Kinky Cards – No 46:  Underwater Business

Important – My TRR MC is Viktoria Petit, and my King Liam is called King Istvan.  Cassie is my OC, who is Drake’s girlfriend.

Advisory – Originally posted on Tumblr as part of SpeedyOperaRascalParty’s Kinky Cards Game, it is very NSFW.  As the title probably gives away, there is water involved, if your not good with water or have issues re drowning etc, this one ain’t for you.

Disclaimer – Characters (except Cassie) belong to Pixelberry, fics are just for fun & I don’t make any money.

Author Notes – Ok dudes, I’m going to level with all of ya… I have never did this.  I am no prude, but I never actually realised this was a thing. I’m putting it down to living in a miserable climate where no one has a pool lol! So I’ve watched a LOT of porn and read more sex forums to research how to do this properly than I care to admit!  The logistics of it confused me somewhat lol… Took me kinda outside my comfort zone – I’ve tried my best to write a kinky delight rather than a comedy disaster!

Vik and Cassie strolled through the palace grounds, both sipping at their takeout coffee mugs, it was the beginning of the Cordonian winter, and whilst it wouldn’t get near as cold as New York, having gone from the blistering heat of July and August, you could really feel the difference as the seasons transitioned. Both girls were clad in layers and donning cute hats and scarves, skin blue-pale except for bright pink noses with the cold. They watched the dogs running riot around the grounds as they chatted and giggled; the women had become firm friends in the past year since Drake had been dating Cassie.

Cassie smiled at Vik,

“So anyway, tell me all about last weekend! Did you guys get up to much?”

She knew the royals had taken a rare break from their duties over the weekend and spent the weekend at Valtoria together. Cassie’s jaw dropped and she started to laugh, stopping on the spot,

“Oh my God! Viktoria!! Are you BLUSHING?? What the hell did you two get up to?!”

The young queen cleared her throat, somewhat embarrassed,

“Honestly? We just kinda, uhh, stayed in bed for three whole days…”  

Cassie burst out laughing,

“Niiiice! Good for you guys!”

Vik giggled and covered her face with her hands as her friend nudged her with her shoulder,

“Why am I embarrassed?! I’m a married woman!!”

Cassie winked at her naughtily,

“I don’t know, but judging by the colour of your face, you certainly had fun!!”

Vik thumped her teasing friend lightly on the arm,

“Fun like you wouldn’t believe!! I know we don’t usually really go into the nitty gritty when we talk about this sort of stuff Cassie, but honestly.  Urghhh. We played this game, which sure wasn’t meant to last all weekend, but kinda did… It’s called Kinky Cards? Have you heard of it?”

Cassie tried to stifle a laugh as she shook her head, ‘Kinky Cards? Seriously? They’ve only been married a year, I wouldn’t have thought they’d have needed a card game to spice things up already?!’

Vik saw the look on Cassie’s face and stuck her tongue out at her,

“I know what you’re thinking Miss Kapranos… And I pulled the same face when Istvan produced these. Apparently the Dutch Ambassador gave him these as a belated wedding gift.  They’ve been lying in a drawer in Valtoria all this time. He found them when he was looking for a spare battery for the clock in our bedroom. He was all like,”,

Viktoria put on her best King voice,

“’It would be awfully rude not to give them a shot at least once, then I won’t be lying if Jereon ever asks did we use his gift… You wouldn’t want to make a liar out of me, would you, My Queen?’ and then he put on that ‘little boy lost’ face he does when you say no to him… The one with the pout? You’ve seen it?!”

Cassie rolled her eyes playfully,

“Ooooh, yeah… I don’t think anyone could be firm with him when he does that face Vik.  He looks so sad…”

Viktoria threw her hands up in despair,

“I know, right?? So anyway, I told him we could play on one condition, that if there was any cards came out that I didn’t want to do, I mean, I’d be open-minded, but things where it’s ‘there is no way in hell I am doing that, or letting you do that to me!’, he’d have to pick another card.”

Cassie nodded sagely,

“That sounds like a fair deal to me.”

