Home, Part 7: Whine Down

Tippy’s note: Here is Part 7 of the series.  It’s winding or in this case whining, down.  This is the second to last part of the Home series, with Part 8 being the last.  This part is super long, but a lot happens.  At this point, Halle and Liam have been pushed apart internally and externally and they are working through the “what now?” part of that.  Admittedly, I did struggle in this chapter, particularly with the dancehall stuff (I am not as familiar and describing a dutty whine is almost as hard as doing a dutty whine).  So I am hoping not to offend with that part. 

Since some people list songs for fics, I figure I would list a couple.

I’m Still in Love by Marcia Aitken
All Night by Beyoncé

Disclaimer: Choices owns this and I do not.

Liam awoke abruptly.  Panic set in when he didn’t immediately recognize his surroundings.  The room was still dark.  It took a minute to remember that he wasn’t in his bed in the Royal Chambers or any of the other familiar properties.  He was at the Fearrington Inn in North Carolina.  He was there to get Halle to come home.

That was not going as well as he had hoped.  Liam was hoping to find that Halle just had cold feet about their engagement.  He merely had to calm her fears, and they would be on their way home.  What he found was that he didn’t know the woman he was about to marry.

As much as Liam wanted to chastise Halle for not telling him, he had to chastise himself for not asking.  He never asked about where she was born because he assumed that she was born in New York.  Halle would ask about him, and he would ask about her sometimes, but never anything too deep.  Liam didn’t want to ask Halle anything he didn’t want to answer about himself.

He didn’t want to talk about his childhood outside of the carefully selected anecdotes that he felt comfortable sharing.  Anything outside of that highlights how much normalcy you lose as a member of the Royal Family.  He didn’t want to talk about all the talks around him being “different.”  He didn’t want Halle to see him as some “poor little rich boy.”  Despite that, Liam has shared so much of himself with her, more than anyone.  Maybe his efforts to shield her and himself from his pain came at the cost of learning about her and maybe her pain.

He rolled off his bed and walked over to his iPad that was charging.  Liam’s eyes glanced over a clock.  3:00AM.  He looked over some emails to see if anything needed his immediate attention.  He sent a few quick replies, but there was one message that he didn’t want to address.

7:00AM   Demon, A  Where is Halle?

Halle found a plugin that automatically autocorrected all instances of Madeleine’s name to “A Demon.”  Only for her computer and Liam’s.  Liam was not amused that Halle installed the plugin without asking him, but he didn’t uninstall it either.  He opened the email.

Your Majesty,

I have been trying to reach Halle for the past couple of days.  I need to start preparing her for the press regarding your upcoming nuptials.  You know, the moment where you officially make that commoner your wife.  Is Her Grace alright?  It’s imperative that I prepare her to not embarrass you…further.

A Demon
Press Secretary for Halle, Duchess of Valtoria

Liam stared at the screen.  He didn’t know how to answer this.  He knew she was fine physically, for the most part.  Their relationship was another story.  He also would have to talk to her about the passive-aggressive tones when speaking about Halle.  Then again he would also have to talk to Halle about her childish need to engage with her.  That conversation can wait.

He typed out a quick reply saying that Halle needed to make an urgent trip to see her family and that she will return shortly.  Nothing is to go out to the press.  Afterward, he tried to go back to sleep.  When that was harder than he planned he grabbed his iPad again.  A burning curiosity took over, and he did something he never has done.  He looked up some of the Cordonian gossip blogs.  Other than anything Antonia has shown him, he has mostly stayed away from them for his own sanity.  Especially after reading an article about him that was published when he was 16 but resurfaced just before news broke that Leo was abdicating.  The headline read “Cordonia’s Oriental Prince Taints Bloodline.”

He started with Trend.  The gossip/news outlet that the Crown has trusted the most with direct exclusives.  Of course, the first thing he saw was a picture of he and Halle’s engagement photos that they released months earlier.  A series of articles was listed below it.  The first was, of course, a story on the details of the wedding that have been made public to generate interest.  Another was about how Amsale was among the designers being considered to design Halle’s dress.  Liam thought back to see if he told her that there was a list of designers that would love to make her wedding gown.  From the sounds of dinner with her parents probably not.  Must do that, he thought.

The rest of the articles had a much different tone.  Two of them stood out.

  • Can an American be Queen of Cordonia?
  • What does it mean for Cordonia to have a Royal Family that does not look like the populace?

