Intimate Reward

Summary: After Selene saves Octan’s life, they spend the night together.

Author’s note: I managed to get this done just before Across the Void finishes up. It’s the only way I’ll ever get to be with Octan (so much for PB’s “last chance to be with the one you love”; he wasn’t an option!) It takes place during Chapter 14. At least I got some information on Deevine sexual response from Eos x Lyra scenes.

As the Atlas headed towards Epoch, Selene decided to go check on Octan. He had come perilously close to death in the explosion on Matara, and might be suffering from post-traumatic stress. She was rather shaken up herself. When she first met Octan, his good looks and long golden-brown hair with flowers had captivated her instantly. She always tried to be helpful and attentive to him, but hadn’t dared make a move. Artemis might not approve of her getting too intimate with the passengers, and she didn’t want to appear unprofessional. Still, every time she saw him, she felt drawn to him. When Rana had told her that Octan was trapped on the roof of the Senate building, she knew she had to find a way to try to save him. When she spotted the grappling hook pistol, she immediately grabbed it, and soon she was on the roof beside Octan. She tried to reassure him that she would get him to safety. They jumped off the roof and rappelled down the burning building, making it to the ground just in time.

She wandered through the ship looking for him, and finally spotted him at the bar. She walked over and turned in his direction as she sat down beside him.

“Hi, Octan. How are you holding up?”

Octan looked over at her. “I’ve been better. Thanks again for saving my life. I’m forever in your debt.”

“You’re welcome. I’m just glad you’re safe.” She reached out and gently patted his arm. “I wasn’t about to let you die.”

“Lucky for me. We almost didn’t make it off the roof in time. Good thing you’re such a dutiful captain.” Octan picked up his glass and took a sip of his drink. “Not everyone would take a risk like that. They wouldn’t put themselves in danger to save someone they barely know.”

“Well, it’s my responsibility to take care of my passengers. Besides, if anything had happened to you, I’d miss you.” Selene wondered if she had just given away her feelings.

“You would?” Octan smiled. “Hey, would you like a drink? Or are you not allowed to drink on the job?”

“Well, I’m always on the job here. I shouldn’t overdo it, but I’m allowed to drink. I even have a minibar back in my room.”

“Nice! I could use one of those. Especially after today.” Octan picked up his drink and drained it. “Guess I’ll just keep running up my bar tab.”

“Or you could drink for free in my room.” The words slipped out before she had time to think about whether she should say them. So much for keeping things professional. Surely he realized that she was offering him more than just drinks.

Octan grinned at her. “Sounds good to me.”

They stood up and began walking away from the bar. As they headed to her quarters, Selene wondered what might happen between them. Alone together in her room, drinking…that could easily lead to something. Before long, they had reached her quarters.

Selene unlocked the door, then opened it. “Come on in.”

“Nice room! It’s much bigger than mine.”

“Well, I am the captain. It’s one of the perks.” She moved towards the minibar. “What do you want to drink?”

“A Galaxy Blaster,” Octan replied.

She took out two glasses, fixed two Galaxy Blasters, then handed one to Octan. As she picked up her drink, Octan raised his glass. “To the beautiful Cyber that saved my life.”

Selene smiled at Octan. He definitely seemed to find her attractive. “Have a seat, anywhere you like.“ Although there were a couple of chairs in the room, she was acutely aware of the spacious bed.

As though he could read her mind, Octan glanced to the bed, then back to Selene. She nodded slightly, and they made their way over there. As Octan sat down beside her on the bed, he put his arm around her. “Thanks again. That was a really close call. Today was supposed to be about peace, not violence.”

“Let’s hope there will be peace soon.” She took a sip of her drink, then set it down and reached over to Octan, gently stroking his hair. Sitting next to him, she noticed how good he smelled. The blossoms in his hair and on his vines gave off a sweet fragrance.

Octan leaned in and softly pressed his lips to hers. She wrapped her arms around him, pulling him closer, and nearly spilled his drink.

“Oops, sorry!” Selene steadied the glass, pulled back slightly, and handed it to Octan. “I nearly got that all over us.”

“It’s all right. We could have just taken our clothes off.” He took a big sip of his Galaxy Blaster, then set the glass down.

“Well, we can do that without getting wet.” Selene unbuttoned Octan’s jacket and eased it off him.

“Oh, you’ll be getting wet,” Octan smirked. He started to undress her, and soon she was clad only in her lacy black undergarments. His eyes shone with desire as he looked her over. “You’re so incredibly sexy.“ He took her into his arms and kissed her deeply.

“Let’s see that hot body of yours.” She removed his shirt and pants, leaving him in his fuchsia boxer shorts, which perfectly complemented his vines and flowers. She placed her right hand on his crotch and could feel that he was already getting hard. “These need to come off.” She pulled down his boxers and pushed him back on the bed.

Floral vines adorned Octan’s body, traveling downward. The small purple flowers in the hair between his legs were darker than the ones on his head. Selene grasped his cock and moved her hand back and forth, then lowered her head. She opened her mouth and took him inside. As she sucked him, she felt him growing harder. Octan placed his hands on her head and tugged on her long blond hair. He thrust into her mouth, faster and faster, until he found his release. He spilled himself into her, and she eagerly swallowed every last drop. He tasted delicious, like sweet nectar.

Finally she raised her head, licking her lips and savoring the taste of him. “That was so good. Seriously, you could bottle that!”

Octan laughed. “It’s better to drink straight from the tap. More fun that way.”

“True.” Selene grinned and stripped off her underwear. “You said that you’re in my debt. I’m sure you can find a way to repay me.”

“Absolutely.” Octan kissed her neck, then began working his way down her body. He squeezed her breasts as he planted kisses across them. He flicked his tongue across her nipple, then took it into his mouth. As he sucked her breast, he slipped a hand between her legs. He thrust a finger inside her and placed another on her clit, rubbing it firmly. Selene felt the pleasure building inside her.

Octan kissed her stomach, then lower. He pushed her legs apart and put his head between her legs. Selene moaned as Octan’s tongue explored her most intimate parts. Her Cyber lines flashed as the heat within grew hotter, and finally exploded.

Octan lay beside her on the bed and looked to her. “How was that for a reward?”

“Incredible.” She caressed his chest, and the buds on his vines began to blossom. “Is this what happens when Deevines get turned on?”

“Actually, it’s because of what happened earlier. The explosion. When we see death, we produce life.”

“That’s really nice.” Selene gazed at Octan, watching new flowers bloom on his body. She reached between his legs. “I see it’s not just flowers. There’s new wood, too.”

Octan pulled her close, then rolled on top of her. “Guess I’d better plant it, then.”

“Definitely.” Selene grabbed Octan’s ass as he thrust himself inside her. They began moving their hips, quickly finding a rhythm. Octan’s vines entwined her body, pulling her even closer to him. Her Cyber lines lit up, creating a violet glow. They moved together, increasing their pace. Selene cried out loudly as she went over the edge. Octan followed soon afterward and collapsed against her.

They lay entwined together, kissing and cuddling. Finally they pulled apart. Selene looked into Octan’s eyes. “Wow. Just wow.”

Octan nodded. “You’re something else.” He cupped her chin in his hand and stroked her cheek, then kissed her forehead.

“Do you want to stay here tonight?” she asked him.

“I’d like that. I don’t really want to be alone after what happened.”

“I understand.” Selene smiled. “And I know what I want for breakfast tomorrow. Some nice fresh juice. All natural.”

“My pleasure, literally.” Octan grinned and gave her a gentle kiss on the lips. They snuggled close until they fell asleep.

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