“It’s always been you.” – Chapter Eight

Disclaimer: All characters are owned by Pixelberry and I claim no ownership of them. Enjoy!


“King Liam and Duchess Olivia announce their engagement. See photos from their exclusive engagement shoot only with Trend!” The headline of the article read.

“What?” Drake leaned over her shoulder. “What?!”

“Liam and Olivia…”

“Are engaged?!” His jaw dropped.

“Holy shit.” Riley muttered.

“I bet Constantine is having a fit.”

“I know he didn’t want her to be queen, what with threatening her with her family history and all. Wow. I can’t believe Olivia is going to be a queen.”

“Maybe now is a good time to jump ship. Before she throws me in a brig.”

Riley felt her face flush. Olivia Nevrakis, of all people. She sat for a moment before typing out a message to Liam.

“I’m abdicating from my position as duchess in Valtoria.”

She waited. She saw he read his text, yet it sat there for what seemed like an eternity. Finally, Liam responded.

“As you wish.”

For some reason she couldn’t explain, Riley’s heart broke a little. He didn’t seem to care that she didn’t want to be a part of Cordonia anymore. Surely, he knew she and Drake had left. Bastien had told him. She knew it. She knew Cordonia wasn’t home anymore. Drake was home and she’d follow him anywhere. She looked up at Drake with adoration as he stared at the fire. Contentment on his face. He was at peace here, and so was she.

“Let’s do it.” Riley told him.

“Do what?”

“Let’s move here. You and me. Let’s buy a big farm house with a wrap around porch and get a dog named Duke. He’ll be the only Duke Walker in the family. And I want horses and goats. I want to be here, with you, away from all the mess and balls and nobles.”

“What about Valtoria?” Drake’s tone suddenly grew more serious. It was the tone she was more accustomed to.

“I abdicated.”

“What? When?” He looked at her confused.

“Just now. I told Liam. He said, ‘as you wish.’”

“Oh.” Drake’s voice carried disappointment with it. Not that he wanted to be part of stuffy nobility. He’d spent his whole life trying to dodge it at all costs. But Liam knew wherever Riley went, Drake would most likely follow. Could their relationship be so irreparably damaged that Liam didn’t care where he ended up?

“Hey, what’s wrong?” Riley placed a hand on top of his.

“Liam’s my best friend,” he paused, “do you think he hates me?”

“If I’m being honest, I don’t think Liam is thinking straight right now.”

“Seems that way.” He took another swig of his drink.

“Maybe you should call him tomorrow.” She squeezed his hand reassuringly.

“Maybe.” He emptied his glass and set it on the deck.

“You want to put this fire out and go to bed? You look tired.”

“Sure.” He yawned. He took a waiting bucket of water and dumped it into the fire, a brilliant plume of glowing charred soot gently danced around their feet.

He grabbed her hand and lead her upstairs to the guest bedroom. Riley started to change into her pajamas when she heard the bathwater start in the attached bathroom. Drake soon stepped into the door way with a towel wrapped around his waist.

“Care to join me?”

“I’d love to.” She smiled.

She took off her clothes and followed him. The water was steaming as he sank in, offering her a hand. She took it hers and climbed in after him, sitting between his legs with her back on his chest. He brought his arm around her while the other hung over the edge of the large claw foot tub. She closed her eyes as she rested her head back against him, her arms resting on his legs. He laid his cheek on top of her and closed his eyes. Welcomed quiet filled the room as he absentmindedly rubbing his calloused thumb over her collarbone.

“Hey Johnson?” He said quietly into her hair.

“Hmm?” She hummed at him.

“Will you marry me?”

Riley rolled over, the water sloshing around her. She pressed her lips to his.

“Yes, Drake Walker. A million times yes I will. ”

Drake smiled at the words and took her face into his hands, bringing her in for another, more heated kiss.

“I love you, Riley. You’re right. You are my family. I want you to be my family forever.” He kissed her again.

“Me, too.”

She laid her head on his chest and wrapped her arms around his waist, his heavy forearms resting across her back. It was the first time she felt truly safe since the ball. Her and him, thousands of miles from whatever was trying to kill her, and whatever almost killed him. She was excited for this new adventure, and to finally let go of the life that had brought her as much torment as it had joy.

“What kind of wedding would you want?” He stroked her hair.

“Oh, I don’t know. We’ve been to so many balls and galas and parties that I almost want something small. Just our close family and friends around. My mom and dad and my brothers and sister. Hana and Maxwell, of course. Bertrand.”


