“It’s always been you.” – Chapter Ten

Disclaimer: All characters are owned by Pixelberry and I claim no ownership of them. Enjoy!


Through the birds best efforts, Drake and Riley managed to sleep through the rooster and the bright light that shined in their window. Riley finally woke up and looked at her phone. It was 10:30.

“Holy shit,” she muttered to herself.

She rolled over to a still sleeping Drake. She laid there for a few minutes, trying to join him in getting some more rest before finally giving up. She quietly got out of bed and put a robe on. She made sure not to wake him; she could see the dark circles still formed under his closed eyes.

She went downstairs to find Savannah and Bianca standing in the kitchen watching a small TV in the corner of a breakfast nook. They both had still-full cups of coffee in their hands. Savannah heard Riley come in and looked over at her, her eyes red rimmed and wet.

“Have you talked to any of them?” Bianca turned to Riley.

“Yes. We spoke to Maxwell and Liam. Them and Olivia, Hana, and Bertrand are safe.”

Savannah let out a sigh of relief.

“I can’t believe Constantine…” Bianca shook her head and sucked in a breath.

“Were you and Constantine close?” Riley placed a comforting hand on Bianca’s shoulder.

“Not particularly, but we shared a good many dinners together at the palace. To think Drake’s daddy died for him and it didn’t matter. Well, not that it didn’t matter, but that Constantine passed anyways in similar circumstance. Why can’t people just leave them alone?”

“That’s a good question,” Riley sighed. “Hey. Can I ask you guys something?”

“Sure, dear.” Bianca nodded.

“Did either of you know Drake was in the Kings Guard?”

“He what?” Bianca’s eyes grew wide with shock, almost dropping her mug before catching herself.

“He told me he was in the Kings Guard. I was his charge.”

Bianca shook her head quickly.

“No. No, I had no idea. Him puttin’ himself in danger like that… makes my stomach turn just thinkin’ ‘bout it.”

“When he got shot protecting me, he was doing it as his job, though it turns out that wasn’t the only reason. I had no idea. He just told me last night.”

“Is he still part of the Kings Guard,” Savannah asked.

“No. Liam fired him right before we came here.”

“Good God. What was he thinking,” Bianca huffed.

“He said he wanted to protect Liam from losing someone else. Now that it’s Liam’s dad, Drake feels responsible.”

“These damn Walker men are trying to kill me, I swear it. Stubborn mule just like his daddy.”

“He is a stubborn one, I’ll give you that. But since he hasn’t told you, we might not want to tell him that you guys know now, too. There’s a reason he kept it to himself but I’m sure he will tell you in his own time.”

“That’s probably a good idea,” agreed Savannah.

A newscaster broke into the conversation as opening music for the broadcast filled the kitchen.

“The names of the three people injured in the bombing in Cordonia have been released. Victim number one is Bastien Cavanaugh, who is said to be one of the Kings Guard’s oldest members. He sustained a stab wound to the leg protecting the king.” Riley caught Bianca closing her eyes, thanking her lucky stars it wasn’t her son as the reporter continued. “Victim number two is Lady Kiara of Castelsarreillan, who was stabbed in the side escaping the palace. The third and final victim was Lady Riley Johnson’s former press secretary Justin Brown, who was shot in the altercation. All three have non-life-threatening injuries and are expected to make a full recovery. King Liam issued a statement today assuring the public that all precautions are being taken to catch those responsible and that there is no immediate threat to the public at this time. As we discussed previously, King Father Constantine was killed in the blast. Onlookers say he pushed his son, and Cordonia’s current reigning monarch, King Liam out of the way of the falling rubble. For risking his own life for king and country he will be awarded a posthumous medal for his sacrifice. Stay tuned to UBN for the latest updates on this horrible tragedy. We’ll be right back.”

All three women stood there, mouths agape, not knowing what to say. The place they all called home at one point seemed suddenly so fragile. Riley turned around and went up the stairs without saying a word. She went back into her and Drake’s room where he was just starting to stir. Riley lifted the covers and curled into a ball against his chest.

“Hey, you okay?” Drake wrapped an arm around Riley and absentmindedly drew lazy circles on her back.

