“It’s always been you.” – Chapter Eleven

Disclaimer: All characters are owned by Pixelberry and I claim no ownership of them. Enjoy!


The funeral was at 10 that morning and Drake and Riley got up at 5:30 to shower and get dressed. Riley was exhausted, but she played it off as she just hadn’t slept well, which wasn’t a total lie. Drake told her she should take a nap when they got back to the palace, and she quickly agreed. They went downstairs for breakfast at seven to see Maxwell and Hana already seated at the table with cleared plates and coffee in front of them.

“Morning guys,” Drake clapped Maxwell on the shoulder as he walked past to take a seat across from him.

“Hey,” Maxwell said flatly. His voice sounded foreign to Riley, missing it’s usual chipper tone.

“How’d you guys sleep?” Hana asked before taking a drink of coffee.

“Alright.” Drake shrugged.

“Terrible.” Riley answered through a yawn. “I couldn’t sleep at all.”

“Was that you I heard out in the middle of the night?” Maxwell asked. Riley’s heart began to beat faster.

“Yeah. I went downstairs to make some tea. Didn’t do me any good but…”

Riley was cutoff by the sound of Liam walking into the dining room, buttoning the cuff on his sleeve. The room fell silent as they all stared at him. He looked up as he moved his hands to his collar, his body tensing as his fingers fumbled with his top button. Shit, they know.

“Is something wrong?” He asked hesitantly as he took a seat next to Hana.

“No. Just… not looking forward to today.” Maxwell looked down at his coffee as he stirred it with a spoon.

Liam began to relax when he realized his and Riley’s secret was still safe.

“Right. Nor am I.” His shoulders slumped as he ran a hand through his hair.

“Where’s Liv?” Drake asked.

“She’ll be here shortly. She had some business to tend to in Lythikos last night. We’ll leave in the motorcade around 9 and then follow the hearse to the cathedral. The service will start at 10 and at noon there will be a wake at the palace.” Liam let out an exhausted sigh, his chest heaving beneath pressed white fabric.

“Don’t worry. We’ll all be with you every step of the way.” Riley smiled sympathetically at him and patted his hand across the table.

“Would this be a bad time to break out funeral moves?” Maxwell asked.

The group stared at him, half bewildered, half interested.

“Is that a no?”

“Yes, definitely a no. But now I’m… curious.” Liam blinked at him a few times and scrunched up his face.

Maxwell stood up and slowly started dancing, his face sullen.

“Definitely no depressing dancing at the funeral.” Riley shook her head at him, trying to hide a smirk from the ridiculousness in front of her. Maxwell Percival Beaumont, you odd little gem.

Maxwell slowly sat down, still dancing to the beat in his head before finally collapsing back into his seat.

Before they could recover from Maxwell’s horrible jig, loud clicks from heels echoed through the hall. Olivia opened the door and stepped into the room.

“Good morning everyone. You’re all looking…” She stopped as her face fell, “terrible.” She walked over to the table with heavy feet.

“That’s about how we all feel.” Drake ran a hand over his face.

“We’re about to get something to eat. Are you hungry, Olivia?” Riley asked.

“I could use something in my stomach. Are you hungry, darling?” Olivia asked Liam. He shook his head.

“No, thank you. Not this morning.”

She placed a gentle hand on his shoulder and sat down next to him.

“We’ll get you something later. It’s not good for you to not eat. It’s going to be a while until our next meal. I’ll drop a granola bar in my purse just in case.” She smiled at him and he nodded appreciatively, attempting to smile back at her. For all her faults, Riley knew Olivia would always take care of him. Olivia was the only person who loved Liam as much as she did. If she could become a fair leader, she’d make an excellent queen and wife. Riley smiled at the thought.

After the group finished breakfast they all headed to their rooms to finish getting ready. Riley sat in front of an ornate full-length mirror and did her makeup while Drake put on his tie and cuff links.

“Liam asked me to be a pallbearer.” Drake sat on the floor and leaned against the wall next to the mirror.

“It seems fitting. Your dad gave his life for King Father. It’ll be a way to honor them both.” Riley said as she put on mascara. “Who else did he ask?”

“Leo, Bertrand, Maxwell, and Bastien.”