“Of course. He’s like a brother to you. I’d want him there.”

“Me too.”

“Still want that small wedding we talked about?”

“Yep, just like I told you. Savannah and my mom. Nothing big or stuffy. Just you, me, and the people we love at sunset.”

“A sunset wedding would be beautiful.” She nuzzled against him.

“I’ve thought about it more times than I care to admit.”

Riley sat up.

“You’ve thought about marrying me?”

Drake glided his hands through the water, not meeting her eyes.

“Well, yeah. I didn’t want to tell you when you asked who’d I be marrying. I thought it would never happen, so I just…” He shrugged.

“I want our wedding to be whatever you want it to be.”

“As long as you’re the one saying ‘I do’, it already is.”

She smiled and grabbed his hand.

“Riley Walker,” she turned her face upwards, “I like it.”

“Well, I call you Johnson. Would I start calling you Walker?”

“Do you think it’d sound weird saying your own name during sex?” She laughed.

“Now that you say that, probably.”

“You can still call me Walker,” she playfully poked him in the side, “we’ll save Riley for special occasions.”

“Have an example of those special occasions?” His voice carried a newfound heat.

“I might.” She licked her lips.

In an instant, Riley was straddling him. He wrapped his arms tight around her and nestled his face into the crook of her neck. A wave of emotion hit her. The way he held her was different. It wasn’t an embrace that felt lustful, despite the words he spoke mere seconds ago. He clung to her like he was afraid if he let her go she’d float away. He wanted her in every way possible. For the first time, he was letting her have all of him. She leaned forward and wrapped her arms around his neck. This isn’t a moment for sex. She could tell he just wanted her close. She gently stroked the back of his head.

“Thank you.” He said, muffled by hair.

“Anytime, Walker.”

“Not that I don’t want to…”

Riley chuckled.

“I know.”

Shortly after, they got out and went to bed. Riley laid her head on his chest and he curled his arms around her. Not long after they drifted to sleep wrapped in each other’s arms.


Riley felt the bed moving next to her ever so slightly. She begrudgingly opened her eyes and quickly snapped them back shut as the morning light assaulted her not-yet-awake corneas. The sun was barely up. She put her hand behind her, feeling for Drake. He grabbed hers with his own and planted a kiss on the back of it. She wondered why he was up so early. Or why she was, for that matter.

“Hey.” She said sleepily, rolling over toward him.

“Hey.” He smiled down at her.

“Why are you up already?”

“You really do sleep through anything, don’t you?”

“Everything except for Maxwell Beaumont knocking on my door.” She tried to rub the sleep from her eyes as she sat up next to him.

“You didn’t hear the rooster?”

Riley laughed.

“I guess we’re not in Kansas anymore. For future reference, no roosters at the Walker homestead.” She stretched.

“Deal.” He yawned.

The smell of cinnamon and coffee suddenly filled the air. Riley instantly perked up.

“Mmm. What is that smell?”

“Smells like moms cinnamon rolls.”

“It smells like heaven.”

“They pretty much are. C’mon. Let’s go eat.”


Riley and Drake got dressed and made their way downstairs where they’re greeted by Bianca.

“Morning, love birds.” She grinned at them, pulling a pan out of the oven. “Hope you’re hungry. I made plenty!”

“I am.” Drake walked over to his mom and kissed her on the cheek. “Thanks mom.”

“You’re welcome, dear.”

They went and sat down in the dining room to enjoy their breakfast.

“So, dish. What’s the courtly gossip?” Bianca popped a piece of cinnamon roll in her mouth.

“Well…” Drake swallowed and dusted off his hands over his plate, “Liam got engaged to Lady Olivia.”

“Olivia…” She squinted her eyes, “wasn’t she that little red headed devil? Was real snarky?”

“Sounds like you’re explaining Olivia now.” Riley raised her eyebrows.

“How on earth did that happen?” Bianca shook her head.

Drake shifted in his seat nervously.

“He actually asked Johnson to marry him first.”

“Oh?” Bianca’s head snapped back.

“I was brought to Cordonia as a suitor by Maxwell Beaumont.” Riley started.

“Maxwell, bless his heart. That boy has more energy than a fish whose bowl is too small.” Bianca chuckled.

