In Too Deep

In Too Deep
By Misha

Disclaimer- Not mine, I’m just borrowing them for a little while and will return them when I am finished.

Author’s Notes- I don’t know why, but Book 2 is giving me a lot more inspiration for Amelia than Eleanor. This is set in Chapter 2 and inspired the encounter with Madeleine where you either have to agree to her twisted mistress scheme or say that you are in love with Liam and it just made me think about how mixed up Amelia would be feeling in that moment. This pretty much picks up from “An Impossible Situation”. There is a possibility I’ll be writing an Amelia fic for each chapter if things keep going the way they have been.

Rating- PG-13

Summary- A talk with Madeleine leaves Amelia frustrated. Sequel to “Impossible Situation”.

Words- 578


I should have just gotten on that plane, is all I could think as I tried to make through yet another social function, aware that people were staring at me and this was only the second day of the engagement tour.

I had weeks of this ahead of me.

Weeks of whispers and stares, of being the outside, the scarlet lady of the royal court. But I could handle the whispers and stares. I was a Brooklyn-born waitress who had tried to play high society lady for a few months, I was used to it.  I had never fit in with these people, even if they might have pretended otherwise for a few weeks when it looked like I would be queen.

No, that wasn’t what made me feel like running away and getting on the first plane to New York. It was the looks Liam was giving me from across the lawn and Madeleine’s skin crawling comments about how I could “have any part of him” I wanted behind closed doors. There was something seriously wrong with that woman, she hadn’t even blinked as she told me I could be her fiance’s mistress.

I’d muttered an agreement just to get her to go away when really I had wanted to tell her to go screw herself. Or shout from the rooftops that I didn’t love Liam. I didn’t want to be his queen and I certainly didn’t want to be his mistress.

That morning when he’d come to my room, he’d assured me that I wasn’t the other woman, not to him, and that he still intended to marry me, something that I was sure was meant to reassure me but instead just filled me with dread.

There was no way I could hand several weeks of this. Of Madeleine’s scheming and Liam’s pining. They might have different motives and end goals, but they both wanted the same thing of me and I wanted no part of it.

I really wished I’d gotten back on that plane.

What did a scandal in a foreign country really matter in the grand scheme? I could have gone home and resumed my normal life and put it all behind me. But I couldn’t do it. I couldn’t just leave like that.

Not when the Beaumont brothers needed me. Even if I didn’t marry Liam and become queen, my scandal had brought them down even further and I needed to at least fix the mess I had created.

At least Hana was back. It was a relief to have her by my side again, to have one person who I knew supported me but didn’t want anything from me. Even if I kept brushing off her questions and concerned looks whenever the subject of Liam came yet.

I wasn’t ready to talk about it yet.

I had told Maxwell and Bertrand that I had feelings for someone else, though I hadn’t elaborated who, and that was the closest I’d come to admitting the truth of the situation.

Liam deserved to know before anyone else, but before I could tell him I had to figure out where things stood. And maybe that was the real reason I had stayed so that I could have that chance.

The universe must have been reading my mind because at that moment I bumped right into the person who had been on my mind for weeks.

“Drake,” I said, wondering if I was imagining things, “you’re back.”

  • End

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Mom. Writer. Dreamer.

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