Home, Part 8: The Talk

Tippy’s note: At long last, we are finally here.  Part 8.  Yes, this is the last part.  Deadass.  Most of this chapter was written at the same time as Part 7.  The only thing that kept me from posting was I wanted to include details in this part that I had planned to from the start, but the story simply didn’t go there.  With that said, the whole series boils down to this one conversation between Halle and Liam.  The race talk.  I am not sure I did the conversation the way that it’s supposed to go.  The discussion is not a linear one.  It isn’t an end all be all either.  This talk is the first of many like this they will have and I wanted to be real to that experience.

Since listing songs is still a thing, I am going to list the one I have on repeat.  Especially when thinking about Halle and Liam opening up and being honest with each other.  That song is Needy Bees by Nick Hakim.

Disclaimer: Choices owns this and I do not.

Summary: This is the end folks.  Halle and Liam sit down and really talk. Exactly what it says on the tin.


Halle awoke in Liam’s arms.  She smiled thinking of the lovemaking from a few hours ago, drumming her fingers on his toned abdomen as she did so.  Liam stirred.  He looked down to see a halo of sex-strewn curls on his chest.  Her eyes met his.  Liam tenderly caressed her face as he leaned in for a sleepy kiss.  She deepened the kiss briefly, ending it by biting on his lower lip.

“Good morning,” she murmured on his lips.  Liam returned the greeting against hers.  They kept exchanging small kisses until Halle grew tired and nestled into his chest.  Naturally, he took the opportunity to play with her curls.  They quietly enjoyed each other’s presence.

Liam looked down at his fiancée.  A swirl of emotions and thoughts entered his head.  The past few days have threatened to upend their relationship.  While last night was great and a step forward in the right direction, he knew he and Halle had a lot to talk about.  While Liam could extend his trip and slowly work out those conversations, the time to do that just isn’t there.  He would be due to get back on a plane to Cordonia with or without Halle.  He preferred that it be with her; he can’t stay in North Carolina indefinitely.  His duty to Cordonia, the reminder that he is not just an ordinary man, placed a shroud on the room.  Liam sighed.  His sigh broke the comfortable silence.

“Halle,” He started.  “I have to go back.  I can’t hide out here forever.  Cordonia needs its king.”

She sighed, “I know.”

Liam took a deep breath.  “Are you coming home?”

His question hung in the air.  Of all of the issues, this is the only one that mattered.  None of the other discussions could begin until this was answered.  Halle stiffened against Liam, and he felt it.  She rolled so that she was lying on her stomach, her arms and chin rested on his abdomen, looking into his eyes.

“I want to.”

“What’s holding you back?”

Halle sighed.  Liam echoed her sigh.  After a few moments, he changed tactics.

“Do you love me?”

Halle sat up and brought her knees to her chest.  “Liam, of course, I love you.  That’s the easy part.  It’s the other stuff.”

“Like race?”

“…And class.”

Liam adjusted so that his back was flat against the headboard.

“Halle, I am not going to be Black.  Just like you are not going to be Korean-Cordonian.  I was born into royalty, you weren’t.  Those things are not going to change.  That doesn’t mean we have to let those things define us.”

Her eyes stayed on the sheet that she was using to cover up.

“We don’t have to let it define us,” she rebutted, “but we can’t pretend that those aspects are not going to cause friction or pain.”

“No we can’t,” he agreed.  His finger traced her leg above the sheet.  Then there was more silence.

“Cordonia is not like America,” Liam pointed out.

“It isn’t, but that doesn’t mean that is racism-free.”

“It doesn’t.”

Halle relaxed her legs, hunching over so that her one of her arms was providing cushioning for her head to rest.

Liam asked.  “Have you experienced racism in Cordonia?”

“Has anyone burned a cross or called me a nigger in Cordonia?  No.”  She paused, raising her head, “do I think that some racially fucked up things have happened?”  Her eyes met his.


He sat straighter.  Liam did not know what to make of that answer.  More accurately he wasn’t sure how to feel about the part of him that was still surprised by it.  Experience has taught him not to, yet he always was.

“Like what?”

He knew that Halle has not seen the worst of the comments or media coverage outside of the scandal.  If she didn’t see the bad press, then what is she talking about?  What racism did he miss?

“Your father.  Part of me thinks that his actions were biased at best.  I mean he blackmailed Olivia, but he didn’t set her up to be assaulted, but he thought that was okay to do to me.”