Vik’s lips curled into a wicked grin,

“So anyway, let’s just say, after pulling out a couple of ‘hard passes’ we found something that ended up being really, uh, enjoyable! Which prompted him to get me to pick one. Then he picked another one.  And that kinda went on. All. Weekend. Long…”

Cassie squealed with delight as she clapped her hands,

“That actually sounds like a lot of fun! I bet you were glad you agreed to play…”

Vik flashed her friend a dazzling white grin,

“Hell yeah I was… Hey, I’ve brought them back from Valtoria with me… You and Drake are more than welcome to borrow them if you like..?”

Cassie’s cheeks flushed as she bowed her head,

“Nah, I mean it does sound amazing Vik, and thanks for the offer, but I don’t think Drake would be very happy with me if I took those home.  He might think I’m not happy with our sex life – and God, believe me, I am! I’m just not as, uhm, ‘adventurous’ as you.”

Cassie had first hand experience of Istvan and Viktoria’s penchant for sneaking off during functions to a private balcony, or a vacant store cupboard…  Plus she’d heard Drake and Maxwell make fun of the two for them for their more ridiculous outdoor exploits, like the Eiffel Tower of all places!! Vik raised one perfect eyebrow at her younger friend, she had never asked Cassie about her sexual experiences directly, but she knew Cassie was never really involved with anyone before Drake.  So Viktoria pushed her gently,

“Cassie I wouldn’t say I’m terribly adventurous! But how do you know Drake wouldn’t be up for it if you don’t ask the question? Maybe he’d love it, and he thinks he’d upset you by suggesting something different? If you like the idea, that is?”

Cassie bit her lip, nodding as she considered Vik’s words,

“Do you really think so?”  

Vik wrapped an arm around Cassie and grinned,

“I don’t know Cassie, but tell you what, I’ll give you the cards before you head home today, and you can blame them on me, sound him out, see what sort of vibe you get from him… Then decide if you want to ask him to play or not?”

Cassie downed the remainder of her coffee, punching the air with the cup in her hand, a smirk on her face,

“I’m in!”        

Drake smiled at Cassie from the sofa as she clattered through the front door with Thor in tow, the big husky barrelling through the hall towards him,

“Hey, you two!”  

He ruffled the dog’s thick fur as he looked Cassie up and down,

“You look pretty, and so cosy, baby!”

She kicked her boots off, shrunk four inches and wrapped her fluffy scarf around Drake’s neck, planting a loving kiss on his lips,

“Mmmm.  Thanks baby! Vik said ‘Hi!’.”

Drake pulled Cassie onto his lap and kissed her again, before asking,

“She doing ok? Did you girls have a nice afternoon?”

Cassie nodded,

“Yeah, we had coffees, walked the dogs, she showed me the dress she got for the Masquerade Ball next month, we had a chat about work, oh and she told me about their weekend in Valtoria…”  

Drake twirled a section of Cassie’s silky hair between his fingers as he looked into her sparkly green eyes,

“Heh, real girlie day then?”

Cassie cupped Drake’s cheek in her hand, stroking his stubble with her thumb,

“Yup, sure was… You want a beer, baby?”

Cassie got to her feet, standing over Drake as he reached out, running his large hands over her curvy hips,

“God Cass, you look hot as hell in that skirt…”  

Cassie looked down at her aubergine skirt and black hosiery; she thought it was a cute outfit together with her black ankle boots and the black sweater, but she certainly hadn’t classed it as sexy? She raised an eyebrow and wrinkled her nose at him,

“Have you already HAD a beer?”

Drake laughed at his modest girlfriend; she had literally no idea how attractive she was. He pulled her towards him and planted a kiss on her hipbone, looking up at her, dark eyes shining at her,

“Heh, go get that beer, then I will tell you just how beautiful and sexy I think you are Cassandra…”  

Cassie rolled her eyes at him, poking her tongue out before heading off to the kitchen, unable to stop herself from swaying her hips a little more than usual, feeling her partner’s gaze boring into her back as she went…

After a few beers for Drake and a few glasses of wine for Cassie, lying snuggled together on the sofa, Cassie started to feel a little brave…  

“Hey, you won’t believe what Vik was telling me today…“

Drake traced gentle circles on Cassie’s hand as he answered sardonically,

“What’s the latest scandal at court?”  

