Kiss and Made Up

[A little note: After this week’s The Senior chapter, I knew I had to write something – my version of how the night would have ended once Zig arrived at MC’s doorstep].

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London, England was the break Dia hadn’t known she needed.

It was a break from her parents divorce, a break from the hectic lifestyle of living in the city but mostly, it was a break from…Zig. From everything she had been running away from.

She shook her head and tried to clear her mind, but just the thought of him still caused a familiar ache inside her chest. An ache that she was beginning to think would never go away, despite the past several weeks of separation.

Then again, what was a mere few weeks compared to the years of memories she had of him? Stored deep within her were countless moments of laughter, of pain – of love and all of it would take a lot longer to even begin to forget..

Dia sighed. Would this ache ever go away?

She bit her lower lip, gnawed on it until she heard her friend’s voice; interrupting her thoughts for what was beginning to feel like the thousandth time that night. 

Even worse, Abbie was looking at her with a growing sense of sympathy that Dia had to force herself to look away. “I’m sorry, I didn’t -”

“I asked, didn’t I?” She interjected, her response sharper than she intended. Shaking her head, she tried for a smile. It was a poor attempt on her part that felt too flat to be real. “No really, I’m happy for our friends.” They were all opening new chapters of their lives. Even though it felt like they were drifting apart, she couldn’t hate them for simply moving on. “I’m happy for him.” The last bit hurt. It sounded too bitter to her own ears to be true, like a piece of glass that shattered because it became too brittle over the years. As Zig pushed through her mind again, she downed the rest of her drink in one go. God, she thought – I need more.

Abbie’s dark eyes widened but instead of bringing up the issue, she offered the rest of her glass.

She took it without hesitation, downing it again without any of an afterthought.

“How about you show me your flat?” Abbie asked, trying to sound cheerful. “I bet it has a great view.”

“It does actually.” Dia, grateful for the change of subject nodded at her. “Yeah, let me just grab our bill and we can go.” She nearly stumbled on her heels before she felt Abbie’s arm around her. “Woops.”

“You okay?”

She waved her friend’s hand away as she straightened upright. Am I that transparent? She avoided her gaze. “I’m fine, let’s just – get going already.” Suddenly, she longed to be home. Maybe it was there she could find the solace she needed – a way to pretend she didn’t miss Zig anymore. “Let me grab the bill.”

“Wow, you were right this view is amazing!” Abbie peered out the window of her flat with a look of glee in her eyes that almost made Dia chuckle.

Almost. Instead, Dia shook her head and ignored the twitch of a smile from the corner of her lips. She hugged herself. “I told you,” smirking she watched as Abbie relaxed across her bed.

“I’m almost jealous.”

“Don’t thank me, thank this awesome internship I’ve had.”

“How is that going anyway?”

“It’s been great.” She paused, her excitement nearly spilling over – making her words nearly tumble into each other. “Who knew that journalism could be so exciting? So rewarding? I love being able to research hard-hitting news.”

“That’s terrific Dia, do you think you would come back?” Abbie paused for a moment, “after you graduate I mean?”

Instead of answering right away, Dia switched the subject. She had told them in the moment she would be – but now she wasn’t sure. Did she want to be that far away from everything she’d ever known. From Zig? “Enough about my internship, it’s almost done and I’m itching to know more about Dragon Quest.”

“Ugh, well you’re out of luck because I don’t want to talk about that either.” Abbie closed her eyes. “We’re still trying to figure out if it makes more sense to sell than to keep it.” She rubbed her temples.

Dia held up a hand. “Okay, hold it. I didn’t mean to stress you out,” her face twisted into a thin frown. “Let’s forget everything and just get drunk instead – how about that?”

Abbie laughed. “As much as I’d love to, I do have a hotel to go back in tonight. So I shouldn’t drink too much.”

