Lead Me Into Temptation

Lead Me Into Temptation
By Misha

Disclaimer- Not mine. I’m just borrowing them for a little while and will return them unharmed when I am done.

Author’s Notes- I have no idea why I am so obsessed with this pairing, but I am. They are just irresistible. This is response to the NSFW prompt “one party the distracting the other”, though I went a slightly different direction with it. This is actually set in the canon timeline, sometime after Chapter 12.

Paring- Adam/Lilith

Rating- NSFW

Summary- Lilith works with Senator Vega to try and uncover the plot against Adrian, but finds herself distracted.

Words- 1956

“Oh I might have found something,” I said excitedly.

In the wake of the massacre, and the revelation that someone was trying to frame Adrian, Adrian and Kamilah had made an alliance with Senator Vega and, surprisingly, Priya, to try and come up with answers. Part of that, meant pouring over any reference material we could find and the Senator had requested my aid, and Adrian had reluctantly agreed since he was still being monitored by the council and couldn’t actively participate in his own defense. So here, I was, alone with Senator in his office.

To his credit, Senator Vega had been perfectly polite, treating me with the utmost respect. It wasn’t his fault he was so distracting. I tried to remind myself that he was a vampire, that he was callous, but… It was hard to focus on anything other than how handsome he was. Or the fact that we were totally alone.

“Oh?” The Senator asked, moving to stand behind me and peer over my shoulder. I tried not to react to his presence. Why didn’t Adrian affect me like this?

“It’s the numbers…” I told him, pointing to the sheets that had somehow been “acquired” from Lester. “They don’t add up, but they do match here.” I pointed to another sheet. “There were large sums of money going back and forth between Lester and Marcel in the weeks before the ball.”

“You are brilliant as well as beautiful,” he told me. The compliment surprised me, so did the look on his face, there was open admiration and a hint of something else. “No wonder Adrian finds you so valuable.”

“I do my best,” I demurred, “now that we’ve found one link, we should keep looking.”
“We should,” the Senator agreed, but he didn’t make any move to go back behind the desk, instead he moved even closer, making it harder for me to focus on anything else. I wondered if he had an idea how much he affected me? I glanced up at him, saw the appraising way he was watching me and realized that he did know.

Mortification filled me. He must think I was so silly. I instinctively tried to pull back, but he didn’t let me.

“I admire efficiency and dedication,” he told me instead, his body pressing against mine. “It’s a shame that Adrian found you first because I would definitely have been able to find a place for you.” Did he mean in his employ or…? He ran his hand over my arm, making me shiver. “I am curious how strong Adrian’s hold is.”

“He’s my boss,” I answered a little breathlessly, “and my friend. I’ll help him any way I can.”

“Just a friend?” The Senator inquired, caressing my arm, his breath warm against my neck.

“Yes…” I confirmed with a little sigh. I knew that if I wanted, Adrian would be willing to go beyond that, I saw the way he watched me sometimes, but as attractive as he was, he just didn’t stir up those kinds of feelings in me. Not the way the Senator did.

Before I knew what was happening, I felt myself being turned around so that I was facing the Senator and then his mouth was on mine. I wondered if I should object, but I didn’t, instead, I responded eagerly to the kiss, opening my mouth to him, pressing my body closer.

“Well, then, if Adrian doesn’t have the claim I thought he did, then I’ll make one,” Senator Vega told me, in a low voice as his lips trailed over my collarbone before landing tantalizingly on my neck. “I want you, Lilith.”

“Yes…” I moaned, not even sure what I was agreeing too. I just wanted him to keep touching me.

That was all the consent he needed to hear, because the next thing I knew I was being lifted up off the ground and placed on the desk, all the important paperwork carelessly swept to the side.

“Tell me you want me,” The Senator urged, standing between my legs, his hands resting possessively on my hips, “tell me, Lilith, use my name.”

“I want you, Adam,” I said, his name feeling odd on my tongue, strangely intimate. But I guess, the setting kind of called for intimacy.

Adam undid my skirt, pulling it off of me, before do the same thing to my blouse, leaving me on his desk in nothing more than my underwear. “Tell me what you want me to do to you.” He instructed, “do you want me to touch you? To taste you? To take you?”

“Yes!” I cried out, unable to control the need that built up in me at that image. “All of that, please.”

He kissed me again then, deep and hard, as he eased my underwear off my legs and then slid his hand between my legs, teasing me, testing me. “So wet already,” he murmured against my lips, “so eager.”

His free hand undid my bra, freeing my breasts and his mouth immediately covered one, lavishing attention on one and then the other as he eased first one, then two and then finally three fingers into me. It felt so good and I arched impatiently towards him. Desperate for more.

“Ohhh, oohhh,” I cried out as the pleasure continued to build inside of me. “Oh God yes!”

