Like I’m Gonna Lose You: Part II of “Attention: A Chris Powell AU (NSFW)”

Disclaimer: The following is a fictional adaptation. I do not work for Pixelberry Studios, the game developer, or own the rights to the characters Chris Powell, Kaitlyn, Abbie, Zack or Tyler.

Author’s Note: Contains very mature situations and language. This is Part 2 of a previous short story. You can read Part 1 here.

Like I’m Gonna Lose You

Part 2 of Attention: A Chris Powell AU Short (NSFW)

Chris was the first to leave.

The iron gate to the Burkley mansion eased opened as the same security member who had helped to usher Chris inside now escorted him to the black SUV that stopped hastily in front of the swarm of paparazzi to pick up the passenger.

“Did you have a good time Chris?” he hears someone yell at him as white flashes strobe around him.

“Leaving alone tonight Chris?” another yells. He is jostled about as they move too close and the security member strong arms his way ahead of Chris, opening the door to the SUV for him. Chris smiles as he dips his head and steps inside, the door slamming shut behind him and the SUV inches forward. Chris can hear more questions being yelled at him even inside the vehicle. The driver grumbles for the photographers to get out of his way.

Chris pulls out his phone. He was surprised she still had not changed her number. When he had asked how to reach her, her reply was simply, “It’s the same.” The same phone number she had since freshman year at Hartfeld. Other than his mother’s home phone back in Cherryfield, Maine, it was the only other number Chris knew by heart. Regardless of having it committed to memory, Chris would have still been able to get a hold of her. He never deleted the number from his phone. The night of their breakup, he considered deleting it and every message ever shared between them. He could not bring himself to do it. It would have been a futile effort. He could never erase the influence MC had on his life. Her fingerprints were all over his heart.

He texts the address to her and smiles when the word “Read” is displayed seconds later.  The ellipses below his message jiggle and he holds his breath until her reply appears. “On my way.”

Chris sits back in the seat, closing his eyes as he leans his head against the rest. He exhales long and slow, feeling peace for the first time in six months. MC is on her way back to him.


She lifts a hand ready to ring the buzzer but the door swings open before she has the chance. He heard her steps as she approached. He is no longer wearing shoes, but somehow, MC thinks he looks taller. He gives her a smile, a touch of shyness in the corners of his lips and bright, blue eyes. For a few seconds, the man is gone and the boy with a fiery crush stands locking eyes with the girl of his dreams.

“Did you have any trouble?” he asks her.

“Not at all,” she says as she steps inside. Her heels give a cadence over the marble entryway of Chris’s Los Angeles condominium. As she walks past him, closing the door behind her, he inhales the delicious fragrance of her perfume and his eyes skim over every curve in her body from behind.

“The girl at the door called for a driver, he brought me straight here. Don’t think anyone followed,” she nods turning to face him. She tucks her beaded clutch under her arm and faces him.

He ditched the custom suit and shirt, replacing it with the comfort of his LA Rams gear: blue shorts with a blue and gold t-shirt. He is bare feet pad towards MC. The marble is cold but his body feels hot from her presence.

“Come here,” he says reaching his hand out to her. She takes it and walks with him towards the back of the condo. He pushes a button and electronic shades lift, the motor humming as it pulls the dark fabric upward. The glass windows of the condo are revealed and Chris intertwines his fingers with MC’s as they stand together and watch the nighttime LA skyline come into view.  From his upper floor space in the LA Live building, Chris has a clear view of the Staples Center, the Ritz Carlton and the Gas Company Tower. The city lights reflect off the skyscrapers like stars on the glass window panes. The Staples Center is a glowing circle dozens of floors below them.

“Oh….wow….” MC says, her mouth agape.

“You like it?” he asks looking over at her. He surveys her profile. Her eyes are wide as she takes in the breathtaking city. She drifts away from Chris, walking along the glass window, inspecting the metropolis around them.

“It’s beautiful,” she says softly. She continues to walk over the hard floor, her heels tapping occasionally as she floats mindlessly around the room, delighted by the spectacular view. He watches the sway in her hips.

“When I signed my lease for this place,” Chris says putting his hands in his pockets. “When I picked it….I picked it because I thought you’d love this view….I chose it for you.”

She spins to face him, taken aback by his words. She takes a deep breath and he watches her face become forlorn. She looks down at the floor and shakes her head.

“And I’ve never even been here till now….” She says softly.

