In This Together (and other stories)

Author’s Note: This is a small compilation of drabbles based on prompts from a “Which Member of your OTP” list. Thanks to ladynevrakis for requesting these; I loved getting into Drake’s and Eliza’s heads again.

In This Together

Prompt: Which member… apologizes first

Note: This incorporates a HC I have for them that during an argument one of them tends to take their dog for a walk to cool down.

Rough lips brushing against her forehead gradually pulls her out of a restless slumber. A deep inhale pulls in the scent of the damp evening air with the slightest hint of sandalwood aftershave. The rhythmic clink of toenails on tile alerts her to his presence before the corgi’s dripping wet tongue tickles her fingers.

“Malcolm, all done,” a gruff voice commands in a half-whisper.

“You’re back,” Eliza mumbles groggily, moving her hand to pat Malcolm on the head. She opens her eyes to find her husband staring down at her, bathed in a soft glow of moonlight. “Drake, I’m…” she starts, but her words are cut off by his mouth meeting hers in a tender kiss.

“No,” he whispers against her lips before pulling back. “Not this time, Larson. I get to say it first now, I need to. I’m sorry, Eliza, I didn’t mean to upset you. Everything is just… it’s all feeling so real now, you know? And I’m… well I’m scared that…”

It’s her turn to interrupt him with a kiss, her hand reaching out to grab his with a reassuring squeeze.

“I said things too, things I didn’t mean and I’m sorry,” Eliza says when they break apart. She shifts to get up and Drake grabs her other hand, carefully helping hoist her out of the love-seat she dozed off in.

“I’m scared too, terrified even. You’re right, it feels so real all of a sudden, so imminent. Probably because it is.” She chuckles softly and places one hand, still in Drake’s grasp, on her largely swollen stomach and sees his eyes glow with a love that makes her heart soar. “Ready or not, he’s coming soon. But we’ll figure it out just like we always have: together.”


Important Reminders

Prompt: Which member… Write the other a To-Do list

“Larson, what is this?” my husband’s softly accented voice sounds behind me, alerting me to his presence in our bedroom.

I finish pulling my hair into a neat bun, then gently tug at my silky blouse to straighten it. I’m smoothing down my skirt when I nonchalantly turn to face him, fully aware of what he’s addressing before I see the white printer paper adorned with my heavy cursive clutched in his hand.

“That’s a piece of paper, Drake; one with words on it,” I answer with a smirk.

“Very funny,” he responds dryly, but I can see the hint of a smile flickering in his chocolate eyes. “It’s a list of things for you to do today. Remember, we made a deal: I’ll attend to our various courtly duties on my own today while you get everything ready for our trip this weekend.”

“I know how to prepare for a camping trip. I don’t need a list,” he quips, tucking the paper in question into his pants’ pocket before crossing behind me, quickly grabbing and clasping the fine silver necklace I was fumbling with.

“Thanks.” I turn to face him and lean forward, feeling his warm breath against my forehead. “Yes, I know. It’s just a reminder, to make sure you don’t forget anything important. And clearly,” I say, pulling the now crumpled sheet from his pocket, “you haven’t read through it completely.”

His eyes travel down to where my finger rests next to the final bullet point and watch as they darken when realization sinks in. I rest the list in his hand, place a loving peck on his lips, and briskly turn to walk away, just barely escaping his arms trying to capture and pull me into him.

“See you tonight, dear. Love you,” I say over my shoulder, wearing a smug smile at the silence I’ve managed to stun him into. My grin widens, hearing a loud groan as I add in an extra sensual sway of my hips before closing the door behind me, knowing he’ll be thinking of that last item on the list all day and hoping it will motivate him to complete the rest of it.

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Writer, fangirl of Seth Levine, and basic nerd

2 thoughts on “In This Together (and other stories)”

  1. Um… Wow… Okay… I LOVE These! ( I was a little worried about the first one.. 😂 )

    Poor Drake, he’s gonna be distracted all day now! 😆

    ( Also the Corgi’s name is Malcolm? That’s So Forking Cute! )

    1. Aww, thanks E! Drake has to work for that last item on the to-do list. ;D Yes! The Corgi is named Malcolm. I’m super nerdy and named him after a character I love, as usual.

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