Knight in Shining Armor

Knight in Shining Armor
By Misha

Disclaimer- Not mine. I’m just borrowing them for a little while and will return them when I am finished.

Author’s Notes- Happy Diavolos Appreciation Day! This fic is a response to one of the three AUs that was voted on: a fake relationship. This is set sometimes before the invasion of the Five Kingdoms and is just an alternate way for Kenna and Diavolos to meet. Also, this is a one-shot because I have too many multi-chapters pieces.

Paring- Kenna/Diavolos

Rating- PG

Summary- Kenna is facing the bleak prospect of marriage to Prince Marco of Abanthus, but luckily his brother Diavolos swoops in to rescue her from that fate.

Words- 912

It took Kenna less than 5 minutes to decide she wasn’t marrying Prince Marco. Not ever. Unfortunately, he seemed to be the leading candidate, but the longer she spent in his company, the more she knew she couldn’t bear the idea.

She was in Lykos with her mother, with the intention of arranging a marriage between Kenna and one of Luther’s four sons. Queen Julia was pushing Marco, her oldest son, as the most suitable candidate, much to Kenna’s horror.

She accused herself from the table, unable to handle any more of the conversation or the way Marco was leering at her. Her skin crawled at the very idea of him touching her. Kenna found a side room and began to pace, wondering what she was going to do. She tensed when she heard the door open and then let a little sigh of relief when she saw it was Prince Diavolos, Luther’s oldest son, and the most handsome of the four princes.

“Are you ok?” He asked in a surprisingly gentle voice, after all Prince Diavolos had a reputation for being a hardened warrior. Kenna didn’t know what to say, she couldn’t really tell him that she’d rather die than marry his brother, could she?

“Of course, if I had someone trying to make me marry Marco, I’d run away too,” he continued. Kenna’s eyes shot up. “You don’t get along with your brother?”

“No,” Diavolos told her flatly, “Marco is cruel and sadistic and a generally an unpleasant human being.” That summed up Kenna’s initial impression of him and made her even more determined not to marry him.

“However, he is the light of Julia’s life and she’s determined to push him forward,” Diavolos continued, “she has decided that Marco is going to marry you and she won’t be easily stopped and my father only cares about the alliance and securing Stormholt, not about which son gets the prize.”

Kenna’s stomach clenched at that thought. “I can’t marry him,” she told Diavolos, unsure why she was opening up to him. But he was kind and sympathetic and well, she needed to talk to someone.

“I know,” he assured her, stepping closer, “and you won’t. You’ll marry me.”

“What?” Kenna asked, blinking, sure that she must have misheard him.

“Your mother is determined that you marry a Prince of Abanthus,” Diavolos pointed out, “and I wouldn’t want anyone to have to marry Marco. While I’m sure Baltair and Seoras would be happy to help a damsel in distress, especially one so beautiful, I am the oldest and have the best chance at blocking Marco.”

“Oh,” Kenna said softly. “Thank you.” She took a good look at him, suddenly realizing how handsome he was and thinking how different he was from Marco, both physically and in personality.

“Of course, Julia isn’t going to give up easily, especially not to me,” Diaovlos said dryly, “so we’re going to have to do a little play-acting.”

“What do you mean?” Kenna asked curiously.

“The best way to do this is to pretend that we already know each other,” Diavolos told her, “I was in Stormholt a few months ago, though I didn’t go to the castle.”

“I sneak away from the castle sometimes,” Kenna said shyly, blushing, “I like to disguise myself and check out the village.”

“Perfect,” Diavolos told her, “we met and there was an instant connection, but the timing wasn’t right because I had to leave on maneuvers. We kept in touch through secret messengers, I can arrange for people to vouch for that, with the intention of continuing the relationship upon your arrival in Abanthus.”

“Do you think that will work?” Kenna asked hesitantly, gazing up at him.

“I do,” Diavolos assured her, “Don’t you? I think your mother at least would be swayed.”

Kenna knew he was right. Her mother needed this alliance, but if she thought that Kenna was in love with one of Luther’s son, then she would encourage that match.

“Why are you doing this?” Kenna asked instead.

Diavolos stepped closer, putting his hand on her face, “because I want you.” Kenna gasped, that wasn’t what she had been expecting to hear at all. “I wanted you the moment I saw you,” Diavolos continued, “too much to let Marco have you. Besides, as I said, no one deserves to be stuck with Marco. But, yes, my motives are selfish because this way I get to have you to myself, to know what it’s like to feel you and taste you.”

Kenna let out a little sigh at his words, unable to deny that the image set a thrill through her. Diavolos pulled her closer and then before she realized what was happening, he was kissing her. Kenna instinctively kissed him back, wrapping her arms around his neck and pressing her body against his. It wasn’t her first kiss, but she’d never been kissed like this.

“Just like I suspected, I could get used to that,” Diavolos told her when they finally pulled apart.

“Me too,” Kenna admitted, surprising herself.

Diavolos grinned, he really was incredibly handsome, “good.” He let go of her and offered her his hand. “Now, let’s go out there and convince everyone that we are madly in love.”

Kenna nodded, though she couldn’t help but think that she wouldn’t have to pretend too hard because she had a feeling it would be very easy to fall for Diavolos. The question was, should she?

  • End

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Mom. Writer. Dreamer.

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