

By Misha

Disclaimer- Not mine. 

Author’s Notes- I am organizing all my drabbles for A Courtesan of Rome Appreciation Week. These two I wrote during the hiatus and actually work as a set, so I am publishing them as such and not as part of my drabble series. This also ended up an AU, but this was how I saw the introduction of Caesar and Cleopatra going at the time. 

Pairing- Marc Antony x MC

Rating- PG-13

Summary- Portia spies on Caesar for Antony and they both have to deal with feelings of jealousy. 

1. Hers

It was a trial to keep a smile on my face as the Egyptian Queen made eyes at Antony, flirting with him shamelessly. I had to remind myself that I was here for Caesar, not Antony.

He seemed unbothered by his lover’s flirtations, perhaps because his eyes had wandered already. For all that he had scorned Antony’s gift, he did seem drawn to my company.

Normally, I could manage it, could laugh and smile and flirt with ease, the glances I stole at Antony enough to get me through the evening, but tonight every time I glanced his way I saw her and that did nothing to soothe my restlessness.

It was late before I was finally able to go home, enjoying the blissful quiet on my walk back to the scholae. Suddenly, I felt an arm grab me, I began to scream, but a hand covered my mouth. “Shhh, my love, we don’t want to be seen,” and I relaxed and let Antony pull me into an alley.

“I’m surprised you came after me,” I commented as soon as he uncovered my mouth, “I thought you’d be… preoccupied.”

Antony grinned down at me in obvious amusement. “Were you jealous, love?”

I remained silent, unwilling to admit it but knowing Antony would see right through any lie.

“She flirts as a way to get back at Caesar for the way his eyes linger on you,” Antony told me, bringing my hand to his mouth, “and because she wants power and is hoping to bespell as many Roman men as possible.”

“Is it working?” I asked him, unable to keep the jealousy from my voice.

“No,” Antony said simply, “how can it when all I see is you? She might be the queen of Egypt, but it is you that rules my heart.”

It was as close to a confession of love as Antony had gotten. He’d taken to calling me my love in moments of intimacy and his actions spoke of an affection that was more than lust, but he had yet to say the words. Yet, as he pulled me closer, kissing me deeply, I felt them, felt the sincerity of what he was saying and the depth of his emotion.

It was enough. For now.

2.  His

“You truly are a woman of superior beauty and intellect,” Caesar praised, bringing my hand to his mouth. I fought the sick feeling that rose up every time he touched me and instead gave him a practiced smile.

“I have to admit I underestimated the value of Antony’s gift,” he mused, “the way you charm a crowd and enhance a room… It is a rare talent and I am happy to cultivate it.” On Caesar’s other side, Cleopatra fumed, but he paid her no notice, which was worrisome because she had occupied his attention in a physical manner up until this point, meaning my seduction had a limit.

Thankfully, she refused to be deterred and after a few moments, she had successfully regained his attetion and I took the opportunity to slip away, heading towards the balcony doors, in desperate need of fresh air.

I had barely stepped outside when I felt hands on me, shoving me hard against the wall. There was a second of panic that faded as my body recognized the familiar touch, the feel of the mouth that was rapidly descending on mine.

Antony devoured, his tongue parting my lips and seeking entrance, his hands caressing my curves as his body pinned me to the wall. All I could feel was him. Which was fine, because there was nothing else in the world I wanted more.

“Antony,” I groaned into his mouth, clinging to him, after a moment, reason intruded, “Antony someone could see…”

“Let them,” he growled, kissing me again with a surprisingly fierceness. “You are mine,” he commented, his body still pinning me to the wall.

I could have reminded them that this was his idea, that he was the one who presented me to Caesar, but I didn’t, instead I just nodded. “I am.”

“Caesar wants you,” Antony pointed out, “the Egyptian Queen has his attention for now, but it’s fading.” There was no disguising the jealousy in his voice and I leaned forward, kissing him greatly.

“He may, but I only want you,” I assured him, gazing up at him. “It was always you, it will always be you.”

“It is so easy to believe you when you say things like that,” Antony said softly, pressing one last kiss to my lips before reluctantly releasing me.

I moved to go back inside, checking to make sure no one had seen us, but Antony grabbed my hand. “Come to me tonight?”

“Of course,” I promised, it would take some maneuvering to make sure I wouldn’t be caught, but it would be worth it. It always was. I squeezed Antony’s hand briefly before disappearing back inside, steeling myself to resume my flirtations, knowing that the memory of Antony’s kiss and the promise of more later, would help me get through the rest of the evening.


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Mom. Writer. Dreamer.

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