“It’s always been you.” – Chapter Fifteen

Disclaimer: All characters (with the exception of the ones I’ve created) are owned by Pixelberry and I claim no ownership of them. Enjoy!


Riley spent the next morning with Bianca and Savannah lazing around the house and catching them up on what had happened since the last time they were in Texas. The women seemed to enjoy the whimsy of noble life and listened intently as Riley described her and Drake’s home in Valtoria. At one point Savannah had suggested going to get their nails done and enjoy some girl time. Riley enthusiastically agreed. She loved Drake, but without Hana there she was definitely missing having another girl to pal around with. Afterwards Savannah asked if she could test out a hairstyle she’d been wanting to try that she couldn’t quite do on herself yet. Riley quickly understood as she watched Savannah put an ungodly amount of bobby pins in her hair. Riley suggested putting on makeup to try and figure out what she would wear for the wedding. Though she assumed the palace would have someone for her, she thought if her hair was already done up, she might as well complete the look. They talked and laughed for the better part of the day. It got to be late afternoon and Bianca knocked on Savannah’s door.

“I’ve got something for you.” Bianca beamed at Riley, handing her a large white bag with a blue bow.

To the love of my life.

Riley opened it to reveal a long white lace gown. She glanced between the two women, who were practically vibrating with excitement.

“What is this?” She tilted her head.

“Just put it on dear. Let us know if you need help.”

Riley went into hers and Drake’s room and slipped the dress on. It had capped lace sleeves and a sweetheart neckline. It was a trumpet-style dress that hugged her curves tightly and was finished off by a short train. She looked at herself in the mirror and wondered what Drake had up his sleeve. She walked back over to the bag and looked in to find a box tucked into the bottom. She pulled it out and read the note attached to it.

“You may not be an actual queen, but you’ll always be my queen. I hope I did okay. Dress shopping isn’t really on my resume. Can’t wait to see you. I’m sure you’ll be beautiful no matter what.

x Drake

P.s.- Check the closet.”

Tears filled her eyes as she opened the box. A simple, small tiara sat on the neatly folded train of a veil. She carefully put both on and took a deep breath before turning back towards the mirror.

This. This is what he has planned.

She walked to the closet and opened it to find a shoe box with beautiful white heels inside it. They fit perfectly on her feet and she spun in a quick circle in them.

She opened the door to the room and walked carefully down the stairs. She peaked out over the banisters and saw Hana, Bianca and Savannah standing in the living room, their eyes fixated on her in her bridal gown.

“Well I’ll be damned. The boy does have some good taste in fashion after all.” Bianca chuckled as she wiped a stray tear from her face.

“You look so beautiful, Riley.” Said Hana.

“Now if you’re ready, we have somewhere to be.” Savannah motioned towards the door and to a waiting limo.

“Let’s go.” Riley smiled warmly at the group before making her way out the door and to their ride. Hana was careful to make sure Riley’s train didn’t get caught up in the Texas dust as she walked across the stone driveway.

“I have questions.” Riley hid a giddy grin behind a glass of champagne, looking towards Bianca who sat across from her in a flowing purple dress.

“They’ll all be answered soon, sweetheart. For now, just sit back and enjoy the ride.”

They quickly came up on Riley and Drake’s house, which sat fairly quiet and empty with the exception of Drake’s red truck in the driveway. They all got out and Hana once more trailed Riley to hold her dress. As she walked up the stairs, the door opened and Riley’s dad stood in the doorway.

“Daddy!” She threw her arms around her father James as tears of joy fell down her face.

“You look beautiful, angel.” Her dad squeezed her tight.

“Is mom here? Jack? Greyson? Chrissy?” Her voice grew more eager with every name she spoke.

“Why don’t we go find out?”  He offered her his arm and she linked it through hers.

“I think you might be needing these.” Savannah stepped up beside her and handed her a bouquet of white roses with bluebells tucked among them before handing a smaller one to Hana.

“See you in a few minutes.” Hana grinned as she walked towards the kitchen and out the back door. Bianca patted Riley on the shoulder and her and Savannah followed Hana.