“Yeah. I’m just…” Riley’s voice cracked.

Drake’s eyes opened, and he adjusted himself to be able to look down at her.

“What’s wrong?” His voice grew urgent.

“They released the names of the three other victims. It was Kiara, Justin and…” She stopped.


“Bastien,” she exhaled.

“Is he okay? What happened?” Drake sat up at full height and stared down at her, his body casting a shadow over her own, which remained tightly coiled. She wished she could hide in his shadow forever.

“He was stabbed in the leg. Kiara was stabbed in the side. Justin was shot. They’re all in the hospital but they’re going to live.”

Drake sat for a moment, gazing out the window behind Riley.

“Good,” he finally replied.

Riley’s phone pinged and she picked it up to see a group text with her, Maxwell, and Hana.

“We all made it back to the palace. Security is pretty tight, but everyone is here, including Bertrand and Olivia. Me and Bertrand will be heading back to our estate soon and Hana will be with us. Liv is going to Lythikos.”

“I felt more comfortable with the Beaumont’s. Who knows if the attackers will come back?”

“I understand. I’d feel more comfortable there, too.”

“Are you and Drake coming back for the funeral?” Maxwell asked.

“Yeah, we’ll be there. Any idea when that’ll be?”

“It’s in three days. You guys can stay with us too, if you want. It’ll be like old times. Maybe we can get drunk and I can show you all the new party tricks I’ve been trying. ;)”

“Easy there, chief. I think one funeral is enough for right now.”

“Awe. :(“

“You’re ridiculous, Max. Never change.” Hana texted.

“Alright, guys. I’ll book a flight. We’ll be there in two days to get settled in. I’ll text you both the info.”

“Sounds good. See you guys soon!” Maxwell replied, ending the conversation.

“Okay, Constantine’s funeral is in three days. I told them we’ll be there in two. We’ll stay with the Beaumont’s to give the palace more time to do what they need to do without us in the way.”

“Okay.” He nodded slowly. He imagined the palace would be at full force, preparing for the momentous event. Staying out of Olivia’s crosshairs was probably for the best. If Liam had told her about Drake’s true intentions at the palace, she would undoubtedly cast an amount of blame onto him and Drake wasn’t sure he’d be able to stop himself from being undiplomatic. But with Olivia that never mattered. She always knew how to push his buttons.


Two days later, Riley and Drake landed back in Cordonia. They walked out of the plane to see a limo with Maxwell, Hana and Bertrand standing outside of it waiting for them, 4 security guards surrounding the vehicle. Maxwell broke into a sprint when he saw Drake and Riley, nearly knocking her over when their bodies collided.

“I’ve missed you, Riley.” Maxwell said quietly.

“It’s only been five days, Max.” She smiled as she wrapped her arms around him.

“Five days too long if you ask me.”

Maxwell turned to Drake.

“You, too, bud.” Maxwell gave Drake a hug without hesitation. Drake stood frozen for a moment before returning the gesture, loudly clapping the friend he didn’t realize he’d missed on the back.

“It’s good to see you in one piece,” Drake took a step back and rested a hand on his shoulder, “though I’ve seen you run. They probably couldn’t hit you if they tried.”

Maxwell lifted the corner of his lips, knowing full well Drake was right.

“I knew my sweet moves would come in handy.”

The trio walked over and said their hello’s to Bertrand before Hana pulled Riley tight to her.

“I’m glad you’re back.”

“Me, too,” Riley mustered a tearful grin.

They drove the hour back to Cordonia, discussing what happened that night and what information they’d gathered so far. There were still no solid leads on the attackers.

“There’s a few we’ve been tracking over the years. I wonder if they’re looking at Olivia’s house yet.” Drake said matter-of-factly.

“Why would they be looking into Lady Olivia? And what do you mean ‘we’ve’ been tracking?” Bertrand looked over at Drake, his brow creased in confusion.

“As you all know, Olivia’s parents were part of a coup. Anytime something like this happens they usually check out Olivia’s house as a precaution. Though with Olivia becoming Queen I’m not quite sure what would be in it for her. And, well, since Johnson knows and I’m no longer employed, I’ve been working for the Kings Guard the past six years, officially. Not including the three years of training.”

