Late Night Snuggles

Author’s Note: The other night I found a good fic prompt list that I meant to post privately to save for later.  But I just plain reblogged it 🤭 . . . . It had been up for about 2 minutes when @boneandfur jumped on the opportunity to send me some funny random prompts for a Maxwell x MC pairing.  

Although unintended, I never shy from a challenge . . . so here’s your fic request @boneandfur for “Are you jealous?” and “Stop texting me weird stuff so late at night.”   This was actually really fun and a good learning opportunity for me. 😉


Rosie’s eyelids fluttered open at the sound of buzzing.  Buzz, buzz.  She smashed her face into the pillow, relishing the dark silence as she drifted back to sl-  Buzz, buzz.  She let out a frustrated huff as she rolled over and reached for her phone on the nightstand, glancing quickly at the clock.  2:41am.  “What the hell?”  She braced herself one elbow while she unlocked her phone to read her text messages.

Are you awake, Little Blossom?  Maxwell texted.  

Babe, about how much do you think Chance weighs? He continued.

Rosie yawned and rubbed the sleep from her eyes as she read her fiancé’s texts, then chuckled at the absurd randomness of his inquiry.  Life was never dull with Maxwell.  She glanced over at her corgi Chance, curled up at the foot of the bed snoring softly.  She began typing.  I was sleeping until you texted me . . .  twice.  Why are you asking about Chance?

She waited for his response, watching the three little dots flicker on her screen.   Buzz, buzz.  Watching reruns of ‘Say Yes to the Dress’.  Saw a couple dressed up their dog in a little ring bearer suit.  Wouldn’t Chance look adorable in a little suit?  I found a cute one online but I don’t know what size to order.  So what do you think?

Rosie laughed out loud at Maxwell’s note, awakening Chance from his slumber with a grunt.  He eyed her, head cocked to the side questioningly before standing up and waddling his little corgi legs closer to her.  He snuggled up alongside her torso and rested his head on his paws, but kept his stare focused on her as if hinting ‘Can you please turn that off so I can go back to sleep now?’

”Just a minute, boy.”  She clicked her reply, grinning at her enthusiastic fiancé and his late-night antics.  I think you should let me and Chance go back to bed and stop texting me weird stuff so late at night.

Three flashing dots.  Buzz, buzz.  No fair Chance gets to sleep with you.

Rosie click-click-clicked.  She smirked.  Why, are you jealous? 😉

Dots.  Buzz, buzz.  Yes!  I’ve always wanted to cuddle with that little furball in bed.

Rosie’s jaw dropped.  She shook her head in dismay, a small smile on her lips.  Click click click.  Not exactly what I meant. Pause.  Nevermind.  Can we go back to bed now?  We’ll talk doggie suits tomorrow.

Dots, buzz, buzz.  Yes, Little Blossom.  Sweet Dreams.

Click click.  Love you.  She set the phone back on her nightstand, settled back into her pillow and draped an arm over the snuggly furball laying beside her.

She made a mental note to start turning off her phone before bed going forward.


2 thoughts on “Late Night Snuggles”

    1. Isn’t he the best? I love writing Maxwell, always so sweet and his fics are so amusing. Thanks so much for reading Asti!

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