“You nervous, kiddo?”

Riley blinked away a few more happy tears and a content smile crossed her face.

“No. Not at all. Are you?”

“Yes.” James laughed. “No dad is ever ready to give his baby away.”

“I know, but at least it’s to a man thoughtful enough to do all this for her.”

“You’re right about that. We better get movin’. There’s someone anxiously waiting for you.”

Riley nodded and they walked through the house. Any window with a view to the backyard had its blinds strategically closed, including the window inset on the back door. Her father leaned forward and gently tapped the white wood that separated them from whatever was outside. A second later, Bertrand opened it with a smile to reveal all her friends and family staring at her from beautiful white chairs set up in their lawn.

“If you would please rise.” A distant voice proclaimed.

They all stood and she glanced at everyone row by row. First, she saw Penelope, Kiara and Zeke, Merlin and Morgana wagging their tails quickly beside Penelope’s feet. Bastien, Queen Mother Regina, Leo and Katie, who was now visibly pregnant, sat in front of them, smiles dancing across their faces. In the first row was Bianca, Savannah, and a man she assumed was Drake’s friend from Texas he’d talked about, Jeremiah. She quickly glimpsed over to her side and saw her mom Lynn sitting next to her sister in the front row with Olivia and her brothers sitting right behind them. Next to Jack was Riley’s best friend since childhood Jess, who waved enthusiastically at the sight of Riley. While she was looking around at all her friends and family, she quickly noticed Maxwell wasn’t among them. Her eyes went towards the beautiful flower arch at the end of a long white walkway to see him standing at the end of it with his hands behind his back, the biggest smile she’d ever seen from him plastered on his face. Hana was standing to his right and she scanned in what felt like slow motion to his left. There he was. Drake. Standing with his hands folded neatly in front of him. She was surprisingly relieved he hadn’t shaved that morning since it wouldn’t have been him without his rugged scruff. He had on gray slacks with a matching gray vest and a short sleeve baby blue button up on underneath it with a matching gray tie. A satisfied smirk played across his lips as he cocked an eyebrow at her. Liam beamed wildly at his best friends, so proud of how far they’d both come. She suddenly felt overcome with emotion, her feet nearly cemented to the ground. Her grip on her dads arm tightened and he gave her a small reassuring pat on her hand.

“Come now, Lady Riley. Your Duke Charming awaits.” Bertrand said in a soft, uncharacteristically soothing tone. Riley nodded at him.

She and her father walked slowly as soft music played. The entire time she moved she never took her eyes off Drake, who looked moments away from tears. The sight brought Riley to more tears of her own. She wasn’t even sure she’d really stopped crying since she saw her dad. He did this all for her. He knew they wouldn’t have the opportunity for this moment ever again. He’d actually been planning it unbeknownst to her since she officially accepted her place as duchess with help from his mom and sister while him and Liam worked around the Unity Tour schedule so they could all get away.

I can’t believe we pulled it off, he thought to himself.

Riley reached the end of the isle and gave her father a kiss on the cheek before he took his seat. She handed her bouquet to Hana and turned to Drake, who’s smirk had turned into a full-fledged, ridiculous smile as she stepped in front of him. He took her hands in his, rubbing his thumbs nervously over her soft, smooth skin. Maxwell waited a moment then began to speak.

“We are gathered here today to join Riley Mae Johnson and Drake Jackson Walker in marriage. I’ve known Drake for going on 20 years now, and Riley for a little over a year, and I think I can speak for everyone who’s known Drake longer than 10 minutes that the fact that I even get to have the honor of standing before you today is an actual miracle.” Maxwell made finger guns at Drake, who shook his head with a smirk as the guests let out a chuckle. “But nonetheless, we’re all here to witness the beginning of a beautiful journey as I join these two together as husband and wife. Drake, do you have a few words you’d like to say?”

Drake took a deep breath and looked down at Riley.