Liam clicked on the first one and read it.  His face contorted in disgust after the first paragraph.  Phrases like “The American with the Unruly Coif” and “Nubian Conqueror.”  He couldn’t read the rest of the article.  Of course, the piece was written by a “guest contributor” as opposed to a staff writer.  He scrolled down to the comments and was instantly filled with dread and regret.

“What are we doing, turning the Cordonian Monarchy to the fucking zoo?”
“Even if they married, they won’t last.  Black Americans know how to break a wealthy man.”
“The last time a Royal married a commoner, she died.  The alleged “duchess” should watch her back.”
“The king is thinking with his dick and not his brain.  If he was thinking with his brain, he would see her like the dirty gold digging American that she is.”
“Nothing about that woman is royal.  Her face. Her Hair. Her voice.  They all stink.”

Liam fought the urge to throw his iPad against the wall.  He took a deep breath and then started an email.


Please contact Trend Magazine and any other press outlet and inform them that if they allow for their comment sections to defame Duchess Halle or me in any way including racist rhetoric, that they shall be met in civil court for slander.  

Thank you.

After he finished that email, he fell into a restless sleep.

Halle awoke in her bed.  Tears soaked her pillow and streaked her face.  She didn’t even remember falling asleep.  What she did remember was how devastated Liam looked when he said: “you do think I don’t know you.”  The look on his face gutted her.  It cut so deep because she recognized it.  It was the look you have when you expected someone to come to your defense but they don’t show up for you.  Halle didn’t want to make Liam feel the way she did in Cordonia.

The part of that realization that made her sick was that as much as she hated making him feel like an outsider to her person, her life before him.  Regardless, Halle didn’t want to take back anything she said.  She meant a lot of it.  What she didn’t intend was the pain it caused.

Where did it leave them now?  She didn’t know for sure.  All Halle knew is that as much as she didn’t want to lose herself to be Liam’s Queen, she wasn’t willing to lose Liam.

Halle dug out her phone from under the covers.  She saw that it was after 1PM, almost 2.  She didn’t think it was that late in the day.

There was a soft knock on the door before it opened to reveal her mother.

“I see that you have finally decided to join the land of the living.”

Joanne entered the room.  She gestured for Halle to move over so she can sit on the bed with her.

“Mom,” Halle croaked before burying her head in a pillow.

“I’m sorry,” her mother consoled, rubbing her back  “I know you are still hurting from last night’s dinner.  It was intense.”

“Well, I came in out of nowhere with a fiancé.  Then I revealed that I was getting married.  Also, I am not sure what is happening at my wedding.  Also, my fiancé thinks my family hates him and that I am lowkey racist because I don’t want him to jump the broom because he is not Black.  Also, all of this happened in front of my best friend who is also my ex.”

Her mother shrugged, “When you put it like that.”

Halle buried her face into the pillow and screamed.  Joanne sighed and continued to pat her daughter’s back.

“We don’t hate Liam.  I think he is charming, kind, and you could learn a lot from him.  Like respect and manners.”

“But Dad–”

“Your father will just have to get over himself.  Besides it’s not his feelings, you have to concern yourself with right now.”

“What am I going to do about that?”

“Liam came all of this way to talk to you and set your relationship right.  You should at least give him a call and talk to him.  What is happening in your relationship is between the two of you and having your pillow soak your tears will not resolve anything.”

“I know.”

“Don’t know,” Joanne said firmly.  “Act.”

Joanne left the room.  After her mother left the room, Halle looked at her phone and sent a text.

Liam spent most of the day working out of his hotel room.  Since his mission to bring Halle home was in limbo, he figured he shouldn’t be an entirely absent king.  This was mostly email correspondence, looking over trade agreements, intelligence as well as memos from various Royal entities.  He was deep in thought when his phone buzzed.  It was a message from Halle.

Liam.  I’m sorry.  Can we talk?

He quickly typed out a response.

Yes.  Can you meet me at the Fearrington House Inn?

Sure.  Do you have a particular time in mind?


See you then.

Liam wasn’t sure what was going to happen when she arrived.  He wanted Halle to come home with him, but he wasn’t sure how long he can draw this trip out.  He is a King, not a businessman.  Either way, they had a lot to talk about.

Halle called him when she was about 5 minutes away.  Liam told her to meet him in the garden.  He figured it was beautiful and she wouldn’t break his heart in a place so beautiful.  She texted him when she arrived, and he said he would meet her shortly.