“Agreed,” Riley smiled, “But he brought me as a suitor for King Liam when we met in New York City. There was a set up and my name got smeared. Liam had to pick another suitor while we tried to figure it out. Drake played a big part in helping me find out who set me up. By the time we did figure it out, I was kind of exhausted by the politics of it all. Somewhere along the way, things with Drake just kind of happened. I mean, it makes sense. He was always there for me, and with me. I just felt like a normal person when we were together. That’s when I decided I wasn’t really cut out for royalty. Liam purposed, but I said no. I couldn’t. Not with how I felt about Drake. It wasn’t fair for any of us for me to say yes.”

Bianca placed her hand on Riley’s.

“Listen, sweetheart, I get it. When I met Drake’s daddy, I didn’t know what the hell kind of a life I was getting into. It was overwhelming. The politics. The constant danger. I never quite felt like I belonged there. I was just some American country bumpkin with a southern drawl in the heart of Europe. Being surrounded by…” Bianca waved her hands in the air.

“Pomp and circumstance?” Drake interjected.

“Yes.” She said to Drake sternly before redirecting her attention to Riley. “It wasn’t for me.”

“Is that why you came back home?” Riley asked.

“That was part of it. Part of it was I missed my family. Unfortunately for Drake and Sav, it was the only life they knew. I gave them the choice to stay or come with me after their dad passed, and they wanted to stay. That was their home. I needed to come back to take care of my dad. Was real sick. I don’t regret coming back, but I regret not taking them back with me.”

“But Savannah did come back.” Riley leaned forward in her chair.

“She came back with Drake to visit about 10 or so years ago. Wanted to stay.”

“I know the feeling.” Drake curled up a corner of his mouth.

“Is that so?” Bianca took a tentative drink of coffee, eyeing him curiously.

“Yeah. Johnson and I are thinking about moving stateside. Settling down around here somewhere.” He rubbed his jaw.

Bianca’s face lit up.

“Well I’ll be damned.”

“That brings me to our next topic. I asked Johnson to marry me last night, and like the crazy broad she is, she said yes.”

“That’s wonderful!” Bianca brought her hands up to her cheeks, smiling wide.

“I’m glad you think so.” Riley smiled back.

“Let me see your ring, sweetheart. I wanna see if Drake has as good of taste as his old man.” Bianca reached towards Riley’s hand before noticing it was bare. “You don’t have a ring?” She quirked a brow at him.

“Er… No. Not yet. I hadn’t planned on asking.” Riley gave Drake a knowing look. “Well, I hadn’t planned on asking last night.”

“Oh, that won’t do. Hold on.”

Bianca got up from her seat and walked down the hall into her bedroom. A few moments later she returned with a little blue silk bag and pulled out a ring. It had a gold band with a perfectly round sapphire in the middle with two smaller diamonds on either side. She turned to Drake.

“Drake, this was Nana Walker’s weddin’ ring. She gave it to me right before she died. Right before I left. She wanted to make sure it was kept safe. I think Nana would want you to have it.”

Drake took the ring in his hand and held it up to the light to examine it. It glistened a brilliant rainbow on the ceiling.

“What do you think, Johnson?” He turned to her.

“I think it’s beautiful. I’d be honored to wear it.”

Drake took her left hand in his and slid the ring on her finger. To her surprise, it fit well. The universes way of telling her it was meant to be.

“Thank you so much, Bianca. I’ll take good care of it.”

“I know you will sweetheart. Make sure you take good care of my boy, too.“ Bianca gently patted Riley on the shoulder as she stood. “Now, if you’ll excuse me, I have some chickens to feed. If you need me, I’ll be out in the barn.”

Bianca left Riley and Drake to finish their breakfast.

“It’s beautiful, Drake. I’m glad I get to carry a little part of your family with me.” Her eyes fixated on the ring. She tilted her hand side to side as it caught the sun.

“Me too. “

Afterwards they went into the living room to relax, making the most of their leisure time. Riley’s phone rang shortly after they sat down.

“Lady Riley? Are you okay? Where are you?” Bertrand sounded frantic on the other end.

“I’m fine Bertrand. I’m in Texas with Drake.”

“Texas? How on earth did you end up in Texas?”

“We decided to take a beat. I’m sorry I didn’t tell you. It was a bit sudden.”

“Right. When will you be back?”

Riley looked nervously at Drake.

“I’m… we’re not.”


“We’re not coming back to Cordonia, Bertrand. We’re going to stay here.”

“I see.”

A long silence hung in the air.

“Have you heard of King Liam’s engagement to Lady Olivia?”

“I have. Maxwell told me. How’s that going over there?”