“Johnson…” he paused, “Riley. I knew you were trouble from the moment I met you, and every day since then you’ve proven me right. You’re sarcastic. You’re challenging. You’re difficult. Despite those sounding like less than admirable traits, those are all the things that made me fall in love with you. You’re the only person I’ve ever met that doesn’t let me get away with anything. Until I met you, I’d come to terms with the fact that I might never meet someone worth falling in love with. But dammit, you were like a hurricane that just picked me up and took me for a ride. There’s not one adventure we’ve been on that I’d give back. Every moment, good and bad, led us here with all of our family and friends watching me get to marry the only crazy broad willing to be my wife. I promise to cherish every day with you. I promise to support you. I promise to carry you when your feet get heavy. As long as I live, I promise to make the most of every day with you and to be your partner in every adventure from this day forward.”

Riley wiped a tear from her cheek and smiled at him.

“I know we didn’t exactly give you time to plan, but is there anything you’d like to say?” Maxwell turned to her.

“No, that’s okay.” She shrugged.

“Oh.” Maxwell said flatly.

“Just kidding.” She winked at Drake and he let out a sigh.

“Trouble.” He murmured playfully.

“Drake Walker, the man with the personality of a Cordonian Ruby apple.” Liam failed to stifle a laugh at the truth of the comparison of his friend to the bitter, sour fruit. He quickly cleared his throat and motioned at her to continue. “When I envisioned myself getting married, I never knew who it was to. I saw the dress and my family, but until I came to Cordonia, I’d never met someone like you; someone worth building a life with. Your bravery and loyalty to those you love made me fall in love with you. You’ve always had my back, no matter what we were going through. Every journey we’ve been on was made better just by having you next to me. You helped me go on when all I wanted to do was collapse. You gave me strength in my darkest hours. I promise to always push you when you need pushing. I promise to always make you laugh even when you insist on being insufferable. And I promise to always be by your side, no matter where life takes us.”

Maxwell stared doe-eyed at the couple for a few second before Drake looked at him.

“Max?” He whispered.

“Oh! Right! And the rings?” Maxwell motioned towards Liam and Hana, who each handed a ring to Drake and Riley.

“Drake,” Maxwell turned to his friend, “do you take Riley to be your wedded wife, to live together in marriage? Do you promise to love her, comfort her, honor and keep her for better or worse, for richer or poorer, in sickness and in health, and forsaking all others, be faithful only to her for as long as you both shall live?”

“I do.” Drake said proudly, sliding a silver band onto Riley’s finger.

“Little Blossom, do you take Drake to be your wedded husband, to live together in marriage? Do you promise to love him, comfort him, honor and keep him for better or worse, for richer or poorer, in sickness and in health, forsaking all others, be faithful to only him for as long as you both shall live?”

“I do.” She swallowed back more tears as she slipped a thick silver ring onto Drake’s finger.

“By the power invested in me by Cordonia, and as of late last night, the state of Texas, I now pronounce you husband and wife. May you seal this blessed union with a kiss!”

Drake wrapped an arm around Riley’s waist and pulled her to him, snaking another hand onto the back of her neck and joining his lips with hers. Deafening cheers came from their friends and family around them. Drake pulled back and rested her forehead on hers, smiling.

“Hey Mrs. Walker.”

“Hey Mr. Walker.” She returned his grin.

They faced the crowd hand in hand and the guests fell silent. Riley looked around mischievously before proclaiming loudly,

“Let’s get this party started!”

Another round of cheers broke out and she kissed Drake one more time before heading up towards the house on her husband’s arm. They quickly went upstairs per her husband’s request.

“So, how’d we do?” Drake stood in front of Riley.

“It was perfect. You’re perfect. Life is perfect.”

“It sure as hell is.” He planted another kiss on her lips. “I have one more surprise for you.” He reached over on top of his dresser and handed her a gift bag with tissue paper peeking out the top.

“Another surprise?” She took the bag from him and took out the paper. She pulled out a sleeveless white satin gown with a puffy skirt that stopped just above the knee. She held it up to look at it, then glanced around it with a smile to look at Drake, who anxiously awaited her reaction. “It’s gorgeous.”

