Kiss Me At Midnight

Kiss Me At Midnight
By Misha

Disclaimer- Not mine. I’m just borrowing them for a little while and will return them when I am finished.

Author’s Notes-  Like with my TRR fics, I’m using a separate MC here: Sarah Monroe/Nightshadow. This fic is a response to a request for “That little moan during the kiss when you bite their lip” and is set sometime in Book Two.

Pairing- Kenji/MC

Rating- PG-13

Summary- Kenji and Sarah welcome in the New Year together.

Words- 977

“This place is packed,” Poppy said, casting a look around The Grand, “I’m glad we’re with you, Sarah, because I doubt we’d get in either wise.”

It was New Year’s Eve and The Grand was full of people. It was obviously the hottest place in town to be, which was the goal.

I grinned, “anything for my best friends.”

As we made our way to one of the VIP booths, I scanned the room looking for someone in particular. Suddenly, I felt a pair of hands on my waist. I jumped a little and then relaxed into the familiar touch.

“Hey there, darling,” Kenji whispered in my ear, his lips hovering just above my skin.

I saw Poppy grin and then she and Dax disappeared into the crowd, leaving me with Kenji.

“Hey there,” I said, turning so that I was facing him.

He brushed his lips against mine. “You look beautiful, I like that dress.”

“Poppy picked it out,” I said with a laugh, “she said I should ‘sparkle’ tonight.”

“I like it,” Kenji told me and then he leaned in and lowered his advice, “but not as much as I’ll like taking it off later.”

His words sent a rush of heat right through me. I opened my mouth to make a flirty reply just as someone called for Kenji’s attention.

“Duty calls,” he reminded me, giving my hand a quick squeeze before he disappeared into the crowd.

I made my way to the booth where Poppy and Dax were waiting and saw Poppy had already ordered drinks for the table. Eventually, Eva joined us and then Grayson and his date, a pretty redhead.

Finally, things seemed to slow down enough for Kenji to take a break and he slid into the booth beside me, wrapping his arm around my shoulders and pulling me against his side.

“You’re definitely earning your pay tonight,” Poppy told him with a laugh.

Kenji grinned, “no rest for the wicked and all that,” he motioned to Grayson, “plus the big boss is here, keeping tabs on me. Can’t make him regret his decision to take me on.”

“No worries on that front,” Grayson assured him, “The Grand is obviously in very capable hands.” He looked around the crowded club, seeming very pleased with what he was seeing.

We kept a steady flow of conversation up for a few minutes before Kenji stood up and then held out his hand. “Dance with me, before someone demands my attention again?”

“Of course,” I assured him, sliding out of the booth and taking his hand. He led me onto the dance floor just as a sensual slow song began to play. “Perfect timing as always, Kataros,” I teased as he pulled me close to him, our bodies swaying in time to the music.

“What can I say?” He asked with an easy grin, “it’s a gift.”

We danced close for the next few minutes, our bodies pressed together, stealing the occasional kiss. As the song came to an end, Kenji pulled me closer and pressed his lips to mine. It was a deep, lingering kiss with a lot of promise. He nibbled on my bottom lip, eliciting a small moan of pleasure as I pressed myself closer to him, uncaring that we were in public. I told myself it was a crowded dance floor and no one was looking at us anyway.

“Want to sneak off to my office?” He whispered against my lips, one hand resting on the small of my back, pulling me close to him.

It was a tempting thought, but before I could agree someone stepped forward to claim Kenji’s attention.

He groaned, “hold that thought.”

“I will,” I promised him, “don’t worry, I won’t forget who’s taking me home tonight.”

“You better not,” Kenji said with a grin, pressing a quick kiss to my lips before disappearing into the crowd once more.

I made my way back to the booth and made small talk with Grayson and Anna, his date, since Poppy had persuaded Dax to dance and Eva had disappeared. Before long, Poppy and Dax reappeared and Grayson led Anna to the dance floor. So it went for the rest of the night, people coming and going from the table, including Kenji stealing what time he could in-between official duties.

Before I knew it, it was midnight and time for the countdown.

Eva had reappeared, a companion in tow, and we all raised our glasses.

“Happy New Year!”

“May this year be a little less eventful than the last,” Poppy proposed.

“I’ll drink to that,” Eva said with a laugh.

We all clinked glasses and then turned to our respective partners.

“Happy New Year,” Kenji told me before lowering his lips to mine.

If I had been expecting a sweet, chaste New Year’s kiss, well then I didn’t know my boyfriend very well. Kenji’s lips were warm and insistent against mine, his hand threading through my hair. It was a long moment when we broke apart to find everyone watching us with amusement.

“You two are so cute,” Poppy teased.

Eva groaned, “don’t encourage them.”

“No encouragement needed,” Kenji said with a grin, “I know exactly how cute Sarah and I are.” He stood up again, pulling me up with him. “I think the assistant manager can handle it from here, so I’m going to escape before anyone else needs me.”

Our friends all wished a good night and then Kenji whisked me out of the club into a waiting cab. I leaned against him on the way home, my body tingling with anticipation at the night that waited for me, but also with a quiet joy that just came from being with Kenji. And the hope that this was the only first of many new years I’d welcome with him by my side.

  • End


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Mom. Writer. Dreamer.

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