I Summon You

Lily anxiously glanced at the clock on the microwave. Ten minutes to seven. Zig promised he’d be home by 6:30. She sighed and rapped her fingernails against the counter. When they decided to move in together, she didn’t realize it would mean seeing him less than ever before. Sure they spent every night together, but most of the time he got home late from either practice, studying, or the coffee shop, and proceeded to go to bed almost immediately. The nights he did get home at a reasonable hour, he talked on the phone with various family members until after Lily went to sleep. But tonight she was determined to make time for them. She checked his schedule and saw that it was clear and asked if he could come straight home after class. She had planned to surprise him with a home cooked meal and after that, well, she had some other surprises that she thought he might like. She checked the food in the oven, which was turned on slightly to keep it warm while she waited. Another ten minutes passed.

“Hey, you!” Zig called cheerfully from the hall as he walked in through the door. As frustrated as she was with his lateness, Lily couldn’t help but be excited to see him. She loved surprising people and couldn’t wait to see Zig’s face when he realized everything she had in store for them that night.

“Hey!” She called back, quickly lighting the candles on the table. “So I have a surpri—“

“What was that, mom? Yeah, sorry, I just got home.” He strolled in, chatting on the phone, and placed a kiss on the top of her head. “My mom says hi.”

“Hi back.” Lily said, her excitement quickly starting to fade, “Babe, I’ve got dinner in the oven…”

He cupped his hand over the phone, “I thought so, it smells amazing! Just give me a few minutes and I’m all yours.”

“Zig, it’s already past 7.”

“Just a few minutes, I promise.”

She sighed, “Alright.” Zig collapsed onto the couch, Lily blew out the candles and went into their room to wait out the call, checking back in on the food every few minutes.

It wasn’t until after 7:30 that she heard Zig say goodbye to his mother. Lily came back out into the living room, fully ready to let her frustrations be known when she heard:

“Mila, hey! I just got off the phone with mom, what is this about you not doing your homework?” Lily looked at him incredulously with her arms raised as he mouthed sorry and turned and faced the other direction.

Lily was livid. One night. That was all she asked. Just one night where she could feel like she was the most important thing in his life. Hell, even among the top 5 would’ve sufficed. She felt the tears start to prick her eyes as she made her way back into her room and cursed. She hated crying. It made her feel weak, and if there was one thing Lily refused to be, it was weak. She threw some clothes into a backpack and typed out a text to Zack asking if she could spend the night at his place. He probably won’t even notice I’m gone, she thought angrily as she switched off the oven, grabbed her leather jacket off the coat hook, and stormed out the door.

Lily took her time getting to Zack’s, realizing that she wasn’t quite ready to be around anyone yet. She walked down the darkened street for a bit before spotting a playground behind the local elementary school. She headed over and sat down on the swing set. She wrapped her arms around herself as the wind blew slightly and took in the quiet of the empty street. When she was sure she was truly along, she let the sob that she had been holding back break through.

Some time later, she wasn’t sure how long, Lily saw movement out of the corner of her eye and heard the swing next to hers creak. Still, she never looked up from the ground.

“I was so worried about you.” Zig said softly after a moment. When she didn’t reply, he continued, “I came into the kitchen after I got off with Mila and you were gone. Your coat…” His voice faded out. More silence. “You left the oven on…”

What? No I didn’t!” Zig raised his hands defensively with the ghost of a smirk on his face as she shot him a withering glare. Dammit. He tricked her into breaking her silence.

“How’d you find me?” She asked coolly, her gaze returning to the ground.

“I called Zack. I figured that was where you would go. He told me you had asked if you could stay over at his place but hadn’t made it yet.”

“Snitch.” Lily muttered under her breath and Zig’s serious expression softened slightly.

“So from there, I thought of all the places you could go to get some space from our place to his, and found you here.” Lily only nodded slightly and started turning the swing from side to side.

“Lily, I’m sorry.” The creaking of her twisting swing was the only response.

“Hey,” Zig said, reaching out with both hands to stop her swing mid-twist, holding it still so that she would face him. She didn’t raise her eyes up to meet his. “Hey. I know I’ve been neglecting you lately. I though I could balance school, work, dance team, my family, and you, no problem. But I’ve been doing a lousy job as far as you’re concerned.”

She made a soft scoffing sound, “I have a lot going on in my life too, Zig. But I always make time for you. For us. No matter what.”

“I know that, trust me, I do. You’re basically my role model when it comes to successfully balancing everything. But I’m still figuring it out, it’s all still so new. I guess I thought because you’re so fiercely independent you wouldn’t mind. But that isn’t fair to you. You’re a brilliant, kind, beautiful woman, and I should be showing you how much it means to have you in my life each and every day. It’s what you deserve. I’ve been taking you for granted and tonight, when you were gone… l realized that I could lose you if I keep this up. And I never want that to happen.” She heard his voice crack. Lily finally brought her blue-grey eyes up to meet his deep brown ones, and found they were swimming with tears.

“I know you have a lot on your plate,” She said softly after a moment, “And I get that. But I’m starting to feel like I don’t even rank among your priorities anymore.”

“Lily, I never want you to think you’re anything less than my top priority.” He unconsciously reached out to caress her face, letting go of the left chain of her swing. Lily let out a small yelp as she was jerked back the other direction.

“Oh, shit!” Zig exclaimed, diving off of his swing to steady hers. Lily started laughing hysterically as he dropped onto his knees in front of hers, slowly bringing her swing to a standstill. He rested his chin on her knees and stared up at her, eyes burning, “I love you, Lily. So much.” She took his face in both of her hands and pulled it up to meet hers in a deep kiss.

“I love you too, Zig.”

“I’m so sorry. I can’t promise I’ll be perfect,” he whispered, “But I can promise I’ll do better.”

“That’s all I ask. And I’m sorry too, for storming off. It wasn’t the right way to handle my frustrations and it wasn’t fair of me to scare you like that.” She placed a few more gentle kisses on his lips. “Come on,” She stood up, grabbed both his hands in hers and pulled him to his feet, “Let’s go home.” He flashed her a mischievous grin and sat back down on his swing.

“Not until we try something,” he patted his lap, smirk still on his face, “C’mere.” Lily laughed and made to sit down. “No, no, the other way.”

“Zig! We’re in public! And more than that, at an elementary school playground.”

“No, not like that. Well, hopefully later.” He raised an eyebrow as she sat facing him on his lap, “But no, now we’re going to try something I haven’t done since I was little; We’re going to double swing. C’mon get that look off your face, Marie and I used to do this all the time.”

“Alright… But if I fall off it’s all your fault.”

“I’ll gladly take the blame. Now let’s go.” The two of them alternated pumping their legs, and Lily couldn’t keep the grin off her face as the swing… wobbled feebly back and forth.

“Okay, okay you don’t have to look so smug about it.” Zig laughed, leaning in to kiss her. She threw her arms around his neck, pressing her forehead against his. The swing gradually came to a standstill, and the two remained wrapped in each others arms for a long while before heading home, hand in hand.

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