“Put it on quick, Walker. We have a reception to get to.”

They went back outside 15 minutes later to see the chairs now around five round tables and a sound system next to the large deck off their back porch. A caterer had just pulled in with trays of food when Riley noticed the smell of barbeque filling the air.

“That. Smells. Delicious.” She sniffed.

“Pulled pork, ribs, green beans, cornbread, apple pie, potatoes, coleslaw, mac and cheese, and baked beans.” He rubbed his hands together as the catering team laid out banquet dishes filled with food.

Once they were done setting up, the couple quickly went over and filled their plates with delicious food, an ode to their meal on the beach back in Cordonia. American comfort food at its finest. They sat down at the head table and Liam, Olivia, Maxwell and Hana quickly followed. They all took their seats and Riley looked over just in time to see Maxwell lean in and whisper into Hana ears, earning a giggle from her.

“Max, I didn’t know you were an officiant.” Riley look over at him.

“We had a peacock wedding at house Beaumont once and I wanted to make it official!”

“Why am I not surprised.” Drake said before taking a bite of potatoes.

“I’m a man of many talents! I keep telling you this.”

“You know, had Maxwell not been able to perform the ceremony, Leo is also an officiant.” Liam motioned towards his brother.

“Really?” Riley’s tone was more condescending than she had intended. Not that she didn’t think Leo had the poise to perform such a ceremony, but more so that she thought he’d lacked the desire.

“Yes. So is Regina along with myself. Leo is actually officiating Olivia and I’s wedding. Normally it would have been my father, but Leo is just as well. Might even bring a little levity to it such a stoic event. No matter though, we would have gotten you two married one way or another, but it seems only fitting since Lord Maxwell brought you together that he be the one to do it.”

She nodded in agreeance.

“So, Drake, how does it feel to have a real job now?” Olivia flicked a grin at him.

Drake cocked his head and looked towards the sky.

“Yes, Duke Drake.” Riley elbowed him.

“Still feels just about the same.”

“That’ll all change once your formal wedding is held. For that one, you will need a royal officiant.” Liam chimed in.

“Hands down, Leo. He definitely knows how to shake things up.” Drake echoed Liam’s earlier sentiments.

“Indeed. We’ll start planning that wedding shortly after we return to Cordonia once the Unity Tour is over. Speaking of which, we’re off tomorrow morning to go back. We have Kiara’s estate last and then our wedding is next week.”

Olivia hid a small smirk. 10 days from now she’ll be a queen, but more importantly Liam’s queen. She’d never admit it, but she’d been in love with him since they were children. She was thrilled to become what she always wanted to be. Not necessarily a queen, but Liam’s wife.

“Well before we get to all that, let’s enjoy tonight!” Maxwell drained his glass of wine and thrusted it into the air. “DJ, drop a sick beat!”

Loud, upbeat music boomed through the speakers as Maxwell took Hana’s hand and shimmied onto a makeshift dancefloor.

“May I have this dance?” Liam offered Olivia a hand.

“I don’t know if I’ll be doing whatever seizure-like movements Beaumont is subjecting us too, but I’d love to join my King in a dance.”

She took his hand in hers and they faded into the throng of bodies moving around the speakers. Drake leaned back in his chair and slung an arm around Riley’s shoulders and she leaned into him. They quietly watched their friends celebrate their marriage.

“So how does it feel to be Mrs. Walker?”

“Like it’s right where I’m meant to be.”

“The feeling is mutual.” He kissed the top of her head.

“Ready for round two in a few months?”

“No. But it’s pretty much unavoidable. We’ll get through the ceremony, have a good time afterwards, and set off to life in Valtoria.”

“What are you looking forward to most about married life?”

“Spending all my time with you. Also I’m pretty excited about doing some work out in the woods. But mostly all the things I’ll get to do with you without secrets hovering over us. I’m glad Liam has finally came around to the idea of you and I. Bertrand doesn’t seem to broken up about it anymore e-“ Drake cut off his sentence when he saw Bertrand talking to his sister off in the corner, her hand concealing a giggle coming from her.

