“It’s always been you.” – Chapter Thirteen

Disclaimer: All characters are owned by Pixelberry and I claim no ownership of them. Enjoy!


“I guess they weren’t kidding when they said it’s always cold here.” Riley shivered as she wrapped her khaki-colored coat tighter around her.

“Come on, you’re from New York. Can’t be any worse than the winters there.” Drake trudged up the hill to the Lythikos estate beside her.

“Yeah, well it’s July, and New York in July is well into the 80’s by now. It’s, what, 20’s at best?”

“I’ve found your weakness! Brutal cold.” Maxwell yelled as he went sprinting past. “I’ll put it in my notes!”

Drake shook his head.

“I’ve still not found anything yet that slows that one down.”

“I don’t know, I think Hana might be wearing his out a little.” Riley gave Drake a wink.

“How’s that going anyways?”

“Good, as far as I know. Hana seems really excited about it. Maxwell is always excited, but when he talks about Hana, he has an extra twinkle in his eye. I can’t believe I didn’t see it sooner.”

“Because you’re always one to be up front.” Drake scoffed.

“I am! I was makin’ moves on you for a while, Walker. Not my fault your willpower is greater than mine.”

“Had to be. But now, I’m glad it’s not.” He leaned over and gave her a quick kiss on the cheek. “Race ya!”

Drake took off up the hill and Riley struggled to keep up, the cold air nipping at her lungs with each breath.

“Hey! You got a head start! That’s not fair!”

By the time she caught up with him, he was standing at the doors of the estate.

“I win!”

“You’re as sore of a winner as you are a loser.” Riley huffed, her breath creating thick clouds of steam in front of her.

“What’s my prize?” He eyed her longingly. Riley straightened to full height, her body suddenly going warm at the husky tone of his voice.

“Hmmm…” She tapped her lips. “How about a kiss?”

“The best prize I could hope for.”

She got on her tippy toes and placed the most chaste kiss known to man on his lips before settling her feet back into the snow.

“That’s more like a third-place prize, but I came in first.” He wrapped an arm around her waist and pulled her tight to him, catching her lips in a passionate kiss.

“Better?” She grinned up at him.

“Ahem. Save your displays of affection for the bedroom. It’s hardly appropriate for Cordonia’s newest duchess to be necking out here like a teenager for the world to see,” Olivia said from the doorway, “now get in here, I’m letting all the warm air out trying to keep you from embarrassing yourselves.”

“So, Drake, has she always been a buzzkill?” Riley quipped as they walked past Olivia who rolled her eyes.


“How very insightful of you Duke Drake.” Olivia knew just how to hit his nerve, a skill she acquired from a young age.

Drake’s face scrunched at the word duke. He was warming up to the idea, but he was still far from comfortable with it.

“It’s just Drake, thanks.”

“Mmhmm, for now.”

Riley, Drake, Liam and Olivia sat in the parlor for after dinner drinks. Liam was standing off in the corner on a call when he turned to the trio, giving them a nod and a smile.

“Thank you, Alexander. Do keep in touch. Have a good evening.” Liam hung up the call and found his seat next to Olivia. “I just spoke to my advisor for Public Relations. He said your introduction as duchess has been very well received by the Cordonian public, especially your duchy. Valtoria is very excited to have you.”

“That’s great news, Liam. Thanks again for letting me return to my station. I’m eager to start my position.” Riley gave him a warm smile.

“Of course. I know there was a lot going on at the time. Life in the court can certainly be overwhelming, especially to a newcomer like yourself. But I have no doubt you will handle your role as duchess with the confidence and poise you’ve handled all other court related matters. It’s reassuring to have you leading a duchy in my kingdom, and with a well-rounded soon-to-be duke by your side.” Liam raised a glass to Drake, who again winced at the word duke.

“I can’t believe I’m becoming the one thing I spent my entire life avoiding.”