Liam remembered when he and Halle discussed this in her train car on the way back to Cordonia.  She said something similar then she paused.  At the time he thought Halle was struggling with what his father did.  Now it was clear, she was questioning if his father’s choices were racially motivated then.  Liam saw Halle fidget with her sheet now.

“You still feel that way.  That’s the reason you didn’t forgive him before he died.”

She furrowed her brow.  “Did you expect me to?”

“No.  If you hated him forever, it would be infinitesimal compared to the harm that he caused.” He shrugged.  “To be honest, I am surprised that you don’t hold his actions against me.”

Halle moved so that she was by Liam’s side, shoulder to shoulder.

“I don’t.   You didn’t make those choices.  As soon as you learned of his involvement you defended me.  I know that placed a wedge between the two of you.  It made his death more confusing and challenging.”

Halle looked at her fiancé, she could see that there are parts of him that still haven’t figured out how to feel about him.  Constantine’s death was confusing for her too.  Not in her hatred for him.  That was clear.  The man died a hero when he deserved anything but that.  Her Baptist upbringing told her it was wrong to speak or wish ill of the dead, but she hoped he was rotting in hell.  Halle didn’t know how to stay angry and be there for Liam.  Like it or not Constantine was his father.

Liam’s hand lacing his fingers with hers took her out of her thoughts.  She squeezed his hand.

“Halle, it’s not your fault.  My father drove a wedge between us the moment he decided to undermine my decision to choose my bride with my heart.” He sighed and looked down at his feet.

“If anything his death was a reminder that the man I thought I knew and admired and the person he was are not the same.” His eyes met Halle’s.  “I should thank you for opening my eyes to that.”

She didn’t respond, her attention went to his hand in hers.  Her thumb massaging his.

“I hope that I don’t make my son feel that way about me when he is an adult.”

“Liam, I know you won’t.”  Halle squeezed his hand tighter and looked him squarely in the eyes, her gaze intense and unrelenting.  “You are already a stronger, thoughtful, compassionate man.  Already leaps and bounds ahead of your father.”

“You have so much faith in me.”

“It’s not baseless, blind faith.  I have been around you.  I know you well enough to know that you can make things different.”  She offered a small, hopeful smile.

“Not me.  We,” Liam corrected.  He brushed away an errant curl cupping her face.  “We can make things different.  Together.”

Halle shook her head, hair going this way and that, but he continued anyway.

“Halle, I am not a perfect man or even the smartest man.  While there are parts of me that doubt whether I can be the King that Cordonia needs, one thing I can say with utmost certainty, I cannot be anything without you by my side.”  His eyes burned with conviction; she couldn’t look away.  “I knew you were special the day I met you, every day after that my confidence in your abilities to rule by my side has solidified.”


“I will not let you doubt this,” he interrupted.  “You have a way of uniting people, making them grasp the parts of themselves that they fear and confronting it to become better and stronger.  You wore down Drake and Olivia’s defenses to get them to ally with you.  That is a gift.  Cordonia can benefit from that.”

Halle pulled away from his grasp.  “See that is what I am afraid of.  I want to be by your side and build a life with you, but I don’t want to get swept up and lost in the legend.  I don’t want to be an icon.  I just want to be Halle.”

“I can’t promise that.  When you are a ruler, there are parts of you that are no longer yours.  I can promise you that you won’t go through this alone.  I won’t let you get washed away.”

“Liam I want to believe that, but I need to know that you will be there for me.  Not just when it’s obvious.  I need your support when I put my foot down about something.  I don’t need you to tuck me away in some corner while you erode away conviction in my stance.  If there is a particular reason we have to do something, we talk about it.”

“I haven’t–,” he denied.

You have.” Halle countered.  “When I told Regina I did not want to have an invasive exam.  Or when you have shielded me from planning my wedding.  That stops.”

Liam nodded, “I can agree with that.  Likewise, you have to defend me with your friends and your parents.  Namely your father.  I know that he wants the best for you, but I can’t gain his trust if he thinks that you support everything he says.”

“My father is not entirely wrong on some things,” she muttered before finding her voice to continue, “particularly your racial blind spots, but yes, I should defend you when he gets out of hand.”

He jerked his head back.  “Racial blind spots?”

“Up until now, you avoid race like the plague,” Halle pointed out.  “I know that Cordonia doesn’t view race the way America does, but you go out of your way not to talk about it.”