“What?” Riley asked before following his gaze. “Is Bertrand putting the moves on Sav?”

“Kind of looks that way.” Drake scrunched up his face.

“I was starting to wonder if Bertrand even cared about women.”

“Well, you don’t know old Bertrand. Believe it or not, he had a throng of women around him every time he stepped foot outside, back before he became Duke Ramsford. He used to be fun and partied all the time. Maxwell was the weird one back then.”

“You’re telling me Max used to be weirder?”

“Definitely more awkward.”

“I don’t know, he’s still pretty awkward.” She chuckled.

“Yeah, but it seems to have worked to his advantage. He got a beaut like Hana, didn’t he?”

“She is beautiful. I’m sure her parents are thrilled.”

“Well if he doesn’t stop grinding on her like that there’s going to be a baby shower before a wedding shower.” Drake stared at the couple with wide eyes as Maxwell gyrated furiously behind Hana.

“Good lord.” Riley laughed and shook her head before standing and grabbing Drake’s hand. “Come on, party pooper, let’s go join our friends in clothed coitus.”

They spent the rest of the night dancing and drinking with their friends. The party only ended when Kiara passed out on a bench seat on the deck after too much rose’ and Drake had to throw her over his shoulder and take her into a guest room.

“Mon Dieu, est-ce que je meurs? J’ai l’impression d’être mourant. Are you an angel?” Kiara muttered as her body hung over Drake’s back.

” Όχι, και μην ξεράσεις πάνω μου.” His voice was stern as he carried her into the house.


Everyone cleared out and went back to their respective hotels with Penelope and Zeke helping Kiara into their car. Drake and Riley exhaustedly stripped down and climbed into bed. They both giggled in a slightly drunken haze as they flopped down onto the sheets. She kissed his cheek and he felt uncharacteristically shy. The way her hair fell in her face and covered her small features and generous smile brought a hint of sobriety back to him. He was suddenly more awestruck by her than he’d ever been. She was his wife now. He’d get to see this face every morning and every night for the rest of his life. He realized why he felt the way he did in that moment. For once in his entire existence, he was happy without reservation. He loved her like the sky loved the stars; the way she shown brightest in his darkest, most conflicting times. He was madly, unrequitedly, without a shadow of a doubt, completely in love with her. It made him almost frantic, like he’d never be able to show her just how deeply he cared for her. His blood pulsed through his body, his veins beating like a drum. Suddenly every part of him was warm and awake.

“Thank you for today. It was the best wedding I could have hoped for.” Riley took her place on her husband’s shoulder and rubbed her hand back and forth against his chest as he wrapped an arm around her. He tried to steady his breathing to attempt to calm himself and not give away how crazy he felt both about her and because of her.

“Part of me still can’t believe it actually came together so well. I was half expecting Maxwell to set something on fire.” He shifted his focus onto her words, letting the conversation distract him from himself.

“Good thing we have home owners insurance. Plus Hana wouldn’t want that kind of liability on her hands.”

“Still, it was nice to be able to surprise you with something. Something just for us. You’re not the only one around here that can make things happen, you know.”

“It seems I have met my match.”

“Looks that way, Walker.”

He stroked her hair and she sighed.

“I love hearing you call me that.” She whispered in a satisfied tone.

“Luckily for you, you’ll be hearing it for the rest of your life.”

Drake slid his free hand down the length of her body, stopping on her backside.

“You tryin’ to get fresh with me, Drake?” She chuckled.

“Maybe.” He took a handful of her butt and squeezed it.

“Mmm. It wouldn’t be our wedding night if we didn’t now would it?” She crooned.

