In the Dark, Chapter 4: Aminah

Tippy’s Notes:  So, I’m so sorry for how long it took to have this part ready.  I really have no excuses other than life happened. Point is I am back now.  This chapter takes place pretty much where Chapter 2 left off. This is the part where the BloodBound Universe and the Cordonian one start to blend and Aminah and Eleanor’s very separate storylines start becoming one.  I hope that this chapter makes up for the long wait.

Misha’s Notes- I love this chapter. The action is starting to pick up and I think you guys are really going to enjoy where this story goes. I love Aminah and I can’t wait to see her and Eleanor play off each other, but for now, we get Aminah’s opinions of the Cordonians. I also really love Valerian, even though he is such an ass.

Summary: Adrian and Aminah meet with the Cordonian Vampires to ask for help.


Adrian and I weaved through the streets of Midtown. Alley by alley. There were so many I thought would never end. We find the right one not too far from Penn Station. There he knelt by a subway grate and popped it open.

“You have got to be kidding,” I said grimacing at the open grate.

I am not a New York native, but even I know that one of the most disgusting places around is the MTA. There is a reason why everyone in Sex in the City took Yellow Cabs everywhere, and it isn’t because Uber wasn’t invented yet.

“We can’t be too visible right now. Unless you want to go through the sewer system.”

“What about the trains?”

“They are running on the other tracks, and no repairs are happening in this section.”

I stop arguing. Adrian dropped down first. I follow after him and let him catch me. He sets me down, and we start walking along the tracks. I hear a train behind us. Adrian doesn’t flinch. I tap him on the shoulder.

“Don’t worry, it’s on the other tracks.”

The incoming train sped by on the other set of tracks, nowhere near us. Several minutes later, we get close enough to one of the old stations. Adrian climbs up to the platform and pulls me up. I think we are going to exit the station, but instead, we go through a different set of tunnels.

“Where are we heading?”

“The Waldorf Astoria,” He answers without looking at me. “The Cordonian vampires have…unique accommodations.”

“Lemme guess, they have a basement penthouse since Vampires don’t need to have surround views of the New York Skyline.” I let out a nervous chuckle.

“Actually, yes.”

Way to hit the nail on the head, Minah, I think to myself.

We continue heading through the tunnels. My heels make it hard to keep up with Adrian since every few steps I get caught in something.

“Not many people know about this path. It’s pretty old. This was built into the new joint entity of The Waldorf and the Astoria Hotels.”

I vaguely remember a Wikipedia procrastination hole that led me to an article about that a while ago.

We reach an elaborate archway. Past the arch is marble floors and glass partitions. Two identical guards in grey suits stand by a set of heavy doors.

Adrian walks up to them.

“Hi, I’m Adrian Raines, and I’m here to see Annelyse.”

The guard on the left turns to him and asks, “Do you have an appointment?”

“I’m moving it up. It’s urgent.”

“I don’t know I–”

The two large doors open to reveal a voluptuous petite woman. Her hair was a very dark grey. She was wearing a green low-cut wrap dress that showed off a very expensive dark green bra. Her eyes were also dark green. She is easily one of the more glamorous women I have encountered since meeting Adrian.

“You sir are very early,” the woman said pointing to Adrian’s chest. “And tragically dressed. What happened to the sharp suit?”

“Long story,” he said shaking his head. “Can we come in and I explain?”


The woman looked over Adrian’s shoulder at me. She gently pushed him aside and walked to me.

“New assistant? You go through them rather fast. She looks like she just came from a roll in the hay with a chimney sweep,” Annelyse said as if I wasn’t even there. “You guys still have those right?”

“No not for a while,” Adrian said.

“Anyway, I’m Annelyse.” She extended her hand, expecting a kiss. Her nails were immaculately manicured with an emerald base and gold leaf throughout. There was a large ring on her finger which seemed out of place with the rest of her delicate jewelry. I bowed and kissed her ring.

“I’m Aminah Moreau.”

