I Can Feel It

Summary: It’s the Lake Day festival and Tom and Julia finally have some time to spend together and to think what they mean to each other.

Author’s note: takes place during Chapter 10. I wanted to show a bit more of how I headcanon my ILB MC, her personality and temperament. Julia Vance basically is the new mysterious punk girl at town and if she had studied on Berry high during high school, she certainly would have been friends with Michael and his little gang of misfits.

Disclaimer: Characters belong to Pixelberry Studios.

Song: Hey Violet – I Can Feel It


Are you feeling what I’m feeling? ‘Cause it’s really feeling right

Don’t wake me if I’m dreaming, I could stay here all night

I can feel it, I can feel it, I can feel it coming true

I can feel it, I can feel it when I’m looking at you


Pine Springs is celebrating its fiftieth anniversary and Tom and Julia walk side by side through the bustling street fair along Lakeview Boulevard, taking in the festive sights and sounds.

There’s a comforting silence between them as they wander off through the Lake Day festival. The past days have been hectic, so it’s nice to finally have a moment of peace. It’s the first time in weeks that both feel confident and happy.

Besides, they’ve been looking for a chance to spend their time with the company of just one another…

Tom scouts out the booths, searching for a fun carnival game when he suddenly feels a smaller hand intertwining with his inside his shorts pocket. His cheeks immediately turn a shade pinker and the girl lets out a laugh.

“You’re just adorable, Tom. Do you know that?”

“I… uh…” – he stutters, as usual. He always gets tongue tied around her. – “I guess so…?” – he finally says, a timid grin on his lips. She chuckles softly, before pecking him on his flushed cheek. His smile widens. – “This is nice.”

“Yeah, it is.” – the girl’s eyes fall on a stall with stacked milk bottles. – “Think you can handle some bottles?”

Tom smirks confidently at her.

“They don’t call me the Milk Man for nothing.”

Julia chuckles again, shoving the dork beside her playfully:

“No one calls you that.”

“It’ll catch on one day!”

While the girl studies the bottles in front of them, Tom can’t hide a smile and his mind drifts off to some weeks ago…


Tomoichi Sato had never dated someone.

Okay, he had had a girlfriend. For like, three weeks. But she wouldn’t stop calling him “sempai” (he even wasn’t her sempai technically, they were in the same grade!), so he broke up with her (what’s up with all that fetishisation?) and that was the end of his love life.

He had some crushes through high school, yeah, but things never worked.

And then, after what happened in Westchester during his senior year… that thing with Redfield… With him turning into that woods monster’s zombie minion and hurting people he loved… with Andy almost losing his leg… and Chloe’s death and Noah’s disappearance… Tom had never had the time nor the mind to be developing crushes again.

Or to simply go back to his old and carefree life.

He just couldn’t adjust at college. He felt depressed, skipped classes, didn’t make any friends… Tom felt like he was wasting his time there.

But then, he heard about those weird things happening in this small town, Pine Springs, just across the lake from Westchester.

And it was like a light clicked on. He knew he had to go there. He had a new purpose in life. Maybe he could help this time.

Tom had always been a skeptic – he only started believing in those monster things after Andy and his friends endlessly told him about what happened -, but he felt like that it was a sign. That maybe this time he could do something and prevent people from getting hurt like his best friend.

So he dropped out of college – his parents didn’t like it, but they understood that he wasn’t happy there and let him try to sort things out by himself -, moved the hell out to Pine Springs, found the tiniest studio apartment ever to rent and a job at a boat shop – spending time building robot toys as a kid turned out to be useful for something after all! – owned by a moody old guy, Arthur Vance, so he would survive on his own.

It was easier going to a town you knew no one and vice-versa. He would investigate about the suspicious disappearances that surrounded the lake there in peace, with no one butting in. Tom didn’t care about the side glances the rich people gave him. As long as he was able to get some answers and help people, he was fine.

…But he’d moved to Pine Springs for almost a year and didn’t progress much. He just knew that things had always been off there and people were shady. But being on his own was tougher than he thought it would be.

He couldn’t call his Westchester friends. They all were desperate to move on with their lives and leave all that behind, and rightly so. But he just couldn’t go on with his life, acting as if nothing had happened.

