It’s Always Been You

It’s Always Been You
By Misha

Disclaimer- Not mine. I’m just borrowing them for a little while and will return them when I am finished.

Author’s Notes- This is my entry for Day 12 of my January writing challenge: “All I’ve ever wanted was for you to love me.” and “All I ever wanted was for you to be happy.” I had Olivia in mind all along for this prompt and today’s chapter sealed the deal. This is a missing scene from today’s beer garden scene, a chance for Olivia and Liam to clear the air a bit.

Rating- PG

Summary- Olivia and Liam have a heart to heart.

Words- 782

“Olivia, are you alright?”

Olivia looked up from her drink to see Liam standing beside her table.

“You’ve been very quiet all night,” he commented, taking a seat beside her. “It’s… Unlike you.”

Olivia smiled despite herself. “I feel like that’s almost an insult.”

Liam looked alarmed. “What! No! What I meant.”

Olivia laughed, “Liam, it’s ok, I know how you meant it.”

And she did. She knew Liam, knew how sweet and genuine he was and that he was asking because he was honestly concerned. However… She’d already had this conversation with Eleanor and that had been difficult enough, she didn’t really want to have it with Liam.

“I’m fine.” She said, taking a sip of her beer. “I’m just not really the type to dance on tables.”

“I don’t know,” Liam teased, “don’t you remember Leo’s 25th birthday? I seem to recall there was some table dancing happening then.”

Olivia laughed at the memory. That had been a good night. She’d been eighteen and as carefree as she’d ever been. It felt like a different lifetime. Olivia could barely remember what it was like to be that girl.

“You promised to never mention that again,” Olivia reminded him. “Besides, you were on that table with me.” That was so long ago, back before everything had changed between them. Back when she’d still believed that one day, maybe, Liam would love her the way she loved him.

Liam smiled. “I was. And I’d be up there with you tonight if you wanted.” His words had the opposite effect that he obviously intended and her smile instantly vanished.

“No, you wouldn’t,” she said quietly, “not really.”

“Olivia…” Liam said quietly.

“I’m doing my best here, Liam,” she said quietly, “I’m glad you’re happy and I genuinely like Eleanor. But… It hurts.”

She’d never really talked to Liam about her feelings, not since that night so long ago. But maybe it was time. Maybe if they were going to move on, they had to get it all out on the table. She glanced around to make sure no one was listening, but it looked like everyone was caught up in their own revelry.

“I’m in love with you, Liam,” Olivia said quietly, “I’ve been love with you all my life and all I’ve ever wanted was for you to love me back.”

She could see the pain on Liam’s face. He looked away. “Olivia…” “It’s ok,” she told him, “I know you don’t love me. I’ve known it for years and I told myself it was ok, that even if you didn’t love me, I loved you enough for both of us and I was comforted idea by the fact that even if you didn’t love me, you would still marry me someday. Then Leo abdicated and suddenly, us getting married wasn’t a sure thing and then there was Eleanor…”

Liam was silent and she could see the guilt on his face. Of course, he felt guilty. That was all he ever seemed to feel where she was concerned, guilt and regret.

“Watching you fall in love with her was the hardest thing I’d ever experienced,” Olivia said quietly. “In some ways, it was better to learn that your father had set me up and I would never have had a chance anyway.”

“Olivia…” Liam began, but she cut him off with a wave of her hand.

“There’s nothing you can say to make it better,” she told him gently, “I love you, but you don’t love me. You love her. That’s ok, I can’t make you love me, but I’m going to need time.”

“Then I’ll give you time,” Liam said quietly. “Olivia, I really am sorry, I never meant to hurt you.”

“I know,” she assured him, “and Liam… I really am happy for you. All I ever wanted was for you to be happy.”

“I know Livvie,” Liam said, using his old pet name for her, “I’ve always known that.” He stood up. “I’ll leave you alone now.”

“Hey, Liam?”

He turned back to face her. “Yes?”

“If you want to cheer me up, how about you push Drake off the table?” Olivia joked, trying to lighten the mood.

Liam laughed. “I’ll consider it or maybe see if I can get Maxwell to do it.”

They exchanged friendly grins before Liam headed back over to the others and Olivia turned back to her beer. She’d go back over there eventually, but she needed a moment. However, talking to Liam had been easier than she’d thought it would be and more than that it had been freeing. At least now he knew how she felt, even if it didn’t change anything.

  • End

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Mom. Writer. Dreamer.

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