How Far We Come

Just the usual late-night burst of inspiration. I finished the Wake The Dead book for the second time, and I still miss the hardass, Elijah Sipes. Thank God for the screen recording option. Anywho.

Hope you guys like it.


“You should be sleeping.” Honey-brown eyes glanced over a moon-kissed shoulder, regarding the towering man silently before turning back to look at the full moon. Eli walked up silently before sitting behind the young woman on the window sill, wrapping his arms around her.

“I could say the same for you,” Judith responded softly under her breath, eyes never leaving the celestial bodies in the sky. Eli gently squeezed her closer, pressing his chest against her back.

“I woke up when I realized you weren’t next to me,” he mumbled against the soft skin of her shoulder. Eli could feel the vibration of her gentle laugh against his lips.

“It’s funny that you say that. I was just thinking about how far we’ve come. I bet over a year ago, you couldn’t imagine hearing yourself say that. Especially since you threatened to kill me to prevent trouble coming to your doorstep,” she replied. The older man shook his head with a chuckle.

“Being alone was all I knew. With a face like yours, you were bound to bring all sorts of trouble to my life.” She raised a brow at this.

“A face like mine?”

“I always found you to be beautiful… your eyes were what drew me in the most. Even in the dark, they seem to shine like two suns. They’re captivating… you are captivating… but I couldn’t let that deter me or my focus on surviving.” A sharp canine gently wore down on her bottom lip as Judith felt a blush warm her cheeks.

Eli was a man of a few words… but when he spoke, he made them count. Usually, he’ll be short, blunt, and to the point. She knew he wouldn’t become a waxing poetic to just anyone.

“I didn’t realize you thought that way, Eli,” she whispered softly. Eli nuzzled her neck affectionately, squeezing her close.

“I did… even though part of me wanted to keep you at a distance… I’m glad I didn’t. I don’t regret a moment we shared together,” he mumbled softly against her pulse. Eli could feel the shudder run across the warm body in his arms.

“Not…not even that day at the carnival,” she asked shyly. Eli surprised Judith by giving her a rare smile.

“Not at all…” She turned to face him properly, slender fingers dancing over the healed bite mark adorning his neck.

“I find that hard to believe, especially after you got bitten,” she said. The memory of the drone sinking its disgusting teeth into Eli’s skin was something that Judith would never forget. She could’ve lost the man she developed feelings for long before she was ready to confess. Before seeing if there was a remote chance of them exploring what these feelings meant. Where they could possibly lead.

A larger hand reached up to cover her own, dark hazel eyes looking directly into hardened amber eyes. Judith blinked as if she was coming back to herself. Eli met her gaze with steady determination.

“I would be a liar and say that I didn’t berate myself that day. I kissed you even though I told myself to stay away from you. You kept me alive even though you knew the rule of what happens when someone gets bit. I almost killed you because you refused to kill me…” Eli fell quiet for a moment, taking in the face of the woman who wiggled her way into his heavily guarded heart.

Judith was a beautiful young woman, Eli would have to be dead not to notice. Bright-colored eyes that turn into molten gold under the natural lighting. A diamond-shaped face softened the plump curve of her cheeks.  A cute nose that would wrinkle at anyone who annoyed or sassed her. Full dark brows that would communicate at least 60% of her answers. Full lips that held a particular sweetness that Eli just can’t get enough of. Long ombré colored locs that would tumble over her shoulders and upper back.

“But I couldn’t find in myself to regret being with you. Not then, not now, not ever.” Judith let out a shaky breath at his confession, cheeks flushing in a deep red.

“I don’t regret taking a chance on you either,” she said quietly, forcing herself to hold his gaze.

Judith has never really experienced love or romantic feelings before. No one at the Tower really interested her and the guys there seem to find it a fun sport of badmouthing her and calling her all types of racial slurs. Jaime would step in and threaten to break their teeth in if she ever caught them harassing her but Judith tried to block them out and ignore them.

It was the apocalypse, she couldn’t really see herself being with someone and having a family of her own.

That was of course until she met Eli.

It was unconventional.

