Legally Yours

Author’s Note:  I’ve had this concept for Damien and Camille in my head for a while, so when @darley1101 requested these particular fic prompts I knew it was the perfect opportunity to write this portion of their story.  This includes prompts for #2 Tying his tie, #3 Him zipping you dress, and #4 Dropping hints so he’ll give you his jacket.  


Camille sat at the dressing table, gliding the creamy mauve lipstick across her lips and rubbing them together to smooth it on.  She stared at her reflection in the mirror, turning her head from side to side to examine her handiwork.  Her blonde hair fell softly over her shoulders, pulled back over her right ear and twisted into a jeweled clip.  She swiped another coat of mascara on her lashes, emphasizing her deep blue eyes against her porcelain skin.  Although she was not normally one to wear a lot of makeup, today was a special occasion.  She wanted Damien to remember how she looked today for the rest of their lives.

She pulled back the sleeve of her satin dressing gown, observing the time on her watch.  3:14.  Nadia was already 14 minutes late.  On most days she would forgive her free-spirited cousin for her obliviousness to the clock, but today of all days she had been relying on her.  With a loud sigh, Cami pushed back from the table and shuffled over to examine the dress hanging up on the back of the door.

She ran her fingers along the silky fabric, admiring the delicate beadwork along the empire waist.  The dress was simple yet feminine, and, although it was not the ideal dress she had imagined her entire life, she was pretty happy with her selection given the limited options in her current state.  She stepped up on her tip toes to remove it carefully from the hook, draping it over her arm to study it one last time before slipping it on.

After tossing her robe aside, Camille unzipped the garment gingerly and set the hanger down on the table.  She gripped the back of the chair, trying to keep her balance as she stepped first one foot and then the other into the layers of fabric.  She reached down to grasp it in her hands and pulled it up her lean legs easily until she hit the curves of her hips and waist.  Careful not to disturb the fragile design, she slid the rest of the gown up her body and tucked her arms through the cap sleeves.  She awkwardly reached one hand behind her back, attempting to zip the dress up, but unfortunately the angle prevented the full range of motion.  She twisted and turned, trying to get a better grasp of the zipper, when she heard a soft knock on the door.

“Nadia!” Cami huffed and gripped the door handle, already fuming before she opened it. “The one day I need you to be on time and-“  She found herself facing Damien’s backside in the doorway.  He was facing away from her, his hand playfully clasped over his eyes.  “Oh sorry, D … I was just hoping it was Nadia … finally.”  She didn’t even try to hide the annoyance in her voice.

Damien chuckled under his breath, a sly smile on his lips as he turned his head to one side to hear her better.  “Can I look?”  He still had his hand over his eyes.  “Or is it bad luck to see the bride before the wedding?”

Camille’s heart warmed at his thoughtful question and the excitement in his tone.  “Yes, you can look.  I think we’re bucking enough traditions with this wedding to worry about one more.”  She smiled warmly as he dropped his hand, his eyes opening wide as he examined her from head to toe.  His jaw dropped and Cami thought she may have caught a muffled “wow” when she turned her back to him, exposing her partially bare back to him.  “And since my maid of honor can’t be bothered to show up on time, can the groom please assist the bride in getting dressed?”

“He’d be happy to.”  He smirked.  Damien inhaled sharply as he stepped forward, deftly sliding one hand through the opening in her dress while the other one laced around to cup her stomach.  “You look beautiful.” He whispered in a husky voice against her ear.  He couldn’t resist pressing soft kisses along her bare shoulder, eliciting a shiver from Cami before she turned slightly to look over her shoulder.

“Unh unh uhh, Mr. Detective.”  She wiggled a finger at him disapprovingly, but Damien could see the laughter in her stare.  “Not until after the wedding, sir.”

“Well seeing as that’s how we got here in the first place, I don’t see a problem.” He quipped back at her, arching his brow sardonically.

“That’s not true and you know it, Damien Nazario!”  Camille swatted his shoulder playfully, rolling her eyes at his implication.  “I had already agreed to marry you …” she stopped to gaze down at her protruding belly, rubbing her palm affectionately across it, “this little girl just encouraged us to pull the trigger a little sooner than we had planned.”

Damien cupped her pregnant bulge, peering down at it fondly before looking back up to meet Camille’s gaze.  “Well then, I guess I’ll have to thank her when I meet her.  Because I’ve been wanting to marry you since the day you kissed me.”

She scoffed audibly at his statement.  “Well now I know you’re sucking up.  You know I already said yes, right?”  He stared back at her, his content smile never wavering as she teased him.  She leaned forward to press a quick kiss to his cheek before turning around again, draping her hair over one shoulder to expose her back.  “Now zip me up so we can do this already.”

Damien gently tugged the zipper up the rest of its tracks, taking this quiet moment to admire the woman that was about to become his wife.  “There you go.  All done.”  She turned to face him, finally taking a moment to examine her fiancé in his wedding attire.