“Respectful and a beautiful name…” Her eyes looked over my dirty clothes again. “It’s a pity you look like a lost puppy.”

Annelyse holds my chin as she moves my face in the light. Left, then right before she is looking at me straight on.

“I am sure under all of that dirt there is a stunning woman,” she releases my chin. “Anyway, I can’t just leave you both out there, come in, and we can talk more.”

Through the heavy doors, there is a labyrinth of elegant rooms and marble halls. I stopped trying to count them after the tenth door.

“How many rooms are down here?” I ask.

“I think 30,” Annelyse answered. “It’s big on purpose so that those of us who travel in larger groups could accommodate everyone in the same area. It keeps everyone safe. Even though I have this recently Turned vampire that likes to explore a lot.”

She leads us to a large sitting area. There is a large beige sofa covered in an assortment of pillows facing the door. Three armchairs are facing it. The one in the center had a higher back than the other two. In the center, there was a bleached wooden coffee table. When I got a closer look, the legs looked like tree trunks that splintered off into branches that held up the table top. Around the room, there was an assortment of mirrors. You almost forget that there are no windows in this room and we are entirely underground.

Adrian and I sat on the large sofa while Annelyse sat in the armchair with the tall back.

“So, what was so urgent that you had to come to my territory at the brink of dawn… dirty?”

Adrian took a deep breath before he explained, “Aminah and I are seeking asylum. It was urgent, and we couldn’t wait to go through proper channels.”

“If what I have heard about you is true, you have been eschewing a lot of the proper channels lately,” Annelyse replied looking over her delicate manicure for non-existent chips in the enamel before catching his eye. “Like unlawful turnings.”

“It was–”

“–urgent and had to be done,” Annelyse finished.

Adrian nodded.

“He did it for me,” I interjected. “My best friend and roommate was attacked and was on the brink of death and–”

“That is all very tragic and everything, but we have rules for a reason.”

“I understand that, but there have been a lot of unauthorized turnings, and the tribunal had a sham trial, and Adrian is being framed.”

Annelyse stopped. She considered what I said, rolling her thumb on her fingertips.

“To what end? More importantly, why should the Cordonians get involved? The council or whoever targeting Adrian sounds like his concern. Not ours.”

“This impacts our meeting greatly, Annelyse. As a result of the trial, my company has been seized, and all of its property, physical and intellectual has been seized.”


“That as well.”

“Well, I cannot make the decision to stay alone. I have to present it to the ruling body of The Table.”

Annelyse took out her phone and started texting. I couldn’t help but notice her emerald and gold case. She definitely has an aesthetic.

“Not everyone on the ruling body is in New York,” she continued without looking up from her phone. “We do have enough here to make a decision.”

Her phone buzzed, and she answered.

“Annelyse, Queen of the Cordonian Vampires and Head of The Table.”

She held out her finger as she stood up, mouthing to excuse herself from the room. Adrian and I exchange worried looks in silence.

“Do you think–”

I am interrupted by Annelyse’s quick return. There are two men with her. One of them is insanely tall, with dark hair, dark eyes, bushy brows and olive skin. He is dressed like a GQ-styled “bad boy,” complete with an expensive leather coat, simple shirt, tailored jeans and doc martens. All black. Strapped to his back is a sword with an ornate, heavy hilt. The other man, taking a seat at Annelyse’s left is almost the exact opposite. Blonde hair, slightly darker blonde brows, pale skin and piercing blue eyes. I can’t look into them for too long. It feels dangerous in a dangerous way. He adjusts his ascot and his perfectly fitted pants as he sits. Our eyes meet, and he offers me a small smile.

“We should begin, the both of you should introduce yourselves to our guests.”

The blonde haired man quickly extended his hand for a firm handshake. “My name is Liam Rys.”

The dark haired man made no move until Annelyse gave him a look.

“Valerian.” He spat. He didn’t offer to shake our hands or anything.

“I thank you both for coming on–”

“Can we get this over with? It’s dawn, and I would like to sleep,” Valerian interrupted.

