I’ll Take Care of You

I’ll Take Care of You
By Misha

Disclaimer- Not mine. I’m just borrowing them for a little while.

Author’s Notes- This is a request fic based on the prompt “Stay with me” “always”. I love writing fluff for this ship because I think they are just so adorable. This is set sometime in the winter of Sophomore year.

Pairing- Chris/MC

Rating- PG-13

Summary- Savannah sprains her ankle and receives some TLC from her boyfriend.

Words- 442

“I can’t believe I was so stupid,” I complained as Chris carried me to my bedroom.

“You slipped on the ice,” he corrected, “that’s not stupid.”

“I should have been paying more attention,” I argued, “and now I have to stay off my feet for the next couple days and then use crutches after that.”

“Only for a few days,” he reminded me, “and I’ll be around to help as much as I can and if I’m not around, one of the others will be.”

“I know,” I felt like a brat because Chris was being so supportive and my friends were all being so nice, but I was annoyed by my condition, “I just don’t like being helpless.”

“That’s because you like being the one to take care of everyone,” he told me as he settled me on the bed, “but it’s time for you to let us take care of you for a change.”

“I know and you’ve all been so sweet,” I said sincerely, “I really am grateful, I just hate being stuck in bed.”

“I promise to do my best to make it enjoyable,” Chris said with a grin as he climbed in next to me.

I raised an eyebrow, “oh yeah?” I gestured to my ankle, “won’t that be an obstacle?”

“We can be creative,” he assured me, as he eased my shirt up over my head.

“I like the sound of that,” I said with a smile. I leaned back against my pillows and Chris knelt over me, careful not to jostle my injured leg. He began to kiss my stomach, causing me to suck in a deep breath.

I tugged impatiently at his shirt and he lifted his head long enough to discard his shirt and throw it on the ground and then he continued his exploration, trailing gentle kisses all the way up my stomach and chest. He reached for my bra strap while kissing the exposed areas.

Oh, Chris,” I whispered in pleasure and then, to my embarrassment, I left out a giant yawn. He immediately stopped what he was doing and moved to lay beside me.

“You’ve had some pretty strong painkillers,” he reminded me, “this should probably wait until after you rest.”

I wanted to protest, but I knew he was right. Suddenly, I was having a hard time keeping my eyes open. “Stay with me?”

“Always,” he assured me, wrapping his arms around me.

I snuggled into his embrace and then exhaustion claimed me and I drifted off to sleep, my last thoughts focused on Chris and how lucky I was to have such a sweet, caring boyfriend.

  • End

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Mom. Writer. Dreamer.

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