Kisses and Conversation

Summary: Anna summons Ernest to the Ledford Park/Edgewater border again for more kisses and conversation ———


It had been but two days since she’d last seen Ernest, but under the same roof as Duke Richards, each day seemed to last an eternity. She longed to be with her fiance, her true fiance, and not the pitiful excuse of a man she was promised to without her consent. While conspiring with Henrietta helped to keep her busy during the day, the nights were lonely, left with only her thoughts of those she’d lost, and sick with worry about what was to come if she could not escape her engagement to the duke. So on that second day, she penned a letter in hopes of seeing him again:

My Dearest Ernest,

I hope the days are treating you well. I’m biding my time until we can be together again, but it is proving quite difficult to be without you, even for a day. I enjoyed our time in the pasture immensely, and would love to see you there again for more “kisses and conversation.” If you should be able, meet me at our spot at half past nine this evening. I’ll be waiting for you.

Yours Always,


Duke Richards tended to retire early, drunk on port and passing out until morning, so departing undetected would not be an issue. Actually getting the letter to Mr. Sinclaire, however, might prove a more difficult task. Luckily for Anna, she had earned the favor of Mr. Woods, and he could be trusted to do the job. He delivered the letter and discreetly confirmed that Ernest received the message, so at a quarter past nine, she selected a bottle of madeira from the wine cellar, and made her way to the Edgewater-Ledford boundary.

Anna was a few minutes early, so she was delighted to see Ernest already there waiting for her. She set down her lantern and broke into a run as soon as she spotted him, practically leaping over the fence into his arms.

“Oof.” Ernest caught her and stumbled back, but still managed to keep them both upright. “I admire your enthusiasm. I’m not sure I’ve ever seen a lady run that fast before.”

Anna greeted him with a brief yet fiery kiss. “You know I’m not a typical lady, and I’ll run as fast as my legs can carry me if it means spending even a moment more with you.”

Ernest cupped her face in his hands and smiled at her with adoration. He was handsome in any light, but the moonlight brought an ethereal quality to his features that made her heart skip a beat. “I do, and those are just two of the infinite reasons I love you so.” He drew her in closer for a kiss, parting her lips with his tongue. It was soft and unhurried to start, quickly growing in intensity until they both had to rest to catch their breath. “I believe we’ve covered the kisses. Shall we commence with the conversation?”

Anna gazed up into his cobalt eyes. “We can sit and talk for awhile, but don’t you go thinking I’m done kissing you yet.”

Ernest chuckled, and it warmed her heart to see him joyous once again, even if it could only be so in these stolen moments together. He motioned to a blanket laid out in the grass next to his own lantern. “I brought this for us to sit upon.”

Ernest sat down and Anna followed. “And I brought this for us to drink.” Anna held up the bottle of madeira she’s been holding all along.

“I don’t see any glasses,” Ernest observed with a hint of concern in his voice.

Anna tilted her head to the side. “Don’t tell me you are afraid of putting your mouth where my mouth has been.”

“I suppose there’s no need for proper etiquette when it is just you an I. Did you at least bring a corkscrew?” Ernest implored.

Anna shifted her eyes sheepishly. “Apparently in my haste to see you, I forgot to plan accordingly.

“No worries, my dear.” Ernest fished a pen knife out of his pocket. He took the bottle from Anna and carefully eased the cork out with the blade, offering the bottle to Anna before taking a drink himself. The 1795 vintage was more robust than she had expected, and she must have made a face, causing Ernest to comment. “It’s an acquired taste.”

“I am noticing that. Maybe after a few more sips…” Anna held her breath and poured nearly a quarter of the liquid down her throat in one go.

“You never cease to amuse me, Anna, in all the best possible ways.” He drank a good portion with much more grace than she had. Well, he was as dignified as one could be whilst drinking wine straight from the bottle.

Anna noticed Ernest had left the knife out next to him on the blanket. “I have an idea!” She picked up the knife, ran an over to the fence post, and began to carve into the weathered wood.

