His Troublemaker

Hi! I’m new to this whole writing fanfiction when it comes to Choices but I wanted to give it a go. I daydream about these characters, so why not commit to posting them? Ride or Die is a favorite of mine, one of the first stories I started playing, and I pretty much fell in love with it. Including Black!Logan (he can have all my kids, lol). So I decided to write a little series of what would the future would hold for Black!Logan and Black!MC. The MC’s name is Judith Di Angelo. I did adjust her a little so there more to her. I hope you guys like it!

~5 years later~

Logan’s POV

“Logan, my man!” Vic, the bartender, greeted me as I approached the bar. I gave him an easygoing smirk.

“What’s good, Vic. Been a minute,” I coolly said as I took a seat. I met Vic over 3 months ago when I first came down to Miami. After lying low for so long, I was thinking it was time to let loose for a bit and have some fun at a local bar. Vic was bar-tending that night, and you can say we became “fast friends”.

Vic snorted.

“Been more than a minute, for a while I was thinking you left Miami,” he said, cleaning a couple of glass cups. I shrugged. I’m not looking to take up residence here, but he doesn’t have to know that. The fewer people who get to know me, the better.

That way they don’t have someone to miss when I’m gone.

“Nah man, I’ve just been chilling is all,” I reassured him. Which was partially true. Mainly looking out for cops in the meanwhile and finding some odd jobs here and there.

“Since you’re here, what can I get you to drink? It’s on the house, bro.” I contemplated the idea. I’m not looking to get myself drunk, but I’m not about to turn down some free drinks.

“A shot of vodka would be straight,” I told him.

“A shot of vodka coming right up!” Vic said, turning his back on me so he can prepare my drink.

Sighing softly to myself, I turned my attention to the crowd. Just a bunch of drunks grinding on each other in hopes of scoring someone for the night. I chuckled softly. Can’t say the same for me.

Not ever since her

Judith Di Angelo.

Who would’ve thought a girl like her could’ve easily flipped my world upside with a simple look of those big dark brown eyes…

What was supposed to be just another job became something so much more. The night of Brent’s party was my first sign. Something just told me that she would be trouble for me. Problem was, I didn’t know how much. I knew I was starting to like her the night of the sideshow. That like was slowly changing into something else when she convinced me to stay with her during the school day, spending time with her in her world. I fell in love with her the night of her first major job with the crew, the same night I gave her a piece of myself in hopes it’ll protect her as it did me. Part of me toyed with the idea of being with her the night I helped her study for her history class.

She was like a flame. So beautiful, but destructive. She enchanted me with her beauty, personality, and heart, but I knew I shouldn’t get too close. She wasn’t mine to have, but I entertained the thought of us having a forever.

I knew one day she would walk away from that world. That she would walk away from the crew. That she would walk away from me. But fuck me, I was willing to take that chance and be burned by her. When that fateful day came, while she walked away, she still stayed in my heart. It nearly killed me to watch her leave me behind, but at least she left me with some of the sweetest memories a troubled boy could ask for. She was nothing but trouble for me. I couldn’t help the smile that worked its way onto my lips.

‘But she’ll always be my troublemaker…’ I thought wistfully.

I closed my eyes and allowed the memory of her to take front and center in my mind. Her dark brown curls would occasionally fall in front of her lovely face. Her dark brown eyes reflected her every emotion. Her full, kissable lips spreading into her brightest smile. Her perfect body wrapped in soft, chocolate skin. Her slightly husky voice that would soothe me to sleep…

I bit my lip as the memories seem to flood back all at once.

Her cute laugh when she hears something funny, with maybe that occasional snort. How her eyebrows would furrow in annoyance when Colt would tease her. The satisfied smirk would curve her lips when she says a sassy clapback. The way her eyes would narrow in a fierce glare when she was angry or determined. The way her lips would form a cute pout when she was thinking about something. How she would cover her flushed cheeks when Mona, Colt or I would shamelessly flirt with her. Her sharp tongue when she says something sarcastic. The way her face lights up when she completes a task or understands something new. The sound of her voice when she sings along to her playlist. The way her hips would sway to the beat of the music, especially if was Caribbean beat. The seductive smell of her Forever Red body lotion and underlings of chocolate that lingers on her soft skin. The feeling of her slender fingers in my black curls, massaging away the tension of a rough day. The feeling of her soft lips pressed against mine while her body molds against my own in a passionate embrace. Her breathless moans when I kissed her neck just the right way-

“Here you go, bro!” Vic spoke, slightly startling me out of my trance.


“Thanks,” I said, quickly downing the liquid. The burn that followed was immediate, but it didn’t bother me too much.

“Another?” Vic smirked. I rolled my eyes.

“Sure, but I’m not looking to be shit-faced in the morning,” I warned him, side-eyeing him. He laughed. It’s not the first time I woke up with a skull-cracking headache because of his ass.

“Alright, Logan. I got you.” As he prepared me another drink he asked me,

“Sooo… anybody caught your eye?” I rolled my eyes.

“Can you get your nose out of my damn love life?” I noticed his shoulder shook as he tried to conceal his snickers. Jackass.

“Ay, it doesn’t even have to be love at first sight. Maybe just someone to invite to your bed for the night,” he shrugged, bringing me another drink. I took my time with this one.

“I think the fuck not. I’m not about to have some girl come after me because she wants more than one night,” I said. Truth is after I left L.A., I did try sleeping with other girls to keep my mind off the one I had to leave behind. But the next morning, she would be all I think about. After awhile, I just saw that it wasn’t worth it. None of those girls could compare to the one who effortlessly stole my heart.

