Just a Dream

Summary: Caleb dreams of Dark Star (Hero MC).

Author’s note: This was written for Round 44 of #ChoicesCreates: Non-Canonical Pairings

Caleb poured more mezcal into his glass. Ever since the big battle against Silas and Shrapnel, he had been feeling down. Sure, he was glad that Silas was gone, but Dark Star was gone too. Things had changed so much between them since Silas had held them both prisoner. He had been surprised at her offer to team up, but he didn’t want to miss out on a fight against his enemies. And it turned out that she wasn’t so bad. She had actually been nice to him when they worked together to escape. And afterward…what a night that had been. After their ordeal, they needed to relax, but they didn’t want to risk being found by Shrapnel, so they had gone to her place for a drink. Before long, they had ended up in bed together. He hadn’t expected that to happen, but it had been absolutely mind-blowing.

When he had arrived at the clocktower before the battle, he was overcome with desire as soon as he laid eyes on her. He told himself that it was just lust. But if that were all that he felt, why did he keep thinking about her? He kept seeing the explosion in his mind. There wasn’t enough alcohol in the world to make him forget it. He figured that Talos and Minuet were still thinking about it too, but he hadn’t seen them since the battle. They didn’t like him, and Silas was dead, so why should he go anywhere near them? He picked up his glass and downed the rest of the mezcal. He then changed into a T-shirt and boxer shorts and got into bed.

He felt a tap on his shoulder. He turned around and saw Dark Star standing over his bed, dressed in sexy red lingerie.

“How…you’re dead…” He stared at her in shock.

“No, I’m not,” she grinned. “I let myself in. You think you’re the only one that knows how to pick a lock?”

“But I saw the explosion! You never came down. What was I to think?”

“You know I can fly. Remember how I brought you to my place? You held onto me, pressed against me as we rode together.” She reached out to touch him and began stroking him down the side of his arm. “So I just flew away, high in the air. I didn’t come down until I was further away from the scene of the battle. But now I’m back.” She lowered her head to whisper in his ear. “And I missed you.”

He pulled her close to him. “Oh yeah? Why don’t you show me how much you missed me?”

“With pleasure,” she murmured. She wrapped her arms around him and began kissing him deeply. He began moving his hands down her sides, caressing her. It felt so good to be with her again. He wanted her, he needed her.

The room began to glow with energy. The light got brighter, moving towards them…

Caleb sat up in bed. The room was dark, and he was alone. Suddenly he saw a bright light through the window, and he heard a loud clap of thunder shortly afterward. He had only been dreaming. The thunder must have woken him up.

Of course it was too good to be true. She couldn’t have survived the explosion…could she?

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