July (Part 3/4 of Bittersweet Summer Series)

Summary: Part 3 of a 4 chapter series chronicling the months before Drake left for college and his relationship with Liam.

“So…that just happened.” Liam turned his head to the side to look at Drake as if trying to gauge which level of regret Drake was feeling at that moment.

Drake continued staring at the barn ceiling. “I guess it did.”

“You haven’t run out of here yet. I suppose that’s a good sign you aren’t going to ignore me for weeks and pretend this didn’t happen, right?”

Drake finally let himself look over at Liam. “I tried pretending for too long, and we still ended up here anyhow. Maybe it’s time to stop fighting it and let whatever happens happen…just for this summer.” Drake saw Liam’s smile falter briefly. Maybe he should have withheld the last bit, but he didn’t want to get Liam’s hopes up. They could have their fun this summer, keep things casual, and then continue on with their plans, as friends, in the fall. There was no use pretending it could be more than a fling, even if Liam was hopelessly naive in thinking it could be.

Liam brushed some straw from Drake’s hair, his soulful eyes hoping for more than his words would say. “For this summer.”


June turned into July, the days all blurring together. Liam and Drake sneaking off to the barn or to one another’s rooms to be together in ways they couldn’t show publicly became the routine. Although Cordonia was progressive in many ways, the rules were different for the royal family. Secret lovers were common, but there was no such thing as prince and prince or queen and queen. Preserving the royal lineage was far more important than individual happiness. Drake was acutely aware of this, and it was why he couldn’t give all of himself to Liam. Liam may have thought he could be the exception to the rule, but Drake knew better. Besides they were only 18, how could they really know what they wanted in life?Friends with benefits was what they needed to be, and Drake couldn’t let Liam forget it. They were treading in dangerous waters as it was, and if Drake was honest with himself, giving into his desires to be with his best friend was selfish. Despite all this, couldn’t keep himself away if he tried.

“We should go on a real date.” Liam lazily stroked his finger up and down Drake’s forearm as the lay in Liam’s bed.

Drake sighed. Just when he thought Liam got it, he was always trying to make their thing more that it was, or more than it could be. “Liam-”

“Yes Drake, I know…We can’t be seen together that way in public. I wish there was somewhere we could go where nobody knew who I was. Anywhere in Europe is out. I just want to be able to spend time with you, not worrying if the public will speculate or if the staff will catch us. We only have so much time left before we leave. I just want to make the most of it…with you.”

Liam knew just how to get to him. What they should do was stay in Cordonia where they had the buffer of all the people around to keep Drake from having to think about feelings. He knew it was a mistake before it came out of his mouth, but the prospect of having time alone with Liam away from the palace was too good to pass up. “I know a place we could go. It’s far away, not glamorous, and in the middle of nowhere, but nobody will know you there.”

Liam arched his eyebrow. “You have a secret vacation home? You’ve been holding out on me Drake.”

“Well it’s not mine. It belongs to my aunt and uncle back in the states. They live in Texas, but they have a cabin in the northwoods of Wisconsin. They said if I could stay there any time if I ever got the chance. They don’t make it there often.”

“Wisconsin. Hmm. I think I have heard of it. Is that close to New York or L.A.?”

“Neither, Liam. Like I said, pretty much in the middle of nowhere, but I can guarantee nobody will recognize you there. The cabin is on a lake, so we can fish and take the boat out. We don’t really have to go anywhere. Not that there is much else to do around there aside from hike and enjoy nature.” The more Drake talked the more confident he was that Liam would hate this idea – no comforts of the palace, no staff to make him meals and wait on him hand and foot.”

“It sounds perfect Drake.”

“Really?” Drake could not contain his smile. “Great! I’ll make sure it will be available.”

Somehow Liam had gotten clearance to leave the palace for two weeks to visit the cabin with Drake. Bastien volunteered to go along for security, but had agreed, just between Liam and Drake, to stay at a hotel in the nearest city 45 minutes away. Bastien was very perceptive. It was one of the things that made him good at his job. Drake had a feeling Bastien knew something was up between him and Liam, but he wasn’t about to ask him if that’s why Bastien decided to give them privacy.

Bastien rented a car for them and they stopped to get groceries and essentials on the way. Neither of them really knew how to cook, so it was a lot of frozen pizza’s, sandwich fixings, and hot dogs – lots of foods that would never be served at the palace. They started settling in, and Liam placed his things in the master bedroom.

Drake looked to the bedroom next door. “So…maybe I should take that one?”

