Hoping For Snow 3/3

Twenty years later …

“Dad, we have to leave now or we’re going to be late meeting William and his parents!”

“I still don’t understand why they couldn’t come to the palace.” Liam said not looking up from the document he was reading.

Katherine let out a drawn out sigh. “Dad, I told you, we didn’t want to overwhelm his parents with the fact that you’re a king.” And they have no clue …

“I’ll be out shortly Katherine.”

It felt like he blinked from being happy and in love to marrying for the good of his country. In no time at all his youngest daughter had blossomed into a beautiful young woman who was getting married. The idea of his baby girl marrying so young made a pit grow in his stomach. At least she’s happy.

Tap tap tap

Liam looked up with a sigh. Katherine might look like him but she had the fiery temper of her mother. “I’m almost done.”

“Mom says if you don’t get your ass out here in the next five minutes she’s chucking a dagger at your head.”

Liam chuckled. He may not have been in love with Olivia when they married but, as time wore on, he grew to love her. Her fiery spirit is what had set her apart from all the other suitors.

His father and the council had tried to fight his choice, touting that Madeline would be the more reliable and safe choice. He explained that by marrying Olivia he would finally be joining Rys and Nevrakis, putting to bed all worry and hate for the later family.

He’d been right that Olivia was the right choice for him. Growing up together, she knew when things were bothering him but she also knew when to pull him out of his own head. She pushed him when he needed it and knew when to leave him be.

Most of all, they both agreed that their daughters should marry whomever they love.

They were curious about the young man she’d fallen in love with in Europe. Their whirlwind relationship had caught them both off guard, they worried she’d end up with a broken heart. At least we are finally meeting the young man who stole our daughter’s heart.

Tap tap tap

Liam let out an exasperated breath. She really is her mother’s daughter. His eyes met her icy glare. “Okay, fine.” He stood, placing his papers down on the desk. “I’m coming.” He froze momentarily as he caught the only picture of him he kept out of the corner of his eye. He felt the familiar sharp sting in his heart that always came around the holidays. I hope you’re as happy as I am.

Twenty five years had passed since Drake left. It had taken Liam time but he’d finally come to live with nothing more than a gentle tenderness in his chest. The past is the past, it’s time to leave it there.

Liam glanced at his watch, his other hand idly tapping the arm of the Davenport he shared with his wife.

Katherine shifted in her seat across from her parents. “They probably hit traffic.” She twisted the modest diamond ring on her finger. Her stomach had been twisted in knots for weeks from the worry that their families wouldn’t get along. What if they hate him?

“We’ll wait however long it takes.” Olivia responded patting Liam’s hand.

“When did my queen become so accommodating?” He leaned in and kissed her cheek.

“It’s the man our daughter is marrying … I’m giving him the benefit of the doubt,” she smiled, pausing as she patted her handbag “… until I meet him.”

Drake nervously tapped his foot against the threadbare carpet of the taxi. Leave it to my son to bring me back here. When William had informed him the woman he loved came from Cordonia his heart had clenched in his chest. Hopefully I’ll be able to avoid any reminders of Liam while we’re here visiting her family.

His fingers curled into the worn leather of the seats as he caught a glimpse of the palace in the distance. Hopefully Liam will be in Lythikos. He always did love a white Christmas.

He sighed as they pulled in front of the Royal Ruby. Of course they would show off their wealth. The bougie hotel was far from modest, with the ornate building decorated with extravagant Christmas decorations for the holidays.

He stepped out of the taxi and smiled as he took his wife’s hand. He could do nearly anything with Julie by his side.

Katherine jumped up. “Will!” She shouted as she sprinted across the lounge towards her fiancé.

“Katie-bear!” Will pulled her into a warm and loving embrace. He turned towards his parents and younger sister, his hand resting at the small of her back. “Mom, Dad, Lydia, I’d like you to meet Katie.”

Drake stared at Katherine for a moment; she felt oddly familiar to him but he was unable to place where he’d seen her.

“It’s a pleasure to finally meet you. My parents are in the lounge. Unfortunately, my older sister Bridgette is still out of town, but my parents can’t wait to meet you.”

Drake shook his head. He was seeing things; there was no way he could know the young woman his son had fallen for. It’s just ghosts of the past making you see things.

Drake scanned the room as they entered the lounge. Who are you looking for? You won’t recognize her parents.

“Mom, Dad, this is Will and his parents Drake and Julie, and his sister Lydia.”

Drake froze in place as his past stood staring him in the face. His heart pounded in his throat as his eyes locked on Liam. He was older, touches of grey in his obsidian hair, but he still made his heart race. Katherine is Liam’s daughter?!

Olivia grasped Liam’s hands in hers. “It’s been awhile Walker.”

“Dad?” Will looked between his father, and Katherine’s parents and back. “Do you know Katie’s parents?”

Drake nervously scratched his neck. “Uh yea … ”

“We grew up together, until Walker left for Texas and never came back.” Olivia said, her tone harsh as her eyes fixed on Drake.

She knows. Drake swallowed the lump in his throat, as he begged the earth to open up at his feet and swallow him whole. “My father was the head guard to Liam’s father, the king.”