“What?” Maxwell’s eyes so wide they looked like they were about to fall out of his head.

“Yeah. We thought it was best to have me keep up my best friend profile with Liam. Not that we weren’t truly best friends, but it gave the illusion that I wasn’t a threat. Nobody would suspect me. Then this ticking timebomb,” he pointed at Riley, “came into my life and Liam relieved me of my position.”

“I see,” Bertrand replied. “Makes sense why you were around so often even though you hated the nobility. I knew you weren’t just in it for the free drinks.” He let out a small chuckle.

“No, I wasn’t. But it certainly didn’t hurt.” Drake smiled half-heartedly. “But you know, I was the only kings guard allowed to drink on the job.”

“I’m going to take a shot in the dark and assume that’s why you jumped in front of a bullet for Blossom?” Maxwell hid a giggle, laughing at his own joke.

Drake groaned at him, rolling his eyes.

“Glad to see your puns didn’t suffer.”


After the short trip they pulled up to the Beaumont estate. Two limos sat in front of it with men in black suits and ear pieces carefully scouting the area. Bertrand furrowed his brow as he leaned forward.

“Who’s here?” Maxwell asked.

Before Bertrand could reply, Liam came out of the front doors of the estate, a guard behind him. Riley looked out the window and her heart raced. She wasn’t sure she was ready to see him yet. The wounds between them were still too open. Her stomach turned. All the unresolved feelings between them made it harder for her to not run up to him and into his arms. To try and sooth his wounded heart. It wasn’t her place anymore. She chose Drake, but part of her would always belong to Liam. There was a history there she couldn’t forget, no matter how hard she tried. Her heart felt like it would pound out of chest as the limo rolled to a stop and they got out. First Bertrand, then Hana, and Maxwell and Drake followed. When Riley stepped out, Liam’s eyes fell on her. He barely moved as they walked towards him.

“I hope my presence isn’t an intrusion. I wanted to greet everyone before tomorrow.” Liam’s squared shoulders heaved a little.

Drake broke past the group and he hugged Liam fiercely.

“I’m so sorry, Liam. I should have been there.” Drake said lowly so only they could hear.

“It’s okay, Drake. You kept Riley safe. That’s all I want you to do.” Liam gripped his best friend and felt better than he had in weeks.

The two men broke apart and everyone went inside the estate. They had dinner and  made small talk, avoiding courtly conversation as the king pushed his food around his plate, barely having taken two bites since they’d been served. Drake watched him intently as he did much of the same, his own fathers death weighing heavily on him. After dinner, the Beaumont’s went to their quarters and Drake and Liam took a bottle of whiskey and went out back to sit by the fire on the patio. Hana and Riley went into a sitting room off the kitchen to drink Hana’s famous hot chocolate spiked with Kalua and discuss how the last few days had been.

“How are you holding up?” Riley asked, blowing steam off her mug.

“I’m okay, I guess. I’m still a little shaken up. The Beaumont’s have been really welcoming. They’ve been taking excellent care of me. I actually ended up in Maxwell’s room last night.” Hana said sheepishly.

“Hana Lee, you lady  dog!” Riley grinned.

“No! It wasn’t like that! He just wanted someone to talk to. I accidentally fell asleep in his bed. I woke up and he was asleep on the floor in a pile of blankets and pillows. It was very sweet. He’s a gentleman when he wants to be.”

“Sounds like your making him a prospect.”

“I… I don’t know. I’ve always kind of had a bit of a crush on him. I must admit I’ve been a bit envious about how carefree he is. But I’m glad he trusts me enough to talk to me about things. He was so serious last night. This whole thing has been weighing on him. He lost his father, too. Between him, Drake, and now Liam, I’m starting to wonder if I should let my dad come around here. Maxwell’s also nervous they’ll target the funeral. All the nobles will be there.”

“I hadn’t thought of that.”

“Me either, but it would make sense. I’m sure there will be hoards of security there. It’ll be okay.” Hana patted Riley’s hand reassuringly. “So, you and Drake, huh?”

“Yeah. He’s really great, Hana. I love him so much. He’s been so good to me. I met his mom and his sister. They’re really sweet. Nothing like the nobility here. It was refreshing to be around people not concerned with courtly talk and appearances.”