Chris’s jaw clinches and she lifts her eyes to his.

“But you are here now though,” he says.

“I’m sorry,” she says.

He puts his hand up shaking his head. “There are both things we can say we’re sorry for. We can’t change what happened in the past, only learn from it. We can, right now, deal with the present and try to work things out for the future. Is that…what you want MC? A future with me, still?”

“When I said I loved you earlier, I meant it Chris,” MC replies. “I’ve never stopped loving you. We might have gotten off track and…things became resentful between us, but it was only because we didn’t say what we really should have been saying. I realize that now. I didn’t communicate with you what I needed from you.”

“I didn’t do the best I could at trying to understand what you needed either,” Chris sighs. “You were right. My entire focus became my career but MC, I only had one shot to make the impression I could in the league. If I don’t have a breakout rookie season, then I’m in limbo for next season. I signed a two-year-deal, with no guarantees. I had to put my body and soul into this. I guess I didn’t mean to put all of my heart into too,” he regretfully shakes his head.

MC puts her clutch down on the sofa in the living room and walks to him. He opens his arms and she slides hers around his waist. He wraps her up, cupping the back of her head with his hand. He kisses the top of her hair and rocks her slowly as they hold each other.

“Stay with me,” he whispers. “At least for a few days, while we figure this all out.”

He feels her nod against his chest. “Okay….”


MC’s phone rings on the nightstand next to the bed. It vibrates and slides, bouncing over the top of the wooden table and creating more raucous than is necessary at 7 a.m. on a Sunday morning.

She groans, her hair strewn about her head and pointing haphazardly in various directions. She squints as she lifts her head from the pillow and reaches for the phone.

“Make…it…stop….” Chris says half-awake beside her. His arm is slung over her waist, his face resting near her back, his lips tickling her shoulder as he speaks.

“Trying,” she mutters hoarsely. She reaches blindly for the device and grasps it, bringing it to her face.

“Zack” it reads.

“What does he want at this time of the morning?” she says out loud. She presses the green accept button and places the phone to her ear.

“Yeah?” she says groggily.

“Are you still asleep? It’s brunch time!” Zack screeches.

“Sun is barely up here,” she says. “What’s up?”

“So you are still in LA?” Zack questions with a dash of giddiness.

“Uh yeah…how’d you-“

“It’s all over the gossip blogs MC. Perez Hilton, Just Jared, Bossip,” Zack interrupts. He scrolls down on his iPad, sitting in a chair in his living room, quoting what he is reading. “This one is from Radar Online. ‘Chris Powell was seen leaving the ultra-exclusive after party of the WINGS Foundation Gala Saturday night in LA and only minutes later, MC was spotted leaving the very same party. Sources from the event say the two were seen talking intimately throughout the night. Are the college sweethearts back together? Neither of their reps were available for a comment yet.’ There’s a picture of Chris walking out and then one of you too. I’m loving that dress you were wearing!”

MC groans slightly and sighs.

“So…are the college sweethearts back together?” Zack asks in a sing-song  voice.

“Is that Zack?” Chris asks hearing the voice coming from the speaker.

Zack pauses when he hears the low, deep male voice faintly in the background. “Oh my god! Is that Chris?!” Zack’s octave range rivals a soprano.

Chris hears him and starts to chuckle, pulling MC closer to him and kissing the side of her neck.

“Yeah,” MC admits bashfully. She takes the phone away from her ear and puts it on speaker. Chris laughs when Zack lets out a gleeful cheer.

“Morning Zack,” Chris says.

“Well a good morning to you too Christopher! Seems like a good morning for both of you,” Zack teases. “Sorry for calling so early. I forgot about the time difference.”

Chris rolls onto his back shirtless, stretching his long arms, the sheets draped over his waist and legs. MC rolls over and lays her head against his chest, holding the phone up.

“How’s Boston?” Chris asks and rubs the sleep from his eyes.

“Not nearly as eventful as life in LA from the sound of things,” Zack quips.

MC looks up at Chris with a smirk. He chuckles and runs his fingers over her back.

“Can I call you later Zack?” MC asks, yawning.

“You better,” he threatens.

“I will, I promise,” she agrees.

“Later love birds. Oh my god! I’m calling Kaitlyn!” Zack says and hangs up before Chris or MC can respond. She hears the beep and looks at the “call ended” on her screen.

“I don’t think that’s the only call we’re going to get like that today,” MC says.

