
By Misha

Disclaimer- Not mine. I don’t won any of the characters, I’m just borrowing them for a little while and will return them unharmed when I am done.

Author’s Notes- My first “Hero” fic. This is set in the first few chapters of Book One and focuses on Grayson’s feelings for MC (Lexi) and his frustration over constantly having their time together interrupted. I adore Grayson and plan to write some more Grayson/MC fic.

Pairing- Grayson/MC

Rating- PG

Summary- Grayson is tired of being interrupted every time he tries to get closer to Lexi.

Words- 631

Grayson Prescott had spent almost six years waiting for the right moment. Waiting for the time to be right for him to tell Lexi how he felt about her, that he wanted to be more than her friend and her boss.

He told himself that he had waited for a reason, that there had always been something standing in their way or the timing had been terrible, some reason why it was better to stay silent. However, he’d finally realized that he needed to stop waiting and do something about it.

Except he kept getting interrupted.

First, it had bene his father interrupting them the night of the gala, preventing them from sharing a kiss. That night he almost lost her and all he could think about was that interruption and that he’d never gotten a chance to tell her how much she meant to him.

So, in her hospital room, overwhelmed with relief that she would be ok, he’d started to do just that. He had started to tell her that he loved her, that he’d been in love with her for years. But before he could, her friends had interrupted and the moment had been lost.

Once he got home, he started to second guess himself and his confession, realizing that it was selfish. It would have made him feel better, yes, but was it what Lexi needed to hear?

Lexi was vulnerable, she had just been injured and she was grateful for his support and his help with her medical bills, if he confessed his love then she might feel obligated to respond, even if she didn’t feel the same way, and he didn’t want that.

Grayson wanted Lexi to be with him because she wanted to be. Not because she felt grateful or obligated. He wanted her to be with him because she couldn’t imagine being with anyone else. Because seeing him was the best part of her day and she couldn’t imagine a world without him in it. He wanted her to feel the way about him that he did about her.

That was why he invited her for dinner after they’d checked out The Grand.

It was his way of getting the feel for the situation. After all, it could be taken as a casual dinner between two friends or as the beginning of something more. He had left the restaurant feeling optimistic. Lexi had been warm and sympathetic, encouraging him to talk, but there had been something in her eyes when she’d looked at him, something in the way she smiled at him that gave him hope that his feelings weren’t one-sided.

He had offered to drive her home, hoping that maybe the right moment would present itself, but once again the universe had other plans. There was the robbery and then Lexi’s hurried disappearance, he still didn’t know whey she had run off like that, and the moment was lost again.

Once more, they had been interrupted.

Then, work on The Grand had begun and they were too busy for romance, though Lexi was never far from his mind.

Grayson knew he had to make his move soon or risk having the moment lost for good. Maybe he could take the constant interruptions as a sign that he and Lexi weren’t meant to be together, that the universe was warning him away, but he didn’t.

Instead, he took it as a warning about being too complacent, of just waiting for the right time, instead of making it happen. So he vowed that he would seize the moment soon. Maybe nothing would come of it, maybe she didn’t the same way he did, but he had to know.

He just had to make sure to choose a place where they couldn’t be interrupted, again.

  • End


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Mom. Writer. Dreamer.

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