“It’s always been you.” – Chapter Fourteen

Disclaimer: All characters are owned by Pixelberry and I claim no ownership of them. Enjoy!


Everyone congregated in the formal dining room for lunch and discussed the duchy among themselves. Maxwell had managed to find a menagerie in back of the property much to Liam’s dismay since he wanted to see the look on her face once she realized she had a live jaguar as a pet. Drake and Riley had been going through the house and hadn’t made it quite as far as Maxwell into the estate, but Drake was itching to get out into the greenery.

Drake excused himself and went out to the stables to grab two horses so him and Riley could explore the grounds while Olivia stepped away to handle some business. Riley went to the restroom shortly after, leaving her phone on the table. Her friends were chatting when her phone went off.

“Ah! It’s Riley’s father.” Liam grinned. “Maybe I should say hello.”

“Have you spoken to him before?” Hana tilted her head.

“No, I’m afraid I never had the opportunity.”

“You asked her to marry you, but you’ve never talked to her dad?” Maxwell interjected.

“There wasn’t a good moment. Plus what am I supposed to say? ‘Hello, I’m a king looking to court your daughter among a throng of noble women’?”

During their discussion the phone went to voicemail, then promptly began ringing again.

“I’m going to answer it.” Liam said gleefully.

“Wait,” Maxwell threw his arm in front of Liam, “does it say ‘dad’ or ‘daddy’?”

“Daddy…” Liam gave Maxwell suspicious eyes.

“Mmm.” Maxwell let out an amused purr.

Liam hit the green button on her phone and answered.

“Hello, Mr. Johnson. Riley has unfortunately stepped away momentarily. I thought I’d say hello since we haven’t had the pleasure of speaking.”

“Liam? Why are you answering Johnson’s phone? Is she alright? Why do you think I’m her dad?”

“Oh my.” The color drained from Liam’s face, then was replaced with a rose hue in his cheeks.

“It’s Drake, isn’t it?” Maxwell bellowed.


Maxwell let out a boisterous laugh.

“Damn, Little Blossom is a freak.”

“I think I know what’s going on here.” Liam could hear the grin in Drake’s voice through the phone. “Tell her Daddy has her horse ready.”


Liam hung up the call just as Riley walked in the room. She scanned their faces.

“Everything okay?”

“Yeah. Your DADDY called.” Maxwell stifled a giggle.

“My horse ready?” She asked painfully, knowing her friends had busted her.

“It sure is.”

“See you guys later.” She snatched the phone from Liam’s hand, her eyes not quite meeting his.


“Hey girl, do you like your new home?” Riley rubbed Mary’s snout as she nuzzled against her.

“She sure looks like it. Your stable is damn near the same size as the one at the palace. You have two geldings and another mare, too.”

“I’m sorry, two what?”


“Please explain.”

“They’re neutered males.”

“Oh.” Her eyebrows rose in surprise.

“Stallions are intact. Mares are females.”

“Got it.” She looked at Mary, then back to Drake. “Wait, don’t you need a horse?”

“I figured we could ride double. I can’t be positive, but I’m pretty sure it’ll be easier for me to guide her around.”

“A fair assumption.”

Drake mounted the horse before offering a hand to assist Riley. She sat behind him and wrapped her arms around his waist, resting her cheek on his muscular back.

“I’m not sure you’ll get a good view from that angle.” He turned to look over his shoulder at her.

“I’m enjoying myself plenty, thanks.”

The corner of his mouth twitched as he lead Mary towards a clearing in the forest. After an hour of browsing the land they stopped at a glistening clear river babbled in the midst of flat green land.

“You know, the estate was waiting for its next duchess before they broke ground here. It’s actually your choice on what to do with it.”

Riley perched her chin on his shoulder and stared at the land in front of them, mountains sitting tall on the horizon.

“What do you think, Duke Drake?”

“Well, it’s not technically public property, but there’s nothing stopping you from making it a public place. Being as you’re a newcomer, it might be beneficial to use it for something for the community. A park or a playground. Or you could be a little selfish and build something like a cabin for yourself.”

“You mean for us?” She poked his side.

“Heh. Yeah, I guess I’d be there too, sneaking off on another adventure.”

“If you were me, what would you do?”

“Personally? I’d love to have our own oasis, but I think making a park with a playground would better suit your title. I could help build shelters for comfortable sitting areas and layout the playground. Plus our kids could come out here and play.”

“Then it’s settled. That’s what we’ll do. Look at you, making courtly decisions.”

“I try to focus less on the noble part and more on the helping the commoner part.”

“A noble with a heart of gold. How very ‘romance novel’ of you.”

“If you think that’s ‘romance novel’ of me, wait till you see me in the stable with no shirt.” He elbowed her.

“A wonderous sight, I’m sure.”

“We should probably head back. Mary isn’t familiar with these lands and I’d hate to get her hurt on her first day. Don’t want to spook her.”