Halle sat in the garden waiting for him on one of the benches in front of a small fountain.  The water flowed, the sound calming her as she waited.  She heard the click of shoes against the slate tile that lined the walkways.  Halle looked up expecting to see her fiancé but instead was greeted by a maroon blazer and the expression of a stern woman.

“Excuse me miss, this garden is strictly for guests,” the woman said.

“I am waiting for my fiancé who is a guest.  He asked me to meet him here.”

Liam looked himself over in the mirror before heading to meet Halle.  When he first entered the garden, there was a substantial commotion.  He heard hotel security staff buzzing around him.  Bastien should be nearby, but as usual, Bastien was great at being hidden.  He walked through the garden hearing a hum of some kind of discussion.  As he got closer, the commotion became clearer.

“I’m afraid I am going to have to ask you to leave for not adhering to the dress code,” a loud woman said.

“Dress code?” a second woman questioned.  “There is a woman over there in full Lululemon.  Why are you bothering me?  I’m here to meet my fiancé.”

Liam picked up the pace towards the direction of the second woman’s voice.  Two bigger security guards stood in his path, blocking his view of who they were talking to.  He felt a hand on his shoulder.

“Sir,” the deep voice behind him implored.  “You need to step away.  This doesn’t concern you.”

Liam straightened his shoulders and drew his eyebrows together, “If my fiancée is being spoken to by security, it concerns me.”

“It’s not your fiancée, sir.”

Liam took a deep breath, then calmly commanded: “Let me confirm that for myself.”

The hotel security guard crossed his arms.

“If you refuse to leave, we will have to call the police on you.”  He took a step closer to Liam before adding, “You seem nice enough.”

Liam’s cheek twitched in rage.  He went around the security guards to see one of the hotel staff members and a different security guard talking to Halle.

“It is simply the dress code policy.” The woman said, crossing her arms as well.  “Nothing more.”

Halle wasn’t breaking any dress codes that Liam knew of.  Also, Liam was not aware that the garden had a dress code.  Looking at his fiancée, she was actually a little dressier than everyone else there.  He was in jeans and a t-shirt, the other women around from what he could see were in yoga pants.  Halle was wearing a light blue shirt and some loose denim shorts with sandals.  Besides clothes, there was one clear difference between those women and Halle.

“Excuse me,” Liam interrupted.  “This is my fiancée. I was looking for her, we were supposed to meet.”

The woman that was harassing Halle looked him up and down.  “Sir, that is awfully kind of you to intervene but–”

Liam’s eyes went wide with fury.  “Are you suggesting that I don’t know my fiancée?” He spat.  “That I just give 5 karat diamond rings to strangers out of kindness?”

The woman’s mouth dropped.

“It’s just that you don’t look like you would be into a woman like–” she weakly stammered.

“Well, I am,” Liam replied firmly as he extended his hand.  “Halle.”

She took his hand and took her place by his side.  They walked away, then Liam stopped, turned to the hotel staff behind him.

“I have to go upstairs and pack my things from this place.  I, my fiancée, nor my team shall spend another minute in this racist establishment.”

“Your precious garden has weeds anyway,” Halle shouted as she followed Liam.

Liam guided Halle away from the hotel’s garden and towards his car.  She sat inside as Liam made a few calls before he joined her in the back seat.

“Halle, I’m–”

“I don’t want to talk about it,” she interjected.

He nodded, and they sat in silence.  The silence didn’t last though.

“They didn’t even believe that you would be attracted to me let alone engaged to be married.”  Halle released a shaky breath.  “We are not famous here, and people didn’t buy that you could love me.”  Her glossy eyes met his.

“How can I convince the people of Cordonia?”

Liam held Halle close to him.  The closeness was welcome considering how far apart they have been over the past few days.  It did little to calm either person.  Her head was on his chest.  While usually, the sound of his heartbeat was typically calming, but this time she could feel the tension in his muscles and his heart race.  He was enraged.

He wanted his muscles to relax.  Liam wanted to not be angry.  He just wanted to be there, but his mind would not let that be possible at the moment.  The comments from the blogs were still fresh in his mind, and a total stranger doubted their whole relationship based on looks.  Liam did not know how to process this.  When it was directed towards him, he could just ignore it.  It was never that bad, and at the end of the day, he was still a prince.  Actually seeing it be directed to someone he loved was a deeper cut.  Harrold’s words rang in his head like a bell.  This small taste already far too bitter.