“Seems like a perfect group. Constantine would have approved.” She pushed the mascara wand into the tube with a pop.

“I think so too.” Drake leaned his head back against the wall.

Riley closed her makeup bag and hunched over, looking at him. The lack of emotion of his face made her uncomfortable.

“You gonna be okay out there today, Walker?” Riley rubbed his arm.

“Yeah. I’ll be okay.”

A gentle knock tapped on the door, interrupting their conversation.

“It’s open,” Riley called.

“You know, if you let people in like that, you’re bound to run into an assassin.” Liam teased at the two of them.

“Are you an assassin?” Riley cocked an eyebrow.

“I fear not.”

“Then consider us safe for now.”

“The motorcade will be here in about 15 minutes.”

“Okay. We’ll be down in a second.” Drake pushed himself off the floor before helping Riley stand.

Liam nodded and closed the door behind him.

They walked into the foyer where the rest of the group gathered. Everyone was wearing black with the exception of Liam, who donned a decorated white outfit with a red sash. The Cordonian crest hung around his neck with a brilliant vibrancy of blue and gold. They stood in silence with Bastien as the motorcade pulled up. He was walking with a slight limp but looked well overall. He led Olivia and Liam out to the first car. Bertrand, Maxwell and Hana climbed into a second car, and Drake and Riley went into a third. They drove off to a funeral home, and shortly after, followed a hearse to a large cathedral. A sizeable group had gathered outside of it and fell silent as they pulled up. Liam, Maxwell, Drake, Leo, and Bastien got out of their respective cars and followed behind Regina as four men dressed in military uniforms carried in Constantine’s coffin in front of them. They joined the soldiers and took their place in carrying King father inside. Hana and Riley soon followed after with Olivia. They took their seats among fellow nobles. Kiara and Penelope sat beside each other, their families sat quietly on either side of them. Neville and Rashad sat a few rows behind them, along with the Italian statesman Francisco. Madeline, Godfrey, and Adelaide sat near the front, right behind Riley and the rest of her group. The pallbearers stopped in front of where King Father’s coffin was placed. They dispersed and took their seats. Soon after, the service started. After Father Collins gave his short speech, and several nobles took turns giving remembrance to the late king. As the service started coming to a close, Liam stepped up to the podium. He stared down at the wood for a few moments to gather himself before he spoke.

“Thank you all for coming today. My father lived a life dedicated to this country, and to all of you. His reign was one with both triumph and tribulations. He always did what was best for us, even if it was at times misguided.” His eyes fell on Riley before he cleared his throat and continued. “Constantine was not just a king, but also a father to me and my brother Leo. He ruled with us as he ruled the country; fair and just. Though his work took him from us often, we always treasured the times we had together and the memories we made. He made the ultimate sacrifice for me. That’s a debt I’ll never be able to repay. I hope my reign will serve as justice and makes him proud, and I hope it makes all of you proud, too.”

Liam stepped down from the podium and walked over to Constantine’s coffin. He placed a hand on top of it for a moment and returned to his seat. Queen Mother Regina stepped up and closed out the service, inviting everyone back to the palace to further the remembrance. Liam, Leo, Drake, Maxwell, Bertrand and Bastien picked up Constantine’s coffin and carried it to the hearse. They followed it to the royal cemetery where a mausoleum decorated with intricate cement scrollwork waited for him. They placed the coffin carefully into the tomb. Leo stood briefly with his brother before stepping out, leaving Liam alone inside of the cold walls. He whispered to his father for the last time, bowed deeply, and went back to his motorcade without another word. Olivia followed him a few paces back and soon after Bastien joined them.

At the palace, nobles gathered in the courtyard and engaged in small talk. Riley and her friends all sat together, including Olivia per Riley’s insistence. Olivia would never admit it, but since she didn’t have a family of her own, this group of misfits was the closest thing she had to people who cared about her. After everything they’d been through together, it was hard to think of them as anything but. People occasionally stopped to say hello. Mostly they were congratulating Olivia on her new station. Riley was happy to be out of the spotlight for once, especially on a day like today.

Hours went by before everyone started to go home. The last few stray nobles sat together finishing off their drinks when Liam walked over to Riley’s table.

