In the End

In the End

By Misha

Disclaimer- Not mine.

Author’s Notes- This is angst. OMG is this angst. So the inspiration of this was two-fold. First, I was listening to Last Kiss and it made me think of RoD and then, choicesarehard asked me to please write RoD fic, even if I had to kill someone. And well, I couldn’t resist that challenge. So here we are. This is set sometime after the events of canon.

Rating- PG-13

Pairing- Logan x MC

Warnings- Blood, major character death

Summary- He had always known it would end like this, with sirens and blood and broken dreams. But he had assumed it would be his end.

There was broken glass everywhere.

It was the first first thing Logan noticed when he opened his eyes. The next was the blood.

Red, the same colour as the lipstick Lucy favoured. “It makes me feel dangerous, capable of anything,” she’d confessed once and then she’d blushed, “plus, I couldn’t resist the name.”


He’d laughed at that, “it suits you,” he’d assured her, kissing her forehead affectionately, “troublemaker.”

It had been her turn to laugh, a melodious sound that had filled the entire car. There was no laughter now. In the distance he could hear sirens and for once, the sound filled with relief and not fear.

“Lucy,” he whispered, reaching for her and then stopping. The blood, it was hers. She was slumped over the wheel, and it all came rushing back. The way the car had swerved in front of her, the sounds of metal on metal, Lucy’s piercing scream.

Then the darkness that had faded into blood and broken glass. And now the sight of Lucy…


This time it was a scream and he fought to free himself, reaching for her.

But it was too late. He knew it before he touched her.

She was gone.

The paramedics arrived and freed him from the car, but he didn’t care. Barely noticed them. All he could think of was Lucy.

“Is there someone we can call?”

Logan shook his head. “No.”

All he had was her. She had been his entire world.

Well, that wasn’t true. There were people he could call, who would care, especially about Lucy, but at this moment, he didn’t care. Not when Lucy was…

It hurt to even think.

He felt fine. Sore, but the paramedics assured him he was unharmed.

It wasn’t fair.

How could he walk away when Lucy was gone? If anything, he should have been the one… It was what he deserved. How he had always expected to end up, dead or in jail. He hadn’t expected to get as lucky as he had. But this time, it didn’t feel like luck. It felt like a curse.

And a cruel joke. He thought of all the risks he had taken, that they had taken. The street races and police chases and how they had walked away without a scratch, but a simple drive to the library had been the end? How was that even possible.

He and Lucy had gone through so much, they had survived so much, now could it possibly end like this?

But it had.

Hadn’t he known it would end like this? With sirens and blood. But he had assumed it would be him that paid the price, not Lucy. Never Lucy. She had deserved so much better than this, so much better than him.

Guilt and shame engulfed him… Before him, Lucy had had this amazing life ahead of her. Friends, family, college. She was going to change the world and now… Now it was all gone.

Just like she was gone.

Logan let out a bitter, humourless laugh, nothing like Lucy’s melodious one. He should have known it would end like this, that the only good thing that had ever happened to him would vanish in smoke and blood and broken glass.

People like him weren’t meant to have good things.


  • End

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Mom. Writer. Dreamer.

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