“I know it isn’t,” Chris laughs lightly. He sits up and MC rolls off of him, sinking back into the fluffy white pillows, sheets and comforter on Chris’s bed.

“I’ll be right back,” he says and kisses her forehead. She watches as he throws the sheets off of himself. He is still in his shorts, MC wearing his shirt to sleep in. He stands up and stretches again, arching his back and covering his mouth as he roars out a yawn. MC smiles slightly to herself. That loud yawn used to drive her crazy in the morning as it often startled her. The stretching and growling is part of Chris’s morning routine as he joins the waking world. She laughs to herself as she realizes how much she has missed something that once annoyed her.

He shuffles out of the bedroom and she snuggles into his pillow, burying her face into the featheriness that is blanketed with his cologne. She revels in the manly scent, running her hand over the warm spot he has left on his side of the bed.

A few minutes later, Chris returns with a copy of the LA Times that is delivered daily to his door step.  He flips through it a few times before he locates what he is looking for. He stops at the foot of the bed and looks to MC.

She sits up slightly, frowning a bit. “What is it?”

He moves around and slides back under the sheets beside her, using his free hand to stack pillows to prop himself up. He opens the Gossip section. There is a small write up about the gala but next to it a much larger picture of Chris leaving the party and beside it another of MC.

He tilts the paper so she can see it. “Are MC and Chris Powell Reunited and Feeling Good?” a bold, large font headline reads.

“I normally avoid this part of the paper like the plague but I was a little curious after what Zack said,” Chris glances at her. She skims the article.

“MC was all smiles as she exited the party after the LA Rams quarterback who left just a few, short minutes before she did.” She looks up at the black and white picture of her smiling, pushing her hair back from her face as she makes her way to a chauffeured BMW

She leans back on the bed as Chris folds the paper up and places it on the night stand. They sit quietly for several heartbeats before she is the first to speak.

“We do need to talk about this….” She says. The night before, they had both been so worn out emotionally and physically, they headed straight to bed after their brief talk in the living room. Chris loaned her his shirt, watching as she stepped out of her dress and heels and sank into bed next to him. It was just before 3 a.m. when they closed their eyes, falling into a comfortable sleep, reunited in each other’s arms.

“Yeah,” he says glancing over at her again. She sits up in the bed, fluffing pillows behind her, sitting up in similar fashion to Chris.

“The only way this works again is if I move out here,” she says slowly.

“Are you willing to do that?” he asks hesitantly.

She thinks for a minute, chewing her lip. “I can talk to the publishing company. See if they would be willing to let me work remotely and then fly back only when necessary,” she says cautiously. “I’d be willing to try it Chris. But…that’s going to be a lot on me, I want you to understand that. Even if I am remote, I’ve still got to be there for some important meetings with authors and editors in person. Flying back and forth isn’t going to be so easy on me.“

“I know,” he replies. “But I’m thankful you are willing to try it for our sake,” he says. He looks over at her and leans towards her. She closes her eyes as he places a soft kiss on her lips, reaching up and touching her face. He pulls back, his eyes searching hers for assurance that it will all be okay.

“I do love you so much MC,” Chris says. “I don’t want to think about my life without you in it ever again.”

She nods slowly. “I love you too Chris….” She says softly.

“I normally meet the guys on Sunday’s for some conditioning,” Chris says. “Keeps us on schedule like during the season. I’ll go in and come right back later okay?”

“ ‘Kay….” She nods.

“There’s a delivery service I use, brings the best and freshest stuff LA has to offer. Want me to order us something to eat? I can get your favorite,” he smiles.

“Sounds nice,” she nods again. He kisses her lips once more before hopping out of the bed and heading to the kitchen to retrieve the menu. He pauses in the doorway.

“We’ll be happy here together MC. I promise….”

She gives a tiny smile and even tinier nod. He smiles in return and walks away.

She looks around the bedroom, sliding her back down on the pillows until her head settles against them. She lets out a heavy sigh.


“Where’d you disappear to last night?” Russell Thibbs asks, spotting as Chris lifts the bar and weights on the bench press. Russell, Tavarius and Chris have all met for an offseason workout at The Factory.  The walls of the warehouse-styled facility vibrate and the speakers on the wall rattle with cranked up bass from hip hop beats.

“Uh….” Chris lets out a light laugh before he lowers and lifts the bar several times in rapid succession. Russell grabs it and helps him guide it back onto the rack.

“MC?” the veteran running back asks his young quarterback.