“Come now, Drake. It won’t be that bad. Think of it this way: the people will appreciate having another who’s not born nobility. It’ll make you relatable, just as it has made Riley, and they’ll trust that you always have their best interest at heart. That’s a pretty damn good leader, if you ask me.”

A new-found recognition caused a content look to cross Drake’s features.

“Huh. I guess I never thought of it that way.”

“A fool can’t be a king, Drake.”

“I wouldn’t go that far. I’ve seen some of the dumb things you’ve done. Remember that time you knocked the top of the statue off that water fountain when we were playing football and you got pissed that you couldn’t get a goal past me?” Drake mimed the trajectory of the ball bouncing off the head of a statue and falling into the water. Liam let out a laugh.

“Ah, yes. If only King Fabian were a better block.”

“So, now that the news is out, when do we go to Valtoria?” Riley’s eyes gleamed with excitement.

“I know you’ve been anxious to see your new home. Lucky for you, it’s our next stop. We’ll be leaving tomorrow morning.” Liam smiled, earning an excited squeal from Riley.

“I can’t wait! If it’s anything like Drake says, it’ll be a sight to see.”

“And that it is. You have acres of untouched land, mountains as far as the eye can see, and a lovely river running through your backyard.”

“And also lucky for you, I brought your horse along for the ride. She’s already there getting settled in.” Drake placed a warm hand on Riley’s.

“Thank you, Drake. I couldn’t imagine a home without Mary.”

“Me either.”

“Alright, everyone. We have a long trip ahead of us tomorrow. Best turn in for the night and rest up. Your duchy will have a lot to explore.” Liam stood and offered Olivia his arm. “May I escort my future queen to her quarters?”

“Of course, Your Highness. Good night.” She turned to Drake and Riley and nodded.

“See you in the morning, Liv.” Riley gave a small wave, turning to Drake as they left the room. “Wanna head up to bed, babe?”

“I have a better idea.”

He grabbed her hand and lead her to the back of the estate, grabbing their coats.

“You’re going to need this.”

He took her out into the brisk evening air and into the woods behind the estate. They walked for a while before he stopped in a clearing among the trees. Drake looked up at the sky and a tender smile played across his dark features as he turned to her.

“Do you trust me, Johnson?”

“With my life.”

“You asked for it.”

Drake hooked his leg behind Riley’s and gave her a shove. Half way down he threw an arm behind her back, gently guiding her body down the rest of the way until she laid flat in fluffy white snow. He laid down on the ground next to her.

“Wow.” Riley breathed. The sky shown a magical purple and blue swirl above her with a vibrancy she’d never seen before.

“You see one yet?”

“One what?”

“Just wait.”

Sure enough, Riley saw a meteor go blazing across the sky, and then another, and another.

“This is beautiful, Drake.” She turned and looked at him, finding him already gazing at her.

“No argument here.”

Riley smiled and closed the distance between them, kissing him soundly and slowly. Drake brought a cold hand to her cheek.

“How long have you known about this?”

“Since this morning. Thought it’d be something nice to share with you. Savannah and I used to catch meteor showers all the time as kids. Sometimes I like to just get out in nature and enjoy the quiet. For you, I make an exception, because you’re anything but quiet.”

“Very funny.” Riley turned her attention back towards the sky. “Aren’t we supposed to make a wish?”

“These are meteors, not shooting stars. I don’t think that applies here.”

“What you gonna wish for?” she asked, ignoring his previous comment.

“If I tell you it won’t come true.”

“Fair enough.” She closed her eyes, and silently wished for her happily ever after. When she opened them and looked out of the corner of her eye with a small smile.

“So, you think it’ll come true?” Drake tilted his head towards her.

“It already has.”

The corner of Drake’s mouth twitched. He already knew what she’d wished for.

“That’s good, Johnson, but we should probably head back. There’s supposed to be a snow storm coming in and I’d hate to get caught in it.”

“Your survival skills are unmatched, bar none.”

“That’s right.” Drake hoisted himself up and helped Riley to her feet.