Halle sighed.  She draped her legs over his lap and nuzzled into his chest.  Liam leaned his head into her curls.  She let out another sigh.  Hoping that the breath would release the energy rather than it become tears.  Halle grabbed one of Liam’s hands that were idly by his side and laced their fingers together.  His thumb rubbed over her engagement ring.

They sat like that for a while. Out of the corner of Liam’s eye, he could see Bastien waiting outside of the car.  He assumed that Bastien had already taken care of having their things moved and spoke to the hotel’s security.  The silence was broken when Halle’s phone vibrated in her pocket.  She answered without looking.

Rhon’s elated tone greeted her.  “Halle, what you doing tonight?”

“Liam and I do not have any plans at the moment.  Plan to change that?”

“Actually I do.  You know Shasta right?”

“Do I?” Halle sat up straighter with excitement.  “What is Shasta up to these days?”

“Well, he is still spinnin’ for the clubs and tonight he is working a pop-up dancehall thing.  I know that it has been a hot minute since you have listened to let alone dance to anything that wasn’t for fancy white people.  That’s changing tonight.”

“I don’t know, Rhon.”

“Even your fancy Asian Greek nigga could–actually should–come,” he assuaged.

Halle groaned.  “Don’t call him that.  He is Cordonian.”

Liam asked who it was and she mouthed that it was Rhon.

“We have an in with Shasta, we could probably swing a table or something.  Come out.”

Halle paused, mulling it over.  Rhon heard her hesitation over the line.

“You know you want to,” he sing-songed.  “Show Liam how we used to get down.”

“Fine,” she relented.

“Knew you would see things my way.  Meet me at Royal Caribbean.”

“See you there.”

Liam nodded to Bastien to enter the car, and they drove off towards where they were going to meet Rhon.  During the trip there Halle answered most of Liam’s questions about what a dancehall was and why it would be fun.  The prospect of any kind of dancing that wasn’t choreographed made him nervous.  Halle assured him that he would not be pressured to dance, but she may dance by herself at some point.

The Royal Caribbean was a small Jamaican restaurant just on the edge of town.  Rhon and Halle used to go there a lot.  So much so that the staff knew them by name.  They were not much more helpful than that, but even Liam could tell that being on a first name basis with the staff was significant.

Halle insisted that Liam try a Jamaican beef patty.  Not wanting to be a wet blanket, he tasted the savory pastry dish.  Liam took his first bite and got mostly the pastry crust and was not impressed.  It was the second bite that changed everything.  In that bite, he understood that the shell was a vehicle to get the delicious, spiced, minced beef within it to his mouth.  He munched on that while Halle and Rhon got plates of oxtail and rice and peas.

“This food seems a little heavy.  How are you going to dance after eating it?” Liam asked.

Rhon and Halle looked at each other and laughed.

“You’ll find a way,” Halle answered.

Rhon added, “Besides, the food is not just to power the dancing, its to help soak up all the rum punch you would drink later.  Not eating well before that could be downright dangerous.”

Liam wondered if the rum punch that Rhon was referring to was anything like the island punch Halle made that time at Applewood.  He remembered how potent that was.  So do the servants at Applewood.

Halle took her fiancé out of his head by holding up a piece of oxtail to his mouth.  He bit into the tender meat as she giggled.  Liam took the piece out of her hand, removing the meat from the bone.  Rhon smiled watching them.  Soon Halle was swatting Liam’s hand away so that she could finish eating in peace.

After they finished eating they headed towards where the pop-up was going to be.  Since Rhon planned on drinking, he left his car at home and rode with Halle and Liam.  They spent the time talking about various topics that all ended with Jaleesa and her princess phase.

The car slowed down, and the sound of tires treading gravel let everyone know that they made it to the pop-up.  Rhon hopped out of the SUV while Halle adjusted her shorts after her exit.  Bastien and Mara exited the vehicle as well.

“Hold up, hold up.  What are they doing?” Rhon gestured to Bastien and Mara.

“Rhon they are security, they have to come with us,” Halle said.

“They can’t enter the party dressed like the Feds.”

“I doubt that Bastien and Mara would let us enter the pop-up without them,” Halle explained.  “It’s what happens when your fiancé is a monarch.”