“I think it’s time to retire for the evening. I’m ready for this day to be over.” Liam slouched in his seat as he undid the button of his collar. He leaned back and put an arm around Olivia’s shoulder causing her cheeks to flush bright pink.

“Yeah, I’ve had enough for today.” Drake balled up a cloth napkin and threw it on an empty plate in front of him.

They all went inside and separated to their rooms. Drake followed Riley into theirs, already working on taking off his cuff links. Riley sat on the bed and watched him undress. He took off his tie and shrugged off his suit jacket. He made quick work of his buttons on his shirt and pulled his undershirt over his head. The only thing more attractive to her than him in a nice suit was him in nothing at all.

“I’m thinking about taking dip in the pool. I’ve got some time to spare before Liam and I go out fishing. You wanna join me?” He sat next to her and untied his shoes.

“That sounds great.” Riley answered, temporarily forgetting the impure thoughts she was just having seconds ago.

They changed into their bathing suits and walked out into the hallway. They only made it a few steps before they heard cries coming from Liam’s room. They stopped to listen. If it was Liam, Riley didn’t know if they should comfort him or let him grieve in peace. They quickly realized they weren’t cries, they were moans. And it wasn’t Liam, it was Olivia and Liam. Drake’s face crumpled up in disgust.

“As if this day couldn’t get any more traumatic.” Drake shook his head, moving as fast as his feet would carry him away  from the corridor.

“I’d rather sit through another funeral than to hear that ever again.” Riley followed.

When they got out to the pool, they were greeted by Maxwell, Hana, Leo and Katie. They all waved as Drake and Riley approached.

“Here to enjoy the plentiful sunshine as well?” Leo lifted his sunglasses to look at them.

“Yeah. I think we all could take a beat after that.” Riley sat down, Drake taking the seat next to her.

“Agreed.” Leo put his glasses back on and lazily fanned out on his lounge chair.

“You’re glowing, by the way, Katie. Congratulations on the baby!” Riley beamed.

“Thank you! I’ve been feeling awful. Jetlag has been the worst. But I had an appointment yesterday and the babies are doing well.”

Drake choked on his water.

“Babies? As in plural? As in more than one?” Drake’s eyes grew wide.

“Oh. Right. We were going to surprise everyone. So… surprise! We’re having twins!” Leo tossed his arms into the air.

“That’s so great you guys!” Hana clapped joyfully.

“Liam must be excited to be an uncle.” Maxwell added.

“We haven’t had the chance to talk about it since…” Leo trailed off.

“The bombing.” Drake said matter-of-factly.

“Yes.” Leo sighed. “Every time I try to see him he has an excuse to avoid talking to me. I’ll tell him when he’s well enough for good news.”

A dark lull sat between the group when Hana interjected.

“Well I think twins will be great.”

“Thanks. Us too.” Katie smiled as she rested her hand on Leo’s.

Drake stood up and strolled over to the water. He walked to the diving board and jumped in without hesitation. He stayed under the surface for a few seconds too many before he reemerged.

“Shit that’s cold.” He breathed heavily.

“Why do you think I’m out here in the nice, warm sun?” Maxwell said as he laid on a chair with his hands behind his head.

Hana had gone back to reading her book next to him, her wide brimmed hat casting a shadow over her face. Riley squinted over at them. They looked cute together. Maxwell could certainly bring out a side of Hana that was more fun, more carefree. Hana had the only side of Maxwell that no one else saw, except maybe Bertrand. He was never serious, except when he talked to her. The perfect yin to his yang. She almost felt silly for not having seen it before. Thoughts of if they ever got married danced in her head. Lord Maxwell and Lady Hana. She’d marry the spare, not the heir, but a rise in social status nonetheless. It’d make her parents happy. She knew it’d make them happy, too. She subconsciously smiled at the two of them when the sensation of cold water broke apart her thoughts. She looked to the pool to see Drake resting on the edge of it impishly.

“You gonna come in or are you gonna admire Maxwell’s sweet bod all day?” Drake teased.

“I was actually looking at Hana’s sweet bod, but okay.” Riley quipped.