“Oh. I was just assuming we would share. The master has a nice king-sized bed.”

“Are you certain that’s a good idea?” Sure they had slept in the same bed many times growing up, but that was before. Now it seemed intimate, too intimate for Drake’s liking, but Liam was giving him those pleading eyes that Drake never seemed to be able to say no to.

“I don’t think it’s a bad idea. I think that if we will be doing some, uh, activities together in bed. we might as well just sleep together.

Damn Liam and that irresistible face. “Sure, why not,” Drake reluctantly agreed.

They were so tired and jet-lagged that first night, they ate a pizza and watched half a movie before both of them dozed off on the couch. The next morning Drake made some eggs for breakfast, at least he knew that much about cooking, and they spent most of the day fishing out on the boat. Drake was basically a pro from all the years fishing with his dad, but Liam had never been.

“What happens if we actually catch a fish? Do we have to take it off the hook with our hands?” Liam appeared genuinely concerned.

“Heh,” Drake chuckled and shook his head. “For someone so cultured and well-educated, there’s a lot you don’t know.”

“I do know many things, Drake. Things you’ve never cared to learn. I just always had someone to buy my fish for me. I didn’t need to go catch it myself.”

“It’s not about that, Liam. It’s about being in nature, the thrill of getting a big fish to bite, and eating something you caught with your own hands.”

Liam’s eyes twinkled as he grinned from ear to ear. “You know Drake, you’re cute when you get excited about something.”

A blush crept up on Drake’s face. Why was his body betraying him like that? Two months ago, Drake would have assumed Liam was giving him shit, but now, it seemed like one of those things that crossed the friend boundary. Drake didn’t want to be affected by him. He just wanted to be normal friends by day who helped each other feel good at night. He didn’t want Liam to be able to make his heart to race and cause his cheeks to burn, like when some noble girl he had a massive crush on freshman year flirted with him in the hallway at school. Drake scooped his hand into the water and splashed Liam. “Shut up. I’m not cute.”

“Do you prefer handsome? Sexy?” Liam smirked.

“None of the above. Friends don’t say things like that to each other, especially while fishing. Did I forget to tell you one of the rules of fishing is that you remain as quite as possible to avoid scaring the fish?”

Liam scooted closer to Drake, his eyes darkening, hand sliding up Drake’s thigh. “We can be quiet.”

Drake frowned.“Liam-”

“You are confusing, Drake. I thought we came all the way here so we could be free to be together, but you keep pushing me away. We don’t have to hide from anyone here. There is literally nobody around”

Liam was right. Drake was fighting it too much, but he was afraid if he gave up any control, he’s fall completely. But what was the point of coming here just to act like they did at home? Drake swiftly pulled Liam onto his lap and Liam let out a startled cry. Drake dipped Liam’s head back and covered his mouth in a burning kiss. “You’re right Liam. It was my idea after all, but a dirty fishing boat is not the best place for this. Besides, I really do want to catch some fish. Do you think you can keep it in your pants for a little while?”

Liam rolled his eyes.”I’m not that horny…okay, maybe I am, but I think I can control myself for a couple hours, as long as you promise to make it up to me later.”

“Catch us some dinner, and then we’ll talk.” Drake teased.”You need to earn your dessert.”

Drake and Liam ended up with more fish than they could keep. Drake had to do most of the work. He tried teach Liam how to filet them, but Liam was not so skilled with the knife. Drake took over before anyone got hurt. Drake figured out how to use the old charcoal grill, and they both enjoyed the perch fillets with a couple beers for dinner.

After cleaning up dinner, Liam sat next to Drake on the couch. “So, did I earn dessert?” He asked playfully.

“I can honestly say I never thought I would see Prince Liam of Cordonia washing dishes.”

“I don’t mind getting my hands dirty.” Liam eyed Drake up and down, his voice an octave lower than before.

Drake’s cock twitched at Liam’s implication, and he cleared his throat. “Do you umm…want to go upstairs now?”

Liam jumped up and tugged on Drake’s hand, “Finally!”

Up in the master bedroom, Liam pulled a smaller bag out of his suitcase and placed a few items on the nightstand.

Drake’s eyes widened. “Candles, lube, and condoms? What is all this for?” It was a dumb question. Drake knew what it was for, but up until this point, they hadn’t moved past oral and handjobs. The thought never occurred to Drake that they would take the next step as far as sex was concerned. Okay maybe it briefly crossed his mind but was immediately dismissed.