Cassie smacked his hand lightly,

“Don’t be mean, it’s nothing to do with court actually. She was telling me about what she and Istvan did in Valtoria…”

Drake enquired, looking less than enthralled,

“Oh yeah?  Istvan said it was very quiet.”

Cassie let out a loud “Ha!” before her hand flew to cover her mouth. Drake raised his dark eyebrows, running his fingers through his dark tousled hair as he watched his girlfriend, now curious,

“What?  That’s what he said? What did Petit say?”

Cassie shook her head, teasing him

“I guess, ‘my friend’ discloses more than ‘your friend’…”

Drake opened his mouth, protesting,

“Hey, they’re BOTH my friends… You need to spill, you can’t not tell me now…”  

Cassie could feel her heart beating a little faster than normal, ‘God, should I mention that Vik gave me the cards? What if he is offended?’, she felt a flush rising up her neck and staining her cheeks,

“Uhhh, well they played this ‘game’…”

Drake smirked, realising quickly the area this was going, judging by the delightful shade of pink Cassie had turned, but acting like he had no clue,

“A game?”  

Cassie shifted in her seat so that she was looking in his eyes, raising her eyebrows as she annunciate the words, trying to garner his understanding,

“You know. ‘A game’.”

Drake shook his head, chuckling,

“Hmm. Not Monopoly then?”

Cassie sighed, feigning exasperation,

“Nope, definitely not… A card game…”

Drake narrowed his eyes,

“Strip Poker?”

Cassie quickly rejected his answer,

“Closer. No – an ‘especially for couples’ Card Game…  It was called Kinky Cards….”

Drake’s eyes sprung open,


Cassie sucked in a breath and blurted out,

“She’s only sent me home with the cards!!”

Drake half-choked on his swig of beer, he coughed a couple of times before spitting out the words,

“She did??”

Cassie grimaced; this was a bad idea,

“Hey I told her I was more than happy with our sex life! She said that they both are too, but it was just a bit of fun, and something different…  I should just have told her I didn’t want them…”

Drake regarded Cassie closely,

“You are happy right?”

His girlfriend nodded her head vigorously,

“So happy! I shouldn’t even have mentioned the cards, now you think I’m not satisfied with how things are with us…”

Drake smiled softly at her,

“Cass… I know you are, and I am too. But, if you want to play this ‘game’? I’d do anything for you Cassie, I mean, I’m not doing anything really weird, but I’m up trying a silly card game…”  

Cassie started to laugh nervously,

“I didn’t think you’d be up for it. I thought you’d be annoyed I brought it home?”

Drake frowned,

“Do you think my ego is that fragile Cass? If you want to play the game…”

He pulled her heart-shaped face to his, his eyes filled with desire, punctuating his sentences with steamy kisses that continued to increase in intensity as he spoke,

“…and it means. That I. Get to do. Naughty. Dirty. Hot. Kinky. Things to you… Where is the deck…?”

Cassie’s mouth found Drake’s in a long sensual kiss as she grabbed for, then rummaged through her black tote bag, finally producing the pack of cards…  


Drake eyed the cards with slight apprehension as Cassie told him the ground rules that Vik had set.  Drake agreed that there were probably things in there that neither of them would be willing to do or comfortable with, so if one of those cards was drawn they could pick another one, or make adaptions so that they were both ok with the acts required…  No questions asked. Cassie chewed on her lip as she whispered,

“Who picks the first card?”

Drake flashed a wide grin,

“Heh, as always in this house when it comes to the bedroom… Ladies first…”

Cassie’s eyes danced as she squeaked in nervous anticipation,

“Ok, you shuffle…”  

Drake’s lust-blown brown eyes locked with Cassie’s as he mixed the deck, his gaze never leaving hers, fanning the cards out in front of her, his low voice rumbling,

“Pick a lucky card Cassie-bear…”

Cassie gingerly pulled one card free of the deck, keeping it face down until Drake prompted her to read it, she began shakily,

‘Number 46.  Underwater Business. Take a bath together, and perform oral sex on your partner for at least five minutes in total – don’t forget to breathe once in a while!’ Oh, well I guess that could be fun…?”

Cassie looked tentatively at Drake as a groan left him,

“That’s not too out-there, I am definitely on-board with that one Cass… If you are?”

Cassie drew her man into a deep and passion-fuelled kiss,

“Well what are we waiting for??  You wanna go run a bath for our Kinky Card Challenge??”

