my dresser, I noticed a lump on top of my bed that I’m pretty sure wasn’t there before when I walked in. The lump moved and sat up. I couldn’t help but to smile at the sight before me.

My adorable little girlfriend was sleepily rubbing her eyes while she was wearing one of my hoodies, which was obviously a few sizes too big for her. I noticed a pair of black shorts and a pair of Converse at the foot of my bed. My eyebrows shot up to my hairline. So she not wearing any pants and there’s a chance she’s either wearing a tank top under my hoodie or no shirt at all.

“Griffin,” I heard her say softly as she yawned. I felt my blood rushing else where and I willed myself to breathe.

‘Down Griffin,’ I mentally chided myself. ‘No need to jump your sexy, cute girlfriend whose wearing your clothes and in your bed. At least not yet…’ I walked over to her and kissed her forehead.

“Hey sleepyhead,” I cooed softly at her. She blinked a few more times before looking up at me. Her dark brown eyes finally focused and widen.

“Oh-I-um…ohmigod…” she spluttered helplessly, blushing as she stared at me in just a towel. I couldn’t help but to smirk at her mischievously.

“C’mon babe, there’s nothing that you haven’t seen before,” I teased her. Her blush worsen and she fiddled with the strings of my hoodie.

“Don’t worry babe, I’m gonna put on some clothes,” I said with a wink. She didn’t say anything as she looked up at me with her big brown eyes. I bit on the inside of my cheek. Damn, she’s really asking for it…

My hand moved down to undo the knot of my towel. Her eyes widen and she quickly threw on the hood over her face just as my towel dropped to the floor. I cackled at how cute she was acting right now.

“It’s not funny,” I heard her mumbled from under the hood. I snickered and pulled out a pair of boxers from my draw, slipping them on.

“Yes it is. Like I said, there’s nothing you haven’t seen,” I playfully shot back. She flipped me off as I put on a pair of red gym shorts and a black wife beater. I snorted. I climbed onto my bed, invading my precious girlfriend’s space.

“Are you dressed,” she asked me. I grinned.

“And if I’m not,” I said cheekily. She punched my arm.

“Griffin… stop it,” she hissed. I chuckled.

“Yes, I’m fully clothed,” I reassured her. She peeked from under the hood to see if I was telling the truth. When she saw that I was presentable, she took off the hood from over her head. I pulled Judith closer, adjusting her so she was straddling me as I leaned against the wall behind us. I felt the soft, warm skin of her thighs cradle my hips and couldn’t help but to smirk lazily.

“Mind telling what are you’re doing in my dorm, in my bed and wearing my hoodie,” I teased her. Her arms wrapped around my neck, leaning closer to me. My hands rested on top of her hips.

“I didn’t feel comfortable being in my dorm right now. So I snuck into your room to take a nap. I just found your hoodie in your closet and… it smelled like you, so I wanted to wear something that reminded me of you,” she whispered, feeling a little shy. I chuckled huskily, leaning in and kissing her soft lips. Judith sighed at the contact and returned the kiss. It was sweet and lingering… it’s been a little while since we really spend time together. Alone. With Judith finding out her mother is a Source, Atlas avoiding her, and the mission of trying to locate Gemma in order to stop Kane, I haven’t seen much of my girlfriend as lately…

I broke the kiss in favor of kissing her neck. I trailed my teasing kisses to under her ear.

Ooohhhh… Griffin~” she moaned sweetly. I felt her fingers work their way into my hair, gently pulling me closer. I lightly sucked on the spot before lightly blowing on it. She shivered and rocked against me. I groaned and tightened the hold I had on her hips.

‘Easy there, Griffin. Comfort your girlfriend before you jumped into any loving.’

I pulled away from her neck to look Judith in her eyes. Arousal and love danced in those pretty brown orbs of hers, just barely masking the sadness she felt. I rubbed her back slowly.

“Judith,” I whispered her name as I began to shower her face in kisses.

“Hm?” She hummed softly, letting me show her some much needed love and affection.

“You know how much I love you, right?” She nodded.

“Mhmmm… I love you too, Griffin,” she said softly as she gazed into my eyes. Hearing those words never fails to make my heart stutter out a dreamy sigh. I pulled her to my chest, letting her listen to my heartbeat while I bury my face into her hair.

“You know you can always come to me when something is bothering you, right,” I said, kissing her hair. Judith didn’t say anything and I sighed.

“Judith, please talk to me. It hurts me seeing you like this,” I pleaded with her. It really did break my heart seeing her look so lost and defeated. That’s not the Judith I know. No matter how dim the situation, she always had this inner light that would radiate with hope and strength. She’s always there for everyone in Golden Jaguars. Now it’s my turn to be there for her. She bit her lip.

