Let’s Run Away Together

Anonymous prompt: “Let’s run away together”

Takes place during TRR book 1 after meeting Hana’s parents

My stomach rolls as I pace back and forth across my room. Memories of my role in Hana’s confrontation with her father flash through my mind, and I ball my hands into fists as anger courses through me.

Who the hell does that guy think he is? I mean, sure, he’s her father and all, but shouldn’t that mean he wants her to be happy? Yeah, she could marry some obnoxious nobleman like Neville or Rashad, but why does he make it seem like that’s the only option she has?

I flop on my bed and scream into a pillow. Why did I have to fall in love with her? A prince (king, I have to remind myself) falls in love with me and here I am, stewing over the one woman I can never have.

I calm myself down with a sigh. I love her. I want her to be happy. Just because her father thinks her happiness is nothing more than an afterthought…And if being with me is going to cause this much conflict, maybe I should just…

Talk to her, Kara. You should talk to her about this instead of making decisions for her, because that’s exactly what her controlling parents are trying to do.

I steel myself and walk to my door. I won’t make this decision for her. I’ll let her know that her choices are hers and hers alone. And if she does decide it’s not worth it, that I’m not worth it…

I open my door and suddenly it’s like all the air has left my body. “Hana.”

She’s standing on the other side of the door, hand raised like she was just about to knock. Her eyes are puffy like she’s been crying. Her hair, for once, is a tangled mess, and her lip is trembling as though she’s barely keeping it together.

She’s beautiful.

“Kara,” her voice cracks and I immediately pull her into my arms. As soon as my door is shut behind her, she breaks down completely.

Her sobs against my shoulder are absolutely heart-wrenching, and I slowly walk her toward the bed. I lay down first before guiding her to lie on top of me. Her face shifts so that she’s crying into my chest and I cradle her against me, not caring that my shirt is being ruined by tears and snot.

“Shh,” I whisper into her hair. “It’s okay, love, everything will be okay. I promise.”

She sniffles. “How can you be so sure?”

I press a kiss to the top of her head. “Because I will do everything in my power to ensure it.”

I continue rubbing her back soothingly. After a moment, her sobs subside, and she looks up at me through teary eyes. She looks so unsure that I can feel my heart break a little, and I know in that moment that I will do anything for this girl – even if I’m not what she wants.

“Hana,” I coo. “All I want is for you to be happy. You know that, right?”

She nods, eyes softening. “I know, Kara.”

I swallow nervously. “So tell me. Don’t think about what your parents want. Don’t worry about me or my feelings. Don’t think about money or prestige or status.” I take a deep breath in preparation to have my heart shattered completely. “What would make you happiest? If you could have anything in the world, do anything, consequences be damned, what would it be?”

She bites her lip thoughtfully, and I resist the urge to bite it myself. “Anything in the world?”

“Anything,” I confirm.

“No consequences?”

“No consequences.”

She hesitates, and her next words are barely a whisper. “I want you, all to myself. No royals vying for your attention and buying you lavish gifts. No court breathing down our necks. No parents trying to control my every move. Just you and me living out our lives together.”

Despite my better judgement, I feel the hope I’d been fighting so hard to keep down blooming in my chest. It fills me with a strange warmth. Could I really make her happy?

An idea enters my mind and I blurt it out before I can stop myself. “Then let’s do it.”

She jerks up in surprise. “Do what?”

“Let’s run away together.”

Slowly, an adoring smile spreads across her face. Her eyes twinkle. I can feel her heart fluttering against me and I know what her answer will be before she gives it.


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