“MC.” Chris follows with a chuckle.

“The fox has returned to the hen house,” Russell playfully shakes his head.

“Man…she showed up last night, looking so fine. I was a goner as soon as she walked in. She knew it too,” Chris says as they switch places. Russell lies back on the bench and Chris hovers over the bar.

“Women always know it,” Russell laughs before beginning his reps. He blows out a breath with each push. He finishes his set and sits up.

“So you guys back together?”

“We’re going to try it,” Chris nods with a shrug. “Give us another shot.

Russell studies his teammate. “You don’t seem too confident about it.”

Chris huffs. “She’s just so committed to her job and to writing. She loves New York. I think I kind of sold her a little more on LA last night but…she’s already saying she’s worried the travel back and forth could stress her out even if they let her work from here. It’s like, we want to be together, we want to make this work but…there’s this excuse for it not to again. Does that make sense?”

Russell nods. “Still not saying exactly what needs to be said?”

“Yeah,” Chris sighs and puts his hands on his hips shaking his head. “I love her Russ. I’ll do anything for her, but…she’s gotta meet me at least halfway on this deal.”

Russell stares at the younger man and nods. “Maybe you need to meet her halfway on something too. She probably feels like she’s the only one making a sacrifice?”

Chris frowns and sticks his tongue in his cheek. “Huh?”

Russell chuckles and stands up. “I don’t know MC too well, other than when I met her all those years ago when you brought her out to LA and those few times I visited Hartfeld. But I can tell she’s a very strong, independent woman. A lot like Shari,” Russell says referring to his wife. “A woman like that needs to know she isn’t the only one giving up something for the sake of being together. You gotta cut it down the middle 50/50.”

Chris’s brow furrows as he thinks. “I don’t know what else I can do…I mean I….” He stammers as he thinks.

“You know…when I signed with LA, I was perfectly happy living in Dallas, playing for the Cowboys,“ Russell said. “It was a tough decision. My girls were in school there. Shari had made a lot of friends. We had a life there and then because of me, they were going to be uprooted. I realized it was unfair to them but I also was trying to provide for them.”

Chris nods but looks to Russell for further clarity. “So, we made a compromise. In the offseason, Dallas is still home. During the season, LA is home. We have to split our time in two places but we are together as family and all of my girls are happy. Yeah, I have to fly out here during the offseason for stuff like last night from time to time, but that’s just a couple of days compared to being apart for months.”

Chris jerks his head as the thought comes to him. “Live in New York when I’m not playing….” He says out loud.

“Couldn’t hurt to bring it up,” Russell says and slaps him on the back. “At least offer it, see what she says. Show her you will give up something too and make a sacrifice. It’s fair to her.”

Chris rubs at the stubble on his chin as he slips deep into thought.

“Something else to think about….food for thought,” Russell says. “A woman like MC, that’s got her own thing, her own gig, her own success, those things change when they marry guys like us.”

“How so?” Chris frowns again.

“Let’s say two, three years from now you guys get married. Despite everything she’s achieved all on her own and everything she worked hard for on her own merit, she’s going to be viewed as Chris Powell’s wife. Wherever she goes, she will be your wife first and MC the author second. It’s not fair, but that’s the world. You need to make sure she always feels like she’s the foreground, not the background. That can make it rough too if you don’t.”

“I’ve never even thought about that,” Chris runs a hand through his hair and paces to the other side of the weights. “I screwed it up once before by not making her feel special. By making her feel like she came second to my career.”

“You’ve got a chance to fix it this second time around,” Russell advises.

“Russell Thibbs, dropping all kinds of knowledge on me today, man,” Chris slaps his hand against Russell’s and nods. “Thank you.”

“Shari and I had our ups and downs. I’m just telling you from experience so you don’t go through what we did. You know…it wouldn’t hurt for Shari and MC to talk. I can give the number. You can put them in contact with each other. She’s at home in Dallas most of this week. I’m sure she wouldn’t mind. She can talk to MC about living out here and the other players’ wives and girls. That might ease her mind about relocating.”

“That’s a great idea. I’ll do that for sure,” Chris says.

His phone vibrates in his pocket and he reaches down, pulling it out. He reads the text from his agent, legendary manager of NFL careers Leigh Steinberg. “Call me ASAP” it says.


Chris hopes he makes it home before the news reaches her.

He pulls his Land Rover near the entrance of the parking garage beside L.A. Live. The valet hurries from the kiosk and Chris leaves the door open and the keys inside as he puts the vehicle into park and steps out.