“I hurt her, Griffin,” she whimpered into my chest. I squeezed her reassuringly.

“What do you mean, love,” I said softly. I heard sniffle and the dam broke.

“I HURT MY SISTER, GRIFFIN! After the mermaid party, Atlas came into my dorm. She was accusing me for losing sight of our mission on finding Gemma and worrying about our mother who she says doesn’t give a damn about us! Her magick was flaring up because of her anger and it was causing mine to react. I tried to get her to leave so I wouldn’t hurt her but it was too late! I accidentally used Blood magick and hurt her. She was losing c-consciousness a-a-and there was so much b-blood staining the floor. Her blood were on my hands and I…” she cut herself and she submitted herself to her tears. I held her tight and rocked her in my arms. I coached her gently to breathe. She struggled to get in control of her breathing, sobbing heavily into my wife beater. Slowly, but surely, she matched my calm breathing, slowly relaxing in my arms. Messy tear streaks ran down her cheeks as she looked up at me with her red, puffy eyes. I kissed away any more tears that tried to escape the corners of her eyes while my thumbs wiped away the tears from her soft cheeks.

“I want nothing more but to meet my mother and get to know her, but I don’t want to lose Atlas in the progress. I miss her, Griffin,” she sniffled. I gently hushed, kissing her forehead.

“I know you do, Judith. I understand that it’s hard for you to wait for Atlas to come around. I know it’s hard to hear, but she’ll come around on her own terms. She knows how sorry you are, but she needs time accepting the fact that your mother is alive somewhere. She feels hurt and expressing it in the only way she knows how. You know better than anyone else that she’s not accepting of people, and it will that awhile for her to open up to others. We all know how stubborn your sister is, she wouldn’t do something unless she does it willingly… I believe that she come around sooner than you think. She loves you, Judith. It’s impossible not to love you,” I told her, pecking her lips. She giggled and tried to hide her smile from me, but I still saw it.

“There’s that beautiful smile I love,” I cooed at her, leaving multiple kisses on her cheeks. She squealed and tried to push me away.

“Nooooo~! Griffin, stop it,” she giggled, squirming around on my lap. I swiftly pinned her under, drinking in her features. Some of her curly hair hung above her forehead. Her eyes were sparkling in mirth. A huge smile brighten her face as little laughs escaped her lips. I nuzzled her cheek with my nose. Her hands cupped my face, bringing me closer.

“Thank you for being here for me, Griffin,” she whispered against my lips.

“Anything for you, Sunshine,” I said, kissing her lips. I felt her smile against my mouth as she happily returned my kiss. I lowered myself so my body would be pressing against hers. As we continued to kiss, I allowed one of my hands to creep up my hoodie and the other to grab her perfect ass. She gasped against my lips and I smoothly slipped my tongue into her mouth. She moaned helplessly beneath me and I started to feel myself harden against her thigh. We separated for air.

“Griffin, you’re poking me,” she said, blushing. I smirked.

“Not my fault you look so damn sexy in my clothes,” I said, kissing along her jaw.

“You sure you want me now? I was just balling my eyes out few minutes ago. I’m pretty sure I don’t look the best right now,” she mumbled, tilting her head so I can have more access to her neck. I rolled my eyes and sucked at the soft skin.

“I’ll always find you beautiful, Judith… and I’ll prove it to you like I always do,” I said huskily against her skin, squeezing her ass. She moaned, gripping the back of my wife beater.

“Griffin…” she gasped as I lightly bit her neck. I pulled away enough to pull off my hoodie from her body. A white tank top hugged her upper body. I licked my lips, hungrily.

“So damn beautiful,” I whispered, brushing my fingers against the birthmark on her shoulder. She sat up and pulled off her tank top, revealing a sexy red and black number that was hidden underneath. I stared wide eyed as she pushed back so I was sitting and crawled into my lap. She lightly traced imaginary patterns on my skin while looking at me from under her lashes.

“I’m yours, Griffin… if you’ll have me…” Oh Judith… I gave her a gentle kiss on her lips, holding her closer to my chest.

“You’ll always be my Sunshine,” I whispered softly against her lips. She beamed at me and kissed me again, harder. I responded eagerly, running my hands over her perfect skin. I smirked against her lips and couldn’t help but to give her ass a smack. She squealed and pulled away, blushing.

“You’ve been such a tease today babe, but don’t worry… I’m gonna give you that loving you need,” I growled in her ear. She shivered and grinded down on me.

Let’s say she didn’t leave my room for the next few hours… What can I say? She brings out the wild side of me.

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