“That’s wonderful Riley. I’m so happy for you guys. Drake would do anything for you. I can’t believe he was a member of the Kings Guard!”

“Yeah, me either. It was a lot to take in. He’s taken a lot of guilt for King Father’s death, though. He thinks it’s his fault.

“Oh Drake.” Hana sighed.

“I know. Hopefully it’ll get better.”

“It will.” Hana gave her a warm smile. “After everything we’ve been through, we always come out on the other side.”


Hana took a quick last sip of her beverage, then craned her neck.

“I think I’m going to head up to bed for the night. Tomorrow is going to be a long day.”

“Yes, it will be.”

“Good night, Riley.”

“Night Hana.”

They both stood, and Riley walked through the room to the back door, peaking out to see Drake and Liam sitting side by side, an empty glass in each hand and a half empty whiskey bottle between them. Riley opened the door, barely poking her head out, and they both turned to look at her.

“I’m heading up to take a bath and go to bed. I’ll see you guys tomorrow.”

“Good night Lady Riley. Sleep well.”

“See you in a little bit,” Drake nodded at her.

Riley closed the door and went upstairs. Drake and Liam poured another finger of whiskey and leaned back in their chairs.

“I have to say, after the way the last week has gone it’s nice to sit and have a drink with a friend in peace and quiet,” Liam took a drink from his glass.

Drake looked to Liam’s left and could barely make out Bastien in the dark but noticed he was favoring his uninjured leg. Whatever injury he sustained was clearly superficial. He contemplated inviting him to join them. He knew better than anyone the amount of pressure Bas was under. He’d probably slept even less than Liam in the last few days. Drake decided against it, figuring Liam would appreciate the alone time with his best friend.

“I’m glad I could be here. I’m just sorry it wasn’t sooner.”

“It’s alright, Drake. I understand why you left.”

“You do?” Drake directed his sights to him.

“Yes. It was tense to say the least. The whole situation put us all in very awkward positions. I didn’t have a fiancé. You love Riley. She loves you. You were a member of the Kings Guard and my best friend. There was a lot of barriers, and we were tripping over all of them. I don’t blame you, though. I would have left if I could, too.”

Drake leaned his head back and looked out at the stars.

“How you’re feeling, I get it. Your dad. I know how hard it is losing Constantine. When my dad died, I felt like I might as well have too. He taught me everything I know. It was like he took me with him. I felt so lost. Everything I ever had questions about, he was the one who had all the answers. I felt like I had no guidance. I imagine taking over as king, you probably feel the same way for more than one reason.” Drake brought his attention back to Liam. He was resting his head on his hand, his elbow perched on the arm of the chair. He sat silent as the fire illuminated his face.

“It just feels like I got shot in the chest, Drake,” he finally admitted. “All day every day. I can’t sleep. I can’t eat. Every time I close my eyes, all I can see is my father laying there, because of me. I replay it over and over again trying to think of what I could have done differently,” Liam stared at the fire for a moment before continuing, “Leo had just told us Katie is pregnant. He was so excited to be a grandfather. Said he was looking forward to being around a child of the family he didn’t have to groom. He could just enjoy them as they were. That unfortunately he wasn’t given that option with us, and that he wished he’d done it differently. He was saying how proud he was of both of us when the first explosion went off.”

“For what it’s worth, Liam, I think he was proud of the decision he made, too.”

“He was. He said that he took the chance to die a hero instead of in a hospital bed. It was one of the last things he said before he passed.” Liam drummed his thumb against his glass before taking another drink.

“If there’s anything I can do, let me know. I’m sure Johnson will do whatever she can, too.”

“Thank you. How are things with Lady Riley by the way? She looks well.”

“They’re going good,” Drake said reluctantly. “Are you sure you want to talk about this right now?”

“Yes, Drake. I am. I’d love to talk about something good for a change. Aside from those close to me, I hate talking about my father to anyone. Most of the time it feels like prodding and obligation more than concern or sympathy. I want to know how my best friend is doing.” He smiled ruefully at Drake.

“Alright. Well, things are going really well. We talked about staying in Texas with my mom and sister.” Drake looked down at his glass to avoid Liam’s gaze.

