“It’s always been you” – Chapter Seventeen

Disclaimer: all characters belong to Pixelberry and I claim no ownership of them. Enjoy!


“Drake. Drake, wake up. We’re here.” Riley gently shook Drake’s shoulder as they pulled up to Valtoria. He rubbed his eyes as he yawned. Their visit to Texas had been far too short in his opinion. They were lucky that they even got to spend a week there as it was, but he never liked leaving the solitude of their personal oasis.

They stopped in front of the estate and their driver opened the door. Gladys appeared from the large oak doors of their home.

“Welcome back Riley and Drake. I hope your travels were well?”

“Yes, they were wonderful. Thank you.”

“Certainly. You’ll find everything to be in order. The lantern lighting festival will be this weekend and we’ve put the final touches on the event. You may look at the details at your convenience today.”

“What’s the lantern lighting festival?” Riley asked.

“It’s a traditional event we do every year to bring the community together. Each person sends their own paper lantern into the sky and with that they have two choices: one thing about themselves they wish to let go of and one wish. This year as you are a new duchess many peoples wishes will be for you and about you. It’s my personal favorite event that this duchy hosts. The sky is spectacular when it’s filled with glowing lanterns.”

“I’m very much so looking forward to it. I’m happy to have this be my first event here. I’m sure you and your staff will do it incredible justice.”

“You’re too kind, Riley. If I may, I’ll take your things up to your quarters.” Gladys reached for a bag in Riley’s hand and noticed her ring. “Oh. Was there a special occasion in your absence from Valtoria, Duchess Riley?” She nodded towards Riley’s hand, which was still sporting a silver band. Riley quickly pulled it back. Shit, no one was supposed to know about this. Not yet.

“Well, we…” She stammered.

“Don’t worry, Riley. Your secret is safe with me.” Gladys winked and Riley let out a sigh with a grateful smile.

“Thank you, Gladys. I’ll be sure to take it off until the royal nuptials.”

“You as well, Duke Drake?” Gladys eyed him.

“Yep.” Drake shoved his left hand into his pocket and inconspicuously slipped off his own ring. “Even when this is official, can we refrain from calling me duke when it’s just us? Save it for the nobles. It doesn’t really carry much merit either way with them, but it’s better to save face I suppose.”

“Certainly.” Gladys took their bags and turned away before stopping. “May I be candid?”

“Sure,” Drake replied.

Gladys turned to face them once again.

“I know this is probably a lot for you. I know who you are. We always do extensive research into a new duchess and duke. I know you’re both commoners but I know you in particular, Drake, have a certain complex towards nobility. Serving under the previous duchess has given me insight as to why you have grown to be less than favorable towards them. Just so you know, I’ve never been more enthused to serve under nobles as I have with you and Duchess Riley. It’s been the talk of the estate about having two common-born nobles in this house. Never of negativity, but of promise. The chance to work alongside and for two people who understand better than anyone the commoner life. I can assure you although the title carries its share of heaviness, and for you maybe even resentment, we are hopeful you will do good with the title for those in this duchy who aren’t much unlike yourselves. We are hopeful that you will stick up for us more than other dukes and duchesses in other duchy’s because you understand. I’m not asking you to put frivolities on the title for our sake, but to use it to speak for all of us when we feel we’re not being heard. We’re not oblivious to the fact that we’re one of the smaller duchy’s and have felt in the past we weren’t given the same share of consideration other larger duchy’s are. Nonetheless, we have faith in you, Duke Drake. Have a little faith in yourself, as well.” With that, Gladys took their bags and went inside.

Drake stood next to Riley with an expression she couldn’t read. Confusion? Resolve? Resentment? He swallowed hard and turned to her.

“Thank you.”

“For what?”

“For giving me this opportunity. When Liam gave me that pep talk about the people of Valtoria appreciating a common-born noble, I honestly thought he was just gassing me up. What Gladys said carries more weight, only because she lives here. Liam has no idea what it’s like not to be royalty, and that’s not his fault. You know for being born a noble, he’s probably one of the most empathetic and genuinely nice people I know. But to hear it come from her is kind of inspiring. I want people to trust us. I think I could really make a difference here, Ri.”

“I think so too, Drake.”

Drake’s pocket vibrated as Savannah’s ringtone played through the denim.

“Hey sis. Miss me already?”

“Something like that.” He could feel her roll her eyes through the phone.

“What’s up?”

“Since you came to visit us, what do you think about me coming to visit you? Figured I could fly in for the wedding and spend a little time with my brother and sister.”

“This wouldn’t have anything to do with Bertrand, would it?”

“No,” she replied almost as if she was insulted. “Maybe,” she admitted after a long pause.

“Listen, if you want to see Bertrand, I don’t care. Don’t use me as an excuse.” He joked.

“I’m not! I do want to see you guys!”