“May I be forward with you?” Bertrand sighed


“It’s a complete disaster. King Father and Queen Mother are furious. Olivia simply does not have the temperament to lead a country. Her and King Liam are so opposite. It’ll be a miracle if we survive living under a Nevrakis rule without a war breaking out.” Bertrand said defeated. “Maybe it’s best if you did stay. Not because your country doesn’t love you, but because I fear your past with King Liam will make you… unfavorable… in Lady Olivia’s eyes.”

“That makes sense, I suppose. I also have some news for you.”

“Go on.”

“Drake and I are engaged.” She said with a smile.

“That’s fantastic, Lady Riley. I’m glad your heart found happiness after all. I was saying truths when I said Drake should be who you end up with. His loyalty to you is invaluable. That’s a desirable trait in a person. I know it wasn’t what I wanted, but you taught me sometimes circumstances change and so do results. I’m happy for you.” He said cheerfully on the other end.

“Thank you, Bertrand. We’ll be inviting House Beaumont to the wedding if you can break away from court to join us.”

“I would enjoy nothing more.”

“Me, too.”

“Despite becoming a Walker, you’ll always be a House Beaumont member to us. We wouldn’t miss it. I must be off, though. Congratulations to you and Drake. I’ll speak with you soon.”

“Thanks Bertrand.”



Riley hung up the call and turned to Drake.

“Well Bertrand and Maxwell will be here for the wedding. I’ll call Hana later. He sounded happy for us, though.”

“That’s good.” Drake rubbed large circles on her back.

“When did you want to have the wedding anyway? Next year sometime?”

“What do you think about August?”

“August? That’s so soon!”

“The sooner you’re my wife, the better.”

“Did I hear someone say wife?” Savannah’s voice carried across the room as she come down the stairs.

“Yep.” Drake lifted up Riley’s left hand at her.

“Congratulations! Is that Nana’s ring?” She leaned over to get a closer look. “It looks gorgeous on you. Oh, this is so exciting! I’m finally going to have a sister!” Savannah sat down next to Riley and wrapped her in a hug.

“I’m glad you’re excited. I know it’s a lot to take in.” Riley paused. “We’re also staying here, in Texas.”

“You’re staying!?” Savannah whipped her head at Drake with wide eyes and he nodded at her. “This is so great.” Tears began flooding her eyes. “I’ve missed you so much.”

“I’ve missed you too, sis.”

“You know, momma always talked ‘bout wanting to do a wedding here. I think it’d be nice.” Savannah smiled.

“I think so, too.” Riley returned Savannah’s grin.

“When did you guys want to get married?”

“Sometime in August.”

“Oh! That’s soon!” Savannah’s eyes grew wide again.

“That’s what I keep hearing.” Drake said flatly. He’d never even planned a dinner, let alone a whole wedding. Clearly, he didn’t understand the work that went into one. He didn’t care. He just wanted to marry the woman he loved. As far as he was concerned, they could just go down to the courthouse and bypass a wedding altogether, but he knew Riley would never let that fly, and he wasn’t going to deny her anything she wanted.

“Well, if we took care of most of it ourselves it wouldn’t be too hard. I think we could pull it off.” Savannah stared off thoughtfully into the backyard through the large bay window in the dining room.

“August it is then.” Riley turned and beamed at Drake.

“If you ladies will excuse me, I have a phone call to make.” Drake pushed himself off the couch and walked into the dining room, leaving the ladies to discuss the upcoming nuptials.

“I can’t wait for the weddin’.” An elated Savannah bounced in her seat. “To be honest, I wondered if Drake would ever find someone to settle down with. He refused to date nobles and with him always being with Liam, there was little chance for him to meet anyone else. Plus he’s so closed off. I know some ladies like an element of mystery but getting through to Drake is like using a butter knife to knock down a concrete wall. You must be pretty special.”

“It wasn’t easy, that’s for sure. He’s a marshmallow under that gruff exterior. I don’t mind it, though. Sometimes I can get a little too cheeky. He keeps me grounded. I like to think I lighten him up a little.”

“Lord knows he could use it. Can’t be good for your health to be that grumpy all the time.” Savannah laughed.

As they quieted down, they could suddenly hear Drake, his voice loud and harsh. Riley and Savannah shared a worried glance before silently tiptoeing to the wall that separated them from Drake and listened.