The snow started shortly after they headed back towards Olivia’s. Riley slipped a hand into Drake’s to keep her footing and they got back just as the wind picked up. They got into their room and Riley started to slip out of her cold clothes, which were dampened as the white on them began to disappear. She was off in her own world, trying to warm up as fast as possible, not even noticing Drake staring at her from across the room. She looked over her shoulder to catch his eyes on her.

“Enjoying the scenery?” She laughed as she took off her jeans.

“A man can appreciate a beautiful view when he sees one.”

“Does it rival the view from earlier?” She slipped off her shirt, standing before him in her underwear.

“Nothing will ever compare to this one.” He leaned on the wall, drinking in the way her skin glistened from melted snowflakes.

“Well I’m honored to be a scene worthy of admiring.” She strutted over to him. “Need any help getting out of those clothes of yours?”

“I’m afraid it’d be very unbecoming of me to turn down such a generous offer.”

Riley’s fingers worked at the buttons on his denim shirt, slowly popping them open one by one before sliding her hands over his shoulders and pushing it to the floor. She kept her eyes locked on his as she unfastened his belt, deliberately toying with the elastic on his boxer-briefs. Drake stared heatedly at her, trying to keep his building excitement contained as her fingers grazed his skin. His pants dropped to the floor, his belt clinking loudly as it hit the ground. He stepped out of his jeans and kicked them to the corner of the room.

“Better, but I don’t think we’re quite done yet.”

She slipped her hands under his shirt, lightly trailing her nails up his abs and chest before grabbing the hem of it and pulling it over his head.

“Almost there.” She bit her lip.

She fell to her knees, running her still-cool hands up his inner thigh. Drake let out an involuntary shiver at the contrast of them against his warm skin. She grabbed the waistband of his underwear and slowly pulled them down, revealing a disappointingly soft member. She furrowed her brow and looked up at him.

“What? You think just because you touched me I’m going to automatically get a hard-on? Give me more credit than that.”

The truth was he’d been focusing on keeping himself from becoming hard under her touch. He liked to challenge her. It turned him on to see her frustrated with him, knowing he had the ability to drive her wild.

“I guess you’re right.” She stood up and gave an exaggerated shrug. Two can play at this game. “Sorry for thinking you’re such an animal.”

She walked over and laid down on the bed, leaving her naked fiancé alone in the middle of the room.

Drake stood there in a daze, surprised by her giving up so easy.

“So, that’s it? Not even going to try?”

“Nope.” She rolled away from him, a satisfied smirk on her face.

“Fine.” He walked over to a dresser and pulled out his sweatpants, closing the drawer louder than me meant to. He had a fleeting moment of guilt that she would think he was actually mad at her for not wanting to have sex with him. He could honestly care less if they did or not. Having her there had always been, and still was, enough.

He laid down next to her. She had her back to him but could hear him let out a sigh of discontent.

“Goodnight, Drake.”

“Night, Johnson.”


They were in the limo on their way to Valtoria when Riley looked over at Drake, who had barely said two words to her all morning. He wasn’t mad. She could tell by his body language. He was carrying on whatever game they’d played from the night before. She wondered what he was planning; she could see his wheels turning as they made their way through beautiful Cordonia countryside. She looked towards Liam and Olivia, realizing they’d both drifted off to sleep. She was leaning on his shoulder, his arm around her waist. She was momentarily distracted from Drake, admiring how peaceful the king and future queen looked. A feeling of adoration for them both washed over her. They’re falling in love. They both deserve it. She’d seen Liam sleep enough times but seeing Olivia in such a serene state made Riley remember that underneath her harsh exterior, she was just someone who wanted to be loved. It was always something she cherished, seeing these people so highly thought of by those around her in their natural state. It made it easier for her to recognize herself among them.

Riley was lost in thought when she felt Drake’s hand rest on her knee. She looked over at him, his face carrying an impish smile and a cocked eyebrow. Riley shook her head at him, trying to swat away his hand. He gave her leg a gentle squeeze as he slowly ran his hand farther up her inner thigh and under the hem of her dress.

