“It’s always been you.” – Chapter Twenty-Two

“Hey, there was something I wanted to talk to you about,” Maxwell admitted as he laid next to Hana in her hospital bed with his head resting on top of hers and stroking her hair, taking care not to jostle the dozens of wire and tubes coming off of her.


“I think once was enough, don’t you?”

She let out a breathy chuckle.

“What I meant was go ahead.”

Maxwell scooted off the bed and sat in a chair next to it. He took her hand in his and sucked in a deep breath.

“When you got shot, I was barely keeping it together. I can usually handle high pressure situations well enough, but seeing you laying there broke me. You’ve been one of my best friends since you got here and I don’t want to lose that.  I don’t want to lose you. I know we haven’t been together for that long, but you’re really important to me. The last year jet setting around and laughing with you has been the best year of my life. I just want you to know that.”

“You’re really important to me too, Max. You saved my life. I owe you everything.”

“How about we settle for a kiss and call it even?”

“Deal,” Hana giggled.

Maxwell gently leaned over her and kissed her softly before sitting back down.

“I’m going to stay here for the night. Are you going to be okay here if I got to the wedding tomorrow? I don’t have to,” he added quickly, “Bertrand will be there to represent House Beaumont. It’s not big deal if you want me to stay.”

“No, that’s okay. You should go. It is a big deal. My mom and dad are coming in the morning. I won’t be alone. Mom is going to stay with me while dad goes to the wedding.”

Maxwell gave a weak smile, guilt telling him he should be there with her. He begrudgingly agreed.

“Alright. You should get some rest. I’m gonna go lay down on the couch. I’m only a few feet away if you need anything. Water. CPR. Whatever. I’m your guy.”

“Yeah,” she said weakly, “you are.”

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