Last Visit Home

Summary: Jake catches up with his sister Rebecca on his last trip home before deployment.

Author’s note: This was written for Round 61 of #ChoicesCreates: Family Bonds and takes place before Endless Summer and Most Wanted.

Jake was glad to be home. Soon he would be deployed, and it would probably be a long time before he saw his family again. He wanted to spend time with them while he could. He and his sister Rebecca were outside, relaxing and catching up.

“Do you know much about your unit yet?” Rebecca asked him.

“They’re called the Arachnids. I’ve heard that the commander is a tough guy. Mike’s in the unit too.” When Jake had heard the news that he and Mike would be deployed together, he was happier than he had ever been in his life.

“At least you guys will have each other. That should make things easier, right?”

Jake nodded. “As long as we’re together, we can deal with anything.”

“And you’ll be serving our country. That’s something to be proud of.” Rebecca looked to Jake. “I’ve been thinking that I might want to do something like that.”

“You want to join the military? I bet you’d be a good pilot.” Jake grinned. “We could be the flying McKenzie siblings.”

Rebecca shook her head. “That’s not what I meant. But I bet it would be fun to go flying.”

“Oh, it is. Maybe I can take you flying someday.”

“Sounds good. Anyway, I was thinking about joining the police force.”

“You want to be a cop? Damn, does that mean no more pranks? I don’t want to be arrested by my own sister.”

Rebecca laughed. “I’m not going to arrest you. It wouldn’t be for a while anyway. Not until after college. Besides, I might not have jurisdiction here. I’m not sure I want to stay in Louisiana.”

Jake could understand that. He wanted to see more of the world, and soon he would have that opportunity. Still, he wondered how their mother would feel. It might be hard for her if both her children left the state. Maybe Rebecca wouldn’t go that far away. “Where would you want to go?”

“I don’t know.” Rebecca paused, thinking. “Maybe Los Angeles.”

“LA? Why there?” Jake asked.

“I just want a change. And it sounds so glamorous. There are so many movie stars.”

“Oh, I get it,” Jake smirked. “You want to meet Ryan Summers.”

“That’s not why!” Rebecca blushed. “Although I wouldn’t mind.”

“I bet you wouldn’t. But it’s a big city, so don’t get your hopes up.” Jake turned in the direction of their house. “Let’s head inside. I need a beer.”

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