Andy was the one that sort of knew what he was doing there, obviously. He was his best and oldest friend, so of course Tom told him what he was really doing in Pine Springs. The other boy wasn’t very happy about it, but respected and supported him. He just asked Tom to be careful and they kept texting each other almost daily to know what was going on with each other’s lives.

Anyway, so Tom Sato wasn’t progressing much. He had no friends, he spent most of his time with an old guy that mostly grunted things back to him instead of talking and he spent his free time researching about killing monsters that he had no idea what they were made of and how powerful they were.

Life wasn’t being great nor exciting as he thought it would be as a real life monster hunter.

Well, until that summer.


Tom entered Arthur’s old house through the boat shop as usual. Imogen Wescott was flipping out ‘cause her yacht wouldn’t start and she was throwing this huge party that night.

“Hey, Arthur, you in here? Someone just called with a…” – he stopped short as he realised that it wasn’t Arthur, but a short girl around his age. She wore an old denim jacket twice her size, combat boots, ripped skinny jeans and a punk rock band t-shirt. She had short black hair (shorter than his) and dark curious eyes. A memory immediately flashed back into his mind, from the night before. Arthur had told him that he would go pick his grandkids, Julia and Elliot, early next day, to spend the summer with him. – “Oh, hi! You must be Julia.”

She smirked back at him.


“Better luck next time, champ!” – The booth worker says as she hands the girl a sticky lollipop. Tom strides forward:

“Okay, Babe Ruth. Step aside and let me show you how it’s done.”

“Oh, so you think you can do better than me?” – Julia asks playfully, putting the consolation prize already into her mouth.

“Yes. Or my name isn’t Tomochi ‘Milk Man’ Sato.”

“It isn’t.”

“You can’t prove that.”

The girl shakes her head, smiling to herself because of their stupid and childish banter. If someone had told her weeks ago that she would be crushing hard on a guy that calls himself ‘Milk Man’, she would have certainly accused that person of being stoned.

But here she is. And her mind drifts off to the beginning of that summer, some weeks ago…


Julia Vance was having the worst summer of her life. Period.

Long story short, her parents had just died. No, they didn’t just die. They were murdered.

She couldn’t sleep at night without having nightmares of that day. All that blood. Elliot’s screaming piercing her ears as he struggled to free himself from her grip, their parents lifeless corpses on the floor. The weird symbol her mother drew. What did that mean?

…And now they were having to live with their grandpa, a man who had never tried to get to know them or even contact their mother after he estranged her because she got pregnant of her.

And he already was bossing her and Elliot around, telling them that they would abide to his rules and all. The hell they were!

…But there was one thing that that old man was right about. Living with him could no way be worse than living with her deadbeat “dad”.

Well, that was what she hoped.

She knew that she wouldn’t live with him forever. Just until the end of summer break. But she couldn’t let Elliot deal and settle down in a new town with a grandfather they’d just met all by himself. She was his big sister and she would help and protect him, no matter what.


Elliot and Grandpa went upstairs to settle down into their new room. The girl trailed behind, looking at the old man’s collection of strange relics. It almost felt like they were… calling for her.

Suddenly, the back door swung open and a guy with glasses and a messy bun entered:

“Hey, Arthur, you in here? Someone just called with a…” – he stopped short, realising that she wasn’t her grandpa. – “Oh hi! You must be Julia.” – the stranger grinned at her, his hands shoved inside his pockets.

He was cute.

Super cute.

And hot.

She liked what she saw. A lot.

“Hi… I’ll be whoever you want me to be.” – she smirked at him.

“I… uh…” – the cute stranger looked away quickly, his cheeks flushing pink.

Oh crap!

“Sorry! I didn’t mean to make it weird!” – she said, now feeling her cheeks burning.

Why did she always say the wrong thing? All her bluntness always got her into awkward situations and trouble.

The boy shook his head, a small grin on his lips.

“Naw… it’s not weird. I’m just deciding who I want you to be!” – she smiled back at him, feeling more comfortable already. There was something about him that felt just… right. Good. Safe. – “Ooh! Can you be Bruce Lee? I’ve always wanted to learn the one-inch punch! Best I’ve got now is an one-foot punch.”

He was a dork. She liked him.

“Would an one-foot punch be… a kick?” – she asked, trying hard to not laugh.

“Oh, I like you.” – the grin on his face widened. He sticked out a hand and she shook it. His hand was big and warm and a bit calloused. – “Tomoichi Sato, but everyone calls me ‘Tom’. Arthur hired me to work as a mechanic in his boat shop a few months ago.”