Annelyse swiftly struck him in the chest and continued as the man wheezed.

“I thank you both for your prompt attendance. There is a matter of grave importance that needs your input.”

The two men nodded, Valerian’s breathing slowly returning to normal after being struck. Adrian stood beginning to plead our case.

“Right,” He started clasping his hands together. “You see, Aminah and I came here seeking asylum. Temporary of course.”

“Why would you need asylum?” Liam immediately asked.

“Well, tensions in The Council have been on the rise with the recent rash of unauthorized Turnings. Especially when we have a considerable Clanless population at risk of becoming feral at any time. Naturally, as a council of six, we have been at odds trying to address it.”

“Adrian, you know how small our community is. So you can imagine how fast word travels,” Annelyse started. “We have heard about the attack at the ball in upstate New York.”

“We have also heard that it was you that unleashed the ferals,” Valerian added.

“That is not true,” Adrian protested.

Valerian leaned forward. “True or not, you have to see that the evidence against you is damning. Your keycard was used to let the ferals in. It takes a foul creature to attack their own kind. I find that especially distasteful.”

He sat back in his seat, disgust tainting his features. He rolled his shoulders back and then shrugged.

“I say we leave him and his dirty mortal to their own defenses.”

“I am not sure, Valerian,” Liam said. “You did just express a distaste for people who betray their own kind and here is a fellow vampire in need.”

“An American Vampire who is accused of a vicious attack and on the run from the law.”

“We do not know that. He could be framed like he said.”

I couldn’t stand the pedantic bickering over semantics any longer. I found myself rising to my feet.

“Of course the charges are bullshit! Adrian was framed. He would never do what they accused him of. If you honestly think he did, why would you be interested in meeting with someone like that?”

“Aminah!” Adrian barked.

“No Adrian. I have to say this. Someone is targeting Adrian. We came here for a safe place to stay and help to clear his name. With or without your help, we will find out who is behind this. This is a chance to be on the side of right–”

Valerian interjected, his thick brows came together and his dark eyes bore into mine, “–Or aid and abet a menace.”

“Who’s to say that Adrian is a menace?” Liam asked. “Up until now, he has been an upstanding member of both of our worlds. What would he have to gain by instigating such an attack?”

Finally, someone with sense, I thought to myself.

Valerian raised his eyebrow. “The real question is what do you have to gain by helping him, your former highness?”

Liam shot up from his seat and Valerian joined him. Before either man could speak, Annelyse’s voice shouted at them.

“Both of you sit down.”

Her green eyes glowed with rage waiting for the two men to obey her command. They glared at each other before finally sitting down. Valerian was scowling while Liam’s face remained stoic, though I could swear I saw his cheek twitch. When the men sat down, Annelyse turned her steely gaze towards Adrian and me.

“Adrian, you know that Cordonia does not interfere in the affairs of others. We focus our energies on Cordonia first. What the American Clans do is no business of ours. Valerian has made his thoughts on the matter very clear.” Valerian smirked and her gaze shifted from us to Liam.

“What interests me is why you are so eager to stand up for this man Liam?”

Liam cleared his throat and adjusted his ascot. “I do find the circumstances bizarre. Don’t you Annelyse?”

She nodded, “I do.”

“I think we should grant Adrian and his friend amnesty. At least until we can get to the bottom of this. Besides, there is nothing wrong with gaining allies.”

“Allies have something to offer besides problems,” Valerian said.

Adrian countered, “Allies are like investments. Investments require time and resources to reap the benefits.”

Annelyse straightened in her chair.

“I think we have heard enough. It’s getting late. Let’s put this to a vote.”

She turned to Valerian first.

“What say you, Vale? Do you support the motion to grant Adrian and Aminah asylum?”


Annelyse turned to Liam.

“What say you, Liam?”


She nodded. Annelyse sat back in her chair looking down at her dress before her eyes landed on Adrian and me.