“Yes I do,” he admitted.  “It doesn’t make everything better.  We were coming to an understanding but race was reintroduced into the conversation, and now that is being undone.”

“That’s because everything isn’t out on the table.  Also, despite what you like to believe, this will come up again, and again.  This isn’t going to go away.  It will come up when we have children when they grow up and hit the minefield that is the press.  That’s why we talk about it and come to an understanding, so when it does come up again, we don’t implode.”

Liam sighed.  “I see.”

He admitted to himself that he never thought about it like that.  Race was a dirty word that can only bring trouble if you say it.  Unlike other dirty words like “fuck” or “shit” he never got to the point where talking or even saying anything about race was subversively gratifying like saying fuck did.  Being with Halle meant being willing to talk about race.

He nodded.  “I can do that.”

Silence crept up again.  Liam thought about what Halle had said, and a burning question came to mind.

“Earlier, you specified that no one has burned a cross or called you a–that word in Cordonia?  Has that happened to you here?”

“Yes,” Halle answered matter-of-factly.  “I have been called the n-word to my face many times.”

He didn’t know how to react to that.  Liam knew that it should not have been surprising.  Even he could tell by her tone that this experience is more common than it should be.  He couldn’t even fathom why someone would want to go that far.

“The cross burning?”

“Not specifically, but my father’s dental practice has been vandalized with slurs before.”

Halle looked up at him. “What about you?”

“Nothing as immediately vicious as your experience.”  Liam pressed his crown against the headboard.

“Just little moments.  Like learning all of the horrible names, my mother was called after she died.  Or everyone talking about how different I looked from my brother and father.  Did you know that I used to try to play up my nose in photographs?  I did it because it was one of the features that immediately connects me to my father…physically.”

Halle looked at him intently as he continued.

“I thought if they would see that we had the same nose then the doubts that I belong would go away.  The same with working so hard to do everything better than Leo.  If I showed that I was more worthy, more responsible and abler, that the question that people have when they look at my father and then look at me would leave.  Suffice to say. It did not.”

“Liam,” She said taking his hand in hers.  “People know you are worthy now.  You have always been.”

“I don’t care if other people think I am worthy anymore.  All that matters if you think I am worthy.”

“I do.”

The morning quickly turned into afternoon.  The while the time passed, the couple stayed in each other’s arms, talked, went silent, then repeated.  Sometimes kisses interrupted the talking.  Other times there weren’t.  They both knew that some of these discussions will happen again as well as that there are some conversations they have yet to have.  Some they could not even imagine.

By mid-afternoon, everything could be said had been said.  They made love once more and were once again in each other’s arms.

“How are you feeling now?” Liam asked.  His fingers lightly traced shapes on her shoulder while they basked in post-coital bliss.  “Are you ready to go home?”

Halle thought about the past few days.  Talking to her parents.  Seeing Liam in her world as opposed to being so wrapped up in his.  Breathing without thinking about plots and scandals and investigations.  Even though her time back in her old bedroom, in her old house in her old life just felt…old.  She can’t go back there.  As much as she felt overwhelmed, lost and consumed by Cordonia, Cordonia has become her home.

She smiled.  “Yes.  I’m ready to go home.”

Liam leaned in to kiss her again, but Halle stopped him.  “Your kisses are great, but If you kiss me again, we may never leave this room.”

Liam acquiesced, “I suppose you are right.”

Liam and Halle showered separately.  Liam ordered them a small meal that they ate in their room.  His staff coordinated getting jet prepared for them to depart back for Cordonia later that night.  Before leaving the couple stopped by Halle’s parents’ house to say goodbye.

“This isn’t goodbye forever.  We will see the both of you in two weeks, by which time I expect to see Michelle Obama,” Joanne said as she hugged her daughter and future son-in-law.

Harrold tightly hugged Halle and kissed her cheeks. He looked at Liam sternly before extending his hand out to the younger man.

“You take care of my baby girl.  I will not hesitate to come for you if you don’t.”

Liam returned Harrold’s handshake as he assured him, “I will, sir.”

Halle and Liam entered the SUV, ready to head to the airport.  The car drove the quiet streets in silence before heading to the highway before Halle perked up.

“Wait.  There is one more thing to do.”

“Halle, North Carolina isn’t going anywhere.  We can always visit.”