“Oh.” Dia couldn’t hold back her surprise. She wouldn’t have minded the company, she surprising even herself she was beginning to crave it after spending such a long time being alone – or with Alice anyway. She didn’t realize how much hanging out with Abbie meant to her until now. “Or, you could always stay tonight.” She suggested, wiggling her eyebrows coyly in a way that had her friend laughing.

“As tempting as that offer is, I know that’ll end in a major hangover and I’ve got a super early flight tomorrow.” She smiled, “but it’s good to see you. I was a bit worried when you called me the last time.”

Dia flinched at the memory. She had been crying in her sleep; something she hadn’t done in a very long time. She supposed that’s what being in love with someone did – even when it was supposed to be over, it hadn’t felt like that. Still, she shrugged nonchalantly and glanced away. “It was an accident and I thought we agreed to never bring it up again.” She scowled back at her.

“Sorry,” Abbie held up her hands defensively. “Like I said, I was just worried. Friends do that you know – worry.”

“Yeah, yeah.” Dia rolled her eyes, but inwardly she knew Abbie could tell she was grateful for her support. Unlike her, she didn’t like showing her feelings – bottling up inside was always easier than dealing with them.

“It’s late,” Abbie interrupted her thoughts. “I should get going before it gets any later.” She yawned and stood, stretching before giving her friend a timid smile.

“Of course, let me help you downstairs.” Dia grabbed her friend’s purse and her flat keys on the way out.

They rode the elevator in silence but as they reached the bottom, Abbie suddenly turned and threw her arms around her.

Dia stiffened at first. Then slowly, she relaxed into her arms and embraced her back. Releasing a breath, she hadn’t realized she was holding – until Abbie hugged her even tighter.

“You sure you’re gonna be okay?”

I have to be. Trying to swallow past the lump she felt inside her throat, Dia nodded. “Nothing a good night’s rest won’t fix.”

“Good,” Abbie released her then, smiling as the elevator slid open. “See you later.”

Dia watched her go, digging half moons into her palms as she watched her go and the elevator doors begun closing. “See you later.” She whispered  back.

The ride back upstairs had felt like a sobering dose of reality. Now that she was alone again, there was nothing to stop Dia from thinking of him. And the urge to suddenly call him was almost too tempting that she had to chuck her phone across the sofa. Picking up a pillow, she hugged it to her chest and laid on her side. She watched the half- bottle of wine still waiting on the coffee table and yet she had no desire to drink it.

She turned away, staring at the bottom of her feet. Now that she was alone again, all her thoughts were almost too much – flooding in every which direction; there was no safe hole for her to burrow herself under.

Zig. She wanted to see his smirk. To hear his voice. To see him smile at her the way no one else did. It was stupid of her to ask how he was doing – to even peek at his gram when she’d spend ages avoiding it. And now that she had seen him – seen Argo and Kitkat all she wanted was them and nothing else. They were the only thing that could fill the void.

But he caused it. Her mind tried to reason. He’s the reason you feel like this. And maybe he was, but he was also the only person that saw her for more than the shit show she always thought she was.

She closed her eyes, and longed for sleep. Eventually it came.

A sudden knock on the door had been loud enough to stir her awake. For a moment she was too disorientated to remember she was until it came rushing back. Wincing, she ignored the light stab of a forming headache and sat upright.

The knock continued and this time she answered with a loud sigh. Slipping her feet into her slippers before dragging them across the hardwood floor.

“Yeah, yeah. Hold on.” She barked out sharply. The rest of her sentence died on her lips at the sight of him, the one person she couldn’t stop thinking about -standing right there in front of her. She blinked but he was still there.

He wasn’t a mirage. Some delusion from her own loneliness.

There in front of her was Zig Ortega himself, looking meek and sad as he dug his fingers into his jacket. “Dia.

She couldn’t move.

“I’m here for you, Dia. I can’t do this anymore.”

At first, she couldn’t speak. She simply stood still staring at him with shock and fear in her eyes – and a dozen other emotions that flickered and died far quicker than Zig could even blink.