Her Knight in Army-clad armor was quick to aim his arrow at her heart after he saved her and her friends from being devoured by zombies. Even with his steely gaze, Judith couldn’t help but admire his eyes. At first, she thought he had brown eyes until she saw him in proper lighting. Flashes of green appeared in his iris, reminding her of the forest surrounding his cabin.

And Judith had eyes. She would have to be a zombie not to notice how handsome Eli was.

Dark hazel eyes framed by long dark lashes. Full brows that framed his eyes and face structure perfectly. Full lips that stuck out no matter how much he frowned or scowled. The facial hair outlined his strong jawline. The small scars that decorated his face. Even with his dark wavy hair outfitted in a mohawk that Judith never fully understood.

Don’t get the girl started on his body. Judith has been lifted up by Eli several times, mainly to save her ass from a zombie trying to eat her. But it never fails to make her secretly blush at how easily he’s able to do so.

But Eli was more than a handsome face with a fit body. He was a source of comfort for her. Even though he helped Dirk drag her awhile from Jaime, he expressed many times he understood her. That he truly saw her, no matter how hard she tried to hide behind a reassuring smile.

He just seems to get her. And it seemed natural for her to get him too…

”I do admit, I’m glad you said that. I know I didn’t make it easy to get close.” Judith smiled, before pecking his lips.

”Some things in life are never easy. That’s why they’re worthwhile,” she whispered. Eli’s tongue swiped over his lips, eyes dark with intent. He leaned in, pressing his lips against Judith’s soft ones.

The young woman let out a soft sigh through her nose, parting her lips for Eli to get a deeper taste. The man let out an answering groan when the familiar taste of her ignited his senses. The two shared a small battle before Judith submitted to Eli’s building desire.

It was when he moved from her lips to her neck that she gave a little jump.

“Oh!” Eli immediately stopped upon hearing her, dark brows creased with worry.

“What is it,” he asked, body wounded up tight as if he was ready to jump into action. Judith let out a small laugh.

“I think our little one is trying to tell you to give me a break. I don’t think they appreciate your passionate actions last night as I did,” she teased, gaze turning down to her extended belly. Eli relaxed at this, giving a small smile. His large rugged hands trailed down to Judith’s stomach, rubbing it soothingly.

“My apologies, little one. I didn’t mean to wake you up last night,” he said to his unborn child. Judith loved seeing this softer side of Eli, especially when he interacted with the baby growing inside her.

“You’re lucky that you’re not carrying them. They gave me hell over it almost the entire day today,” she snorted before wincing a bit when a tiny foot pushed against her skin. Eli rubbed her stomach, leaving a kiss beneath her ear as an apology.

“I’m glad I’m not, but that doesn’t mean I don’t admire you for doing so. You’re so strong for doing this. Something our kid seems to demonstrate already,” he whispered. There was a brief pause before Eli spoke again.

“What gender do you think our baby is?”

“I think it’s a boy, personally,” she answered, entwining her fingers with Eli’s. The man smiled.

“Interesting, I was thinking the same thing… would you be disappointed if we had a girl instead?” Judith shook her head.

“No, not at all. If we did have a girl, she would probably be a badass like her mama,” she replied with a smirk. Eli rolled his eyes before pressing a kiss to her cheek.

“Hopefully our kid wouldn’t inherit your lack of caution to danger.”

“Hey!” Eli laughed at the woman’s offended cry. He pecked her lips before looking into her eyes.

“Though I do hope they inherit your eyes… that beautiful honey brown.” Judith fought back the blush that threatened to burn her face. Damn Eli’s ability to tease her and make her feel like mush in less than a minute…

“Our kid is gonna be beautiful. They have the finest parents around after all,” she said with a wink. Eli let out an amused hum before dropping his gaze to her belly.

“Thought of any names?”

“Yeah… Kayden David Sipes for a boy and Preach Jaime Sipes for a girl.” Eli squeezed his love close.

“They would be honored to hear that, you know?” Judith looked into Eli’s dark hazel eyes.

“I know… and they would be proud to see how far we came. Together as a couple. I love you, Elijah.”

“I love you too, Judith Lupa Sipes…”

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