“Yes, Bertrand had mentioned it the night of the ball. Are you still considering that?”

“I don’t know anymore, man. Everything is such a fucked-up mess right now. I’m just trying to make it through tomorrow. We’re going to take some time here and see where it goes.”

“I understand. Whatever you decide, I’ll support you. Are you excited about yours and Riley’s upcoming wedding?”

“I’m excited to marry her. She’s a great girl.”

“That she is. A truly extraordinary woman. I hope you’ll take good care of her.”

“I will.” Drake paused for a long moment. “Do you still love her?”

“Yes.” He replied with brief hesitation.

Drake took a deep breath and shook his head.

“Then how can you be so supportive in all this? You’d be so easy to hate if you weren’t so god damn likable.”

A thoughtful grin crossed Liam’s lips.

“Because, as much as I love her, I love you, Drake. Just like I love Leo. Like a brother. You’ve supported me in more ways than should have ever been asked of you. You’ve risked your life for this country, and for me. To be unhappy in the face of such joy wouldn’t being me any closer to my own happiness. I cannot control how Lady Riley chooses the person she loves, and I certainly wouldn’t try and deprive you of it. You deserve someone who makes you happy, Drake. Even if it’s her. At least I know if she’s not with me that she’s in good hands.”

“Thank you, Liam,” Drake brought his glass to his lips, emptying it, “that means a lot coming from you.”

“Of course,” Liam clears his throat, “ but I think it’s time to call it a night, though. I have to prepare some things for tomorrow. The only thing worse than having to prepare for your father’s funeral is to have to have a funeral with all eyes on you. God forbid I grieve like a normal person.”

“How about you and I go on a fishing trip tomorrow afterwards? Get away from the palace and clear our heads.”

“That would be a welcomed reprieve. I’ll take you up on it. I’ll let the guards know tomorrow morning.”

“Sounds good. See you in the morning.”

“Good night, Drake.”

Liam stood up and went towards his room. He stopped briefly at Riley’s door, which sat slightly cracked. She was sitting in bed reading intently, her wet hair in a loose, messy bun on top of her head. Her cheeks were still pink from the hot water of her bath, her freckles darkened from the Texas sun. She looked so beautiful when she was just herself. She always captivated him most when she was in her pajamas after a long day. When he would sneak into her room at night to hold her in the privacy of his home. She always made him feel human in those moments, like he wasn’t Liam the King. He was just Liam, and she was just the girl he was utterly, irrevocably in love with. He contemplated saying something to her. They’d barely spoken at dinner. Things seemed tense between them and he wanted to resolve it as quickly as possible. He knew Drake wouldn’t be far behind him and he decided to wait until tomorrow night, after he went out with Drake. He’d talk to her then.

He finally made it to his room and collapsed back onto the bed. He stared at the ceiling as he unbuttoned his shirt and undid his buckle on his belt. He stood up and took off his clothes, save for his boxers, before crawling under the heavy comforter and putting his hands behind his head, continuing his blank stare above him. He heard Riley and Drake laughing in the room beside his and his stomach knotted. He bit his bottom lip in an attempt to not heave at the sound of them together, imagining her throwing her head back the way she always did when he’d done something that amused her. He took a deep breath and tried to fall asleep. He tossed and turned for hours before he finally got up, put on sweat pants, and went down stairs to make some tea.

When he walked into the kitchen, Riley was already there leaning back against the counter next to the sink with a cup in her hand. Her robe was loosely knotted at the waist with her silk black night gown peeking out of the bottom, hitting just above her knee.

She heard him come in. When she saw him, her breathing stopped. There they were, all alone, the rest of the house feeling miles away in the stillness of the night. She was afraid to be around him right now because since the moment she saw him in the doorway of the Beaumont’s estate she guiltily was hoping they’d end up like this. They always had a habit of finding themselves alone. Tonight was no different. The air felt thick as she tried to steady her breathing. The energy in the silent room shifted when they locked eyes.

“Couldn’t sleep?” She asked softly.

“Not in the least. Why are you up?” His tone copied hers.

“Same reasons you are, I imagine. Worried about tomorrow.”