“Thanks,” Chris says and the young man nods before sliding in to the driver’s seat to park the resident’s car.

Chris walks into the gleaming silver elevator and takes it up to the 31st floor where his condo sits in the far right corner of the building. He taps his leg, gritting his teeth. “Come on….” He says at the slower than normal pace of the elevator as he watches the numbers painstakingly ascend higher. The doors barely separate, before he squeezes through the gap forming, and hurries with his gym bag to his front door.

He presses the code into the key pad quickly on the electronic lock. It gives a satisfied beep in response to the numbers before it releases.

He strides inside the condo, dropping his bag on the floor near the door.

MC is curled up on his sofa, a book in her lap but staring at the TV. She does not look at him as he enters, instead lifting the remote, increasing the volume on the television.

What he hears makes him stop in his tracks.

“Again, breaking NFL news this afternoon out of Los Angeles: Rams quarterback and reigning NFL Offensive Rookie of the Year Chris Powell expected to sign a 5-year, $110 million contract expansion with the team. Our sources tell us Powell is expected to receive a $30 million signing bonus, making him one of the highest paid quarterbacks in the NFL,” the anchor announces. He glances at the screen and a breaking news banner and a crawl are up on Sportscenter with his team photo.

MC lifts the remote and lowers the volume on the television.


“I couldn’t figure out your remote,” she says shaking her head. “I tried to change the channel and I screwed something up so I pressed stuff until the screen came back on. Barely figured out the volume. You had it on sports stuff so I just left it on and then…wham,” she says opening her hands, gesturing an explosion. “What do I suddenly hear?”

Chris sighs and runs a hand over his face. “I haven’t signed anything yet. I wanted to get home to talk to you about it first. I tried to get here before it made it to the news. Someone from the Rams…or someone with Leigh’s office must have leaked it to try and make sure it’s a done deal. I swear MC, I was going to talk to you about it first.”

“Five years?” she raises an eyebrow. “You said earlier you had a two-year deal and you are halfway through that. You really want to be here another five years?”

He licks his lips and stammers. “This is my team, MC. The Rams trusted me to help them win when they drafted me. I did that last year. They want to make sure they keep me here for years to come and that I’m the face of their franchise. So,yes. Right now I don’t want to play for any other team and if I can, I’ll retire as a Ram someday.”

“Five more years here though Chris. If you don’t extend your contract, you can go anywhere else. Like, the east coast,” MC places the book on her lap down beside her and folds her arms across her chest.

“That could happen but….” Chris stops himself.

“That’s not what you want?” she asks pointedly.

He silently shakes his head no, looking down at the floor and not making eye contact with her.

She lets out a loud sigh and rakes her fingers through her hair.

“Earlier you said you were willing to try again. That you would see about moving out here. Are you still willing to do that?” He asks lifting his eyes to her fearfully.

“Are you going to sign that deal?” she asks him.

“MC…what they are offering me…we would be set for life. It’s $30 million guaranteed. We would never have to worry about money or…taking care of our babies….if I sign this deal,” he looks into her eyes.

“I know….” She whispers and closes her eyes.

“Does New York mean more to you than me?” he asks solemnly.

“Don’t say that,” she snaps. “That isn’t it at all Chris and you know that. You mean everything to me. It’s just that my friends, the people I know, my support system are all there. When I move out here, you are the only soul I know here. I’ll have to start from scratch again.”

“I’ve thought about that,” he says recalling Russell’s conversation. “What if I could put you in touch with someone that you could trust to talk to about all of this?”

“Like who?” MC frowns.

“Shari, Russell’s wife,” Chris nods. “You two are a lot alike. She’s driven just like you. Maybe you can talk to her and get a feel for things? That way…that way you at least can get some questions answered that I can’t answer for you, before you…change your mind….” He says looking at her.

MC is about to protest but stops herself when she sees the hurt in his eyes. The thought of getting her back and losing her all over again tears through his heart as painfully as their previous breakup.

“Alright,” she agrees.


Monday morning MC walks out of the main offices of Paramount Studios with her colleague Anna Beth Murphy. A Midwestern girl with frizzy blonde hair, eyes much too large for her face, a bawdy sense of humor, and a slight twang, Anna Beth is the epitome of not judging a book by its cover. Although in her professional field, she absolutely is a brilliant judge of books. A scout, just like MC, her last two books shopped to movie studios as screen adaptations were nominees for Oscars the previous year.