Drake readily accepted,

“Ok, see you upstairs in ten minutes, in less clothes…”

He winked at Cassie as he walked away from her, humming happily to himself…


Cassie text Vik, “Drake up for KC game!!  OMG!! Talk soon!! 😉 xx” before settling Thor down for the night, checking the house was locked up, grabbing a cold beer for Drake and refilling her own wine glass then flipping the lights off as she headed upstairs to join her love with her heart thumping, a stomach full of butterflies and heat simmering deep within her…  When Cassie got upstairs, she could smell a deliciously luxurious fruity smell coming from the bathroom, as she ducked her head around the door to find Drake sat in a bath full of bubbles, with dozens of candles lit on the window sill, on the cabinet by the sink. He’d even tossed a few roses petals in, Cassie assumed they were from the bunch of roses that were by the front door, bless him…  Drake reached out, taking the cold beer from Cassie, swigging as he gazed longingly at her. His hand was underwater, working his thick cock, already hard from the thought of Cassie’s rosy lips wrapped around it… Cassie stared at Drake, his chiselled jaw accentuated in the candlelight of the bathroom, his pecs and hard abs glistening with droplets of water, further defined in contrast to the fluffy bubbles he’d added especially for her…  God, she loved every inch of his body; she counted her lucky stars every time she saw him naked… Slowly Cassie reached down, lifting her black sweater up, exposing the taut skin of her stomach, her black lacy bra drawing a moan from Drake as he watched the way it hugged her curvy breasts… Cassie dropped the sweater on the floor casually, taking a step closer to the tub. She leaned on the edge so that her décolletage was directly in front of Drake.  He reached forward, hand dripping wet, pushing the delicate fabric aside, nuzzling his face between Cassie’s soft, full breasts, breathing in her scent as his lips caressed the tender skin, teeth and stubble grazing against her; his tongue flicked across her nipple until it formed a hard peak, eliciting shivers and soft moans from Cassie. She clutched Drake’s handsome face in her hands as she leaned across the bath, her lips pressing against his, her tongue moving to taste his lips, feeling his ragged breath warm against her.  Drake’s hand was in her hair pulling her closer, the energy between them becoming increasingly frenetic, until he released her, rasping,

“Get in the tub Cass…”

Cassie’s green eyes twinkled in the candlelight, she smirked as she slowly resumed her striptease, allowing her skirt to pool on the floor when she undid the zip. She bent over to move it aside, giving Drake a birds-eye view of her pert backside and slender thighs as she stood there enticing him in just her lacy black underwear. Drake squeezed Cassie’s ass firmly, gripping his length harder, rolling his thumb over his sensitive tip as he did so.  Cassie giggled as she unhooked her bra and wriggled out of her French knickers. Utter desire unfurled deep in Drake’s belly as he looked at his perfect woman, standing there completely naked, smiling shyly at him with her chestnut brown locks cascading in waves down her slim shoulders.


Cassie climbed into the deep bathtub, settling herself between Drake’s legs, head leaning back against his muscular chest as her hand reached down into the water, ghosting up and down the inside of his thighs as he shuddered at her feather-light touch in the warm water.  Drake found Cassie’s neck, dragging his teeth and tongue across her skin as he whispered,

“Fuck Cassie, baby, you’re so beautiful…”

Cassie groaned softly as her small hand enclosed around his shaft, pumping slowly up and down,

“Did you ever think about doing this before Drake…?”  

He melted blissfully into her touch, his head falling backwards at the sensation,

“Sort of, I guess… My dad used to tell me stories about beautiful… Uh. Mermaids, when we would go out on the boat… I always used to have, uhhh Cass… All sorts of dreams about them… Heh, you look just like one of them Cassie…”  

Cassie’s nose wrinkled at Drake’s little confession,

“Mermaids huh? You’ve never mentioned that before…?”