“That’s one of my concerns as well.” Liam leaned back on the sink next to her and crossed his arms over his bare chest. She looked down at her cup.

“What’s the other reason?” She turned to face him.

Liam’s eyes grazed over her, slowly working their way up her body before stopping at her face. Her eyes were as bright blue as they’d ever been, even in the dim lighting of the empty kitchen. He swore he heard his heart beat echoing off the walls as his blood surged through him and his palms dampened with sweat.

“You,” he admitted. He felt guilty just saying the word. He felt guilty that he hadn’t stopped thinking about her since she’d left for Texas. He’d only thought of Drake when he’d imagined her with him, but other than those moments, he tried not to think of Drake at all because it only deepened his self-loathing about being jealous of his best friend. Guilt seemed to be home for him lately.

“Oh,” Riley smiled warmly at him, “what about me?”

“How beautiful you looked this evening. How beautiful you look right now. Your freckles have really come in. They’re cute,” he chuckled, “I’ve always loved them.” His face fell remembering that they were no longer his to love, a thought he had to keep reminding himself of.

“I know.”

“I also thought about how you’ve barely spoken to me since you got here.” Liam stared at the floor, running his foot nervously back and forth over the smooth ceramic tile. “I don’t want things to be awkward between us. I know we’re in a difficult situation, but I am genuinely happy for you.”

“Thank you, Liam. That means a lot to me.” She set down her cup and rested a hand on his shoulder.

Liam’s skin tingled under her warm fingertips. His breathing quickened as his body tried unsuccessfully to maintain its composure. He closed his eyes and tried to stop himself. Emotions rushed over him in waves. Anguish. Regret. Desire. Longing. All for her. He was in the midst of drowning in his thoughts when Riley’s subtle voice interrupted him.

“Are you okay, Liam?” She let her hand drop, skimming the skin on his chest before it rested on his arm.

Swiftly he grabbed her, spun her around, and pressed her against the counter with his tall frame that was now towering over her. His hands rested on her hips as he breathed heavily looking into her eyes. She froze, saying nothing. Her eyes fell to his lips and that was all the reassurance he needed that they’d been sharing the same thought since he walked in on her. He pressed his body into her, his lips meeting hers with desperation as Riley wrapped her arms around his neck. He grabbed the back of her thighs, and effortlessly lifted her onto the counter. He undid her robe and slid his hands up her night gown, feeling her stomach tense beneath his fingers. His lips moved to her neck, leaving kisses and small bites in their wake. Riley dug her nails into his shoulders as he moved down to her chest, lavishing her breasts with attention. As he moved his hands back down to her hips, he expected to feel underwear separating them from her soft skin, but there was nothing keeping them apart. He rested one hand on the counter as the other made its way between her legs. Unsurprisingly, she was already soaked for him. He always had that effect on her, even in the most inconvenient of times. Moments where he’d barely touched her yet she was already slick when he did. Moments like this. Riley moaned into Liam’s chest as he slid a finger into her, his thumb working in skilled, deliberate circles against her sensitive skin. He rested his head on her shoulder, his member swelling with every movement of his hand. Liam’s lips found Riley’s once again. She slipped her tongue into Liam’s mouth and he groaned into her. He could tell by the way her breathing caught that she was close. He’d heard it so many times, it was hard to forget. Everything about her was hard to forget.

“Come for me, Riley. Your king demands it.” He smiled coyly against her lips.

As if on command, Riley’s mouth dropped open as her body trembled. She pulled him tight against her, pleasure radiating hot and fast through her shaking figure. She breathed heavily, each puff of air warming Liam’s skin. She rested her chin on his shoulder.

“God, you’re so fucking good,” She whispered into his ear.

“I’m glad to be of service, my love.”

Riley caught her breath before she looked at him.

“Let’s go upstairs.”

Riley knew she shouldn’t, but she couldn’t help herself. The way she felt about Liam was different than Drake. Drake made her comfortable. Safe. Their relationship was as fun and challenging as it was strong and steady. With Liam, it was completely effortless. It flowed smoothly, like a perfectly aged scotch. Even when it got hard, it was still easy. He was tender where Drake was abrasive. Liam gave her a part of himself he gave to no one else. There was a special spot for her, just as there was one for him within Riley. Every time they were within arms reach of each other, it felt like a static bubble enveloped them. An invisible rope pulling them to each other. This is probably our last time. I don’t want to waste it.