“It’s not that.  We just have one last thing to do.” She looked at her fiancé with wide eyes.  “Do you have your formal suit?  The one with the sash and all of the fancy medals and stuff?”

Liam raised his thick eyebrow.  “Just what do you have in mind?”

“Follow my lead.”

In a small house, off a dirt road, a little girl waited patiently.  She was wearing the prettiest dress she owned.  Her legs bounced off the edge of the sofa in excitement.  When it just became too much, there was a knock on the door.  Her father opened the door he stepped aside to let the visitor step in.

Bastien stepped inside and cleared his throat.

“Presenting his Royal Majesty, King Liam of Cordonia.”

Liam stepped into the house and stood before the little girl.  Her eyes were wide as she marveled the man before her.

“I am here in search of a princess named Jaleesa.  Are you her?”

The younger eagerly nodded.  Liam knelt before her taking her small hand into his gloved one.  He placed a gentle kiss on the back of Jaleesa’s hand.  She hid her face behind her other hand, attempting to conceal a bashful smile.

“Princess Jaleesa.  I am here to grant one wish.  Whatever you like.  I can make that dream come true.”

“Can you dance with me like the Beast dances with Belle in Beauty and the Beast?”

“The beast doesn’t–” Halle gave Liam a stern look before he corrected himself.  “I mean, consider your wish granted.”

Halle played the music of a basic waltz as Liam and Jaleesa danced.  Her feet were on top of his as he glided through the steps of a waltz.  Jaleesa was having the time of her life.  Halle and Rhon recorded this on their phones.  Rhon tapped Halle and whispered in her ears.

“Thanks for doing this.  Jaleesa is never going to forget this.”

Halle replied with a grin.  “Any time.  Jaleesa deserves to feel special and to have her dreams come true.”

“So do you.  Besides, now that Jaleesa has danced with a literal king, she would never settle for anything less.  I think Liam just kept her from dating for the next 20 years.”

Liam and Jaleesa finished dancing.

“Unfortunately, my duties call me back to my palace.  Until we meet again, Princess.”

He bowed.  Jaleesa curtsied back before waving.

“Bye Miss Halle, the two people in the suits,” Jaleesa said gleefully before addressing Liam separately.  “Good-bye King Liam!”

Halle said her goodbyes to Mama Reed and Rhon.

It was dusk when Halle and Liam made it onto the plane.  The crew was prepared to take off, and everyone was wearing their seatbelts.

“This is it,” Liam said looking over at his fiancée.  “When we get off of this plane, we have a wedding to plan and the rest of our lives ahead of us.”

“We do.”  Halle took his hand in hers and squeezed it.  “I’m good now.”

Liam smiled.

The couple held hands as the plane took off for Cordonia.  For home.  Their home.  They both felt relieved, safe and secure in themselves and each other.

Tippy’s end note: That’s the end, you guys.  I hope you guys like the ending for this series as much as you liked reading it.  I want to thank all of you for liking, reading, reblogging, engaging with this story.  It made the will to keep writing it so much easier.  This isn’t the last series I will do with Liam and Halle.  I love writing them too much to let them go.  Special thanks to @i-dream-so-i-write and @lizzybeth1986 for reading the early drafts of parts and hyping a girl up.  

One thought on “Home, Part 8: The Talk”

  1. I had literal tears in my eyes reading this last chapter. Like on one hand there is the joy of seeing them unpack the question of race and what it means for themselves and their relationship. I loved the sheer depth of everything that conversation covered, everything that Halle grew up seeing and everything that Liam had to both face and deny most of his life.

    I love how this fic references “What’s in A Name” and is an elaboration of what Liam and Halle weren’t ready to talk about then. I love how it references their later years, how the seeds of this conversation esp manifests later in the way they bring up their children. Liam offering to dance with Jaleesa was the perfect end to this beautiful series.

    Though this was a series, it really felt like a journey. I was a journey with Liam and Halle, uncovering the things they weren’t ready to talk about, the things they struggled to either understand or articulate. I never thought I’d say I was glad Halle left when she did, but I’m glad she left when she did. It allowed them the space to address that major elephant in the room before they could take this relationship forward, and they made it through this stronger.

    I feel like I’ve walked along with Halle and Liam and Harrold and Joanne and Rhon Rhon and Jaleesa and Mama Reed on this beautiful journey, and I’m now both immensely sad that it’s come to an end, and extremely happy at how satisfying this end was. I hope to read more from this universe in the future.

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