“Get out of here with that, Walker.”

“I don’t know what you’re talking about.”

“Mmhmm.” She hummed, eyeing his suspiciously.

Drake leaned into her, his lips pressed to her ear.

“Thought you could tease me, did you?”

“I don’t know what you’re talking about.” She remarked in a mocking tone.

“Sure, Johnson.” His strong fingers moved closer to between her legs. He lightly grazed the space between them before removing his hand and setting it back on his leg.

She was about to scold him when she looked out the window, seeing a beautiful estate before her.

“We’re here!” She squealed.

Liam and Olivia jumped in surprise at the sound of her voice.

“Indeed we are.” Liam yawned, rubbing Olivia’s arm as she rose from his shoulder.

“Out of my way!” Riley didn’t wait for their driver to open the door, basically climbing over Liam to get out of the car. He let out a chuckle at her excitement. She’s like a child on Christmas morning.

Riley stood at the doors of her new home, Drake eventually catching up to her with Liam and Olivia in tow. Maxwell and Hana’s limo pulled up shortly after and they climbed out to join the rest of the group.

“Wow. This estate puts most other duchy’s to shame!” Maxwell took in the scenery around him, carrying the same twinkle in his eye as Riley. She could tell it was taking all his willpower not to run around like a madman, inspecting every nook and cranny of her new home just like it was her.

A woman dressed in official looking garb greeted her with a warm smile.

“Good morning, Your Grace. I’m Gladys, your majordomo. We’ve all been impatiently awaiting your arrival.”

“Good morning, Gladys. It’s a pleasure to finally meet you! And please, you can call me Riley.” She smiled wide.

“Certainly, Riley.” She turned to Drake. “And you must be our soon-to-be duke. Sir Drake.” She bowed to him.

“Just Drake is fine.” He shifted uncomfortably. You’re going to have to get used to it sometime, Walker.

“Of course, Just Drake.” She winked at him, earning a grin from Drake.

“I like you already.” Riley chimed.

Liam walked up next to the couple, motioning towards the house.

“Shall we?”


Gladys lead the pairs through finely decorated guest rooms. Though they lacked any sort of sign of being unkept, it was clear they hadn’t been used in a while. Thoughts of her friends, and some day her children, occupying the rooms danced in her head. While she would be nobility, she always wanted the estate to feel like a comfortable home. She wanted it to be a place where her friends could come and unwind when the politics got to be too much. I might put a sword in that last room for Olivia. That’d make her feel at home. Riley stifled a smile at the ridiculousness of it, still knowing that it was true. Gladys walked them up to two large oak doors at the end of the hallway.

“And this is your royal master suite, Your Gr-“ She paused, the corners of her mouth twitching in a smile, “Riley.”

She swung open the doors to reveal a decadent room with extravagant décor.

“Jesus.” Drake muttered in disbelief under his breath.

“It certainly is a change from your quarters at the palace.” Liam walked up and clapped his friend affectionately on the shoulder. “From commoner to duke.”

“It’s definitely something.”

Drake was looking out the window when he heard the poof of air quickly escaping a mattress. I know she isn’t… He turned to see his future wife bouncing on their bed, Maxwell beside her jumping on it like a kid on a trampoline.

“Think I could bounce from here to the door Blossom?” Maxwell asked between jumps.

“Only one way to find out!” She encouraged.

“I don’t think that’s a good id…”

Before Drake could finish his sentence, he watched Maxwell catapult himself off the bed, grabbing onto the chandelier hanging a few feet from it and swinging to land in front of the door with a large, flying leap. Liam stood there, mouth agape, while Olivia watched in annoyance at the childish behavior unfolding in front of her.

“Impressive.” Hana nodded and quietly clapped her hands.

“If I may, Riley. There’s one last spot I’d like to show you before we conclude our tour of the house. Please, follow me.”

“If you guys want to go downstairs and grab a snack and some refreshments, we won’t be long.” Riley motioned towards the doors.

