In the Early Hours

In the Early Hours
By Misha

Disclaimer- Not mine.
Author’s Notes- So this was a request for “a kiss because we might both die tomorrow” from boneandfur and I know this is not what she envisioned but it just popped into my mind. This is a little preview of an upcoming College AU that I have planned for ACoR, a glimpse at the dynamic between modern Portia and Antony. It is also smut. Note, I have decided that I am giving Antony a new last name in the Modern AU and he will be Marc Antony (undediced) and that he will be referred to by his middle name.
Rating- NSFW
Pairing- Marc Antony/MC
Summary- College AU. Portia and Antony’s relationship slips into dangerous territory.
Words- 763

I slid out of the bed. Or at least attempted too, strong arms anchored around me, pulling me back in.

“Where are you going?” Antony murmured, his voice heavy with sleep.

Damn. I’d hoped to slip out without him waking.

“It’s late,” I reminded him, glancing at the clock. 4:19 a.m. “Or really early, I guess.” I hadn’t meant to fall asleep but Antony had been really distracting and then I’d been too sated to move and before I’d known it, I’d drifted off.

“Too late to be traipsing over campus,” he pointed out, “are you going to die of shame if someone sees you coming out of my room in the morning? Cassius, perhaps?”

There was no disguising the jealousy in his voice.

“If I wanted to be in Cassius’ bed, I would be,” I responded crisply, though privately I had the thought it would be a little unpleasant to see Cassius in the morning, more because of how wounded he would no doubt look.

“But you’re not,” Antony finished with obvious satisfaction, “you’re in mine.”

“I am,” I agreed, “but now it’s time for me to go back to my own bed.” Antony and I didn’t have a sleepover kind of arrangement. I attempted to get out of the bed again, but Antony’s arms were unyielding, pulling her closer to him.

“Do you really want to leave?” He asked in a low, seductive voice, his lips trailing over my shoulder and making it hard for me to think. “I assure you my bed is much more… satisfying.” His hands caressed my naked curves as he talked, awakening that familiar heat in my belly and crumbling all my resolve.

I groaned. “Antony…” He took that as the agreement it was, easily flipping me over so that he loomed over me, his legs between mine, his weight resting on his hands as he gazed down at me.

“I mean, we could die tomorrow,” he told me with a grin, “so why waste tonight?”

I raised an eyebrow. “We could?” I ran my hands over the hard muscles of his back, drawing him closer to me.  “At the Kappa party? You think truth or dare is going to get that wild?”

“Hey, it could happen,” he defended, “a room full of drunk and stupid college students, we’ll definitely be taking our lives into our own hands, so we should make the most of these moments, just in case.”

I rolled my eyes. “You are ridiculous.” But persuasive and even as I dismissed his ridiculous words, I arched my hips towards him in invitation, one he accepted immediately, sliding inside of me and making me groan. He gave me a moment to adjust to the feel of him and then he began to move.

His lips found mine, the teasing of a moment before gone and replaced by pure desire. His movements were rough and demanding, they were also exactly what I wanted, what I needed. I responded in kind, raking my nails down his back, arching my hips to meet his every thrust, biting at his lip as we kissed.

The passion just built and built until it overwhelmed me. I bit back screams, settling for low moans instead. “Antony…”

“Portia,” he groaned my name as he came as well, spilling himself inside of me before collapsing against me, keeping me pinned into the mattress. He stayed like that for a long moment, his lips seeking mine again, this time in a slow, lazy kiss lacking the desperate passion of a few moments before.

He finally rolled onto his back. “So will you stay? Since this could be our last night on Earth?”

I shook my head at his ridiculousness, but I laughed. “When you put it that way, I guess I better.”

I silenced the voice that told me it was a bad idea and that this was when Antony was at his most dangerous Not when he was setting my body on fire, but when it was light and teasing and he was genuinely likable. Because I wasn’t supposed to like him. The voice urged me to get out of bed right now, keep the rules in places, but instead, I snuggled closer to Antony, letting him wrap his arms around me and giving myself this one little thing.

Tomorrow I’d regain my focus and remember my goal. I had to. But for these hours as night turned to day… Well, I’d let myself forget and pretend that this was something I was allowed to have. That this could ever be real.

  • End

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Mom. Writer. Dreamer.

9 thoughts on “In the Early Hours”

  1. OMG I’m getting such Kenna/Diavolos vibes these two, even in college. I love love love where this is going and the whole thing about truth or dare was hilarious. Antony is DEFINITELY persuasive.

    1. Yes, I think there are definitely some similarities between Kenna and Diavolos and Antony and Porita, especially the modern versions and I have to make sure it’s intentional. But both Portia and Kenna are trying to think with their heads and ignore their hearts, Porita is probably just going to have more dramatic moments than Kenna because she is so young. And yes, Antony is fun to write in any setting and he is very persuasive, Portia will have her hands full with him.

  2. “Well, I’d let myself forget and pretend that this was something I was allowed to have. That this could ever be real.”

    OMG, this was everything I hoped for and more. Antony is… idk how to describe him except to say you got him down to a T… I know why Portia doesn’t want to leave his bed. The chemistry between these two is magnetic, it breathes on the page. They’re incredibly passionate, I can feel her resisting falling in love with him. It makes me wonder if he broke someone close to her, or if he’s just a huge player.

    1. Yay! I’m glad you liked it and I am really looking forward to this AU. I don’t think there is any universe where Antony and Portia could resist each other. Antony definitely has a reputation and has broken more than a few hearts, but that’s not the only reason Portia is wary of him. She was never supposed to care for him and yet, she does, more than she is willing to admit.

    1. You’ll have to see! She definitely has one and Antony is part of it. I love writing these two in any setting, they just sizzle. Thank you so much for the review!

  3. Oh I loved this so much Misha! The conflict between the lust and romance, the affection and the danger … I’m so excited to see where this series goes!

    1. Thank you T! This will be a fun world to explore. She wants him, but she doesn’t necessarily like him (or want to like him), but he’s also very persuasive and focused and he wants her. Plus all the other complications and drama that come from your early 20s.

  4. Other peeps have commented on it, but I too am interested in what goal exactly Portia has. But also, waiting to find out what happens is half of the fun, and I like seeing the push and pull between Portia and Antony, pun intended, and can’t wait for more

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