“Anyways, can I stay with you or not?”

“Yeah, yeah. Pack your shit and come on over.”

“Great! See you in a few days!”

Drake hung up and noticed Riley staring at him.

“Savannah is coming for ‘the wedding’,” he put air quotes around the last two words.

“So for Bertrand,” she smiled.

“Yeah. Seems like they hit it off.”

“Maybe they’ll get married and Sav will move back here!”

“Woah let’s not get ahead of ourselves. I’m not opposed to them talking, but I don’t know how I feel about another noble Walker.”

“Come on, Bertrand could use a little pep in his step if you know what I mean.”

“Gross.” He shook his head and cringed.

“Seriously though, Bertrand could benefit from loosening up a little. He told me Maxwell has some secret plan to relieve House Beaumont of their ruins, but he’s been pretty tight-lipped about it.”

“Knowing him he’s probably trying to figure out an insurance fraud scheme.”

“Well whatever it is, he said it’d be done after the wedding,”

“Speaking of, I talked to Liam yesterday. He wants me to be his best man since Leo is officiating.”

“That’s great news! Has Olivia picked her maid of honor yet?”

“Dunno. We didn’t talk about it,” he shrugged.

“Hmm. She doesn’t really have any friends. Maybe Lucretia,” she wiggled a brow.

“Doubtful. Good ol’ Aunt Lucy only ever turns up when she wants something or when she’s scheming. Neither of those things is warranted at a royal wedding. She’s getting what she wants and doesn’t need to scheme to get it.”

“What do you mean?” Riley leaned against the limo.

“Well, it’s been no secret that Lucretia has always wanted Olivia to be queen. Something about the Nevrakis name taking its rightful place at the throne. I just hope she doesn’t try to get Liv to overthrow the king to gain total power. There’s always that risk. I’m sure Liv would much rather kill her aunt than let her hurt Liam, though.”

“So the entire family is full of blood hungry psychopaths. Got it.”

“A family tradition.”

“Alright,” she slapped the top of the vehicle, “let’s go settle in before the fun begins this weekend. Your duchess has some plans to review.”

“After you, Your Grace.”


The morning of the lantern ceremony was filled with commotion. Riley had approved a whole new set up for the dining hall and ball room and the team Gladys had hired were hard at work putting the finishing touches on the red, orange and gold décor. Drake was upstairs going over the layout of the new rec area behind the estate in his new office. His station wasn’t official yet, but Gladys had an office furnished for him while they were in Texas, complete with dark mahogany wood and a whiskey cabinet. His office sat next to Riley’s, where she was also going over her meetings for the week. He was looking at the play yard setup when he heard a knock on his door.

“Come in.” He called, not looking up from the papers laid out in front of him.

“You know, the look of power is kind of sexy on you.” Riley walked in and over to his desk, leaning across it.

“Yeah?” He looked up over his paper he held in his hand at her.


“Does the image of me with my shirt off splitting wood do anything for you?”

“Tons,” she replied in a low voice.

“Yeah, I remember the barn raising. You little perv.”

“You could have kept your shirt on that day, you know.”

“Maybe I wanted you to look.”

“Feel like having me take a look now?” She leaned farther over his desk, her cleavage pressed together mere inches from his face.

“Watch it, Walker. We don’t have time. As much as I’d love to bend you over this desk, it’s almost time for Liam and Liv to get here and we still need to look presentable.”

She gave him puppy dog eyes complete with a pouty lip but Drake couldn’t be swayed on the matter.


“Always so responsible.” She huffed.

“One of us has to be.” He laid his park schematics on the desk and leaned back in his chair.

“Alright. Well, I’m going to go get ready then. See you in a few, Mr. Walker.”

She turned and walked out of his office, rolling her hips as she moved. He watched her ass sway and momentarily thought about following her for a quickie. I can make it fast, right? By the time he finished his thought she was already gone.

“Temptress!” He yelled out after her.


A short time later Drake and Riley walked down the grand staircase into the foyer of the estate. The bright lights caused her dress to flash beautifully in green and blue kaleidoscopes. Drake had on his gray suit, knowing no matter what he wore, he’d never be able to achieve the level of splendor his gorgeous wife so effortlessly emitted. Liam was the first to see her and his eyes grew at the sight of Riley in her gown.

“Valtoria has been treating you well I see. That dress is stunning.” He smiled at the two of them as he leaned in to kiss her on the cheek before turning to Drake and shaking his hand.

“The staff has been wonderful. I’m honored Gladys has decided to stay on for us.”

“Yes, blue is certainly your color.” Olivia stood next to Liam.

“Thank you.” Riley nodded at her. “So, Liv, Drake told me he’s Liam’s best man. Have you chosen your maid of honor yet?”