Liam sauntered over and pressed his body against Drake’s, whispering seductively in his ear. “I think you know, but if you want me to spell it out…I want you to fuck me Drake.”

Drake’s pants grew tighter and his heart skipped a beat at Liam’s jarring confession. “Wha- are you sure Liam?”

“I’ve been waiting for the right opportunity, but if you aren’t ready, that’s okay.” Liam’s eyes darted away shyly.

Before this moment, Drake wouldn’t have thought he was ready for it, but now he wanted Liam, needed him. Drake tipped Liam’s chin up to meet his gaze. “I’m ready.”

Liam’s lips curved back into a smile. “Maybe we should shower first? Make sure all the fish guts are gone?” Liam led Drake by hand into the master bath. He stripped off Drake’s shirt and made quick work of removing his shorts and boxer briefs. “I wouldn’t mind if you kept this look for the rest of our trip”

Drake laughed and shook his head. “Now your turn. Strip.” Liam slipped out of his clothing and Drake took in the view. Back home they were always so rushed, they didn’t get a chance to just see each other. Liam, with his lean sculpted muscles, smooth olive skin, and well-endowed manhood, was perfect.

They lathered up with body wash, running their slippery hands over every inch of each other’s body as the hot droplets of water streamed down on them. Liam massaged shampoo into Drake’s hair, causing Drake to close his eyes and moan at the pleasurable pressure on his scalp. Drake returned the favor, pressing in even closer, their hard lengths up against each other’s abdomens. Drake worked his fingers down Liam’s neck, back, and ass until he reached the puckered opening. He circled his still soapy middle finger around the rim, cleaning and prepping for the events to come. “Oh,” Liam groaned and then gasped as Drake slipped the tip of his finger inside.

“Is that okay? Does it hurt?”

“No,” Liam replied. “It’s good…different, but good.”

“Should we dry off and finish out there?” Drake cocked his head towards the doorway to the bedroom and Liam nodded in affirmation. They toweled off and stumbled towards the bed, hands all over and mouths ravishing each other.

As they reached the pillows, Drake’s nerves started to setting in. Liam must have noticed the hesitation on his face. “We don’t have to do this Drake. We can do other things if you aren’t comfortable.”

Liam’s concern for Drake’s readiness was all the assurance he needed. He was safe with Liam, and Liam with him. Drake brought his mouth down on Liam’s once again before answering. “I want to do this with you…because of you.”

Drake lit the candles and swiped the lube from the nightstand, coating two of his fingers. Drake worked one finger inside, stretching him open as Liam whimpered. “More, Drake.”  Drake slid another finger beside the first and Liam groaned loudly, kissing Drake harder and grinding into him.

“Fuck, Liam. You are so tight. You think you will be able to handle me inside you?”

“There’s only one way to find out.” Liam flipped onto his hands and knees. “I wan’t you inside me now.”

Drake grew harder at Liam’s words, if that was even possible at this point. Drake was certain he would explode within seconds. He rolled the condom on and covered his length with lube. He sucked in a deep breath and let it out, guiding himself to Liam’s entrance. Feeling some resistance, he waited for Liam’s reaction. “Keep going,” Liam urged. Drake thrust into Liam with just enough force. Liam hissed at the initial pain and Drake stilled. “It’s good now Drake, you can move.”

Drake was no virgin, but he had never had anal sex before. The feeling was new, and different, and amazing. Liam’s ass enveloped him so tightly, pushing him closer to the edge with each thrust, Liam moaning each time Drake hit his prostate. Drake reached around to grab Liam’s cock and started pumping his fist around it.

“Oh, Fuck, Drake…I’m going to come…don’t stop.” Drake obeyed Liam’s command, and Liam groaned as he spurted out onto a towel on the bed.

“That was so hot Liam, I don’t think I can last any longer.” Drake drove into Liam faster and faster, crying out Liam’s name as he found his release, both men panting and trying to catch their breath. Drake got warm, wet washcloths from the bathroom and cleaned them both up. He cuddled up next to Liam and kissed him sweetly. “You were incredible, Liam. Was that okay for you?”

“Okay? Drake, it was better than I could have ever imagined.” He kissed Drake again and turned to settle his backside into Drake’s chest. Drake took the hint and wrapped Liam in his arms.

Only minutes passed before Drake felt the steady rise and fall of Liam’s chest accompanied by deep even breaths. Drake was in trouble. He was so naive to think they could do any of this without it meaning anything. “Dammit Liam,” he whispered into the darkness. “Why did you have to make me fall in love with you?”

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