“Fucking nun,” I heard Vic say through my musing. I gave him a nasty glare.

“Fuck off before I throw my drink in your eyes.” Vic laughed at my threat, holding up his hands.

“Alright, alright. At least have some fun while you here,” he told me. Eh, a night of dancing isn’t the worst thing I’ve done. Finishing off my drink, I made my way to the dance floor just as Decisions by Rotimi started to play. It was at that moment, that I felt someone grab my hand. I looked down to see a young woman. Due to the shit lighting and how her dark curly hair covered her face, I couldn’t make out her features well. From the occasion party lights that flashed on her, I could make out a dark chocolate skin tone. An army green, low cut, off the shoulder long sleeved dress hugged her figure. Revealing a modest-sized bust, a small waist, shapely hips, a nice ass, and a nice pair of thick thighs. She was somewhat tall, though that could be her Timberland high-heel boots giving her that extra height. She got on her toes to whisper in my ear,

“May I have this dance, handsome?” I shivered as her breath lightly brushed against my ear. Her voice was low and smooth, borderline seductive. But there was something familiar about that voice that I couldn’t put my finger on…

I chose not to think about it too much and accept the offer of a dance. I grab her by the waist, smirking down at her.

“Of course, gorgeous,” I purred back. She chuckled and turned around, moving her hips to the music. Her hips ticked in time with the beat. I licked my lips and rest my hands on her hips. Damn, she really knows how to move. I felt her roll her hips and suddenly push back on me when the beat dropped. I held her steady, grinding back on her. I felt a warm feeling beginning to settle in my chest. Her body seems to fit against mine perfectly, easily moving in time with me. She reached up, caressing my face and neck.

My breath hitched.

This is the exact position I was in with Judith at the sideshow all those years ago…

The woman must’ve heard me somehow and looked up at me.

“Everything alright?” Forcing the memory back, I gave her an easygoing smile.

“I’m good, beautiful. A little lightheaded is all.” She chuckled at that. As much as I’m enjoying the dance, I much rather go outside. Too many people around for my liking. But for some odd reason, I wanted the woman to stay with me. Something about her is different but vaguely familiar. Biting the bullet, I asked the woman if she wanted to join me. Surprisingly she smiled at me and followed me out. The cool sea breeze brushed against my face as we stepped outside. Closing my eyes, I took a deep breath before exhaling a soft sigh.

“You enjoy the beach,” I heard the woman ask me. Opening my eyes, I glance at her from the corner of my left eye. The outside lights of the club provided much better lighting. Her curly dark brown hair still covered her face from view. But I did notice the beginning of a colorful sleeve tattoo beginning on her shoulder, disappearing into the sleeve of her dress.

“Yeah, it reminds me of LA…” I said softly, looking out at the quiet beach. She hummed.

“LA is where you’re from?”


“Then where are you from?”

“Nowhere. Everywhere. Depends how you look at it.” The woman laughed.

“Seems like you’re trying to be mysterious,” she teased, I could partially hear the smirk on her lips. I chuckled.

“Takes one to know,” I told her.

“Oh?” I hummed in agreement.

“You know, since we don’t know each other’s names. Heck, I couldn’t tell what you looked like inside of the club.” I admitted. She chuckled.

“But yet, you called me gorgeous and beautiful while we were dancing,” she said, bumping me with her hip. I smirked at her.

“Still… I bet on my old sparkplug that you’re beautiful. That alluring voice and beautiful body… an enchanting face would complete the bill,” I told her, leaning closer to her. I picked up a sweet scent. Mmm… the scent was on the tip of my tongue with hints of…chocolate. My brows furrowed as I tried to focus on where I could’ve caught a whiff of that smell, only to have my concentration broken by the woman’s laugh.

“I haven’t heard a man tell me that in a long time…” she said. I raised an eyebrow at this.

“How long we’re talking here?” She hummed thoughtfully.

“Hmm… say about 5 years.” If I was drinking, I would’ve chocked.

“5 years?! Nah, you gotta be fucking with me,” I said, disbelievingly. The fuck? She must be around some people who need to get their eyes checked, cause there’s no way in hell dudes wouldn’t notice this woman.

“Tch. Best believe it, love. I’ve been called sexy, hot, fine, pretty, and on occasion cute throughout college, but beautiful would rarely come up,” she shrugged. I’m assuming these dudes were either A) fuckboys or B) friends. I’m gonna say both depending on who she was around.

“The boy who called me beautiful ended up being my first kiss, my first love, and my first lover,” she told me.

“What happened to him?”

“You can say we were a part of two different worlds. We were entangled into each others’ in the process. As fun as the times were that I had, it wasn’t meant to last. We couldn’t have it both ways… I couldn’t have it both ways…” she whispered. The longer I listened to this woman, the more I feel connected to her for some odd reason.

“I miss him every day since the night he left, where he went is beyond me… I don’t think he realized he left behind something when he drove off. But I didn’t dare question it. I kept it with me everywhere I go, so in a way he’ll always be with me,” she said.

“What did he leave behind,” I asked, genuinely curious. She pulled off a necklace I didn’t notice up until now and held it in front of me.

On a thick, silver chain was… a sparkplug. My eyes widen as I stared at the plug that dangled in my face. Was it…

The woman finally turned to face me. Familiar dark brown eyes locked with mine, a teasing glint dancing in them.

“He told me once he didn’t believe in luck. But on the night of a job we had to do, he said he was gonna rely on luck for that run. Sound familiar, Logan?”


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