“Actually,” Olivia nervously looked down at the floor before returning to Riley, “I was hoping you would be my maid of honor.”


“Well, yeah. During the social season you’re the only one who was still nice to me even when I was a bitch. And you were so supportive of me when you found out I’d be queen. Plus who else do I have? Penelope and Kiara? Hard pass.” Olivia straightened and took on her more usual stoic façade.

“I’d love to be your maid of honor, Liv. Also, you could have picked Hana.”

“Don’t tempt me to change my mind.”

“I wouldn’t dream of it.”

“Alright, if you ladies are done having your moment we have an event to get to.” Drake anxiously fidgeted with his tie. He felt like he was suffocating under the weight of their first event held at their duchy.

“Yes, we do! And if I may admit, it’s my favorite event in all of Cordonia. It’s an evening filled with hope and possibility. Appropriate that the two of you should inherit it.” Liam motioned for them to walk out before him. He wanted to see the look on her face when she saw the magic awaiting them.

They stepped out into the courtyard next to her home and Riley took in an audible gasp. Hundreds of pre-lit lanterns filled the sky in a beautiful display of tiny orange glows.


Liam came up behind her and set a hand on her shoulder. She hated that she knew it was him just by the way she touched her; the way the weight of his hand felt familiar on her skin. She hated how she could tell it wasn’t Drake’s, not that in the moment she minded that it wasn’t. She hated that, too.

“It’s breathtaking, isn’t it?” He lowered his voice as he leaned into her.

“The most beautiful thing I’ve ever seen.”

“For me, I’d call it a close second.”

Before she could question him Maxwell bounced over much to Riley’s silent relief. Liam quickly removed his hand from her and took a tentative step back.

“Holy cow, guys. This is amazing!” He stared up at the night sky with them and basked in the warm light.

“Your Majesty! Your Grace! Can we have a few photos for the paper?” Don called out from the press section.

“Absolutely. It would be our pleasure.”

Liam wrapped an arm around Riley’s waist as they put on their usual bright smiles, waving to the crowds before them as cameras clicked.

“What stunning pictures, Don. That dress really captures the light, Duchess Riley.” Anna looked over the photographers shoulder.

“Thank you, Anna.”

The press broke apart and shortly after Drake found Riley among her friends. He handed her a lantern while he held one of his own.

“Hey, I thought maybe you and I could step away and make our wishes somewhere more private?”

“I’d love that. I know just the place.”

They found themselves off the balcony of their bedroom. Somehow the view from there was even more magnificent than the one from downstairs. Drake felt his favorite thing in the world, which was the solitude of just him and her. He turned towards her and held out his lantern.

“Alright. So a wish and something I want to let go of.”

“Right. What do you want to let go of?”

“I’m not really sure. That’s kind of why I asked you to come with me. What do you think?”

“I think you should let go of how critical you are of yourself. I know you’ve always felt the need to be self-reliant but sometimes it’s okay to let yourself make mistakes and be a little more open to help. Maybe a two-for-one?”

“I think that’s fair. I guess I’m on my own for the wish?”

“I can’t make one for you. Then it’d be my wish.”

“Right.” He lit his lantern with a match and let out a quiet sigh before briefly closing his and then releasing it into the breeze.

“My turn.” She stared down at the paper lantern in her hands and tried to think of something to wish for but her mind came up blank. “I don’t know what to wish for. I have everything I could ever want. A lovely home. Actually two lovely homes. A perfect husband. A job with benefits,” she chuckled, “what’s left?”

“Maybe a cute kid running around this time next year?”

“Duke Drake, are you trying to make me use my wish for another one of yours because you used yours up on whiskey?”

Drake let out a laugh and rolled his eyes.

“How do you know that kids wasn’t my wish, too?” His face grew serious as he watched her.

“Okay,” she gave him a warm smile, “but what about what I should let go of?”

“I think you’re perfect just the way you are.”

“Okay, I’ll let go of my illusion of perfection.” She took a match from Drake and lit the candle in the paper box, letting it go into the sky to join Drake’s and the others who had already released theirs.

Drake wrapped an arm around her waist and she leaned back against his shoulder. A few seconds passed before she felt his lips on her neck.

“Mmm. Out here?” She crooned.

“No time like the present.”

He leaned into her and placed a kiss on her shoulder. A cracking sound filled the air causing Drake to stand tall behind her, his eyes scanning the dimly lit ground below them as he reflectively pulled her to his chest. A series of more cracks followed by distant screams filled the previously quiet estate. He threw her on the ground and quickly placed himself on top of her.

“What the hell was that,” she asked quietly.

“Gunshots,” he whispered in her ear.

“From where?”

“I don’t know,” he stopped and collected his thoughts, “Okay. Listen to me. On my count you’re going to crawl out from underneath me into the bedroom. I want you to lay next to your bed away from the door. Do you understand?”