“That was a hell of a lot easier than I thought it would be,” Anna Beth says, pulling a cigarette from her purse and lighting it up. At 42, she looks 55 after years of smoking and sounds almost 70.

“I thought so too,” MC says. “I was sure they were going to balk at the idea of not making any changes to the main characters backstory but they were pretty receptive.”

“Another one down,” Anna Beth says puffing. “Well…I guess I’ll say goodbye to you here. I gotta get to the airport for my flight back. You going to be good here with lover boy for a few days?” Anna Beth winks and MC laughs.

“Yeah, we need some time to reconnect. Still working through things. We had a long talk yesterday about the future.”

“They’ll let you work from here MC, there’s no way Penguin Random House lets you walk. Your name alone brings in clients for them. Besides, it might actually be easier to have boots on the ground here in LA on the regular,” she says puffing again.

“Martin seemed open to the idea when I said I’d like to discuss it,” MC says of her boss.

“See! All you gotta do is ask! Men do it all the time in this business. They ask for what they want and they get it. We gotta do the same girl!” Anna Beth nods and waves her cigarette emphatically as she speaks.


“Question is, is that what you want?” Anna Beth cocks an eyebrow. “Look. I ain’t trying to be in your business honey, but…don’t let some good looks and even better dick lure you into making a decision you aren’t ready to make yet.”

MC’s eyes go wide and she gasps. “Anna Beth!”

“Girl, you know it’s the truth!” she says and MC bites her lip hard but explodes into a fit of giggles. Anna Beth laughs with her.

“You are the worst,” MC shakes her head.

“That’s what makes me the very best,” she winks back at her. “But seriously, you take your time with making up your mind. You and Chris just saw each other for the first time in months barely even two days ago. This is a huge life change for you. If you need time, let him know that. If he respects you, he will respect that you need a little time to reflect. If he doesn’t understand that…well then screw him.”

“Thanks Anna Beth,” MC says and pulls her into a hug. Anna Beth carefully holds her cigarette away from her friend’s hair as she grips her back.

“Alright, I got a plane to catch and a glass of Jack Daniels with my name on it if I’m gonna survive this five hour flight without you. Ugh!” Anna Beth throws her hands up and then grips her messenger bag. “You going to make it back to Chris’s safely?”

“Yeah,” MC nods. “I’m going to dip into the coffee shop up the street I saw on the way in. Need to make a call,” she explains.

“Bye girl!” Anna Beth waves as her taxi pulls to the curb. She gives MC a wave and MC sadly waves back. She misses her already.

MC walks up the sidewalk, briefcase in hand, heels clunking. A long gold necklace sways around her neck between her shirt and the blazer of her pant suit. She slides oversized shades onto her face as she baths in the LA sun. Her back begins to sweat and her bra feels damp.

Three blocks up she locates the coffee shop. When she pushes the door open, the smell of roasted coffee beans greets her along with the whirl of the machines prepping orders. She steps to the counter and a young woman takes her order for a French vanilla cappuccino. MC finds a table near the back of the restaurant, resting her briefcase against her chair as she scans her texts from Chris for the number.

She dials and waits.

“Hello? Shari? It’s MC…Chris’s…uh, Chris’s girlfriend,” she responds.


MC’s feet ache by the time Chris opens the front door to let her in.

Exhaustion emits from her. She takes off her shoes and a searing pain hits in her toes. Instead of rewarding her for their freedom, they remind her of their imprisonment for the last seven hours.

The back of her blazer is wrinkled and her hair that was so neatly done this morning, is damp and poufy from sweating in the LA heat. Chris had taken her the night before to her hotel room to get her things after she cleared it with Martin that she would remain in LA for the rest of the week, taking a very rare vacation.

They gave talk of the future a break last night, allowing themselves to enjoy a nice quiet dinner he ordered again for delivery and some time to snuggle on the sofa, watching Netflix just like they had done so many times since moving in together their junior year at Hartfeld. Chris’s celebrity status makes it hard for him to venture out into the city unnoticed. MC’s presence would only super charge the gossip speculation about them.

“Long day?” Chris asks as she passes.

She bends down and grabs her shoes and heads towards the bedroom to change.

“Pretty long,” she exhales.

“Meeting with the studio go okay this morning?” he asks following her.