“They are not necessary, the pop-up has loads of security.  Discreet security.”

“May I suggest something, Your Grace?” Mara said.

“Who the fuck is Grace?”

Halle smacked Rhon.  “She meant me.  Yes, Mara.”

“Bastien and I could talk with the security at the venue and watch with some of them more discreetly.”

“That sounds like an excellent plan,” Liam said.  “Trail behind us so that people don’t know that you are here watching us.  Would that be alright with you Rhon?”

“I guess.” he sucked his teeth.

Halle and Liam followed Rhon towards the pop-up.  Mara and Bastien were some steps behind them.  Liam looked at his surroundings and wondered where a dancehall pop-up would be around here.  All he saw was a series of vacant warehouses.  Out of the corner of his eye, he thought he saw someone else.  He pulled Halle closer to him as a precaution.

Rhon took a final sharp left and walked towards a nondescript warehouse.  At the side entrance, he looked around before opening the door.  Inside a soft hum could be heard as everyone walked through the building.  Rhon led everyone up a flight of steel stairs to a plain looking door.  Outside of the plain looking door stood a tall, broad, man.  He was wearing sunglasses indoors which was strange, but Liam decided not to dwell on it.  The man smiled as he saw Rhon approach.

“Rhon-Ron.  I see that you have escaped fatherhood for the night–” The large man paused and lowered his shades.  “Is that Halle?”

“Tiny!” Halle squealed. Liam raised an eyebrow at the man’s name.  He did not understand how such a large man could be called ‘Tiny.’  She left Liam’s side and lept into the man’s arms, he hugged her tightly and spun her around.  The embrace was a little too close for Liam’s liking.

“Halle, I thought you left for the big city never to return,” Tiny said.

“Well, I am here now and ready to sip rum punch and maybe dance with my fiancé…”  Halle grabbed Liam’s hand.  “If I can get him on the floor.”


“Yes.  Tiny this is my fiancé, Liam.  Liam this is our friend Tiny.”

Liam and Tiny shook hands.

“This is not exactly the place for wallflowers.  The only wallflowers here are DJs.  Shasta is already waiting in VIP for you.”

Tiny gestured his hand so that everyone can back up and then opened the door.  A rush of base filled the air as the noise from inside the makeshift dancehall filtered out from the door.  Rhon went in first followed by Halle and Liam.  Mara and Bastien remained a few steps behind and made arrangements with Tiny.

Inside they were standing on a high ledge that allowed them to look into the pop-up down below.  Liam counted at least 100 people already on the dancefloor.  Another 50 or so were on the periphery.  They descended the stairs and Liam felt overwhelmed by the sounds and the lights.  Halle and held Liam’s hand tighter as they made their way to her friend.  Across from the stairs they took to enter, there was a shorter set that led up to a couple of tables and sofas.  In front of the stairs was another man in the same sunglasses as Tiny.  He stopped Rhon.

“Are you on the guest list?”

“Guest list?” Rhon asked, jerking his head back.

“Hey-hey!” a man shouted from the top of the stairs.  The man made his way to the bottom of the stairs.  He had long dreadlocks and wore a large jersey and shorts.  The man tapped the security guard.  “It’s alright they are with me.”

“Shasta!” Rhon said and fist-bumped his friend.  His friend looked at Halle and quickly wrapped her up in a hug.

“It’s good to see you, Halle.  Who’s the stiff Asian guy behind you?” he asked gesturing his head to Liam.

“Shasta this is my fiancé Liam.  Liam this is my good friend Shasta.”

Shasta went for the fist bump, and Liam extended his hand for a handshake.  The two men looked at their hands awkwardly.

“Sorry, Liam is not familiar with fist bumps,” Rhon explained.

“I can learn though,” Liam added.

“Alright then.”

Shasta led everyone upstairs to an old sectional and sat down.  Without asking someone came up to Liam, Rhon, and Halle with red cups full of red drinks.  Liam quietly thanked the server.  He reached for his wallet to tip the man, but he walked away.

“Aaaah,” Halle said.  “I missed this.”  She took another sip from her cup.  Liam took another sideways look at his cup.

“It’s rum punch.  It’s really good.”

Liam took a sip, and it tasted very sweet.  It wasn’t until he took his lip away from the cup that the kick from the rum came in.  Even then it was much smoother than what Halle put together back at Applewood.