“Scream for me,” he told me, the words tickling the sensitive skin of my breasts. “Scream my name!” As encouragement he sped up his movements, curling his fingers inside of me and making me come apart.

“Adam!!!” I screamed, digging my hands into the desk to steady myself, afraid I might fall off. “Oh Adam!!!”

He removed his hand and before I knew what was happening, he had knelt in front of me, pulling my still-pulsating body towards him and plunging his tongue into me. Ohhhh… He licked and sucked and explored me with his tongue, not even letting me have time to come down before building me back up to that place and making me come hard again.

This time his name was a sob instead of a scream, the sensations threatening to overwhelm me. He pulled back, straightening and I realized he was still fully dressed.

“Whose are you, Lilith?” He asked, in a low voice, his hand tenderly stroking my face, “who’s claim do you recognize? Mine or Adrian’s?”

I was loyal to Adrian. He was my boss and my friend. Besides, he’d been loyal to me, to the point where he had almost gotten himself killed. How could I renounce that?

“I can’t take you if you’re his,” Adam cajoled, his voice low and seductive, “and we both know you want me to take you.” He shrugged off his suit jacket, discarding it carelessly. “All you have to do is say the word, Lilith, and I will take you to heights you’ve never even imagined. I’ll show you things you never dreamed possible. Just give into it.”

I wanted too, so badly. I wanted everything he promised. He had made me feel so good and I wanted to know what it would be like to be with him completely, to have him hard inside of me. But… How could I do that? How could I betray Adrian?

But maybe he wasn’t asking me too? Maybe he was just asking for my body. He obviously wanted me to submit to him, but for how long? He said he wanted me to be his, not Adrian’s, which was easy, because I didn’t want Adrian as a lover. Maybe this was just going to be the best sex I ever had and then everything would go back to the way it was.

Though somehow I doubted it and more than that, I knew that I’d never be the same after this, but I wanted it anyway.

“I’m yours,” I answered breathlessly, the words spilling out of their own volition as I stared up at him. I had never felt more vulnerable. I was here on his desk, naked, and he was looming over me fully clothed. I should have wanted to run, instead, I was giving myself to him completely.

I saw the triumph in his eyes before his mouth was crushing mine in another kiss.

I reached for the buttons of his shirt, but his hands were quicker than mine. He shrugged off his shirt as he continued to kiss me.

Instead, I reached for his belt, though my hands fumbled a bit because of how hard I was being kissed. I slipped my hands into his pants, cupping his hard length. Apparently, I wasn’t the only one who was aroused.

Adam made an appreciative noise as I rubbed him through his boxers and then he quickly kicked off his pants and underwear, his hands on my hips, pulling me to the edge of the desk.

“Say it again,” he instructed, staring into my eyes, “tell me your mine.”

“I’m yours,” I told him sincerely. I wanted him the way I’d never wanted anyone else, even though I knew I shouldn’t. I knew who he was, what he was, but that didn’t stop me from wanting to submit to him.

“Good,” he said and then he entered me in one fluid movement. I gasped at the feel of him, the way he stretched me. He gave me a moment to adjust and then he gripped my hips harder and began to thrust.

I met him eagerly, my arms wrapping around his neck and pulling him into another deep kiss as he continued to pump in and out of me. It was incredible. He knew exactly what I needed, setting a pace that quickly had me gasping for breath and clutching at him desperately.

Adam pressed hot kisses along my neck, his teeth grazing the skin. It felt good and suddenly I had a different need. I remembered what it had felt like to be fed on and I wanted that again, in combination with the feelings Adam was stirring inside of me.

“Bite me,” I begged him, tilting my head to give him better access.

He didn’t hesitate to comply, sinking his teeth into my neck as he continued to fuck me. There was pain, but there was so much pleasure that the pain quickly receded. Adam drank hungrily as he also thrust hard into me, pushing me over the edge.

“Adam!” I screamed as I came, the pleasure overwhelming me. He pulled his lips away from my neck, quickly sealing my wounds and then covering my mouth with his and I could taste the slight metallic taste of my own blood in his mouth. It should have repulsed me, but it didn’t. Instead, there was something hot about knowing how completely he had claimed me.

Adam continued to thrust into me, his movements faster and more frantic and then with one final thrust, he was done, groaning my name into my mouth as he came. “Lilith.”

He pulled away, his hands resting on the edge of the desk to steady himself and then he pressed another hard kiss to my mouth before straightening.

“You’re mine,” he reminded me in a satisfied voice.

I nodded weakly, knowing it was too late to protest, even if I had wanted too. And I didn’t. He had shown me pleasure that I hadn’t even known existed and I wanted more. No matter what it meant giving up.

I knew I shouldn’t, that I should have rejected his offer or that I should at least be concerned about what it meant for my future, wondering exactly what I had agreed to, but I couldn’t bring myself to care. All I could do feel.

All I could do was want.

  • End

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Mom. Writer. Dreamer.

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