“Went great. Paramount got the rights and green lit production to begin in the fall,” she says. She puts her shoes down next to her suitcase and pulls off her blazer, laying it on the bed.

“That’s awesome sweetheart, I’m proud of you!” Chris smiles.

She glances at him as she begins to unbutton her blouse. “Thank you,” she nods and smiles sincerely. “How’d your stuff go today?”

He licks his lips. “All of the terms that were presented…the Rams signed the contract. Now, it’s just up to me to sign,” he says. “I haven’t touched it yet….”

MC shrugs out of the blouse and tosses it on the bed with the blazer. His eyes moves from her face to her lacey black bra and cleavage before returning to her face.

“Are you still going to?” She asks slowly.

“Not before I confirmed it with you,” he says.

“Chris…” MC begins. In response to her tone and the pause that follows, he closes his eyes, expecting the worst. He feels the like the wind has been knocked out of him. He stands next to the door and reaches out, gripping the knob to brace himself.

“I want to be with you,” MC says. He still does not feel reassured as she continues. “I want this. I want us. I want to come home to you tired and exhausted after a long day with my feet killing me. I want to wake up next to you in the mornings.”

“Then why the hesitation still?” He asks, shaking his head perplexed.

“You remember what you said? The other night? That you knew me well? Chris Powell, I know you well too. I know that when the season hits, you have singular focus. You get bogged down in things and lose sight of everything else. It’s like that with football, it was like that with student government, it’s like that when you had things with your family. Some of it I don’t mind but…I don’t want to move out here and still be lonely.”

“That’s what you are afraid of?” he asks stepping forward, frowning deeply.

She nods slowly as he approaches. “I talked to Shari earlier. She was honest and frank but…she let me know I can do this. We can do this. But, you have to prioritize Chris. It can’t be football 22/7 and MC 2/7.”

“Is that what I did before?” he asks feeling ashamed. He lifts his hands and cups her face in his hands, forcing her to look up at him. “I know I made you feel like you came second but, I had no idea it was that bad.”

“Yeah. It was,” she says softly.

He takes a deep breath and gulps. He traces her jawline with his index finger then grips both her shoulders. “I understand now and MC I’m so sorry sweetheart. You’re right. I do lose sight of what you mean to me. I took for granted you would always be there and that pushed you away. If this happens, if you and I work out again I know you can’t be the only one making a change. We are partners: You and me, me and you. We do this together. So, what if, we live in New York during the offseason? We can keep my place here, stay at your place then. What do you think?”

“Chris?” MC blinks in shock. “Really? You would do that?”

He reaches up and touches her face. “MC, I lost you once. I’m going to hold on this time with every damn thing I got.”

She sighs with content and reaches up, sliding her hand behind his neck. She pulls his face down to hers and kisses him fervently. “I love you so much,” she says against his mouth. “I don’t want to lose you again either.”

“I love you too,” he whispers back to her, his lips seeking hers again. There is an urgency in his kiss she has never felt before. Facing the sobering reality of losing her once again has stirred up something inside Chris. He is bound and determined to be a better man to her. He wants to care for her in a new way she has never felt before and love her with a commitment that lasts forever.

He slides his hands over her bare stomach and around her waist, pulling her body into his. He slips his tongue between the juncture of her lips, coaxing hers to move with him. He is met with an enthusiastic response as she reaches up and grasps his head in both her hands. His own move down to her bottom, squeezing her hard.

“Chris,” she barely has time to breathe out.

He returns his hands to her waist and guides her until the back of her legs hit the bed. He pulls back, his eyes wolfish and filled with desire. He kisses her, this time barely letting his lips touch hers, teasing her. She leans in, trying to capture his mouth with her own again but he pulls back and smirks.

He wraps an arm around her waist, lifting his knee onto the mattress, guiding her onto her back. Her hands slide up his strong arms. She grips at his t-shirt, and he leans up, allowing her to pull it over his head. She tosses it to the side, her hands roaming his chest and abs. She feels his muscles tighten as her fingertips graze over each indention.

Chris nuzzles her neck, kissing his way down and moving his body down over hers as he slides lower. His lips meet the skin of her breasts as he guides the cups of her bra to the side before sweeping down to her navel. The sweet tender kisses cease and he looks up at her, crouched down over her body. The intensity of his gaze, the hunger in his eyes, makes her shiver. He runs his hand over her stomach and then unbuttons her pants. He tugs the zipper down before sitting up to kneel on the bed, pulling her pants and underwear down together off her legs. They join the abyss and Chris kneels at the edge of the bed. MC looks down at him as he runs his fingers up her thighs.