Everyone chatted for a little bit.  First Rhon, Halle, and Shasta talked about the basement parties they went to when they were younger and their teenage exploits.  Shasta then asked Liam about European clubs, particularly on Ibiza.  Shasta was going there in a few weeks on a gig and wanted to get a feel for the kind of music he should play to get the crowd going.  By the time the third round of punch was served, Shasta had to head to the DJ booth.

“Don’t spend all night here.  I hope to see you guys on the dance floor.”

Shasta left, and Rhon joined him since all of the sitting was “making him antsy,” leaving Halle and Liam alone.  Halle was also feeling antsy and decided to stand on the balcony watching the dancers below.  Liam watched quietly, hugging Halle from behind.  Rhon came up the stairs after a few songs had played.

“Halle, you are not just going to watch from the sidelines  I bet Liam would love to see you whine,” he goaded.


“Whine.  It’s a type of dance move,” Halle explained.

“It’s a move alright.” Rhon cackled.  “Halle used to really get down.  Guess she is too prim and proper now.”  He made a gesture like he was drinking from a teacup with his pinky out.

Halle attempted to swat at Rhon, but he backed away from her range.

“I am not.” she defended, continuing her attempts to swat.  “It’s just kind of suggestive and Liam doesn’t know how to do it.”

“If you want to dance you should dance.  I will be fine here.”

“See, Liam is fine.  C’mon.”


The song changed to a high energy reggae song as Rhon brought Halle to the dancefloor.  Liam watched his fiancée as she was led away.  He wanted to see exactly what kind of dancing that Rhon wanted Halle to do but she wasn’t willing to explain as anything other than “suggestive.”  The dancing started off innocent enough.  Then the song said, “drop it low.”  Halle dropped to a low squat rotating her hips. Rhon dropped low too grinding behind her, but Liam was focused on Halle.  He swallowed a lump in his throat when he recognized some of those motions.  Liam just didn’t associate them with dancing.

Halle continued gyrating her hips, but with the beat of the music she would drop and whip her head so her hair would move around.  She didn’t stay low to the ground for long.  Halle popped her hips side to side as she brought herself to standing.  Rhon’s hands skimmed her side and pulled her hips closer to his as they moved in time with the music.  Liam wanted to be jealous, but he could not do that kind of dancing with her.  Also, it would be really obnoxious to make a scene after he gave his blessing for them to dance.  That didn’t make him any less irritated.

Halle was smiling and having a good time as the song was ending until her eyes locked with her fiancé’s.  His eyes were wide with shock.  Liam weakly smiled back, but she could tell that he was uncomfortable.  She met him again on the balcony he was viewing from.

“Liam.” She said breathlessly.

“Why did you come back up so soon?  You looked like you were having fun.  It’s not like we can do that.”

“It’s not like that.  We were just dancing, and dancehall is just like that.”

“I know, but you can see why seeing my fiancée gyrate on another man would be difficult.”  Liam pulled Halle closer so he could whisper, “Especially since I recognize some of those hip moves.”

“You liked them at the time.  Besides, this isn’t any different than all of those times I watched you do the Cordonian Waltz, a flirtatious dance, with other women, let alone the Engagement Tour.”

Liam turned away from Halle.  She grabbed his hand and set him back to her.

“Look, I’m sorry.  I didn’t mean to upset you.  I don’t want to fight here.”

He took a deep breath, he knew Halle didn’t mean anything by it.  He was just entirely out of his depth here.  The loud music, the stronger drinks, he was overwhelmed by it.  Liam looked into Halle’s eyes, and as much as he wanted to be angry, he couldn’t hold it for long.  Especially when her eyes pleaded with him, dramatic eyelash batting included.  A grin appeared on his face as he pulled Halle in closer to him again.  She smiled against his chest.

“I can make this place a little more your speed.  Wait here.”

She stood on her tippy toes as she gave Liam a quick kiss on the lips before disappearing among the masses.  He looked down into the crowd and noticed that Rhon was already dancing with someone else.  The upbeat song that was playing ended and a much slower song started playing.  A woman’s voice blared over the sound system.  She crooned, I’m still in love with you boy…

Liam’s eyes traveled towards the dancefloor and Halle was standing at the edge.  She curled her finger gesturing for him to join her.  Liam walked towards her.  Halle met him at the side of the stairs, and she pulled him to the dancefloor.  They settled in the midst of the crowd and did a slow rock together.