Tom was the nicest and sweetest guy ever. And a big dork too.

The last thing Julia expected moving to Pine Springs that summer, and especially after that tragedy in her life, was to develop a crush on someone.

She met other amazing people there. Danni was like a sister from another mother and, although Julia never trusted cops nor rich people, Parker and Imogen were great friends as well.

But things with Tom were different from everyone else.

First, he certainly wasn’t her type.

Like, at all. Julia’d never been interested in a geeky ex-jock before (although Tom didn’t seem to consider himself a jock, he in fact was part of the basketball team of his school. The most athletic thing Julia had ever done was running down the hallways to skip classes and to defiant the school authorities. But she had great grades so she’d never got expelled). The girl despised jocks during high school and the few things she knew about videogames and sci-fi movies and comic books were because of Elliot. She preferred spending her time going to rock shows in dive bars and browsing conspiracy theories on the internet. He wasn’t her type at all.

Second, sometimes it seemed that things always came out the wrong way when she was with him.

Julia has had a few relationships. Nothing that lasted long, but she wasn’t an inexperienced when it was about flirting and dating. Although sometimes she could come too strong, she knew how to smooth talk her way around. But with Tom, they would often leave each other flustered – god, she still remembered that day when she found him working shirtless at her grandpa’s boat shop. She just couldn’t take her eyes off of his naked torso. She knew Tom was hot but seeing him without a shirt was… hmmm. That boy was fine -, both of them blushing like two idiots. Thankfully, Tom had a way to laugh it off and make things feel comfortable again.

He felt like home.

She didn’t feel a connection with anyone else as deep as she felt with Tomoichi Sato, since that very first moment.

She was falling for him.


Tom didn’t believe in things such as destiny or whatever. But there was something about Julia Vance that felt different from any other person he had met.

It felt like something ‘clicked’ inside him.

After she moved to Pine Springs, he not only was finally able to progress on his investigation, but it felt like his life was moving forward as well.

He found a new set of friends, and was sharing new experiences with her.

Of course he told Andy about Julia. His best friend teased him about having a ‘thing’ for mysterious girls.


Andy: “I see a pattern here. First a certain goth witch girl and now a mysterious punk girl—

Tom: “I didn’t have a crush on Ava!

And that was true! Ava was just a friend! An intimidating friend. In fact, Tom wasn’t sure if she considered him her friend. But she was patient enough and helped him understand all those weird and creepy ass monster things a bit better. And she actually chuckled to one of his stupid jokes once. So yeah, he considered her a great friend.

On another of Andy’s childhood friends though… who didn’t have a crush on Dan? That dude was so nice and so handsome… but the quarterback seemed to not care about that kind of stuff. Tom couldn’t remember if Dan Pierce had ever dated anyone…


Andy: “pfff right. Anyway, what r u still doing talkin to me? Don’t you have a fancy party with a bunch of rich people to go to tonight?

Tom: “yeah, I’m just getting ready. And we’re going there to investigate, not to, you know, party.

Andy: “well, but it still is a party! U should try to have a bit of fun! And be careful, ya hear me?

Tom: “aye, captain

Andy: “and you should ask Julia to dance! These rich people’s parties always have a slow dance or some kind of thing like that

Tom: “talk later!

And the boy turned his phone into silent mode.


…Turned out that in the end they did danced together. And she chose him. And he almost messed up with everything because he was high key freaking out because no one had ever asked him to dance before.

“Are you serious? Never?” – she asked in disbelief, her hands on his shoulders. He nodded and ducked his head, feeling his cheeks burning in embarrassment. – “I couldn’t tell because you’re so hot!”

What?” – now it was his turn to be shocked and hers to feel embarrassed.

“I mean, you’d think somebody like you” – her eyes travelled down the suit he was wearing, and she bit her bottom lip slightly. And god, he never wanted to kiss her more than he wanted at that moment. – “…would’ve been asked to dance loads of time and—” – he watched in amusement as her cheeks turned redder with each word she said. Julia wasn’t the type to get easily embarrassed, but he got to get that reaction from her a couple times. Tom laughed, relaxing as the girl got more and more tongue-tied. – “…I’m just gonna shut up now.”