“That’s probably a good idea. Plus I think I heard Liam say something about bears.”

“I can take a bullet but I can’t take a bear, Johnson. Let’s get out of here.”

They rode back and got to the stable just as the sun had started dipping behind the mountains. They walked into the estate to a greeting from Gladys.

“Good evening, Drake and Riley. Your guests have turned in for the evening. Is there anything I can get for you to make your first night more comfortable?”

“Is there any top shelf whiskey in this place?” Drake eyed her curiously.

“As a matter of fact, the king may have suggested such. There is a few you may choose from.”

“Just grab whichever one has a little kick to it, and one glass.”

Riley loudly cleared her throat.

“Alright, make that two glasses.”

“Certainly.” Gladys bowed and disappeared into an unsuspecting door. She returned a few minutes later with an amber-filled bottle and two crystal glasses. “I had an ice bucket taken up to your quarters. Should I ask them to bring it to another room?”

“That’s fine, Gladys. Thank you.” Riley smiled at her.

“It’s my pleasure. If you need anything else, don’t hesitate to let us know.”

Drake nodded at her and grabbed Riley’s hand, leading her up to their room in their new home. He sat the glasses and bottle on a table in a crafted sitting area. He uncorked the bottle and poured two fingers of the liquor into the glasses before handing one to Riley. She took a sip and widened her eyes.

“Woof, this does have a kick. I don’t think I’ve ever had a whiskey they made my eyes water.”

“Even I have to admit, it’s pretty strong. You have to appreciate a drink that doesn’t pull any punches.” He licked his lips and stared down at his glass.

They sat on a plush couch and put their feet up on the table, melting in the cushions.

“You know, the wedding is supposed to be in two weeks. I’m not so sure given our new circumstances that we’re going to pull it off. Plus aren’t we supposed to have a big courtly to-do?

“I’m not big on the idea of getting married in front of a bunch of stuffy people who are only there because they have to be.”

“I know, but it’s a small price to pay for all this.” Riley dramatically motioned towards her body.

“That’s true.” He beamed. “I’d do anything you asked of me as long as it ends in me being your husband.”

“Well, we still have to go back to Texas to sort out the house situation.”

“Mom has been handling that with George.”

“That’s sweet of her. She’s been really understanding.”

“She just wants us to be happy, plus she knows if we have a place stateside we’ll be back more often. She even already set up stable hands for the horses for when we’re not there.”

“Wow, she’s been busy.” A sad smile flitted across her face. “I just wish we could still have a small wedding, just for us.”

“It’s alright, Johnson. Whatever wedding we have will be perfect.”

“We should probably head back there soon, though.”

“We will. Kind of have to. We need to close on the house and set it up.”

“Then to Texas we go!”


The Unity Tour continued sans Drake and Riley, who landed back in Texas three days later. They went to his mom’s house and met up with George, who looked happy as ever to see the young couple.

“Glad you guys made it back! Was startin’ to think we’d never see ya again.” George reached out and graciously shook Drake’s hand.

“I’m a man of my word, even if my word gets delayed by international politics.” Drake looked over his shoulder and winked at Riley. She felt a swirl of emotion anytime he acknowledged the past, knowing that they’d shared the bond long before either of them had ever admitted it. It’s amazing how much history you can have with a person even if you didn’t know it was being made at the time.

They sat at the large oval table and went through all the logistics of buying a home. Luckily, they had Bianca there because neither of them had ever purchased a home before and there was a lot to go over. Finally, they signed their names on the dotted lines and became homeowners. Well, two-time home owners. George handed them the keys with a smile.

They went over to their house and walked up to the front door. Riley put her hand on the bronze knob before Drake scooped her up and spun her around. He smiled as he dipped his head down to capture her lips in a sweet kiss. He carefully opened the door, making sure not to drop her, and carried her into their living room.

“Wow, this feels a lot bigger than I remembered.” Drake twirled in a slow circle.

“Well it’s empty. They always feel bigger when they’re empty.”

He sat her down and laced his fingers through hers. He’d always imagined having a home of his own. A real home. Not a room in a palace. Not a fancy building that you could get lost in for hours if you didn’t know better. An actual home. Here he was with the woman he loved making all his dreams come true. Riley turned to him with an exaggerated grin on her face and took off running through the house and out the back door. He walked into the kitchen after her, leaning against the door frame that lead to the backyard where he watched her kick off her shoes and prance around the green grass. He couldn’t help but smile at the pure, unbridled joy she was emitting. All the colors in the world around him somehow felt more vibrant because of her.

“Get out here!” She shouted.

He shook his head at her with a grin and obliged, taking his shoes off on the deck and jogging towards her. A playful game of tag ensued before they finally stopped to catch their breath. She hopped on his back and he linked his arms through her legs as she wrapped her arms around his neck. They gazed out towards the setting sun as fireflies began to blink around them. Riley rested her chin on her arm right next to Drake’s ear.

“Is it everything you thought it would be?” Riley whispered.