“Is this more comfortable for you?” She asked.


She smiled and rested her head on his chest.  Liam looked up and caught Rhon’s eye.  Rhon tipped his head up and smiled, then focused his attention back on the woman he was with.  Liam smiled and looked down at Halle.  They kept slow dancing into the next song.  Liam noticed that he and Halle were not dancing like everyone else.  There was significantly less grinding.

“Halle,” Liam whispered.  “We are not dancing like everyone else.”


“It doesn’t feel weird to you?”

Halle shook her head. “No.”  She cupped his face in her hand and made sure he was only looking at her.

“Liam. I want to dance, and I would like to do it with you.  If this is your pace, then I am happy to dance at this one.”

“You brought things to my speed.  Maybe instead I can come to yours,” He suggested.  “With your help, of course.”

“I don’t think people would approve of teaching the Sovereign Ruler of Cordonia how to grind in a dancehall like a commoner.”

Liam rebutted, “Actually I must learn about the cultures and customs of places that I am visiting as a guest.  It’s my duty.”


The music picked up a bit as Halle led Liam away from the midst of the dancers and towards the edge where there was a wall.  She pushed him against the wall and positioned him how she needed him to be for the first part of this impromptu lesson.  His back was against the wall, but there was a slight bend to his knees, feet shoulder-width apart.

“For this first part I am going to have to be still, you will join me in a sec.”

Liam nodded. Halle backed away and started to rotate her hips before getting close again.  One of her legs was between both of his, as she rotated her pelvis against his.

“Now you are going to move your hips to match my moves.”

Halle repeated her move while Liam was slightly off-beat, trying to match everyone but her. She shook her head.

“You can’t be looking at everyone else, trying to match them.  The first part of dancing with someone in a place like this is to focus on who you’re with.”

She held up two of her fingers, motioning for his eyes to be on hers as she moved. Then she took one of his hands and placed it on her hips which he reflexively gripped.  This seemed to help Liam move in time with Halle.

“Good. Just like that,” she complimented.

They danced like that for a couple of moments.

“Okay, now I am going to face away from you. The idea still the same. Just stay on beat and keep up.”

Halle turned around and ground her as against him as she shook and moved it in circular motions to the rhythm. This time Liam had no problem keeping up. She reached her arm up reaching behind his neck pulling his body closer.  He gripped her hips tighter as he felt himself grow hard against her ass.

Liam bent down and hissed in her ear, “If you keep that up, dancing will not be the only thing happening in this club.”

“Is that so?” She challenged.

His hand trailed up from her hips and grabbed her breast.  She gulped.

“It is.”

Halle smirked and deliberately ground her ass against him more vigorously. Liam kissed her neck while his other hand played with the front of her shorts.

“I think the rum is making you bold, Your Majesty.”

“It’s not the rum, My Queen. It’s your ass.”

The lights flashed in the warehouse, and Shasta’s voice came over the speakers.

“Alright, I want to thank everyone for coming to the pop-up.  Your energy and flava made the night.  While my night and yours may not be over yet, your time here most certainly is.  Here is one last song for you to dance to before you get the fuck out.”

Halle and Liam stopped dancing and looked for Rhon in the crowds.  He was found with the woman who he was dancing with earlier.  Rhon shooed the couple away saying that he would catch a ride from who he was with.  Halle and Liam didn’t argue and left.

When they made it back to the car, their faces covered in a dewy sheen from all of the dancing and grinding.  They couldn’t look at each other without giggling or touching each other.  Bastien and Mara joined them at the car shortly after.  Bastien drove everyone back to the hotel.  Liam and Halle couldn’t keep their hands off of each other.  Unfortunately, the SUV they were in didn’t have a partition to give the couple some privacy and to keep Bastien and Mara from getting a show, so they were forced to behave.

Halle looked out the window and noticed that they were heading in the opposite direction of the Fearrington House Inn.

“Liam?  Isn’t your hotel in the other direction?”

“No.  I changed hotels.”

“Because of what happened earlier?”

“Yes.  I could not stay in a place that wouldn’t welcome you.  Any place that does not welcome you is a safety concern, and I take that seriously.”

“Liam, you didn’t have to do all of that.”

“I do.  Halle, you are the most important person in my life.  I will do anything for you.  If that means changing my accommodations, consider it done.  Your comfort and safety are paramount.”

“Okay.”  She didn’t want to argue about how it wasn’t necessary.