“Why wouldn’t I invite you?” “I didn’t steal her from you. She makes her own decisions. She’s a big girl, Liam. I know that’s probably hard for you to believe. You just don’t know her like I do.” “Why are you acting like this? You’re getting married to Olivia. Shouldn’t you be more worried about the palace surviving that reign?” “Oh, that’s real rich coming from you. Like I’m not good enough for a woman who you clearly weren’t good enough for. I kept her safe, which is more than I can say for you.” Riley winced. “Yeah, because I took a bullet for her, and I’d take one for you too. I know you’re pissed at me right now. I get it. I’d be pissed, too. But I want you as my best man. Out of everyone in that damn place, you’re the only person I give a shit if he’s here or not.” Drake let out an audible sigh, his tone growing more even and controlled. “Just… just think about it, Liam. Okay?” “Okay. Thanks. I’ll talk to you soon.”

Drake hung up the call and the floor screeched as he fell into a chair. He let out a shaky breath and went silent. The loud bang of his fist slamming on to the table made his fiancé’ and sister jump. They heard him take in a few muffled sniffles and decided to let him be for a little while. Riley and Savannah exchanged a last somber look before heading upstairs and into their rooms.


Drake came to find Riley sitting on their bed, reading a book. He sat next to her and laid his head in her lap, facing away from her. She put her book down and started stroking his hair.

“You okay?” She asked softly.

“I will be.”

“Wanna tell me what happened earlier?”

“I don’t really feel like talking about it right now.”

“Sure. I understand.”

“Do you think we’re making the right decision? Staying here?”

“I think we are. I think it’s best for both of us. Why, are you having doubts?”

“Not really doubts. More like I’m afraid I’ll miss Cordonia.”

“You? Miss Cordonia? I’d think you’d be happy to be out of the spotlight.”

“I am definitely. It’s not that. Just leaving it all behind is a little weird. What if we never see any of them again after the wedding?”

“We won’t let that happen. We’ll see them again. Just not every day like we do now. I’ll miss them, too, but I think as long as we have each other we’ll be alright.”

“You’re right.” Drake grabbed Riley’s hand and placed a kiss in her palm. “Thank you.”

“You’re not marrying me for nothing.”

“How do you know I’m not just marrying you for you looks, Johnson?”

“Because if you just wanted to marry someone for their looks you wouldn’t have picked someone who refuses to let you sulk or be crabby all the time.”


“You wanna go for a walk? Get some fresh air?”

“Alright. A little time outside might do me some good.”

Riley and Drake walked out the back door into the late morning heat. It was only 9am but it easily already felt like 80 degrees. Riley basked in the suns warmth.

“Come on. Let’s go explore.” Drake grabbed her hand and laced their fingers together.

They walked for a while, stopping occasionally to pet a horse or a chicken. They came up to a beautiful brown and white rooster. It started walking towards her, balking loudly.

“Hey there fella.” Riley gingerly put her hand out to him and he pecked her. “Ow! Hey!” She scowled at the bird.

“Roosters aren’t known for their generous spirit, John-”

Before he could finish his sentence the rooster started flapping at her angrily. Fear filled her eyes as she started to panic, backing away slowly.

“Easy now.” She put her hands up. In a split second, it was coming after her. She ran as fast as she could from it while Drake doubled over laughing behind her.

“A little help here!” She yelled.

Drake waited for her to round him and caught the rooster in his hands, tears in his eyes.

“Damn, Johnson, I’ve never seen you run that fast.” He managed to get in between breathless chuckles.

“This just reinforces the no rooster rule.” Riley breathed heavily with her hands on her knees.

He slowly placed the rooster on the ground, suddenly fearful for his own safety, and it took off towards the house.

“Now that that’s over, shall we continue?” Drake composed himself before offering her a hand. She narrowed her eyes at him and grudgingly took it.

“You were going to let that rooster kill me.” She glared.

“No, I wasn’t.” He smiled at her before seeing the look on her face. He cleared his throat and carefully placed his lips in a straight line.


Farther down the ranch sat a large oak tree. They walked over and sat at the trunk of it. Drake brought up his knees, resting his elbows on them. Riley sat next to him and stretched out her legs, leaning back on her hands.

“So, you want to know what happened?” Drake shielded the sun from his eyes.

“If you want to tell me.” Riley closed one eye and squinted the other. Jesus, is the sun always this damn bright?

“Liam doesn’t know if he’s going to come to the wedding.” He picked up a small twig and fiddled with it.

“I’m sorry, Drake.” She placed a gentle on hand on his arm.

“I mean, part of me is surprised. I figured he could put aside our differences for this at least. I know he’s used to getting what he wants but he’s usually able to keep his emotions pretty well in check if he ever does have to compromise. Maybe because it’s me. And maybe because it’s you.” He shrugged.

“I think the last few months have been a bit of a whirlwind for everyone.”