They quietly tiptoed to a spare bedroom on the opposite wing of the estate, away from Drake, Hana, and the Beaumont’s. Liam carefully shut the door and locked it. He turned to look at Riley, her lightly tanned skin brightened by the kiss of moonlight flowing in from slightly cracked drapes. She dropped her robe to the floor to let Liam look at her. They’d made love so many times she couldn’t count but it never got any less exciting. Her body got goosebumps when he looked at her the way he always did right before he fucked her. He commanded her. He had been bred for power, for control. She was no different than any other thing he ruled in his life. Riley was always the leader in everything she ever did. She called the shots for herself. The only time she let herself become a servant now was during sex, and the only people she gave herself to were Drake and Liam.

Liam walked towards her slowly. His muscles flexed in meticulous movements. She knew she was about to have her body conquered. The exhilarating soreness that always happened between her legs when they were together was a blissful reminder of what had happened just hours before. He stopped in front of her.

“Turn around,” he ordered.

She did as he asked. He slipped the straps of her nightgown over her shoulders and reached around, sliding his warm hands beneath the smooth fabric on her chest. Her nipples hardened as his fingertips ran across them. He kissed her from one shoulder to the other and Riley shuttered as his hot breath moved on top of her skin. He grabbed the straps and slowly slid her negligee down her body, dropping to knees to kiss every new piece of skin he revealed. He stood and lead her over to the bed where he pressed a strong hand into her back, bending her over it. He stepped back and appreciated her naked body, ready and willing for him. He moved back towards her and pressed his still-clothed lower half against her backside, his member rock hard against her, teasing her with what he knew she wanted. He dug his fingers into her ass before running them up the length her back to her shoulders, pulling her even closer to him.

“I love seeing you like this. So eager for me. Aren’t you, love?”

Riley arched her back, instinctively pushing herself against him. He knelt behind her and pushed her thighs apart as he placed his mouth between them. He moved his tongue against her wet skin.

“You taste just as sweet as I remember.”

Riley drew in a shaky gasp and her body tensed. Liam stopped.

“Do you want me, Lady Riley?”

“Yes.” She sat up to look at him.

He placed his hand on her back once again, forcing her back down on to the bed.

“You can get up when I tell you to.” Intensity dripped from his voice, causing Riley to bite her lower lip at the sound.

Riley laid there, still, while Liam contemplated his next move. Thoughts of the day ahead of them had been far gone. He was completely immersed in her, just like he hoped he would be.

He flipped her over, moving her the rest of the way on to the bed, and laid his body on top of hers. He kissed every inch of her skin softly before planting a tender kiss on her lips. He leaned into her ear and whispered.

“I’ve thought about you every night since you left,” he bit her ear lobe. “Do you know how insane you make me,” he kissed down her neck. “How every time you’re near me it’s all I can do to keep myself from bending over that pretty little ass of yours in front of everyone,” he bit her shoulder. “I’m so madly in love with every part of you,” he kissed her chest, “inside and out.” He landed back on her lips and Riley arched into him. “I love you Riley.” He whispered into her mouth.

“I love you, Liam.”

He smiled against her.

“I know you do, sweetheart.”

He leaned back and cupped her face in his hand before sliding it down her body and running it back up to her throat, a finger resting on her bottom lip. Riley lowered her chin and took his finger into her mouth, flicking the tip of it with her tongue. Liam’s head fell back and he groaned. He leaned back and used his free hand to shimmy out of his boxers and sweatpants, freeing himself from them. He slid his shaft between her legs, teasing her, as she bit his finger.

“On your knees,” he said in a low voice as he sat up and moved to stand at the edge of the bed.

Riley fell to her knees where he rested inches from her face.

“Open your mouth.”

She let her jaw go slack in a slow, deliberate action as Liam watched. He smiled down at her.

“You’re so obedient. I love that about you.”