“Spread your legs for me MC,” he whispers and she feels his breath tickle her inner thigh.

She groans just from his words and does as he says, opening herself to him. He leans forward and the first flick of his tongue generates a burst of pleasure.

She reaches down, tangling her fingers into his hair, pulling his mouth into her as she lifts her hips up. Chris licks and swirls with his tongue, MC arching and inching up the bed further and further in response, her body writhing at the pleasure of the warm, wet massage.

“Ungh….” She grunts.

“You taste even better than I remember,” he says, relenting for just a minute, giving her a break as he peers up at her. Her eyes are shut in ecstasy. Her lips parted. He watches her, longing to see her reaction as he slides one finger, then another inside her.

“Oh!” She arches again and grips at the comforter. She pulls the fabric, her nails digging in as she yanks hard. “Chris!”

“Mmmm,” he moans and leans in. He closes his eyes as he works his tongue over her again, sliding his fingers simultaneously, the dual sensation sending her to the edge. She falls eerily quiet as her thighs clamp around him, sitting up straight, bringing the comforter with her, before a throaty cry escapes her mouth and she collapses back on the bed panting.

“Oh my god,” she says throwing an arm over her eyes, breathing as if there is no oxygen left in the room.

Chris smiles pleased with himself but gives her little time to recuperate. He guides her legs apart and positions himself on the bed between them. He drops his shorts and boxers, springing free. He strokes himself and she pulls the arm away from her eyes, staring at him in hot anticipation. She watches as his hand moves up and down his hard swollenness. Her body still heaves with her panting.

He aims himself, sliding his member up and down against her wetness. Her body jerks again in response as he teases her.

“Chris….please….” she says looking into his eyes. He slowly slides himself inside her, inch by inch. He closes his eyes and groans as she accepts him.

“MC,” he hisses.

He lays down on top of her, an arm sliding under her waist, lifting her hips to meet his. He thrusts are deep and slow. Her fingers return to his hair as he kisses her lips.

“You are incredible,” MC says between moans.

Chris begins to piston faster, letting go of all restraint. He balances on one arm, draping her leg over his back, gripping her thigh.

“I’m…Chris…I’m close,” she moans. Her hands wrap around around his neck as he continues to pump harder and faster.

Chris looks down at her. Her beautiful face is filled with pleasure, her moans are all for him. He has enjoyed her body too many times to count and each time, it is as amazing as the first. This is his MC. He loves her, he has lost her, and he vows that will never happen again.

“Chris….” She says feeling his thrust become slower as she inches towards her climax.

“MC?” He says slowly moving against her. She opens her eyes, peering up at him curiously. This is torture. She feels herself edging, almost to the brink of an explosion and he has all but stopped.

She pants, bewilderment in her eyes.

“Marry me,” he says.

“Wh-…what?” She stutters not sure if she heard him correctly.

“Marry me,” he repeats. He thrusts once moving himself all the way inside her before pulling himself all the way out.


“Marry me MC,” he groans looking down into her eyes. He thrusts into her hard once more.

She cries out feeling the climax approaching again. “Ungh…” she grunts as he starts a rhythmic pace harder and faster. Her body ripples with the exquisite pleasure from her head to her toes. “Yes!” she cries out.

He starts to slow again, grinding his hips as he looks into her eyes.

“Yes? Yes what? Yes you’ll marry me?” he thrusts again as he poses the question, his hips smacking hard once against hers.

Her eyes roll back and she clinches them shut. She reaches up, pulling him down on top of her. He resumes his pace, resting his forehead against hers. She feels the heat of his breath on her cheek. She opens her eyes, looking back into the blue of his staring intently at her. “Yes!” She moans again. “Chris! Yes, I’ll marry you!” Her head tosses back.

She barely finishes the sentence before he crushes his mouth against hers, sliding his arms around her back. MC cries out into his mouth as the orgasm tears through her. As she tightens around him, his own release follows and he glides himself in an out of her a few more times before collapsing in a sweaty, spent tangle of limbs on top of her.

She plays with his wet hair, kissing the top of his head and the side of his face as his breathing eases from chaotic bursts to a gentle inhale and exhale. Holding her against him, he finally lifts his head. His eyes question her again.

“You will?” He lifts his brows with uncertainty.

“Yes. I will,” she whispers and kisses him softly.


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