Hana looked up over her book and winked at her. She got up, strolling over to the far side of the pool while rolling her curvy hips side to side in the way she knew drove him wild, and jumped in after Drake. The contrast of the cool water against her warm skin sent a shiver through her. She resurfaced and swam to the edge of the pool.

“Jesus, you weren’t kidding. This is cold. Leo, the royal palace couldn’t afford a heater?”

“The king didn’t believe in such frivolities. Believe me, Liam and I tried.” Leo stayed sprawled out on a chair.

Drake swam up behind Riley and wrapped his arms around her.

“I’ll keep ya warm, Johnson.” He kissed her shoulder.

“Thanks, Walker.” She smiled coyly at him.

He leaned close to her ear.

“Don’t think I didn’t notice that cute little ass swaying, Temptress.”

“I don’t know what you’re talking about.” Riley deliberately pushed her backside against him.

“So, how’s wedding planning going you two?” Katie shielded her eyes from the sun.

Drake and Riley startled at the sound of her voice as it tore them from their own world.

“Shit, I forgot all about that.” Maxwell shot up from his reclined position. “I have like a million playlists. Can we use them? Please, please, please?”

“You wanna be my wedding planner, Max?” Riley grinned at him.

“Seriously?” His eyes glistened.

“No. But you can definitely help me. Beaumont bashes are notorious.”

“Ain’t no party like a Beaumont party cause a Beaumont party don’t stop!” Maxwell sang as he snapped his fingers and wiggled in his chair.

“We haven’t really gotten to do much planning. I purposed, we told my mom and Savannah and the next night the bombing happened. We’ve been so wrapped up in coming back here that we haven’t really discussed it.” Drake shrugged. “All we’ve done is pick a date.”

“And when’s that?” Katie asked.

“August.” Riley responded.

“Oh!” Katie exclaimed. “That’s a quick turnaround for a wedding.”

“Says the woman who planned one in three months.” Leo jested.

“Nana and Carmen took care of most of it. I just had to find you.” She grinned at him.

“We know we don’t want anything big. Just our friends and family. Actually, I was hoping you’d be my maid of honor, Hana.” Riley smiled up at Hana, who sat up in her seat.

“I would be honored to be your maid of honor, Riley.” Pure delight danced across her face.

“And your best man?” Leo asked Drake.

“I was hoping Liam would be.” Drake rubbed the back of his neck, knowing Leo was about to give him shit. He wasn’t in the mood to hear it.

“That’s a bold move, Walker.” Leo chuckled.

“Why do you say that?” Drake’s voice carried a hint of irritation. Here he goes. Why the fuck did I even ask?

“You’re marrying the only person he’s probably ever been in love with. Now you’re giving him front row tickets to the show. Don’t you think that’s a little shitty, Walker?” Leo took off his sunglasses and stared at Drake, who sat there speechless.

“I…” he stumbled over his words. He wasn’t sure what to expect, but it wasn’t that.

“It’s not like that.” Riley chimed in. Her cheeks became hot. “He’s with Olivia now.”

“Oh, who hasn’t been with Olivia?” Leo moved his hand through the air.

Drake and Maxwell looked around, avoiding eye contact with the rest of the group. Riley turned to Drake, who had all but tried to drown himself to keep his gaze away from her.

“Drake?” She asked sternly. She turned to Maxwell. “Max?”

Both men sat silent.

“Oh my god!” She backed away from her fiancé.

“Hey, I was 16. That was a long time ago.” Maxwell pointed at Leo. “Like, literally almost half my life ago.”

“And I was… inebriated.” Drake admitted.

“I was just bored.” Leo shrugged. Katie playfully smacked him on the arm.

“Does Liam know?” Riley turned her attention to Leo.

“I think so. I’m not sure. It wasn’t ever a point of conversation.”

“Well now she’s been with Liam, too.”

“I doubt they’ve slept together. Liam was damn near chaste before he met you.”

“What do you mean?”

“Liam had only fooled around with a couple of girls. He never slept with any of them. Hell, the last time I’d heard him talk about anyone was two years ago. It got even worse once I abdicated. He started focusing on women fit for the throne instead of pleasure. He was always so disciplined in that aspect. That wasn’t a trait I inherited.” Leo smiled.