“I could never have imagined anything this perfect.” The orange glow from the sun dipping below the horizon lit up his face.

“Me either.” He felt her cheeks rise against his.


She woke up alone on the air mattress Bianca had left there for them since they still needed to get their room put together. I didn’t want to pick out the wrong thing, so you’ll have to rough it for the night! She followed the sound of footsteps downstairs to find an already-dressed Drake making breakfast. His hair was still slightly damp from the shower he’d already taken and she suddenly felt like a lazy bum in her oversized sweater and socks and underwear with her hair in the messiest bun she’d ever had.

“Mom was kind enough to give us some pots and pans and some basics for food. If you don’t want eggs or a sandwich you can always forage for berries out back.” He pointed out the window with his spatula as Riley poured coffee next to him.

“Eggs will be fine.” She kissed his cheek before taking a seat on a bar stool at the island. She looked at the length of his body from the back. His forearms flexed against the fabric of his rolled-up sleeves. He traded his normal denim shirt for a blue plaid one. Blue was definitely his color.

“Well that’s good, because your two-star breakfast is done.” He handed her a plate of eggs and toast.

“Thanks, Walker.”

He sat next to her and they ate in comfortable silence. Once they finished, Riley got dressed and they went into town to go shopping.


“Olive or Navy?” Riley held up two comforter sets to Drake.

“Navy.” He replied without hesitation.

“Okay,” she threw them in the cart, “firm or soft pillow?”


“Alright.” She grabbed two firm pillows and two soft ones. “Now, I’m having all the furniture we looked at online yesterday delivered to the house. We’ll get our mattress today, though. I can’t sleep another night on air. It killed my back.”

“That what killed your back, Johnson?” He smirked at her and she rolled her eyes, ignoring his question. He might be a considerate man, but he’s definitely still a man, and you can’t fight nature.

“Okay, we got plate sets, mugs, glasses, silverware, kitchen utensils, kitchen towels, paper towels, throw blankets, throw pillows, bed sheets, pillows, pillow cases, a comforter, bath towels, toiletries, bathmats, toilet paper, picture frames, curtains, the end tables, laundry baskets, detergent, drier sheets, dish soap, sponges… are we missing anything?” She turned to look at Drake to find him staring off deep in thought. “Drake?” She raised her brows.

“Huh? Oh. Yeah. Sounds good for now. I’m sure we’ll be missing something, but we can always come back.”

“Right. Let’s go check out. We need to go grocery shopping!”


By the time they got home and brought everything in the house, including squeezing a king-sized bed up the stairs, Riley felt like she was hugging the line between exhaustion and death. She collapsed onto their dining room floor and dramatically threw her arm over her face.

“Can’t. Go on. Need. Rest.”

“We’re almost done, Johnson.” Drake looked down at her and put his hands on his hips. He’d barely broken a sweat all day and that annoyed her more than the fatigue taking over her body. She narrowed her eyes at her handsome fiancé before rolling onto her stomach and pushing herself up off the floor. Riley was always perky, except for when she was tired. She was whiney and grumpy when she was tired. He knew they had to act fast if he wanted to avoid her sarcastic tones the rest of the evening.

“Let’s do this.” She huffed. She began to walk past him and he stuck out his arm at her waist to stop her.

“Hey Ri?”


“You’re cute when you’re tired.” He kissed her temple and gently patted her stomach with his hand before going into the kitchen to put all the things they’d bought away.


Over the next few days, large boxes began showing up at the house. They’d spent the better part of their time putting everything together and settling in. It came together quickly and looked beautiful. She was quietly admiring the living room when a knock sounded from the other side of the room. She opened the door and saw a box addressed to Drake on the front porch. She waved at the delivery driver and brought the box inside. Drake walked in the room and noticed it on the floor.

“What’s that?” He pointed.

“Don’t know,” she shrugged, “but it’s addressed to you.”

“Oh. Alright.” He picked up the box and looked it over. He didn’t say anything else as he took it upstairs and put it on top of his dresser. When he came back down, Riley eyed him intently.

“What was that?”

“Oh, just a wedding gift from my mom.”

“I wanna see!”

“We’re not married yet.”

“You’re really going to make me wait?” She flashed puppy dog eyes at him.

“I feel for whatever chump those cute little eyes worked on, but I’m not a chump. So yes.” He turned away from her, because those eyes were in fact working, and he wasn’t going to let her break him. It was too important to not keep it a secret. He looked at the date on his phone: July 31st.

“Did the paint come in today?” Riley begrudgingly changed the subject.

“It did. If you want, I can paint our room and the kitchen and you can crash over at my mom’s. You look like you could use a break.”

“That’s okay. I want to help!”

“Just take a beat, Ri. I can tell you’re tired. You’ve been short with me all day. You’re not really one for physical labor.”

“Very true.” She smiled at him. “Alright, I’ll go over there in a little bit.”

“Sounds good.”

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