“Hey, it’s okay. I know what you mean.” – he said, resting his hands on her hips. – “And, um, for what’s worth… I think you’re pretty hot too…”

Julia grinned widely and pulled him close, the embarrassment soon forgotten. They danced to the slow beat of the music in sync and in silence for a few moments. – “This is… really nice.” – he confessed in a whisper, his cheeks slightly pinker. And god, she never wanted to kiss him more than at that moment.

“So as first dances go, would you rate this a ten out of ten?”

“More like a million out of ten.” – she laughed loudly to his goofy smile. Tom remained in silence, captured by her.

They found their lips just inches apart, his eyes darting from her lips to her eyes, almost as if he was hypnotised by her.

He felt like he was. Since that very first moment in her grandpa’s living room.

“Julia, I—”

But then they got interrupted and never found a moment for themselves again.



…Until the Lake Festival Day.

Actually, they had a little time for themselves a few nights ago, when the girl was feeling overwhelmed by the revelation of her grandpa being her parents’ murderer, but it wasn’t as pleasing as they both wished it would have been.

Tom’s a much better tosser than Julia – he used to play basketball in high school, after all – and gets the giant bear for her.

He can see through her tough rebel girl facade that she melts a little when he gives her the stuffed animal. She knows that it’s cheesy as hell and the bear is so big she can barely get her arms around it, and that she’s smiling like an idiot because of it, but Julia doesn’t care. That’s the sweetest thing anyone’s ever done for her and she’s so glad it’s a gift from Tom.

They wander around the festival, hand in hand, searching out more game booths, chatting about the day.

“I love this day. Seeing everyone out and enjoying themselves, it feels so special.”

“So you’ve been to a Lake Festival before?”

Tom shakes his head.

“This is my first one. And probably my last, since you and the Cult Club are taking care of that spooky lake ghost for good tonight.”

“I hadn’t even thought about that…” – Julia stops walking, feeling her heart chattering a little. Tom looks over her, stopping too.

Things have been so hectic lately, she hasn’t had the time to think what would happen after they free Pine Springs from that lake monster ghost. She will go back to college as soon as the summer is over and Elliot probably will go with her. They have nothing keeping them around that small town anymore, after all. She still has to give Mr. Wescott an answer about being Elliot’s legal guardian or not. But for now, she doesn’t want to think about it. She’s just sad that she won’t be able to see the guy in front of her as often as she can now.

“Are you really leaving once this is over?” – she asks with a frown.

Tom’s hand squeezes her lightly and he brushes off the bang that partially cover her eyes.

“We talked about this back in Westchester. I just don’t have much of a reason to stay.”

She nods, squeezing his hand back. Their situations are similar in that sense. Both of them are from outside of Pine Springs and there’s nothing holding them back there anymore.

Plus, she would never ask him to stay. She herself is a free soul, now more than ever before. It wouldn’t be fair asking Tom for such thing.

“You should let me visit you. Wherever it is you end up, I mean.”

“Julia, I want you to know, no matter where I go, you’re always welcome.”

A wide smile spreads on her lips as she scoops closer to him.

“Good, because I am definitely taking you up on that.”

“Uh-oh. Did I just sign myself up for trouble?”

“More like the most trouble.” – she smirks as she swings his arm over her shoulder, nestling herself into his side, their faces much closer now. Tom grins sheepishly back at her.

“Hey, you know I wouldn’t have it any other way.”

They resume walking, passing a narrow, closed off booth decorated with strips of pictures.

Tom’s eyes widens and he looks like an excited kid as he points out to the photo booth.

“Let’s get our pictures taken.” – Julia proposes. – “Something to remember me by when the summer’s over.”

“You read my mind.” – they walk toward the photo booth, leaving the bear outside. – “And you stay here, buddy.” – they squeeze into the tight booth.

They’re so close to each other that the girl can feel one of the boy’s arms around her waist, shyly trying to not touch her. Tom can feel her breath against his neck and he feels his chest and cheeks flushing.

“Tight squeeze, huh?” – she asks as she fishes some coins from her denim shorts pocket.

“Uh, yeah…” – Tom really tries to avoid it, but he can’t control his eyes from traveling through her bare legs and lingering on the front part of the top of her bikini set.

“Alright, be ready!” – the girl announces as she slips two quarters into the slot, watching the countdown on the display.

They strike a couple of silly poses together. On the last one, Julia takes the boy’s face with her both hands and kisses him deeply. Her lips taste like strawberry from the lollipop she earned. They get so caught up on the kiss that they don’t even notice the flash of the last picture.