“You know I always loved you in a suit. But-“ She grimaced, her hands reaching up to disassemble his tie before carefully weaving it back together in a tidy knot.  “There, much better …”  Camille stepped back and gave him a once-over, nodding her approval with a satisfied smile on her lips.  She finally rested her eyes on his, savoring this last minute alone together before they walked down the aisle.  “So, are you ready?”

“As ready as I’m gonna-“ he was cut off abruptly by the crashing of the door against the wall.  Nadia came tumbling in the room, her face peeking out of the large wool scarf that she’d wrapped around her neck to fight off the blistering cold outside.

Camille growled in frustration.  “Well look who decided to-“

“Damien!” Nadia yelled in a muffled voice through the layers of clothing.  She peeled the scarf away from her mouth, exposing her rosy cheeks and nose.  “D, get out of here!  It’s bad luck to see the bride before the wedding!”

“Okay, but I was helping-“

“Shhhhh!”  She chirped back, waving a hand in his face as she discarded her winter gear on top of the chair.  “I don’t want any excuses!  You’re going to have her for the rest of your life, I think you can wait five more minutes!”  Nadia proceeded to herd him out of the room as Camille watched helplessly over her shoulder, pressing her hand against her mouth to stifle a laugh.  Damien caught her eye just as Nadia pushed him out of the room, simply shrugging his shoulders in defeat as the door slammed in his face.

He stared at the door for a moment, gathering his composure.  “Alright then.  Five more minutes.”


The small group gathered after the brief ceremony, exchanging hugs and handshakes of congratulations.  Sloane and Hayden had met the couple and Nadia in the tiny chapel, there to support their friends and serve as witnesses.  Nadia walked Camille down the aisle and stood behind the couple during the ceremony as their one-person wedding party.  It may not have been a big celebration or much to speak about in the grand scheme of weddings, but for Damien and Camille it was perfect.  Amongst the commotion and signing of the marriage license after the vows, the couple exchanged brief glances and warm smiles.  They didn’t have to speak – they said everything they felt in their shared gaze.

The group dispersed to make their own ways to the wedding ‘reception,’ which was really more of a gathering than a party, at Damien and Camille’s apartment.  The newlyweds walked hand in hand down the hall of the small church, talking over last minute details before they met their friends.

“Did you get the beer?” She asked.

“Sloane and Hayden are picking that up on their way.”

“And you put out the snacks like I told you?”

“Yes dear.  I do know how to set up a veggie tray.”  Camille started to speak again, but Damien pressed a fingers to her lips to shush her.  “And yes, I did remember to leave it in the refrigerator until we get home.”

Camille smiled, a tinge of pink on her cheeks at being called out for her controlling tendencies.  “Alright D, sorry.  I just love playing hostess and it’s hard to let go of the reigns.”  Damien nodded knowningly as they stepped out the door and began walking toward the subway station, stepping carefully across the icy sidewalk in their dress shoes.  Camille shivered at the cold, her elegant coat not doing much besides accenting her ivory dress.  “Okay, one more question though and then I swear I’ll stop.  Did you order the pizza?”

Damien snapped his fingers and started searching his pockets.  “Yes, I was going to call them on our way …” he continued digging in his coat pockets, then coming out empty handed proceeded to investigate his suit pockets as well.  “Shit.  I must have left my phone in the chapel.  I’ll go grab it quick.”  He leaned in to place a soft kiss to her forehead, gripping her upper arms to pull her closer.  “Camille, you’re freezing!  Here … ”  He quickly stripped out of his own overcoat and wrapped it snugly around her shoulders, fastening every other button to secure it over her belly.  “I’ll be right back.”  He winked and jogged back into the church.

He returned less than two minutes later, moving briskly and breathing heavier.  “Okay, found it.  I’ll call from the subway. Let’s go.”  He placed his hand on the small of her back to usher her forward, but she stood firm.  “What’s wrong?”

“Everything is great.” Camille beamed up at him, slowly sliding her hands up his chest and looping them around his neck.  She tugged his head down, her lips meeting his in a languid kiss which he happily returned.  She leaned back, giving him a satisfied grin.  “I can’t believe we’re married.”

Damien chuckled, shaking his head at the thought.  “Geez, yeah … I hadn’t stopped to think about it … but we are.”  He cocked his head to the side and gave her a questioning look.  “How do you feel about that … Mrs. Nazario?” He couldn’t suppress the devilish smirk from capturing his mouth.

“That’s going to take some getting used to, but …” she looked away for a second, pondering his question, then nodding as she peered back up at him.  “I feel good.  This is good.  How do you feel?”

Damien pulled away for a second, a puzzled expression furrowing his brow.  “I feel … well, it’s almost … indescribable …” He stared back at her pointedly with an amused grin.

Camille rolled her eyes and swatted his arm.  “You are such a pain in the ass, D!”

“Yes, but now I’m legally your pain in the ass.”  He laughed out loud, that robust laughter that warmed Cami’s heart, and pulled her into an embrace.

“Yes you are, Mr. Nazario.”  She whispered into his neck as he held her tightly, memorizing this moment.   “Yes you are.”


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