
This short fic was originally posted on Tumblr for my lovely friend littleblossom-18 to make her smile after having to deal with some crappy humans IRL.

Disclaimer – Drake belongs to Pixelberry.  The other characters used here are mine

“Are you nervous?”

Cassie reached across and placed her hand on top of Drakes as he gripped the gear stick. She rubbed his hand gently, picking it up and pressing his knuckles to her lips in a soft kiss.

Drake glanced to the side, a smile flirting briefly across his lips at how sensitive she was toward how he was feeling, without him saying a word,

“A little, I guess.”

Cassie squeezed his hand tightly,

“You’ll like my dad.”

Drake nodded,

“Heh.  I just hope he likes me.” Cassie smiled as she gazed out the window,

“You make me happy, what more does a father want in a daughters boyfriend?”

Drake was definitely a little nervous, he’d had casual dates and flings with plenty of women over the years, but he’d never really had a big relationship until Cassie; one where your girlfriend had space in your closet and shelf in your bathroom, one where you were introduced to her father…  Drake was besotted with Cassie, if her dad didn’t approve, what did it mean for their relationship?


When they arrived at Cassie’s dads house, Cassie took Drakes hand and hopped down from the passenger side, wrapping one arm around his middle and pulling his face into a sweet kiss,

“Come on then, come meet my other favourite guy!”

Drake bundled Thor out and the three of them headed up the garden path. Cassie knocked the door as she stuck her head around the frame grinning,

“Hellllllooo? Daddy, you’ve got visitors…”

Thor whizzed into the front room, her father making a fuss of the crazy husky dancing around and whipping his tail like a maniac.  Cassie’s dad snapped his fingers and it was like a miracle Drake thought: Thor instantly sat down and didn’t move, well everything except his tail, which continued to thump off the floor… ‘Why doesn’t he do that for us??’ Drake wondered.

Mr Kapranos walked out towards them, he wrapped his arms around his only daughter as Drake hung back,

“Ahhh Cassie-bear, lovely to see you”,

he affectionately stroked her hair and kissed her on the cheek, giving her a big squeeze. She wrinkled her nose up, smiling at him,

“You too dad.  And I brought someone for you to mee-heeet…”

Cassie let go of her father, clasping her hands and grinning at Drake as he stepped into her dads line of vision.

“Dad this is Drake Walker. Uh, Drake this is my dad…”

Drake ventured forward, putting on his very best attempt at a relaxed smile,

“It’s very nice to meet you, Mr Kapranos”,

as he extended his hand to the older man, ‘Please let me make a good impression for Cassie…’

Cassie’s father sized him up, he’d heard a lot about this Walker chap from Cass; he was a good looking young man, dark mussed up hair, dark eyes, casually dressed but fresh looking. He was a bit older than Cassie but as he glanced over to his daughter, he could see that she was beaming, her eyebrows raised in anticipation as she bit her lip after making her excited introductions… The way she looked at Drake, he could tell she was smitten…  As if he didn’t already know; every time he’d chatted to her since she’d met him, it was Drake this, Drake that… Shed never chattered about a guy the way she did about Drake. Cassie was his baby girl, but her father acknowledged that it was high time she met someone to share her life with, to have fun with. She’d worked so hard to get her nursing degree and spent so much time with him, helping him recover after his heart-attack… She deserved some happiness: to be young and in love.

‘The lad looks nervous despite his better attempts…’  he thought to himself: he’d heard so much about Drake from his daughter already that he’d already pretty much formed his opinions, this was a formality more than anything else…  He thought it was sweet that Drake seemed to care about making a good impression for Cassie; someone who prioritised his daughter’s feelings was a good guy in his book…

He reached out his hand, a good firm handshake from Walker he noted,

“Very nice to meet you at last Drake, I’ve been telling Cassie to bring you over here for ages now, and please, call me Danny.”

He clasped his other hand on top of Drakes warmly. Drake grinned and felt himself start to relax instantly,

“Danny. Thanks for having me, sir.” Danny grinned back at him,

“Come on through, there’s a cold beer in the fridge for you son, if Cass doesn’t mind driving you back later…?”

Cassie laughed out loud,

“Dad it’s two in the afternoon!”  

Danny shrugged at her, teasing,

“No better way to get to know your ‘gentleman friend’ than over a cold beer on the deck, is there?”

Drake winked at Cassie who turned a delightful shade of pink,

“Your dad knows best Cassie-bear…”

End – VP 💖

Published by

Viktoria Petit

Love Choices: my fics are inspired by The Royal Romance, Big Sky Country and A Courtesan of Rome. These can also be found on my Tumblr profile 'SawyerOakleysCowboyHat'

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