“As the Head of The Table and Sovereign Ruler of Cordonia, I move to grant Adrian and Aminah asylum…contingent of the outcome of the investigation of your alleged crimes.”

I sighed with relief. If Annelyse denied asylum, Adrian and I did not have a backup plan. If my time with vampires taught me anything, I doubt that we would have been allowed to live the Waldorf Astoria alive.

“Thank you Annelyse,” Adrian said. He kneeled and kissed her ring. I quickly followed suit. “I am truly innocent.”

“Good.” Annelyse helped me rise to my feet with a firm grip on my arm. “Because if you are found to be guilty Adrian, you and Aminah would be put to death.”

The relief I felt moments ago drained from my body. I know Adrian is innocent, but if we do not prove it in a way to erase all doubts, then I will die with him. I know the stakes didn’t get that much higher since we were on the run from The Council, but hearing that I could actually be killed rather than just risking it changes things.

Valerian stood from his seat. “Am I dismissed? Some of us are too tired to play hostess.”

“Yes, Vale. You are dismissed.” Annelyse replied with a wave of her arm, and he left the room. “Don’t mind him, he has always been a bit of a sulker and a sore loser. Liam, would you mind showing Adrian and Aminah to their rooms during their time with us?”

“Not at all,” Liam said with a small smile.

Liam walked us down the long corridor of the expansive suite. Our steps echoed against the marble tiles.

“We are still meeting later tonight, Adrian?”

“We are, but we have to talk about some details,” Adrian answered.

“Of course.”

We stopped before an ornate door. Liam opened it and revealed what seems to be a small living area within this massive suite.

“This is one of the guest areas within our accommodations,” Liam explained.

There was a small open area which we were standing in. A table and some chairs were set in one area off to the side. A casual seating area with a small sofa, a couple of chairs and a coffee table was to my left. Ahead were two doors. Between them sat a divan.

“The doors to your rooms are up ahead. You are fine with separate rooms, right?”

“Yes,” Adrian and I replied in unison.

“Each of the rooms has an en-suite bathroom with a shower.” Liam’s eyes trailed my body. “I know after the night you have had, you would want nothing more than a shower.”

“Yes. Thank you.”

“It’s no problem really. By the time you should be out of the shower, some clothes for you to sleep in would be on the bed.”

I nodded. I didn’t really need that, but something told me that telling Liam that I usually sleep naked would be incredibly forward. I didn’t want to sour his mood after he and Annelyse have graciously agreed to let me stay.

“Aminah, I know it has been a long night, and you must be tired. You can head to bed. Liam and I have a few things to discuss. I will grab you some time after you wake.”


I entered my bedroom. It was just as elaborately decorated as the foyer. There was a queen mattress in the center of the room covered in pillows and a thick looking satin duvet. On either side of the bed, there were antique nightstands. If I had to guess, I would think they were part of the Waldorf Astoria since the 50s.

I took off my heels and rubbed my sore feet before heading to the bathroom. Suffice to say it was also beautiful and luxurious. There was a glass-encased shower with a rainfall showerhead and ornate fixtures throughout. I didn’t focus on anything else since all I wanted to do was wash the dirt and grime off of me.

After a much-needed shower, I wrapped my now clean body in one of the provided fluffy towels. My skin felt amazing after using the body oil that was part of the amenities. The almond scent still lingered on me. Sure enough, when I look on the bed, there is a pink satin sleep set waiting for me to wear it. On the bench in front of my bed was a soft cotton tee and some Rag and Bone skinny jeans along with a bra and underwear. Everything was in my size, even though I never told anyone that information. I should stop being surprised about it at this point. Ever since Adrian hired me, every time someone has suggested an outfit for me, the clothes just fit and fit well.

Even though I wanted to sleep naked and feel the luxurious sheets unobstructed, I put on the sleep set anyway. I didn’t want anyone to think I was ungrateful for the thoughtful gesture.

It didn’t take long for me to fall asleep after entering the bed. I have no idea what will happen when I wake, and I am too tired to care.

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