Let Me Be the One

Let Me Be the One
By Misha

Disclaimer- Not mine. I’m just borrowing them for a while and will return them when I am done.

Author’s Notes- This idea occurred to me after finishing Chapter 8 of Bloodbound, it’s a missing/extended scene between Adrian and Isobel, extending their intimacy. The background of this is that Adrian and Isobel have not had sex (they cuddled and watched the stars) and she did not feed Jax.

Pairing- Adrian/MC

Rating- PG-13

Summary- After spending the day in the sun with Adrian, Isobel makes him an intimate offer.

Words- 792

“Wait,” I said suddenly in the elevator “you have to feed.” He’d mentioned that, that the cost of taking the serum was that he needed to feed immediately.

“Yes,” Adrian agreed patiently, “I’ll make the call when I get inside.”

To Nicole, or someone like her. The idea left an unpleasant feeling in my stomach. I know it was ridiculous and I knew Adrian needed to eat and that he seemed content with his arrangement, but… We had just meant this day together, he had asked me to spend his day in his sun with him and then we’d kissed and… I didn’t want it to end with him going off to Nicole, for whatever reason.

“I can do it,” I offered before I could stop myself, “you could feed from me.”

Adrian paused, “Isobel I can’t ask you of that…”

“You’re not asking, I’m offering,” I reminded him. “I… I want to share this with you.”

After what seemed forever, Adrian nodded and when the elevator dinged at my floor, we both got off.

“How do we do this?” I asked curiously.

Nicole had been laying on the desk, did I need to climb on a table or something?

“Come here,” Adrian encouraged, holding out his hand. When I took it, he led me over to the couch. He sat down and then pulled me onto his lap. Oh. Ok, this I could handle.

I straddled him, my hands resting on his shoulders. “I could get ideas in this position.”

Adrian laughed, “that sounds promising, though I am positive I don’t have the energy for those ideas.”

I watched him carefully, noticing how pale and weary he looked. He wasn’t lying when he said the serum took a lot out of him. Yet, he’d looked so happy when we’d been out there.

“Take what you need,” I encouraged, biting my lip and waiting for the pain as he lowered his mouth to my neck.

It came, but not in the way I was expected. Or rather it was there, but it was drowned out by the overwhelming pleasure. I threw my head back, giving Adrian better access and letting out a moan of pleasure as I did.

Ok, now I really was getting ideas. I have no idea how much time passed before Adrian pulled away because it felt like an eternity and no time at all. I noticed that his color was better, though he still looked tired.

“Thank you,” he told me sincerely, after he sealed the wound.

“Any time,” I told him sincerely. If I was going to be in a relationship with a vampire, and I really wanted to be, then I’d have to get comfortable feeding said vampire, right? “Now, you look like you need some sleep.”

Adrian smiled ruefully. “I do.”

He didn’t make any move to get up though, possibly because I was still on top of him. A thought occurred to me. “Stay here?” I blurted out before I could stop myself. I might as well go all in, right? “We both need to nap, we can do it together.”

Adrian looked at me for a moment and then nodded. “Ok.”

I got up off of his lap, letting him get to his feet and then offering him my hand. Together we walked towards my bedroom, neither of us speaking. As we approached the bed and Adrian let go of my hand I paused, how was I going to do this?

As I hesitated, I watched Adrian kick off his shoes and slip off his suit jacket before removing his shirt. Oh, ok. So this was clothing optional.

It was hard not to stare at Adrian as he got down to his briefs, he was truly a work of art. He stood beside the bed, his eyes focused on me, not saying anything. After a moment, I took off my clothes, stripping down to my underwear.

“You are beautiful,” Adrian told me, his eyes roaming over my body.

I smiled, “you aren’t so bad yourself, but we’re supposed to be resting, remember?”

“Yes,” Adrian agreed as he climbed into the bed, “though you make it difficult to remember that.”

As I got into the bed, he reached for me, settling against him. I went willingly, letting him wrap his strong arms around me and resting on his chest.

“You have a heartbeat,” I murmured, suddenly wondering how that was possible.

“I just fed,” Adrian reminded me, “so, in a way, you are the reason my heart is beating.”

His tone was light and teasing, but the sentiment wasn’t. As I looked into his eyes, I saw so much and I understood how easy it would be too fall for him, if I hadn’t already.

  • End

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Mom. Writer. Dreamer.

One thought on “Let Me Be the One”

  1. Oh my god. I had MC hug Adrian in the rooftop scene instead of sleeping with him, and the fact that the hug made his heart beat “strongly, excitedly” made me love him even more. I love how you ended with that detail, and I love this extension of that lovely diamond scene. 😭❤️

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