“They have been, yeah. He told me he’d call me later, once things with Olivia and the press die down. Apparently, it’s a real circus over there. Him and Constantine aren’t even speaking right now.”


“Tell me about it.”

Drake looked up at the tree and stood. He took a large branch in his hand and hoisted himself up on to it.

“Come on.” He reached out towards her. She grabbed his hand and he pulled her up with ease as she found her footing on the trunk of the tree. They made their way up a few more branches before they stopped and sat facing each other, wedged in between two thick branches. They looked out over the pasture together and Drake sighed.

“Being here has made me feel like a human again. Small and insignificant. I don’t have a bunch of people watching me, which is a massive relief if I’m being honest.”

“You’re not insignificant. Not to me.”

“You know what I mean.”

“I do.”

Drake leaned back and centered himself on the branch. Riley leaned forward and rested her head on his chest and he brought an arm around her, resting the other above his head. They laid there for a little while, silently listening to tree leaves rustle around them. Riley could see for what felt like miles of green grass.

“What’s your favorite thing about Texas?” Riley asked.

“How quiet it is. The people are nicer. Southern hospitality sure isn’t a myth.”

“Hey, you know what would take your mind off all this? We should drive around and look at some houses if you want.”

“Sure. I could ask Sav to borrow her car. I’m sure she wouldn’t mind.”

They climb down and make their way towards the house.

Drake and Riley were soon driving through Texas countryside. The windows in the SUV rolled down, Riley’s bare feet perched up on the dashboard. Fields whipped by the car in green blurs. They drove around for a half hour before they spotted a small farm house on a large piece of land, a red barn sitting behind it. A “for sale” sign swinging in the warm breeze. Drake pulls in and they saw an older gentleman sitting next to a tractor, wrenching at it on the side. They stopped and climbed out.

“Howdy folks. How can I help ya?” A cigarette dangled out of the corner of his mouth as he wiped grease off his hands with a rag.

“We’re actually interested in taking a look at your house, sir.” Drake said.

“Sure. Come on in.” He extended a hand towards them. “I’m George. Nice to meet you. Y’all want something to drink? It’s sure to be a hot one today.” George wiped his brow with his rag.

“No thank you, sir. But I appreciate the offer.” Riley smiled. George nodded at her. He lead them inside, a wooden screen door slamming behind them.

They walk into a large, outdated living room, original wood floors moving noisily under them. He took them through to a small dining room and into the kitchen, which is more updated compared to the rest of the house. Beautiful white cabinets went all the way to the ceiling. A large island with 4 bar stools sat in the middle of the room. He showed them a half bathroom off the side of the kitchen before taking them upstairs. There were 2 bedrooms and another bathroom. They get to the master bedroom, which was painted a pale yellow and had a large master bathroom with a soaking tub attached to it. They talked for a little while before the man smiled curiously at them.

“You ready for my favorite part?” He nodded towards the back of the house.

“Absolutely.” Riley replied cheerfully.

The man walked them back outside and into the huge back yard. He took them to the barn first where there were two horses standing in a stable.

“This here are Weston and Grace.” He pointed to the animals. “They’re my buds.” He patted a black horse as they shuffled through the barn. It opened up to a small pond a quarter acre back and green as far as the eye can see. “I own the property all the way to them trees far off in the distance.” He pointed.

“Do you own any farm land?” Drake asked.

“Nah. I’m working on that tractor for a friend. Just a lot of land and a couple of horses. Farmin’ is a lot of work. I retired from that a while ago, which is why I’m looking to sell this place. It’s a lot for an old geezer like me to take care of. My daughter’s got a guest house she wants me to stay in. Not havin’ to worry about a big yard will free me up for a lot of other hobbies. But it’d be perfect for a young couple like yourselves. You still got some spunk left in ya.” He winked at them.

“It’s a beautiful home, sir. How soon would you be looking to sell it?” Riley asked.

“As soon as I can. How soon you lookin’ to buy?”

“Right away, actually.” Drake nodded.

“Well then I’ll get some paperwork drawn up and get this thing movin’.” He clapped Drake on the shoulder as he guided the couple back into the house.

After talking with the man about price and other legalities, Riley and Drake left grinning from ear to ear.

Once they get home they both jump out of the car, throwing their arms around each other.

“I can’t believe we’re going to buy a house!” Riley exclaimed.

“I know. It’ll feel good to plant some roots with you.” Drake buried his face in her neck, taking in her sweet scent.

“It sure does, babe.” She smiled against his shoulder.

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