A Modern Romance: Just Us

Just Us

By Misha

Disclaimer- Not mine.

Author’s Notes- I thought I was done with the Modern AU, until a few friends reminded me of it and I realized there was still one story to be told. Also, writing this reminded me how much I missed these two.

Rating- PG

Summary- Diavolos has a surprise for Kenna the night before their wedding.

Kenna tapped on the door impatiently, her mind running over the million things she had to do before tomorrow.

“Annelyse, I don’t have time for this,” Kenna complained as soon as the door opened, glaring at her best friend, “in case you forgot, I am getting married tomorrow.”

“How could I forget?” Annelyse asked calmly, stepping aside so Kenna could answer, “but that’s tomorrow.”

Kenna was tempted to point out all the things that had to be done, but she bit her tongue. Experience had taught her that arguing with Annelyse was pointless.

“Are you at least going to tell me what is so important that I had to meet you?” Kenna asked with a sigh, collapsing on her friend’s couch.

“In a moment,” Annelyse promised, “first you need to get changed.”

Kenna raised an eyebrow. “What?” What could be so important that it required an outfit change?

“Don’t worry, I have the perfect dress for you,” Annelyse assured her with a smile, ignoring the glare Kenna directed at her and reaching for her hand, tugging her off the couch.

Kenna had a feeling that she was missing something major, but she also knew from experience that Annelyse would tell her when she was ready and not before. She was very frustrating that way.

Kenna changed into the simple white dress Annelyse had set aside for her. “Did you forget the wedding is tomorrow, not today?” She teased.

“No,” Annelyse said simply and Kenna noticed that she had also changed her dress. Ok, something was definitely going on, but what?

Annelyse reached for Kenna’s hand again, this time leading her to the balcony. As soon a the doors opened, Kenna’s eyes widened for standing there were Diavolos, Magnus, and a stranger.

“What is this?” Kenna asked, her eyes focused on Diavolos, who was dressed in a suit. It looked like a wedding, but they it couldn’t be. They had a wedding planned for the next day, so what was this.

“Our wedding,” Diavolos told her simply, stepping forward to take her hand, “our real wedding. Tomorrow will be for everyone else, but this is for us.”

“Oh.” Was all Kenna said, overwhelmed by the gesture.

“So much of our relationship was just for us,” Diavolos continued, “and while I hated feeling like we couldn’t go public, I did like that our relationship belonged only to us. Our wedding won’t be like that, it can’t.”

No, their names, their status, meant it had to be big and flashy and there was a lot of rumours and speculation over their sudden engagement, especially considering the bad blood between their families, and that just made people even more eager for the wedding. It was going to be the social event of the year, which meant it wasn’t really either of their styles.

“But we can have both,” Diavolos told her, “we can have the wedding people expect from us and this one that is just for us. That is, if you are willing? Kenna Rays, will you marry me right now?”

She beamed up at him. “Yes!”

This was perfect. Leave it to Diavolos to find a solution before she even admitted there was a problem. Because while she had been overwhelmed over the reality and expectation of their wedding, she hadn’t seen any way around it, and besides what mattered was being Diavolos wife. But this, this was perfect.

Diavolos smiled, “good.”

The two of them turned to the justice of peace, Annelyse taking her place beside Kenna, and stood hand in hand as the ceremony was performed. It was shorter and simpler than the one that would be performed the next day, but Kenna knew this was the one she would remember for the rest of her life.

“Do you Kenna take this man to be your lawful wedded husband?”

“I do,” Kenna said quickly, her eyes never leaving Diavolos.

“And do you Diavolos take this wife to be your lawful wedded wife?”

“I do,” Diavolos said in a strong, clear voice.

“With the power invested in me by the state of New York, I pronounce you man and wife.”

Diavolos didn’t need to be told to kiss her, he pulled her towards him, his lips pressing against her in a kiss that was both tender and passionate.

“I love you,” he whispered, caressing her face.

“I love you too,” Kenna told him, blinking back tears as she gazed up at him. Her husband. After everything, all the doubts and obstacles, they were married. Now nothing would ever tear them apart.

  • End

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Mom. Writer. Dreamer.

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