“Are you… am I the first person Liam had sex with?” Riley asked, almost completely forgetting Drake was still standing behind her.

“I believe so.”

“Sure didn’t feel like I was the first person he had sex with.” She rose her eyebrows.

“Ιησούς Χριστός. Λυπήσου με.” Drake huffed, exiting the water. “I think story time is over.”

“Yeah. Plus, we heard Liam and Olivia doing… something… on our way down here.” Riley said as she climbed out of the pool.

“Hey guys, Liam joined our Eskimo Brotherhood!” Leo laughed.

“Eskimo Brotherhood?” Hana said quizzically.

“It’s when two or more guys sleep with the same girl.” Maxwell answered, embarrassed by the revelation. “At least I was the first. Drake got my sloppy seconds!”

“Oh, does that make us Eskimo siblings, Drake?” Hana looked at him.

“Uh…did you sleep with Olivia, too?” He asked.

“No, but I did sleep with your fiancé.” She blushed.

“What?!” Drake shot a glance up at her.

“Ha ha! Drake got everyone’s sloppy seconds!” Maxwell exclaimed.

“Oh my god.” Riley buried her face in her hands. “And I’m not sloppy!”

Leo let out a hearty laugh at the flustered faces before him.

“So, Leo, Liam, Maxwell and Drake slept with Olivia. Liam, Drake, and Hana slept with Riley. And I’ve only slept with Leo. I’m so proud of myself right now.” Katie flashed a cocky grin as she took a drink of lemonade.

“Wait, I made out with Riley once. Does that count for anything?” Maxwell chimed in.

“WHAT?!” Drake looked over at him as Maxwell leaned behind Hana in a feeble attempt to hide.

“I’m pretty sure it was after you did, if it’s any consolation.” Maxwell said quietly.

“Δεν είναι!” Drake sneered. “You made out with Maxwell?!” He turned his attention back to Riley.

“You had sex with Olivia?!” Riley said loudly back.

“Who hasn’t had sex with Olivia?” Leo bellowed.

“Shut up, Leo!” The trio said in unison.

Riley slumped into a chair and pinched the bridge of her nose.

“We might as well all just become fucking sister wives.” She grimaced.

“Hey, we didn’t have a lot of options growing up. There were very few women around. None as constant as Olivia, anyways. She was just looking for comfort. A lot of it, apparently.” Leo scoffed. Maxwell nodded.

“Well this has been… eye opening.” Hana went back to her book.

“It sure has. I’m going to head back inside.” Drake snatched his towel off his chair and headed towards the palace. Riley rolled her eyes and started to follow him.

“Thanks a lot, Leo.” She glared at him.

“You know me. Always one for entertainment. Αντίο!”


Drake slammed the door shut behind Riley as they entered their room.

“Why are you so mad?” Riley asked harshly.

“I’m not even mad that you hooked up with any of them. But why didn’t you tell me?”

“Why didn’t you tell me you slept with Olivia?”

“Because it was so long ago. I didn’t think it even mattered!” Drake’s voice rose in frustration. Not with her, but with himself.

“I didn’t think it mattered either!” She matched his tone, not one to be steamrolled.

Drake ran a hand through his dark hair, letting out a long sigh.

“You’re right. It doesn’t. This is all that matters now.” Drake took her in his arms and pulled her into a tight embrace. “No more secrets, okay?” He whispered into her ear.


Guilt rose up in Riley’s chest. She knew if she never brought up her tryst with Liam the night before, Drake would never know. She decided then to forget it ever happened. She knew if she told him, he’d just revert back to thinking he wasn’t good enough and she couldn’t stomach the thought of him thinking he’d lost out to the king yet again because it couldn’t be further from the truth. From now on, it was them versus the world.


They all sat in awkward silence at a late dinner that evening, the conversation from earlier blanketing the atmosphere.

“So, I heard you two having a lover’s quarrel earlier.” Liam pointed a fork between Drake and Riley. “Everything alright?”

“Yeah.” Drake pushed his food around.

“And you, Lady Riley?”

“Am I the first person you had sex with?” She spat out, instantly regretting the words as they came.