Julie stared stunned. “Wait … does that mean … William Walker!” She gasped. “How could you not tell your own mother you were marrying a princess?!”

“Does that mean Will is going to be King?” Lydia asked bouncing on the balls of her feet. She had thought visiting a foreign country over Christmas would be a drag, but meeting actual royalty …

“Oh, no. I’m just the spare. Bridgette is the heir.” Katherine replied quickly.

“Katherine, you know you aren’t just anything. You were just as wanted and loved as your sister.”

“Your mother is right.” Liam said squeezing Olivia’s hand. He worked to keep the smile on his face. He remembered how trapped he had still felt when Olivia was pregnant with Bridgette. Bridgette was his light, but it wasn’t until the day that Katherine was born that he realized he needed to completely let go of old wounds and live in the present. If Bridgette was his sun, Katherine was his moon and all the stars in the sky.

Drake leaned over the sink, his palms flat against the porcelain top. Of course my son would fall for his daughter. He turned on the tap, catching the cold water in cupped hands, and splashed it on his face. Pull it together.

The tension in the lounge had been nearly suffocating. So you have to face him. You moved on and are happy. This was the right move for both of us–he has to see that. He grabbed a paper towel and dried his face.

He looked up into the mirror, freezing when he caught sight of Liam behind him. It’s now or never. He turned clearing his throat, his mouth suddenly as dry as the Sahara. “Hey Li.”

Liam shoved his hands in his pockets. All his training never prepared him for facing the man who had once broken his heart. “You did well for yourself. You have a beautiful family.”

“Yeah.” Drake rubbed the back of his neck. All the years apart stretched between them, the once lovers and friends were now strangers. “So you picked Olivia … I bet Constantine loved that.”

“Oh, he hated it. But Olivia really was the best choice for both myself and the country.”

Drake finally allowed his eyes to lock on Liam’s, a subtle pain reflecting back at him, one he felt himself. “I don’t regret leaving if that’s what you wanted to ask.”

“No.” Liam shook his head. “Twenty years ago maybe, but not now.” The truth in his heart flowed freely, releasing the pain he’d once felt. “Now I know it was for the best … I just wanted to ask if you were as happy as I am.”

Drake stared at Liam stunned, he never expected Liam to yell or shout, he was far too calm to start a scene, but he’d thought he’d question if he’d regretted his decision. “Yeah … I really am.”

Julie looked around the lounge. Katherine was entertaining Lydia who finally stopped groaning about wasting her Christmas vacation in a country no one ever heard of now that she knew her brother was engaged to a real life princess. William was busy talking to the king and queen. “Drake, can we talk?” She had noticed the air was heavy with tension and she was ready to learn what had her husband on edge since learning they were going to Cordonia.

Here we go. The moment Drake laid eyes on Liam and Olivia he knew this conversation was coming. He’d buried it so deeply that he never explained why he moved to Texas or who gave the ornament that always sat in the box year after year. He’d become so happy he didn’t want to bring up old wounds. He stood and nodded; it was time for him to explain.

They moved to a quieter corner of the lounge. Julie looked down at her hands, the knot in her stomach nearly stopping her. “The old ornament we never put up,” she paused, unsure if she was truly ready to hear the truth. “ … was it from one of them?”

Drake let out a sigh, his hand absentmindedly running through his hair. “Yes.”

Julie swallowed, she’d expected that much, the next question made her chest grow tight. “Which one?” Olivia had been slightly defensive, but she couldn’t miss the small glances between Liam and her husband.


“Would—would you—” she trailed off as her throat constricted, not allowing the rest of her thought through.

“No no no. Oh Julie.” He took both her hands into his. “There have been times when I wondered what life would have been like if I hadn’t left, but you and the kids are my life and I wouldn’t trade the life we made together for anything.” He pulled her into his arms, placing a kiss on the top of her head. “You are my everything and there is no place I’d rather be.”

Liam smiled as he stepped out of the hotel, Olivia’s arm looped through his own. The day had surprised him; he had never thought he’d lay eyes on Drake again. The way he’d left had left him reeling. It took time but he soon found himself exactly where he was supposed to be.

He never thought of a life outside of Drake, but he wouldn’t trade his life with Olivia for anything. She and their girls made him happy when he’d been at his lowest. They had picked him up and helped him heal.

He’d long since learned to live with a dull ache around the holidays. Christmas was the only time of year he’d felt the pain that had lingered for so long.

He’d long since stopped staring out the window wishing for Christmas magic to make Drake appear and come home to him once more.

His eyes met Drake’s as he looked over the door of the sleek black SUV. The pain he thought might never leave now suddenly disappeared even with Drake standing feet away.

He nodded his head at Drake before sliding into the car behind Olivia. He never dreamed that he would feel at peace with Drake’s decision. Watching their children together, he saw the wisdom he never did in Drake’s choice to leave.

“Liam, look.” Olivia gasped as she clutched his arm.

He followed her gaze out the windscreen, his lips turning up once more. Large fluffy flakes landed on the glass, melting from the warmth emanating from the interior. A white Christmas.

He slipped his hand into hers as a calm settling over the car.

They could finally stop hoping for snow.


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Choices addict with weird love for crack pairs. I love drama and sometimes my stories take on a mind of their own.

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