Drake rolled her on top of him, quickly pressing his lips to hers before leaning them upright to take off his t-shirt she’d worn to bed. He took her breasts into his mouth and drew circles around her nipples with his tongue. Riley ran her hands through his hair, pushing him closer to her skin which was pulsing with electricity and pleasure mixed with the fuzzy warmth from all she had drank that night. She tugged back and took another kiss from him, tasting the smooth traces of whiskey left on his tongue as they moved together. His hands moved down her back and he absorbed every inch of her he touched knowing that she was, and will always be, all his. He made her stay upright as she straddled him on her knees before laying back to watch her and slipping his hand between her panties and the sensitive spot nestled between her legs. He worked in delicate circles around her and her thighs slowly started to shake, the heat building up inside her taking over all her senses. She didn’t know if it was all the bourbon she’d had or the fact that now he was her husband that brought her to climax so quickly, but she imagined it was a mixture of both. She looked down at him and scanned his beautifully sculpted body before stopping on his handsome face and meeting his gaze. The hot intensity in his eyes sent her body into an explosive orgasm and she collapsed on top of him as she rode it out. His movements slowed as he let her come down before he removed his hand from her skin, kissing her shoulder as she rested on top of him.

“Marriage certainly has it’s perks.” She let out a breathy chuckle.

“Then you’re really going to enjoy this.”

He sat up and took her with him. He carefully wiggled out from under her and had her get on all-fours. He pulled her underwear down and she moved to assist him in taking them completely off. He took off his boxers and moved back behind her. He ran a finger over her slick opening and teasingly moved around her entrance. She let out a pleading whine as she pressed her backside against him. Any other time he’d make her work for it, but tonight he wanted to give her anything and everything she wanted. He readily gave into her quiet demand, easily sliding two fingers into her. He turned his hand slowly so his palm faced their bed and stroked her walls, occasionally curling his fingers to hit the spot that he knew drove her wild. Every time he did, her body tensed with pleasure. He watched her back and shoulder muscles flex and release until he got her to a point where she was nearly constantly stiff. He delivered his final blow, curing his fingers and moving them quickly in and out of her. He watched her nails dig into the sheets and seconds later she screamed his name as she unraveled around him once again. Exhaustion washed over her and she rested her forehead on their bed with her elbows barely supporting her upper body.

“Jesus Christ.” She panted.

“Too much?”

“Never.” She got back up on her hands and looked at him over her shoulder.

He reached over and gently grabbed her chin, guiding her sweet lips to his member. She eagerly took it into her mouth, savoring the taste of him on her tongue. Taking him in her hand, she moved rhythmically against him, earning a low moan from his throat. He grabbed her hair in a fist and watched her work. Her desire to please him was spectacular to watch and the skill at which she performed made it even better. She was the best lover he’d ever had. She increased her pace and cupped his testicles, giving them a gentle tug. A heated pleasure surprised him as it shot straight to his core. Well that’s new. He moaned, her name slipping over his lips. Soon enough he was pouring into her, whispering her name like a prayer. He let her hair fall around her shoulders and he caressed her cheek with his thumb. She looked up at him and grinned before she moved and laid back on the bed. He took in the sight of her in the light that shown through their curtains. The way her perfect body looked laying in the middle of the king-sized bed they’d put together just a few days ago was like something out of a dream. She looked like a painting, her body’s contours shadowed perfectly contrasting against her lit sun-kissed skin. And those freckles. Those goddamn freckles peeking out on her plump cheek made him swoon as he looked at her for far longer than what probably seemed appropriate for the moment. His eyes made no subtlety on how he was feeling as they finally met hers.

“I love you.” Unquestionable sincerity encompassed his words.

“I love you too, Drake.” A shy smile came across her face as she stared at him with doe eyes.

“And I’m so fucking thankful for that.”

He climbed on top of her and entered her in a smooth thrust. She tangled her legs with his, letting her hands explore his back as his muscles flexed in slow, solid movements. He placed his lips to her ear and whispered to her.

“I love you so god damn much, Riley. I’m the luckiest man in the world.”

She placed her hand on his cheek and kissed his other one, tears suddenly flooding her eyes at the words. He turned towards her and kissed her soundly.

“And I love you.” She whispered back.

He made love to her for hours. They would occasionally stop and talk, tangled in each other’s arms, but it seemed like every time he wasn’t inside her she was just too far away. He wanted all of her; to be one with her.  He knew he would never get enough.

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