“I could use a snack.” Maxwell was already halfway out of the room, rubbing his hand over his stomach. The rest of her friends filed out. Liam glanced at her and smiled as he shut the door.

Gladys opened sliding glass doors leading from the bedroom to a large stone balcony off. Drake’s eyes grew with wonder, a smile crept across his face as he stared out over the lush green gardens that surrounded them. Mountains glistened in the distance and a low gurgle came from a brook that was winding through their backyard. He remembered it being beautiful but sharing it with Riley had made it all the more spectacular. He reached over and grabbed her hand. Their eyes met and when he saw her face against the backdrop of towering mountains and the way the high sun lit her fair skin, all he could think was that he had finally found home.

“It’s extraordinary, Gladys.” Riley’s cheeks rose as she turned to her majordomo.

“It’s a truly magnificent place. Aside from my family serving this estate for generations, the view is part of what keeps me here. As if kings and queens and princes didn’t seem enough out of a fairytale in current times, the wonders you’ll see here will make you feel as though you’re living in one.” She turned to briefly admire the view before them before turning towards the door. “If it’s alright with you, I’d like to go check in on your guests and leave you two explore your new quarters.”

“Yes, Gladys. Thank you so much.”

“Certainly. We’ll be serving lunch shortly. I’ll let you know when we’re ready for you.”

Gladys took her leave, leaving Drake and Riley to further examine their new bedroom. Riley walked through the room and into a large walk-in closet.

“This thing is bigger than my old apartment!” She exclaimed.

“The crown spares no luxury.”

“I’ll say.”

He rounded her and grabbed her by the waist, picking her up and spinning her in circles. She giggled into his shoulder and wrapped her arms tight around his neck. He sat her down and looked into her eyes, which were still crinkled with a giddy grin.

“I know this isn’t exactly where we thought we’d end up, but any place with you will always be home. Thank you for giving me that.”

“What, the monstrous closets and giant soaking tub aren’t what pulled you in?” She quipped.

“No.” He chuckled and shook his head. “It’s always been you.”

She gave him an adoring grin and kissed him on the cheek before letting him go and pulling him out of the closet. She shut the door and strolled around the room, lightly running her fingers over old paintings that hung on the wall. She was deep in concentration when she felt Drake come up behind her, pressing her body into the wall in front of her.

“Beautiful isn’t it?” His words were hot on her neck as he kissed from her ear to her shoulder.

“I don’t know, I never envisioned an old king as a pillar of beauty.” Riley closed her eyes and leaned into him.

“I wasn’t talking about the king, Your Grace.”

Drake lifted the fabric of her dress, caressing the skin from her mid-thigh to the hem of her panties.

“I guess not.”

He ran his hand up to the small of her back, reaching his free arm around her to rest his hand on her stomach. Before she could protest, he moved his hand from her back to underneath her panties, sliding even farther down, his fingers leaving a trail over her backside before finally reaching between her legs. Riley focused on his touch, the way it swallowed her and made her forget the room around them. She stood silent, allowing him to have his way with her.

“Look like the teasing is starting to pay off.” He ran his finger between her folds, which were already glistening and ready for him. Riley leaned back, an attempt to playfully object. Drake pressed her more firmly against the wall with his chest.

“Were you going to say something?” He asked heatedly before inserting a finger into her. She curled her fingers against the wall, letting out a small whine as he moved. She shook her head.

“And now?” He smiled mischievously behind her as he sent another finger into her core. Her body grew warm as he pleasured her. She shook her head once again.

“How about…” he curled her fingers inside her, “now?”
Riley failed to suppress the moan that she had desperately been trying to keep inside her. Drake knew all of her weaknesses, and he was victoriously using them as a power play. As she was approaching her climax, he removed himself completely from her, smoothing down the back of her dress. He unforgivingly patted her shoulder.

He leaned in and whispered playfully, “See you at lunch.”

Riley turned to look at him just in time to watch him walk out the door and wink at her. That son-of-a-bitch.

That’ll teach her.

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