Everyone at the table fell silent as they stared at her, including Bastien who stood in the corner of the room, watching awkwardly as the conversation unfolded. He’d had his fair share of awkward encounters amongst nobles, but this one was definitely in the top three. Leo choked on a bit of food and pounded on his chest, coughing before clearing his throat. Liam’s eyes fixated on Riley in shock.

“I…,” He started, “yes.” His cheeks blushed slightly as the words slipped over his lips.

Olivia stared at him with her mouth open. She felt like she did a lot of that these days. This was news to her. Not that she thought she was the first. In fact, she knew she wasn’t, but she certainly didn’t think she’d been only the second.

“Drake had sex with Olivia,” Maxwell blurted out; his nervous attempt to try and keep the conversation moving. There was nothing Maxwell P. Beaumont hated more than uncomfortable silence. Drake shot him a glare.

“So did Maxwell!” Drake followed. Liam’s head snapped back.

“I had sex with Riley.” Hana grinned proudly.

“Who hasn’t had sex with Riley?” Leo said flatly.

“Shut up, Leo!” They all shouted. Leo chuckled as he took a bite from his plate.

“Wait, all three of you have been intimate with Olivia?” Liam looked between the three men who all stared down at their dinner. “And you with Riley?” He looked at Hana.

“She was my first, too! She’s really good!” Hana smiled.

“She is.” Maxwell, Drake, and Liam all said at the same time before sharing awkward glances between each other. Riley threw a flimsy hand over her face, desperately trying to wish herself anywhere but at that table.

“This is ridiculous. Why are we even having this conversation? It hardly seems appropriate for a dinner table.” Olivia snapped.

“Wait, did any of you have sex with Madeline?” Leo asked.

Everyone shook their head no. Olivia rolled her eyes at her former lover.

“No, Leo, only you were brave enough to venture down that hell hole.”

“That one is still safe with me then.” He grinned.

“If you want to call your dance with the she-devil safe.” Drake jested.

“God, it’s like you’re trying to get your soul sucked out.” Maxwell winced dramatically.

“For your sake, I’ll pretend I didn’t hear that.” Olivia stared daggers at him.

“She suck your soul out, Liam?” Drake cocked an eyebrow at the king, who was becoming increasingly uncomfortable. He’d been in press conferences about assassination attempts that were less tense than this.

“A gentleman doesn’t discuss his intimate life.” He straightened in his seat, clearing his throat and nervously straightening his flatware.

“Then maybe a gentleman should be quieter, because it sure sounded like she did earlier. Or at least like she was trying to.” Drake gave Liam a knowing look and Liam cringed.

Olivia shifted in her seat, looking like she was seconds away from hurling herself out the nearest window. Her normal stoic façade crumbled under embarrassment. Riley looked at all the faces surrounding her, suddenly feeling guilty at all the mess she just caused. Katie picked up on her thought and quickly stepped in.

“Okay guys, that’s enough.” Katie moved her hands in the air and shook her head. “You’re making the ladies uncomfortable.”

“How do you not care that Leo has gotten around?” Riley asked her.

“Because we’ve both gotten around. Hell I had just gotten out of a horrible relationship days before I met Leo. It’s not about who you slept with in the past, it’s about the person you’re with now. Obviously, there’s a reason they’re not with that person anymore.” Drake glanced up at Liam, who was looking longingly at Riley out of the corner of his eye. “You have to trust your partner. Also, Leo and I occasionally engaged in ménage-a-trois’. Once I got pregnant we put a stop to it, but it was always about trust. And fun. But mostly trust. Trust comes first.”

“Only second to me. Ayo!” Leo joked loudly.

“Yeah, always you first.” Said Katie, annoyed.

“Interesting.” Maxwell rubbed his chin.

“So, Olivia, what are you doing later?” Leo winked at her. Katie stared ahead with a deadpan expression and took a drink of her water. She looked like she’d halted this conversation a million times in the past.

“That’s still your brother’s future wife you know.” She looked at Olivia. “Not that she isn’t a worthy partner. Or so I hear. Too bad I’ll never know.”

Olivia stared painfully at her plate before shoving it away.

“Has anyone else lost their appetite?”

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