Late Night Confessions

Based on the prompts: 17. “Because I love you!” / 19.“I can’t stay away from you.”


A cool wind blew the leaves as Drake lied on a blanket in a secluded place at the Cordonian seashore. It was past 1 AM and he patiently waited for the meteor shower to begin. Normally, he’d invite Savannah to join him, she loved making wishes as the shooting stars crossed the space no matter how many times he corrected her saying those weren’t actual stars. Although she was so tired from taking care of Bartie, she’d crash in a matter of seconds once she lied down. The other person he really wished to share this moment with would probably mock him for staying up late just to stargaze.

Nevertheless, he didn’t mind being alone. The stillness of the night at the sea was quite endearing and it felt good to have a moment by himself and not think about anything else. The spot he chose was a bit far from everything else so the city lights wouldn’t interfere with his view. Weather was clear and the vast sky was embellished with sparkling diamond-like stars. His only companies were his backpack, his cellphone and a portable telescope Liam gave him before he went to college, which was already set in a strategic position. It seemed like that would be a quiet moment of solitude, but he couldn’t be more wrong.

“This is where you chose to brood?” A contralto voice sneered.

For a split second, he thought he was imagining things. They weren’t even in speaking terms since his last visit to Lythikos. Yet, her voice was unmistakable to him. “Olivia?”

“Were you expecting someone else? Because if you are, you might want to meet them somewhere they can look for you without the constant fear of being mugged or assaulted.”

“What? Are you scared?” He taunted as he sat up looking at her with a smirk on his face.

“What the hell do you take me for, Walker?”

He held up his palms. “Hey, you mentioned the dangers of the area. But the guards back there only warned me to not get into the water because jellyfish season started early this year,” he said pointing to a sentry guard booth a few hundred yards away.

Olivia rolled her eyes. “So… Are you expecting someone else?”

“I wasn’t expecting anyone at all, but you can stay if you want.”

Without another word, she took a seat beside him on the blanket, placing her shoes in the sand. “What are you doing here anyway?”

“Just waiting for the meteor shower to begin.”

“I didn’t know you’re still into astronomical events.”

“And I didn’t know you remembered.”

The shore was barely lit, but he swore he could see could her cheeks flush as she looked away from him.

“How did you find me?”

“Liam. He told me you like this spot,” she folded her arms.


“I said I’d give him head,” she mocked.

“No, you didn’t and that’s not what I asked.”

Olivia looked away again.

Drake’s lips pressed together forming a thin hard line.

“I don’t know. I was bored.”

“You said we were through.”

“You were banging me thinking about her,” she hissed.

“I never did that!”

“You did it with Kiara and Madeleine!” She scowled.

“But I never did it with you!”

Her mouth fell open.

“You’ve known this sooner but you didn’t let me talk that night. You were too busy kicking me out of your room.”

Silence took over the dim lit spot of the shore as Olivia processed what he said.

“I thought I was just rebound, that what we had–”

“Rebound? Liv…” he ran a hand through his hair. “I never saw you like that.”

Rage clouded her features as she picked up her shoes to leave. “Don’t you call me Liv when you’re lying to me, Walker. I’m not stupid like Kiara. I know you love her!”

“No, I don’t!”

“Stop lying! We both know you do,” she snapped at him.

“No, I don’t because I love you!” Drake bellowed.

Olivia gawked at him. “You– what?”

“Liv, I was attracted to Jade, but I didn’t love her. I love you. Only you,” he said brushing a lock of her red hair from her face. He wanted to take her in his arms so badly, but this was Olivia. She didn’t deal with emotional conversations easily. He had to wait for her reaction before saying or doing anything else.

“Good,” she said, fighting back the tears. It didn’t matter if those were happy ones. She’s a Nevrakis after all. “Because I can’t stay away from you,” she quickly straddled him as their mouth fused together until they pulled away to come up for air.

Drake sighed contently as she melted into his arms. And now that they shared how they feel for each other, he couldn’t pass up the chance. “That’s it? I just professed my love to you, step it up,” he joked.


“But you do, don’t you? I mean, you did come after me even though you were quite sure I was into somebody else. Love is written all over your face, Liv.” A sly smile played on his lips.

“Shut up,” she ordered pushing him down on the blanket and they kissed as glowing celestial objects crossed the sky.

Published by


Brazilian fanfiction writer who tells stories about a bunch of kind-hearted pixelated people.

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