Kiss Me in the Moonlight

Kiss Me in the Moonlight
By Misha

Disclaimer- Not mine. I’m just borrowing them and will return them when I am done.
Author’s Notes- This fic is written for my dear friend CallMeTippyTumbles. This is my first (and likely last) Drake/Kiara fic but it was interesting to try something new. This is set sometime after Liam and Eleanor are married and it features an established (but relatively new) sexual relationship between Kiara and Drake.
Pairing- Drake/Kiara
Rating- NSFW
Summary- Kiara and Drake slip away from a ball to enjoy the moonlight.
Words- 808

“Do you want to get out of here?” Drake said in a low voice as he led Kiara around the dance floor.

“Leave?” She asked, looking around. “But the ball isn’t over.”

She’d been raised to follow protocol and that meant staying as long as the host and hostess did. You could leave for a breath of air, but you could never be gone long enough for anyone to miss you.

“No one will miss us,” Drake assured her, his hands tightening on her waist, pressing her closer for a moment. “And I’d like to get you alone.”

Kiara blushed, extremely tempted, but she still hesitated.

Drake stiffened and relaxed his grip. “It’s a stupid idea,” he said and she could sense him withdrawing, “forget I said anything.”

“No,” Kiara told him, drawing him closer. “I’d like that, really I would. It’s just. I’ve never left a ball early before.”

Drake raised an eyebrow, “never?” He grinned, his body relaxing for once. “I guess I really am a bad influence then.” He maneuvered them to the edge of the dance floor and then held out his hand. “Shall we?”

Kiara took the offered with a smile, marveling in the warmth and strength of his grip.

Drake glanced into the crowd briefly and then led her toward the door and out of the ballroom.

“Where to?” He asked with a grin. “We can go steal Liam’s whiskey or walk around the garden or go somewhere more private?” His voice dropped suggestively for the last bit and Kiara felt the familiar heat fill her.

“Your room,” Kiara told him, hers was next to Penelope’s and she could be nosy. The last time Kiara had brought Drake to her room, she’d been a little… enthusiastic in her vocal responses and Penelope had asked all kinds of questions.

Drake nodded and quickly led her through the hall to his room, once they were there he pinned her against the door, kissing her fiercely.

“I have been wanting to do that all night,” he admitted when they broke for air.

“Me too,” Kiara confessed, wrapping her arms around his neck.

“I wanted to do a lot of things, things that would shock the court,” Drake continued, his hand reached for the zipper of her gown. He let it pool around her feet and then drew her to him for another kiss.

“What kind of things?” Kiara asked, though the words were a bit of a moan as Drake’s mouth trailed across her jawline and down her neck, his hands caressing her lace-covered ass.

“I’ll show you,” Drake promised, his weight keeping her pinned to the door. She knew he’d keep his promise, after all, Drake was definitely a man of action.

His hands traveled her body, unhooking her bra and freeing her breasts. He then lowered his mouth to them, making her sigh and clutch at his jacket. “Ohhh.”

Drake slid her underwear down her hips and to the floor and dropped lower, lifting her legs over his shoulders.

Kiara closed her eyes, anticipating the pleasure that was about to come. Drake might not be a man of many words, but he was very good with his mouth.

His tongue licked a long swipe all the way down her slit making her gasp, next he swirled his tongue over her clit.

“Ohhh,” she cried out, pressing herself into his mouth.

She could feel him grin against her as he continued what he was doing, licking and sucking and making her gasp and then he plunged his tongue into her and making her cry out again, digging her fingers into his hair.

It was a good thing that he was supporting her, holding her against the wall, because she didn’t think she could stand, the pleasure was so intense. She pressed into him, her hands driving his head closer, needing more.

The orgasm hit her hard and she came with a shout, her normal reserve gone out in the window as she was lost in the haze of intense pleasure. “Mon Dieu!!!”

Kiara felt weightless as the waves of pleasure began to recede. Drake pulled his head back, he kept her anchored in place for a moment, letting her come down from the high. Then, he removed her legs from his neck, but instead of setting her on the floor, he lifted her into his arms and carried her to the bed.

He laid her down gently and then paused to strip off his clothes. Kiara lay there, admiring his strong physique as it was illuminated by the moonlight. He really was the most attractive man.

One his clothes were discarded, Drake joined her on the bed, covering her body with his as he leaned in for another kiss. There were no words, there rarely were with Drake, but that was ok, she didn’t need words. She just needed to feel.

  • End

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Mom. Writer. Dreamer.

4 thoughts on “Kiss Me in the Moonlight”

  1. Misha,

    You certainly know how to make a girl feel special on her birthday. Drake and Kiara are a weak spot for me lately and I have been wanting to write more fics with them but I keep putting it off. I have to stop that.

    I do love that you highlight some of what Kiara would find appealing about Drake, namely that he gets her out of her head. I also like how Drake is about her which is always nice.

    10/10. Will read again.



    1. Thank you! I can’t believe I never replied! I am glad you liked it and it was a fun challenge to take them there and fifure out how I would make them work.

  2. This was so good! I’ve always thought Drake and Kiara wouldn’t really with as a long term couple (I think she’d get bored with him pretty quickly and his constant complaining about the nobility would hurt her), but I could definitely see them enjoying each other’s company for a while. This is one of those times you can absolutely see that attraction they would have for each other. 💕

    1. Thank you! I agree that I have a hard time seeing them as a permant thing, I have a hard time seeing Drake with anyone other than the MC long term but it was fun to explore the dynamic.

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