Drake shook his head as Cassie continued to pleasure him beneath the water,

“I haven’t really thought about it for years… They’re beautiful, but not real…”

Cassie let go of Drake’s thick length and manoeuvred herself to face him in the tub, on her knees in front of him.  She worried her plump lip between her teeth as she looked into his dark orbs,

“Well hopefully I live up to your mermaid fantasies…”


Cassie sucked in a deep breath before allowing her knees to slide backwards until she was on her stomach, under the surface of the water, she opened her eyes to see her prize, her fist wrapping around Drake’s thick cock.  Bubble bath stinging her eyes, she squeezed them tight closed as she quickly ran the flat of her tongue from his base to tip, swirling her tongue around his head, feeling him tense as she rapidly raised her head back up out of the water, water dripping from her mouth and nose as she coughed before she drew in another deep breath, moving back underneath the dense water.  Cassie hadn’t really anticipated just how suffocating the pressure of the water would be in her nose when she opened her mouth… She massaged Drake’s balls gently as she swiftly took his length into her mouth, locking her lips tightly around him, trying to create a seal to stop her mouth filling with water. She used the buoyancy of the water to move herself back and forth, her tongue massaging him as she moved.  Cassie wasn’t entirely sure she was enjoying this Kinky Card, as she held the deep breath in her lungs her chest burned, that and the feeling of Drake’s hardness brushing against the back of her throat were the only sensations in her world: it was like sensory deprivation. She was unable to open her eyes, the eerie silence of the world underwater, no scent, only taste and touch; the overwhelming urge to breathe in was almost all consuming.  


Drake had beheld Cassie in awe as she slid back in the water, submerging herself, as he watched her pretty dark hair float behind her in waves, as he watched her delicate hands and beautiful lips wrapped tightly around him under the water, her was transported back to those mermaid fantasies he would have as a young teenager, of being rescued from the sea, being loved by one of those magical, mythical beings…  The warm water lapped around him as Cassie moved up and down his shaft, her soft fingers tickled his balls and applied gentle pressure to his perineum, rubbing as she lifted her face back out of the water, gulping in another deep breath of air before latching her lips back around his length. The sensations of her soft mouth blowing him and the heat of the water around them combined with the visual stimulation he received from watching her as he knotted her soaked hair in his hands was overpowering.  Drake could feel himself twitch and his eyes starting to roll back as he tried to focus on Cassie, his little underwater goddess… He knew she’d never did anything like this before, and he was amazing by how skillfully she was managing to do it.


On her fifth gasp of oxygen, Cassie felt like she was starting to hit her stride with this, she was able to hold her breath longer and was able stop the water from going right up her nose and choking her. She concluded that although it wasn’t her favourite thing to do, she was really glad they’d tried it, because every time she lifted out of the bathwater she could see how much Drake was enjoying it.  As she slipped below the water for the final time, she felt Drake’s hand grip onto the back of her head, starting to thrust his hips erratically into her, Cassie used her hands to hold onto his hips as he fucked her mouth, stopping her from slipping away from him in the water. She knew he wouldn’t last much longer so she resisted the strong urge to let go of him and surface for more air, she felt like her lungs would burst wide open and she was seeing spots as her tongue massaged his head until she felt him shudder, his salty, masculine taste overwhelming her heightened senses as he spilled into her.  Seconds after Cassie felt Drake finish, she whipped her head up, swallowing hard as her hair arced behind her, spraying all over the bathroom wall as she spluttered from the extended final underwater stay. Cassie ran both hands across her face, wiping the water away from her eyes and off the end of her button nose.


Drake watched Cassie’s chest heaving as she tried to catch her breath, audibly gasping for air, he reached out to pull her to his chest as she grinned at him,

“Oh Cassie, wow.  That was… That was… So, so amazing, baby…”

She nuzzled into his neck, exhausted, still breathing hard as Drake ran his hands through her dripping hair and kissed her neck repeatedly as she murmured,

“Was that as good as a mermaid?”  

Drake chuckled in her ear as he hugged her close, whispering,

“Oh baby, even better.”

End – VP 💖


Safety note – not to be a buzzkill, but there are actual horror stories online about guys and girls with long hair getting trapped in hot tub jets and drowning performing this act, if you’re thinking about doing anything like this, make sure to take any steps necessary to ensure your safety! Have fun folks, but please always be careful!!


Published by

Viktoria Petit

Love Choices: my fics are inspired by The Royal Romance, Big Sky Country and A Courtesan of Rome. These can also be found on my Tumblr profile 'SawyerOakleysCowboyHat'

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