Liam slowly pushed himself into her open mouth. The vibrations from a moan Riley released sent shivers through Liam’s body. Riley’s hands rested behind her back as she moved around him. Pure ecstasy coursed through him feverishly. His hand ran through her hair and pulled out the elastic that kept it up in a bun. It flowed around her softly as Liam ran a hand up the back of her neck and grabbed at the nape of it.

“Look at me.”

Riley looked up at him without removing him from her mouth and he took in a sharp breath. Her eyes were filled with such want for him. Such need for him. Seconds later, he released into her. Riley readily swallowed it as it came, knowing it was his favorite when she did. He caught his breath and lifted her on to the bed. He crawled in next to her and drew circles around her belly button with his finger.

“What is it?” Riley asked.

“This is probably our last time together like this, yes?” Liam sighed.

“I… Probably. Yeah.” The words made her heart break as she said them. This was it. They were closing the chapter. She suddenly felt her throat start to tense with a burning pain. She didn’t want to cry. Not tonight. Not here. Not now. That was the last thing Liam needed. He needed her to be strong, for both of them. This was the one last thing she could do for him, to be what he needed her to be. Right now, he needed her to be a release. A distraction. She was more than willing.

“I guess we should make the most of it then,” he smiled as he crawled on top of her.

Liam lowered himself into her. He rocked his hips against her slowly at first. She was so tight that he was always afraid he was going to hurt her. He had to pace himself or he knew he’d go within minutes. A mistake he only made once with her. Gradually he picked up speed until he was slamming into her, enjoying the way she moved in time with him. Soon Riley came, and Liam quickly followed. He rested his weight on his elbows and hovered over her, his forehead pressed to hers. He took her face into his hand, kissing her soundly. He rolled on to his back and they both caught their breath. After a while Liam sat up and hung his head.

“I want you to know that I know it was a hard decision, choosing between the two of us. I love you more than you’ll ever know, Riley. I will never regret the time we spent together. It made me a better man and, in turn, a better king. My only regret with you is not giving you that ring the night of the coronation. If I had, we’d be in a very different position now. I think you would have made a remarkable queen. Strong. Kind. Charismatic. Everything one could hope for. I’d be a fool and a liar if I said I didn’t miss you. But I’m glad you’ve found happiness, even if not with me. I just wanted you to know that. Olivia. Madeline. None of them compare. It was always you,” he paused briefly, “Drake told me about you guys possibly staying in Texas. I really would like to ask you to reconsider. Even if I can’t have you in my life as my queen, I still want you in my life as a friend.”

Riley sat up and looked over at him. Her hair flowing over her shoulder as she cocked her head to the side.

“A friend the king occasionally tries to have sex with? What a true Cordonian honor.” She giggled.

“You know what I mean, Riley.” He rubbed his fingers from his left hand over the palm of his right the way he always did when he was nervous, his way of keeping himself focused.

“I know, Liam,” she placed her hand in between his, “there’s part of me that will always love you. You gave me a fairytale. I’m sorry I couldn’t give you that in return. As for us staying here, that’s something I’ll have to talk over with Drake. He really loves Texas. It’s a lot simpler of a life. Everything has happened so fast. It’s all been overwhelming. I can only imagine how you’ve been dealing with it. But I hope now you feel better.” The corners of her lips turned up slightly.

“I do. You always know how to make a man feel good. One of the many things I’m jealous about between you and Drake is that he gets to do that with you whenever he likes,” he chuckled, “but if anyone could make me feel better, it’s definitely you.” He gave her hand a slight squeeze. “Thank you.”

“No problem.” She nodded at him. “I should head to bed. I’ve been gone a while. If Drake wakes up he’ll wonder where I went.”

“That’s probably for the best. Hopefully we can both get some sleep.”

Riley got up and put back on her nightgown and robe. She tossed her hair back up into a bun and started walking towards the door. She stopped when her hand rested on the knob and looked back at him.

“Thank you. For everything.”

She opened the door, closed it behind her, and made her way down the hall to her and Drake’s room. She quietly went in and climbed back into bed. Drake rolled over and nuzzled against her. She rested her head on top of his and let out a sigh. Liam was unbridled passion. But this? This was home.

She relaxed into the bed and soon she fell asleep to the sound of his breathing.

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