It’s Just the Beginning

*Disclaimer: Liam, adult Leo, and Cordonia belong to pixelberry. OC and storyline, those are mine.

“Leo, get back here…” Liam is chasing after the five-month-old prince.  For being so young, they have mastered walking, well, running in Leo’s case; and are very quick. Leo is the escape artist of the three. He can charm just about anyone who cames to visit. OH, God! He is his namesake. Liam thinks to himself.   Wil and Emi are laughing out the sight, at least he was smart enough to strap the other two in their pumpkin seats before starting diaper changes.  Leo is having the time of his life, having Liam chase him around trying to get another diaper on him. As if sensing his father’s frustration, Wil holds up Leo’s favorite toy. Leo turns around to get it but is swooped up Liam who finishes putting his diaper on. 


Liam not wanting to have to chase Leo again carries him to the kitchen and straps him into the highchair, placing his favorite snack on the tray he goes to collect the other two and does the same for them. Then he fixes himself a snack. Liam looks at the clock longingly, Si would not be home until 6 pm, and it was only 1:30 pm. He sighs.  How does she do this? This is truly exhausting.  He looks at his beloved trio and can tell that they are falling asleep, he quickly takes a photo on his phone and sends it to Si.  


Carefully moving each child from there high chairs to their cribs, Liam looks at his cubs, they look like such angels when they are asleep. Liam makes sure that the baby monitoring camera was on before heading to his own room. He switches on the device on his nightstand. He could get a couple of hours of sleep at least.


Liam opens his eyes, he glances at the time, then his eyes focus on the video monitor. Emi and Wil are in their cribs. Liam jumps out of bed quickly and runs to the nursery. Throwing the door open he sees Leo’s crib empty, then he looks and Leo has somehow climbed into Wil’s crib.


“Hey my little cubs, did you all sleep well?” Liam picks up Emi who stretches out her arms for him.  She is “daddy’s little girl”. She is the spitting image of her mother, the first woman in his life that can get anything she wants from him with just a look. Now there is Emi, “Boys, we may outnumber the women, but they will always win, so pick your battles  very wisely.” He turns when he hears a giggle come for the doorway.


“Such wise words have never been spoken, My King.” Si purrs, standing on her tip-toes to give him a quick kiss before she kisses each child.


“I thought you would not be back until 6, Love” Liam inquires.


“I know, but I didn’t want to be gone too long,” Si replies as she changes Wil’s diaper.


“Meaning you didn’t trust me to care for the cubs, all by myself,” Liam raising his eyebrow. Si chooses not to acknowledge his question. Liam just chuckles and changes Emi’s diaper then Leo’s. “Hey, so how long has Leo, been climbing out of his crib, then climbing into Wil’s?” Liam knew by her body language she has known for some time.


Sighing, she replies, “I think he started about 3 weeks ago, I was taking a nap woke up and he wasn’t in his bed, I panicked, then I heard him laughing from Wil’s.”


“Why didn’t you tell me?” he inquires.


“We were having that stupid disagreement, so I figure, I would let you learn on your own.” Si states.


“What disagreement was that?”


“The one where you said ‘We are running a country, surely raising 3 children, cannot be that hard.’” Si looks defeated, Liam could tell his words hurt.


“Love, I am sorry, I wasn’t talking about you, that was more about me,” Liam says snaking his free arm around her waist. “I don’t know how you manage, Leo is a handful at best. Maybe we should change his name? Would that settle him down?” 


Si laughs at her mate.  He is so strong, confident, and a great leader, but who knew one little prince would have him flustered.  Maybe she should tell him about Wil and Emi’s secret talents. She shakes her head, “Aww, my poor King, he is his namesake you know this, just as Wil is you. You have been so good with them for the last four months. They are just testing the waters, well that is what I tell myself.” They both chuckle.


Taking the children into their living room, Si decides that they would watch a family movie, she holds the brightly colored DVD cases in front of the triplets, and they all point to the same one. She quickly puts the DVD into the player and puts the case back on the shelf. The four of them sat on the couch waiting for Liam to come in with the snacks. Popcorn for him and Si, and Corn Puffs for the cubs, although they each had a full set of teeth, they worried about the kernels.


“Okay, so what are we watching tonight?” Liam asks as he pulls Si closer to him.  She presses the play button, then…that music… “Are you serious?” 


Si shushes him, then he gets three cubs copying her. Si giggles at Liam’s low growl. “Seriously, I hate this movie, if they want to see a Lion King, they have spent the day with one,” Liam grumbles.


Si cannot help but laugh at her irritated mate, “Yes my King, but do you sing and dance for them?”


A wicked smirk forms on Liam’s face, “I think someone needs to be taught a lesson for their insolence.” he whispers in her ear, between the words and the raspiness of his voice; the tickling of his scruff on her and heat from his breath behind her ear, Si could wait until they put the cubs down for the night. She smiles and thinks to herself, might as well be really naughty, as she decides to sing each and every song through the entire movie.


After what seems like an eternity, the movie was over and all three cubs were sound to sleep, they carefully put them in their cribs, turned on the monitors and silently closed the door after them. 


Si walks back into the living room and turns off the television and DVD player. She begins brushing the crumbs that the cubs left off the couch, while Liam takes the dishes to the kitchen.  He looks around the place and remembers when he first saw the drawings of how Si wanted to renovate the Royal Suite, at first he thought that the did not need to take up a whole wing, but he understands it all now, he loves that the suite now feels like a home. A warm and inviting place to raise a family, so much different than the atmosphere in which he was raised. Si had made them a home, not just a suite, but a place that they can raise their children, all 10 of them, if Si agrees to that number. A place that they can grow old in together.


He is pulled from his thoughts, as he hears Si, “I thought that my, what did you say,…Oh, insolence would be punished?”  He turns to Si standing in the doorway wearing a blue lace teddy that covers very little. A low growl comes from him, Si body reacts to the sound.  She sees his eyes flash gold, she knows exactly what is on his mind, the same thing that was on her mind. It has almost been a whole week since the last time they were alone in their bed. Hopefully tonight, tonight the cubs will stay asleep.


“Oh my Queen, do you think that you should vex your King, so? You thought it was fun to torment me with the singing, the shy looks. How should I punish you, Love? Hmmm? You definitely need to be taught a lesson.” he growls, as he closes the distance between them.  He kisses her passionately, “I can smell that you want to be taught a lesson, my naughty Queen. It is time to show your King what at a good girl you can be.” 


“Yes, my King” she purrs, as he guides her back towards their bedroom. Her eyes never leaving his. He is in full predator mode and she is his prey. He reaches for her and grabs her by her ass, pulling her to him.  His mouth claims hers; his tongue demanding entrance, which she gladly yields to his persistence. He finally pulls back from her, her eyes flash blue. He leans back in for another searing kiss….


“Mama! Papa!”

Start writing…

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