And for a moment he was terrified.

He was terrified that she would turn him away – resent him for the way they had ended things. He wouldn’t blame her – not really, out of all the times they fought, that had been the first time he had let her go – the first time that she didn’t want to come back to him.

Then suddenly she was moving – closing those last few feet in the exact same instant that he had.

She crashed into him, her arms nearly making him cry with relief as they found themselves around his neck. It was a comfort he swore he would never take for granted again. He picked her up off her feet as her lips found his – seeking, with fervent kisses; drinking him in as much as he drank in the sight of her – until he was dizzy from it.

He scarcely heard the door behind them before she was back on him, yanking and twisting his hair with a familiarness that made him moan against her.

“Dia I -”

“Ssh, no talking.” Dia’s voice came out a demand but beyond that he could hear her need, laced with desire. “Not right now.”

She was right – they never needed words when it came to this, when it came to how much they needed each other. She shoved him back until they collided into a wall and he felt her cool hands drift underneath his shirt.

Not wasting anytime, Zig pulled away long enough shrug his jacket off and yank his shirt over his head.

“God, I missed touching you.” Dia choked out in almost a sob. Her hands were shaking when she reached for him again but, he didn’t hesitate to place them on her chest. And she could hear his heart, hammering the way she knew her own was; desperately as if they’ve been waiting a lifetime for this moment. Hell, they might as well had been.

She tilted her chin as he bent to capture her lips again, nipping at her lips just as her hands reached for the waistband of his jeans.

With a little growl, Zig grabbed her hands and ignored the question in her eyes before he spun her around.

She let out a little yelp of surprise but immediately relaxed when she felt his lips along her neck, kissing and nipping gently until they grazed her shoulder. She felt his hands, as adept as they always had been at removing her clothes quickly, they didn’t disappoint. His hands quickly unzipped her dress and she heard him hold his breath as they slid off her shoulders and even lower until the garment had finally pooled by her feet.

Then she felt his hands, felt them scrape against her skin as he gripped her tighter. Suddenly, he spun her around and all she could do was hold her own breath at the hunger inside his eyes once they looked her up and down.

“God, you’re so beautiful.” His throat burning with need, he didn’t move until she reached between them to guide his fingers along the valley of her breasts.

It was only then did Zig snap out of it, and he leaned forward – running his tongue through the lacy fabric of her bra as she gasped his name. His other hand gripped the side of her slim waist as he nipped against the frabic, tongue flickering around her nipple until his impatience had won out and he pulled back to strip her bare.

He was in between her legs seconds later, and she rested her legs across his broad shoulders as his lips found her wet center.

“Fuck.” She cried out, feeling his tongue lapping against her – driving her wild until she felt she had no choice but to rock her hips into him.

At first Zig wouldn’t give her the satisfaction she needed. He would wait for to reach the nearly hilt of her pleasure and as the telltale signs of her ograsm started to hit her, he would retreat a little and kiss the innermost of her thigh.

It wasn’t until she dug her fingers through his hair, dragging him and holding him to her, that he finally gave her what she craved. She rubbed herself shamelessly while he continued plunging his tongue in and out of her, until her entire body wrack from pleasure. “Mmmf,” she could barely bite back a moan. Her fingers moved to grip the wall for her support while her body  continued to shudder.

When he kissed his way back up to her, she hastily reached for his belt at the same time he did.

“Eager already?” He couldn’t help but tease, rocking himself into her palm.

“I’ve been eager for weeks.” She couldn’t suppress the slight tremor in her voice, nor her own eagerness. It was something she’d have to think about later. But for now – all she wanted was him naked.

Something must have passed across her features because his stare quickly shifted to one of concern until she dipped her hand into his jeans. He knew her better than anyone. The only thing she needed right now, was him – not talking about their feelings – him raw and simple.

He moaned and covered his hands over hers’ the second he felt her touch.