“Mmf— Julia…” – he buries his fingers in her short hair, pulling it slightly in an exciting way. The girl grins to herself, deepening the kiss, while her hands roam his bare chest, feeling his sun-warmed skin and firm muscles. She straddles his lap, bringing their bodies tight against each other, and Tom lets out a low moan that gives goosebumps all over her body and makes a heat radiate from between her legs. – “Julia, wait…” – he murmurs, interrupting her kisses.


“I… There’s something I have to tell you.” – he avoids looking at her eyes.


“I… uh, this is so embarrassing…” – he mutters more to himself than to her. – “I… uh… this is my first time… you know…?”

“Ah. Oh. Oh my god, I’m so sorry! I didn’t know… uh…” – he watches as color fills her face. – “Do you… do you want to stop…? I’m sorry, Tom—”

“No!” – he immediately holds his breath, remembering himself of where they are. – “No. I don’t want to stop. I… I can’t wait any longer. I want you.” – he completed, whispering at her.

Julia giggles happily, snooping closer into his embrace, her hands on each side of his face.

“Me too…”

“But… are you okay with it? With me being… you know… virgin?”

“I’m okay with it as long as you’re okay with it, Tom. If you’re feeling ready.” – her dark eyes searches his, unsure. The boy smiles sheepishly at her, nodding.

“I am.”

“Are you sure? I don’t want to force you to do anything you don’t want—” – Tom interrupts her by kissing her until they both feel like they’re out of breath.

“I’ve never been so sure of anything else in my life.”

She smiles at him.

“Then everything’s alright.”

He grins back at her and she kisses him hard, passionately, the photo booth getting hot all around them.

“Not that I’m not loving this, but…” – he stops kissing her again, and Julia groans, impatient. – “…what if someone comes in?”

“I couldn’t care less.” – she whispers back, her lips brushing against his, squeezing a hand between their bodies, tracing down his stomach, to the hem of his shorts. She can feel his arousal pressing hard against her. – “Now, will you just shut up? I want you now, Tom.”

His grin widens.

“Sweet… then I guess I don’t care either.”

They struggle a bit with freeing themselves from their shorts, due to all that excitement and the small space. Tom just barely manages to find a condom in his wallet before the girl is already back onto his lap.

She gently guides him to her and his hips buck under her. They both stifle another moan as he slides inside her, his blunt nails raking down her back. It’s tight, hot, wet and delirious at the same time. They move slowly at first, getting used to the sensation of one another, skin against skin.

“Oh Tom…” – she moans into his ear, her arms around his neck, feeling her head spinning, as they move together in sync, setting a comfortable pace. She’s been dreaming about him for weeks and that is finally happening.

“Are you feeling okay…?” – he asks, breathless.

“More than okay…” – she can feel his hands grabbing her tightly by the hips and grinding her against him, small gasps and whimpers escaping their lips. – “So good…”

Julia dips her head to kiss his neck, his exposed collaborne, as their bodies start to gyrate together. It’s fast, rough, heavy. She squeezes her eyes shut as the pleasure builds in both of them, threatening to burst.

“Oh my g—” – one of Tom’s hands is back onto her neck, pulling her to him until their mouths meet again, muffling their moans as they both hit their climax together.

They stay in there, arms around each other, breathing heavily, their hearts still pounding. Feeling happy.

“I… wow.” – he murmurs with a goofy grin, his chest and cheeks flushed, their foreheads pressed together. She giggles softly before pecking on his lips once more, still feeling her skin tingling. Will she ever get tired of kissing him?

“You’re incredible, ‘Milk Man’.”

A huge grin spreads on Tom’s face when he hears the nickname. Julia laughs again, thinking to herself that his smile could light up the whole town. He’s such a dork.

“You’re pretty amazing, too.”

“Oh, I know.” – she shrugs with a sly grin on her lips. – “Next time it’ll be even better.”

“I don’t know how that’ll be possible… but now my expectations are high.”

“Just you wait, Tom.” – he chuckles as she leans to kiss him again. He always melts a little when he feels her soft lips against his.

“…Okay, as much as I love having you here…” – he holds her tighter in his arms. – “I guess it’s time for us to go. Give the chance to someone else take their pictures here.”