“What on earth are you doing?” Anna looked back to see Ernest with a worrisome expression. “Don’t hurt yourself.”

“You’ll see.” Anna etched her drawing into the fence with the sharp tip of the blade and then spun around to show him a heart drawn with their initials in the center. “Now this shall forever be memorialized as our place, even long after these days are behind us.”

She sidled up next to Ernest once again. He draped his arm around her as she rested her head on his shoulder. “It’s perfect, Anna. It will forever give me a reason to look back on this period and smile.”

They conversed as they polished off the bottle, and while Ernest was hardly affected, Anna was a trifle disguised. Feeling emboldened, she kicked off her shoes and swung her bare feet into Ernest’s lap. Ernest looked down with eyes wide, and Anna smirked. “What? It isn’t as if you have never seen my feet before.”

“But you aren’t wearing any stockings either.” He traced a ticklish finger along her skin, stopping at the hem of her willowy gown which settled at mid calf in her current position.

“You needn’t pretend to be so so scandalized by a little flesh. I presume you’ve seen a naked woman many times having been married before.” Anna placed her hand atop his and slid it up to knee height. “I would very much like for you to see more of me.”

Anna may have detected a hint of a blush on his cheeks in the dim light, but the gleam in his eyes gave away his deeper desires. “Anna, you musn’t tempt me so. I may not be able to uphold my propriety.”

“And what if I don’t want you to.” Anna teased him further, placing his hand halfway up her thigh. A thrill ran through her at the thought of his hand so close to where she wanted him to touch her the most. “What if I want you to have me right here and now.”

Ernest sighed, but did not remove his hand, and she could feel the pulse in his wrist beating faster to match her own. “Anna…I want you more than you’ll ever know, but in a field amongst the cows is not how your first time should be.”

“They are yards away and are all sleeping anyhow. They’ll never know.” Anna giggled.

Ernest kissed her sweetly on the lips. “If all goes to plan, it will happen soon enough and will be everything you deserve, but for now…”

His longing gaze gave Anna a hint of what was to come. “Yes?” she asked expectantly, her heart fluttering even faster in her chest.

“What kind of man would I be to deny my lady a taste of the pleasure she desires?” He wove his fingers of his free hand into her hair and kissed her hungrily. She melted into him as he lowered them both to the ground side by side. He inched the hand on her leg higher and high sending shivers up her spine, while igniting a fire inside her at the very same time. As he reached the apex of her thighs, he paused looking for any hesitation on her part but there was none. He eased the tip of his finger inside her entrance, and Anna whimpered at his touch. “Oh Anna…you are so wet and eager, aren’t you?”

Anna nodded yes and kissed him hard. “I want more, Ernest.”

“As you wish, my lady.” He thrust a finger deeply and she gasped as it brushed over the sweet spot inside her. He cautiously added a second finger, filling and stretching her completely. She threw her head back and moaned arching into him for more as he pumped in and out. He slid his slickened fingers out and over her sensitive nub, and she writhed and cried out at the intensity. It was too much and not enough at the same time.

“Oh Ernest, keep going,” she pleaded. She wasn’t certain how much more she could stand, but knew knew the crescendo had yet to be reached. She felt the pleasure building in her core as Ernest worked his fingers rhythmically, her breaths coming faster and faster. Then as if something burst inside her, she felt pure ecstasy pulsing outward from her quim, causing her to scream out into the quiet night air.

Ernest held her tightly as she came back down. “I hope you enjoyed that as much as I did.”

Anna smirked. “I’m fairly certain my satisfaction was quite evident. But what about you?” She cupped her hand over the erection clearly visible beneath his breeches.

Ernest gently moved her hand away and kissed her on the forehead. “Another time. I’ll be alright.”  Anna was slightly disappointed that she could not do for him what he had for her, but was understanding at the same time. Ernest was a gentleman through, and their endeavors were risky enough as it was. She rested her head on his chest, fully content to just lie with him as the hours passed until they had to part again.

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