She couldn’t help the smirk or a little thrill from running down  her spine. She still had the same effect on him. Her hands traveled the length of his cock before reaching the tip. The smoothness of it made her stomach coil with desire as it twitched.

And Zig guided her hands, over and over again across his length – loving the feeling of her hands over his throbbing member. He made her move faster and faster until he started thrusting against her.

With a sudden snarl, Zig forcefully removed her hands, and almost clumsily yanked his pants off. His movements were jerky, almost nervous until her hand touched his again in reassurance. He collected his breath then resumed shimmying out of them, taking his briefs with him as she bit her lip.

It should be criminal to look this good, Dia thought to herself.

With a gleam in his eyes, Zig’s hands urged her to turn around and face the wall. He slid them further along her skin, delighted at her slight shudder until his hands shoved her slightly forward.

Following his lead, Dia bent over further and glanced back at him through unwavering and intensely blue eyes.

Zig almost swore.

He leaned forward, cupping a breast and squeezing her nipples gently before kissing the smooth plane of her neck.

She uttered a soft moan.

His free hand sunk lower until they found her eager and waiting for him. He dipped his fingers inside, letting her wetness coat his fingers before he brought them to his lips to suck.

Her knees nearly buckled.

Grinning, he turned his face into her neck; burying his lips there as he slowly slid his length inside her – each by each.

Dia bit her lip hard to stop herself from moaning. She had almost forgotten how good this felt. And she vowed to never let herself forget this feeling again. She closed her eyes, pressed her hands against the wall as he eased more of himself inside her. “Fuck.” The word was almost a pant.

She felt his hands shift to hold her hips; fingers that dug so hard they stung and left a mark, before he begun shifting his hips earnestly. She moved against him, her hips urging him to go faster in nothing short of a silent plea before he was practically slamming into her with enough force to cause her to almos stumble.

She met him stroke for stroke, her fingers scraping against the wall as his thrusts grew frenzied. She had forgotten to be quiet, and as their moans mingled together so did his body; fitting snugly against hers’ while he held onto her waist.

The wall was the only thing that kept them upright as he continued to slam his hips against hers’; the force enough to make a wet slapping noise that nearly drowned out their moans of pleasure.

She felt one of his hands presence disappear only to reappear into her hair and he grabbed fistfuls of it as he continued to plunge into her. She moaned when she felt his tug, her eyes shooting skyward as his hips continued in fervor.


She barely heard him, but both hands had slid to her waist again before he whirled her around. “I want to see you,” his voice was raw, and hoarse when she gazed at him. “I want to see you lose control.” His hands shifted to clumisly grip her when she slid them around his hips.

Dia understood. After spending weeks of missing him – missing his touch, she understood why he needed this. Why she needed this. She slid her arms around his neck, yanking his hair with enough pressure for him to moan as she rolled her hips against his. “You have me.” In more ways than one. In more ways than you’ll ever know.

Not taking his eyes off her, Zig slid himself inside her again and the moment he did she sucked a breath.

He didn’t need any encouragement. He simply pressed her against the wall.

She tensed – he was stretching her – filling her more than she ever thought possible. She gasped his name, allowed her arms to drop towards his naked back as he thrusted deeply.

He didn’t flinch as he felt her fingers nick his skin, it was a familiar feeling that made him more desperate to devour her. He thrusted faster, hips jerking into her as she tightened her legs around his waist.

He could hear her breath, coming out faster – as fast as his was, they mingled as one. And as her eyes glazed over a little, he felt her stiffen in the same moment that his muscles tensed before the rush of pleasure flooded his entire body.

Her string of curses followed her over against the loud thudding of her heart as her body convulsed against him. She pressed her head into the back of the wall and closed her eyes shut seconds before she felt him bury his last cry of pleasure into her shoulder.

Dia couldn’t tell how much time had passed while they waited for their breathing to return to normal. She was only aware of the gentleness of his eyes when she opened hers.