“Or do something else.” – she wiggles her eyebrows suggestively at him, who lets out a loud laugh.

They put their shorts back on and try to straighten their hair. Julia squints in the sudden brightness as she and Tom exit the photo booth together. The boy picks up the photo strips from the output slot and holds them up to the light, immediately blushing and jamming the pictures into the pocket of his shorts, before the girl has the chance to see them.

“We, uh, we probably don’t want people looking at these.”

“Good call.” – she winks at him.

“I’m really glad you came out with me today, Julia. It might be the last time we really get to hang out for a while and I feel like we made it special.”

“I think so too.” – she says, picking up the giant bear and bumping her shoulder playfully into Tom’s. – “Come on, let’s go back to the others.”

“In a minute. I want to do one more lap around the fair. For posterity.”

“You’ve got it.”


After spending some additional time wandering the festival together, Julia and Tom reunite with the others when the sun is starting to set over the sights and sounds of the Lake Day festival.

“Hi, guys! Everybody do what they wanted to do?” – Imogen asks as they at last reunite with their friends.

“I totally kicked Julia’s butt at Milk Bottles.” – Tom says, looking her way and smiling. – “But I think she got something pretty good out of it too.”

“Yeah, we can see it.” – Parker says, pointing out to the giant bear in Julia’s arms.

“It’s so big! And so fluffy!” – Imogen squeezes the stuffed animal cheeks.

Danni smirks, her clever eyes catching up the sheepish grins Tom and Julia share.

“I guess Tom’s talking about something else.” – the girl states teasingly. Tom’s cheeks immediately turn bright red and Julia shoves her playfully. – “Don’t worry, guys, you can spare us from all the steamy details.”

Anyway, looks like it’s getting late. What should we do now?” – Julia asks, desperately trying to change the subject.

Danni suggests them to go to the docks and watch the sunset, which is unanimously accepted.

Of course Julia decides to sit next to Tom, near the back of their group of friends. She throws an arm across his shoulders, pulling him closer, and they all fall silent as they watch the sun sinking towards the horizon, casting streaks of red and orange across the clear sky.

“Amazing…” – Julia murmurs, hypnotized. It’s a beautiful summer day.

“This looks like an intro for an anime. All we need is petals floating in the air.”

“You’re such a nerd.”

“Shut up!” – she laughs and sits back, enjoying the fresh evening air and admiring the guy sitting right next to her. The pink tones of the sunset reflect off of Tom’s glasses as he smiles dreamily out at the water. – “You know what, Julia? I’m glad you moved here.”

“So I could get nearly killed by monsters and renegade cultists?” – she asks with a mocking shocked face.

“No, you goof, so I could meet you!”

“I think we would’ve met anyway.”

“Oh yeah?” – he looks skeptically at her. She nods.

“Yeah. We were destined to meet. I can feel it.”

Tom jostles her playfully with his shoulder.

“I don’t usually believe in stuff like destiny, but I think you might be right about that. Meeting you, it was like… something clicked. Like there was a part of me that was missing and you filled it.” – their eyes meet for a second and the girl smiles warmly at him, before his cheeks suddenly fill with color and he ducks his head, aware of the super cheesy confession he has just spoken up. – “That sounds kinda lame, saying it out loud.”

“It’s not lame. It’s the same way I feel.” – Julia says, lacing her fingers with his.

“What— Really?”

She nods, holding his hand to her lips, leaving a lingering kiss there, Tom’s heart beating fast in his chest.

“I wouldn’t say it if I didn’t mean it.”

His blush deepens and he turns away from her, embarrassed. Julia chuckles softly, before burying her fingers in his hair, turning him back towards her and pulling him nearer, her nose bumping his.

“Julia, I….” – she can feel his ragged breath against her lips as they start to close the short distance between them…

When the girl feels a pulse at her wrist. She looks down to see the woven bracelet glowing.

No. No no no no. Not again.

AAAAAHHHH!!!” – they all jump at the sound of a piercing scream.

Julia pulls away from the kiss she was about to share with Tom and groans in exasperation, raging building up inside her.

Why does this keep happening to me??

“What was that?”

“It sounds like someone’s in danger.” – Parkers answers Imogen before springing to his feet and running back toward the festival.

“Parker! Wait for us!” – Julia and her friends follow him at a hurried pace.

What Tom has to say will have to wait for now. Because they have some monsters to kill first.


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