Honest Opinion

Honest Opinion
By Misha

Disclaimer- Not mine. I’m just borrowing them and will return them when I am done.

Author’s Notes- This is a short story that little just popped into my head. It’s a conversation between my Drake MC, Amelia, and Savannah. I am not a huge Savannah fan and I think it is obvious in this fic, if you like her, you may not want to read.

Pairing- Minor Drake/MC

Rating- PG

Summary- Amelia has a conversation with her future sister-in-law.

Words- 834

“You don’t like me, do you?”

I froze at the words and then slowly looked up to see Savannah standing in my doorway. “Excuse me?”

“You heard me,” she said and then sighed, “Amelia, you are marrying my brother in a few days, don’t you think we should at least be honest.”

I stayed silent. I really didn’t want to have this conversation.

“I hear from everyone how bubbly you are, how friendly,” Savannah continued, stepping into the room and closing the door behind her, “and yet, I haven’t seen it. You’ve been polite, but cool, keeping to yourself. Which is fine, but it’s at odds with everything I’ve been hearing about you, so I have to assume the reason is me.”

I winced, knowing that Drake was probably going to be super pissed at me for what I was about to say, but I wasn’t going to lie and really, holding my tongue wasn’t in my nature.

“No, I don’t.” I admitted, looking her directly in the eye, “I think you are spoiled and selfish and created a lot of problems for people I care about.”

Savannah looked taken aback and then she looked defiant. “I did what was best for my child.”

“No, you did what was your best for your pride,” I counted, “so Bertrand is an idiot, I will give you that, and he made a mess of things and you know what, I’m not going to blame you for not telling him, I might have made the same decision.”

“Then why do you dislike me?” Savannah asked.

“You just disappeared,” I told her, “you didn’t even leave Drake a note or send him an e-mail for two years. God, I’m my family’s screw up and I took off to Europe with a total stranger and I’m still in touch with at least one member of my family a week. Because that’s what good people do, they let the people they care about know they are ok.”

It was Savannah’s turn to be silent and her face tightened, letting me know my comment had stung.

“And as I said, I get why you didn’t tell Bertrand, but you continued to take money from Maxwell–”

“I didn’t know the house was in trouble!” Savannah interrupted, “I thought they could afford it.”

“I’m sure you did and you thought you deserved it because it was Bertrand’s child,” I continued, “but you don’t get to decide that he doesn’t get to know about his child while taking his money. It doesn’t work like that. That doesn’t make you a good person.”

“You really don’t pull any punches do you,” Savannah commented.

“Hey, you came into my room and asked,” I pointed out, “I was doing my best to hold my tongue.” It was true and why I had been uncharacteristically polite to Savannah.

“You know, from everything I heard, you’re not perfect either,” she commented, “didn’t you come here to woo, Liam?”

“I did,” I admitted, “and I regret hurting him.” I also knew I should have told him early then I’d had and I’d regret that.

“And yet you managed to come out of that smelling like a rose with your own duchy,” Savannah commented bitterly and I suddenly wondered just how many people resented Liam’s decision to grant me Stormholt. “And you stand there judging mr.”

I shrugged. “Maybe I do and you can judge me right back, I’m not stopping you.”

“You mean you don’t need me to like you,” Savannah guessed.

“No, I don’t,” I answered with a shrug, “I really don’t care if you like me. I just care that we act civil because I love Drake and he loves you and that means you and I are going to be a part of each other’s lives for a long time.”

“Sisters,” Savannah commented with a bitter twist.

“Yes,” I said, fighting the urge to make a face. I had never felt fonder of my own sister than in this moment. “We don’t have to like each other, but we’re going to be family.”

“And you don’t want Drake to know about this conversation.” Savannah guessed.

“Not particularly,” I admitted, “he loves you so much and he’s so happy to have you and Bartie back and I’m not going to be the one to ruin it for him and you shouldn’t either.”

“No,” Savannah agreed, “as you said, I put him through enough. I really do regret that, you know.”

“I’m glad,” I told her and then looked at her pointedly. “Are we done? I have a security meeting to attend.”

“We’re done,” she assured me, reaching for the door and then she turned back, “Amelia? Do you think it’ll always be like this between us?”

“I don’t know,” I told her honestly, “I hope not.”

She nodded and then she was gone.

I let out a deep breath, well that was pleasant. But maybe it had needed to be said and Savannah and I could use this to start building a relationship going forward.

  • End

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Mom. Writer. Dreamer.

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