Wordlessly, Zig took her into his arms and felt no resistance as she jerked her chin in the direction of her bedroom.

Neither of them spoke until they were settled on the bed, both of them staring up at the ceiling as the brains tried to play catch-up while the rest of their body was still slicked with sweat.

Zig’s voice broke the silence first. “So…does that mean we’ve kiss and made up?”

Uncharacteristically, Dia laughed loud enough to make him grin in response. “I know you were joking but,” she faced him, hesitantly reaching for him until he grabbed her hand and squeeze. “I think that’s probably some of the best sex we’ve ever had.”

He couldn’t help but agree. A crease formed that Dia could barely ignore the urge to smooth out from his brow.

“What’s wrong.”

“It’s just….I think we left things in a weird place between us. Before you left.”

Dia sighed, knowing this had been inevitable. There was no make-up sex, without the talk. It was something she would have went to the end of the Earth to avoid with anyone – but Zig had wasn’t like anyone else. “We did.” She answered slowly, carefully as if testing out the waters. “Well, I missed you. And doesn’t this count as an I’m sorry?” She tried to not look at him directly until she felt his fingers across her chin.


His smile was enough to make  her heart clench. “I missed you too.” The bed lightly creaked as he leaned over enough to kiss the top of her head. “And I guess, that’s your way of saying you want to talk about this later.”

She smirked. “You’ve always been so good at reading my mind.” Her grin faltered though when she felt his hands move to cup her cheek. “But I know how important talking about all this is to you.” She hesitated for a moment, gnawing on her lower lip.

“Mm, that’s because you’re important to me. You’ve always been important to me, and I’m sorry I lost sight of that for a moment.”

Her expression softened and Zig saw a rare peek of her heart. It was written all over her face, how deeply she loved him. “I’m sorry I didn’t clear Japan with you,” he said quietly.

“I’m sorry I kind of ran off to London.”She responded, “it was something I was always considering but I’ve never been quite serious about until well…until we had broken up. And truthfully,” she paused. She was struggling to get the words out but she knew she needed to. If anything Zig at least deserved that.

And he was patient with her. He simply nodded with encouragement, letting his hands drift to hers and squeezing gently while he waited for her to find her voice again.

“I needed that. Sometime just for myself. I’ve always helped other people, over the years its always been something or another. But I’ve rarely had the chance to help myself And while I wasn’t happy, it was great. To do that for a change. To figure myself out. And being away, gave me some perspective.” She smiled up at him, wistfully. “It made me realize what I was taking for granted too.”

“I took you for granted too.” He sighed, “all this Japan stuff made me think I’ve been way over my head and I just assumed you’d be right along with me instead of just talking about it.”

“I saw all your posts.” She mumbled, “you looked happy.”

“I was – but I wasn’t always happy. Sometimes I felt like I was just clinging on to it like a lifeline since you left. But things just haven’t been the same – I haven’t been the same.” His cheeks flushed slightly as he glanced away. “I miss you. Kitkat and Argo misses you too.”

“I miss them too,” she waited for him to meet her gaze again before she added softly. “And I’ve missed you everyday since I left.”

He smiled wide enough for her lips to twitch. “Thanks for not kicking me out as soon as you saw me.”

“Thanks for being here, with me.” She settled against him, resting her head on his chest as she felt his arm wrap around her waist. She listened to the sound of his heart and heard the rumble of his chest as he spoke.

“In case you’ve forgotten, I love you by the way.” She peeked up at him and felt his smile before she saw it. “I love you so much that I’d travel to another country just to see you.”

“Dork.” She snorted, giving him that familiar smirk that Zig adored.

He ran his fingers through her hair. “You love that about me.”

“No, I just love you. Plain and simple. I never stopped – not even for a second.” She said honestly, swallowing past the sudden lump in her throat.

He leaned forward at the same moment that she did. They met halfway, and he felt her mirror that sentiment even as she smiled against his lips. “Now let’s go home.”

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