Riley weakly shook her head yes. He could feel her start to vibrate with fear beneath him.

“It’ll be okay, baby,” he softened his tone in an attempt to put her at ease, “just trust me. I’m right behind you. Stay as low as you can, okay? One, two, three, go.”

Drake lifted himself onto his elbows enough for her to crawl out and through the open balcony door. She made it to the bedside and collapsed onto the floor. Drake crawled in after her and closed the balcony door before he sat next to her and reached under his suit jacket, pulling out a black hand gun.

“Do you always have that on you now?”

“No, not usually,” he sighed, “let’s just say I had a feeling.” He peaked around the bed and sat back against it again.

A sharp knock on the door caused Riley to jump. Drake quickly turned and got up on his knees, his elbows resting on the mattress as he stared down the barrel of his gun with his finger hovering over its trigger.

“Who is it,” he barked.

“Mara, Sir Drake.”

He looked down at Riley and held his finger up to his lips. He stood up and cautiously walked towards the door, his weapon still drawn. He looked out the peephole and saw Mara anxiously awaiting him to open the door with the same stance he had. He holstered his gun and quickly opened it. Mara rushed inside and deadbolted the door behind her.

“What the fuck is going on,” he demanded.

“Assassins. Four of them. We got three, but there’s still one out there. I’m under strict orders from King Liam to lock this place down. You and Riley will stay here with me.”

“Is anyone hurt?” Riley finally sat up and looked over her duvet comforter at Mara with worried eyes. Mara gave her an apologetic look.

“Three confirmed casualties, Your Grace.”

“Who,” Riley asked.

Mara’s eyes shifted to the floor and her shoulders fell.

“WHO,” Riley yelled.

“Lord Neville, Lord Rashad and…”

“And,” Drake rested a heavy hand over his mouth.

“Lady Hana.”

“No,” Riley shook her head, tears starting to stream down her face.

“I’m sorry, Your Grace.”

“NO,” she fell on to the floor and slammed her fists on the wood.

“I understand your pain, Riley. I do. But right now, I need you to keep quiet until I get the all clear. There’s someone out there who wants to kill you and most likely other members of this court. You and Drake should head into the bathroom. I’ll stay out here until I get word that it’s safe.”

Riley stood and stared at her angrily. Drake went over, grabbed her hand, and lead her to the bathroom. Once she was in, he stepped out and walked over to Mara.

“Give me your other ear piece.”


“I know you have a back up on your belt. I want it.”

Mara eyed him intensely before slipping her gun into it’s holster and reaching behind her back. She placed an ear piece and battery back into his hand and nodded for him to go into the bathroom with Riley. He walked in and closed the door behind him, the lock clicking as he turned a metal nob. He took off his jacket to reveal a double shoulder holster. One side had his gun, the other held extra ammunition. He took his gun and set it on the counter carefully.

“What’s happening here,” Riley asked. Her small frame sat in an upright fetal position on top of their toilet. She was pulling her knees to her chest so tightly she was sure she’d fractured a rib. Drake popped the buttons on the cuffs of his shirt and rolled up his sleeves.

“Assassination attempt.”

“On who?”

“Don’t know.”

“But why?”

“Don’t know that, either,” Drake clicked the button on the battery pack and put the ear piece on. They sat in silence as he listened to all the information that began flooding in.

“We’ve got sight on the fourth assassin,” a man’s voice rang loud in Drake’s ear.

“Where,” Mara asked.

“He’s running east on the property. Everyone stand down. We have a snipper positioned on top of the estate.”

“You’re going to hear a pop in a second,” Drake looked down at his wife, “it’s us. They have the guy in their sights.”

Riley nodded.

Five seconds later a loud bang echoed around them. Drake waited for them to give any information.

“Got him.”

Drake let out a loud sigh and ran his hands over his face.

“Anton Severus,” said a voice.

“Who,” Mara asked.

“The assassins name is Anton Severus.”

“Do you know anyone by the name of Anton Severus,” Drake looked over at Riley. She crinkled her brow in thought before shaking her head.

“No,” she answered.

“Is this… is this Duchess Riley’s former press secretary,” a different man asked.

“Jesus Christ, it is,” the first man responded in disbelief.

Drake scrunched up his face and Riley looked at him quizzically.


“It’s Justin. The fourth assassin is Justin.”

“My press secretary Justin?”

“That’d be the one,” Drake took off the ear piece and threw it on the counter before ripping off the battery pack from his waist and slamming the black box next to it.

“I…” she stuttered on her words, “I don’t understand.”

He didn’t say anything before unlocking the door and opening it. Mara stood in the center of the room, her arms crossed over her chest. She didn’t move from her position except her eyes, which were now fixated on Drake. He threw his hands up in the air then laced them behind his head.

“What the hell just happened?”

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