Bastien pulled into the Umstead Hotel a few minutes later.  Halle and Liam were already checked in and just picked up the key card to their room.  Of course, Liam got the presidential suite.  When they got to the luxurious room, Halle kicked off her sandals and wanted to take a look around, but Liam had other plans.

“We can take a look around later,” he said, kicking off his shoes.  “ I did not forget how you made me feel at the dancehall.”

“And just how did I make you feel?”

Liam placed Halle’s hand on his growing erection.  She rubbed him through his pants teasing her further.  He groaned at her touch, making her grin like a Cheshire cat.  Not waiting for her next move, Liam swooped Halle into his arms and carried her into the bedroom.  He gently placed her on the bed before climbing in on top of her, ensnaring her in a heated kiss.  Halle smiled as she tasted the remnants of the rum punch from earlier.  He moved his kisses down her neck.

“I missed you.” Liam murmured against her skin.

“I missed you too,” Halle said as she untucked his shirt from his pants.

Liam got on his knees and removed the sweaty shirt from his body.  Halle sat up and did the same.  Her eyes staying locked on his.  Their lips crashed once again with the added sensation of his warm damp skin on her warm damp skin.

Even when their minds could be miles apart, their bodies, their loins, their shared lust was always able to close the distance.  As much as Halle and Liam knew that their lovemaking cannot be a salve for their woes, at the moment, they let their bodies do the talking their hearts, minds, and mouths would not.

Liam kissed down Halle’s body, passing the valley between her breasts and her stomach, stopping at the fastening to her shorts.  The closure was gently undone, and she lifted her hips off the bed allowing him to pull off her shorts and underwear in one swift move.  He stood up away from the bed to remove his own pants and underwear.  She scooted to the edge of the bed and beckoned Liam to stand in front of her.  Halle undid his belt, then unbuttoned and unzipped his pants with the same care that he did for her.  She pressed her face against his lower torso, smearing her lips along the waistband of his underwear, inhaling his scent, sneaking a kiss at the base of his dick, causing him to sharply inhale.  His deep breath did not stop her from pulling both his pants and underwear down his legs.

He stepped out of them and stood before his lover naked.  Their eyes met again in the darkness, chests rising and falling in the same rhythm as their hips were earlier.  Liam stepped closer as Halle dragged her body backward creating room for him to join her on the bed.  He crawled onto the bed and sat before her.  She crawled into his lap.  Her eyes bore into his, penetrating him, reaching the depths of his being that he thought that he had successfully hidden away from everyone.  His stare reached the same place within her, the place that she kept tucked away from intruders, yet he found it.

Halle placed small kisses on his forehead, the bridge of his nose, then finally his lips.  Liam deepened it, embracing her tightly.  She wrapped her legs around him, pressing them closer together.  They continued to kiss and caress each other until their need was too much and Liam guided himself inside her.  Then they rocked their bodies, riding towards bliss.

She closed her eyes focusing on all of the sensations, Liam’s warm hands stroking every bare patch of skin in their path, his lips lavishing her breasts with affection, and, of course, his dick deeply filling and stretching her as they rocked.  She tried to kiss him where she could, but her hands were too busy pulling on his sleek black strands, all of the feelings making Halle soundlessly gasp as she got closer.  Liam groaned as he felt her sex pulse around him, his tension building and building.  He held her as he rocked them faster, she shuddered against him at the increased tempo.  Her quiet, ragged, pants let Liam know that Halle was getting close.  He looked up to see her eyes closed tight.

“Halle,” he hissed against her ear.  His husky tone reverberated through her.

“I want to see you.” He dragged his lips along her throat and jaw to her other ear.

“Let me see you come.”

Her eyelids felt heavy, but she did as she was asked.  Halle’s eyes opened to see Liam’s, dark with lust, desire, and love.  She blinked as she went over the precipice of ecstasy.  She forced her eyes back open as the waves of her orgasm continued to course through her body.  Liam squeezed her as he felt his release.  Her pussy still was contracting around him squeezing his cum from his cock.

The rocking came to a stop as their breathing returned to normal.  Sheepish grins were on both of their faces as Halle’s back sank into the king sized mattress.  Liam’s body collapsed on top of her.  The dampness of their sweat amplified by the air conditioning in the suite.  Their post-coital sweet nothings were a series of small pecks, tender touches before they fell asleep.  A tangle of limbs.

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